Update 20090519 by MattDCan now run parselistdirs.pl from anywhere witout lots of intermediate output files:perl parselistdirs.pl <logs_dir> (<output_dir>)Note that it will still put most of it's output to the console as before. The second dir is optional.Added find_collisions.plPrefers to be run from the root on the build machine (as it's looking for files to compare)It's a hacked up version of merge_csv.plUsage:perl find_collisions.pl what_results.log >collision_result.txtIt creates a CSV based on the name of the file passed to it (ie what_results.log_collisions.csv)Yes, They are all quick and dirty.Older stuff:F:\6.2\generated\parselistdirs.pl - creates sets from the listdirs outputs...F:\6.2\generated\parsewhatlog.pl - creates a CSV-style log from the whatlogs.F:\6.2\generated\merge_csv.pl - takes the output CSV from parsewhatlog.pl and merges in the output of parselistdirs.plin generated>perl parselistdirs.pl ..\ >list_results.logperl parsewhatlog.pl ..\ >what_results.logperl merge_csv.pl what_results.log list_results.log >summary.txtThe Test dir is a directory filled with test text files...