Changed preference for selecting package definition files, so that it takes the one from our tree in preference to the one in the package itself. This means that we can just delete items from our tree when we're happy to switch to using the one in the package (as this will vary from package to package).
Added sorting of the attributes when outputting the system definition, to match the de facto standard in the system definition we started with.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Mike Kinghan,
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This is a tool for sending an ATS testdrop to an ATS server.
use strict;
use Getopt::Long;
use File::Copy;
use File::Spec;
my $username = "admin"; # ATS server user name
my $password = "admin"; # ATS server password
my $host; # ATS server hostname
my $schedule; # Schedule string for test drop, if any
my $host_drop_path; # Directory path on the ATS server where the test drop will be placed.
# This must be physically the same path as $local_drop_path, via drive mapping.
my $local_drop_path; # Local directory path where the test drop will be placed.
# This must be physically the same path as $host_drop_path, via drive mapping.
my $local_test_pkg; # Local pathname of the test drop (zip or xml file). The test drop will be
# copied from here to $local_drop_path to make it accessible on the server,
# unless $local_test_pkg begins with "...". This indicates the test drop is already
# present in $local_drop_path and does need to be copied there. The remainder
# following "..." is the filename of the test drop.
my $help;
my $dev_null = $^O =~ /^MSWin/ ? "nul" : "/dev/null";
sub usage($);
sub help();
sub usage_error();
my %optmap = ( 'host' => \$host,
'local-test-pkg' => \$local_test_pkg,
'host-drop-path' => \$host_drop_path,
'local-drop-path' =>\$local_drop_path,
'username' => \$username,
'password' => \$password,
'schedule' => \$schedule,
'help' => \$help);
or usage_error();
if ($help) {
usage_error(), unless (defined($host) && defined($local_test_pkg) && defined($local_drop_path) && defined($host_drop_path));
my $curl_version = `curl --version 1> $dev_null 2>&1`;
die("Need program \"curl\". Not found"), if ($?);
die("Test drop path \"$local_drop_path\" not found"), unless ( -d "$local_drop_path");
$host .= ":8080", unless ($host =~ /:\d+$/);
my ($vol,$dir,$pkg);
my $local_test_drop;
my $host_test_drop;
if ($local_test_pkg =~ /^\.\.\.(.+)/ ) { # Local test package name begins with "...". No need to copy.
$pkg = $1; # Get the filename of the test package.
# Compose the full name of the test drop within the local drop path.
$local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);
die("Test package file \"$local_test_drop\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_drop");
else { # Local test package must be copied to local drop path.
die("Test package file \"$local_test_pkg\" not found"), unless ( -f "$local_test_pkg");
# Compose the full name of the test drop within the local drop path.
($vol,$dir,$pkg) = File::Spec->splitpath($local_test_pkg);
$local_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($local_drop_path,$pkg);
if ( -f "$local_test_drop") {
# A state test drop of the same name exists. Delete.
unlink($local_test_drop) or die("Can't delete stale test drop \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
print("A stale test drop \"$local_test_drop\" existed. Deleted\n");
# Copy the test drop to the local drop path.
or die("Cannot copy \"$local_test_pkg\" -> \"$local_test_drop\". $!");
# Compose the full name of the test drop within the host drop path.
$host_test_drop = File::Spec->catfile($host_drop_path,$pkg);
# Compose URL to notify server of test drop, requesting run.
my $url ="http://$host/ats3/$username&password=$password&testrunpath=$host_test_drop";
$url .= "&schedule=$schedule", if (defined($schedule));
# Post URL to server with cURL.
my $curl_cmd = "curl \"$url\"";
my $curl_response = `$curl_cmd 2>&1`;
die("\nTest drop failed: $!\n"), if ($?);
if ($curl_response =~ /(TEST_RUN_REF_ID=\d+)/) {
#extract test run id from cURL response.
print "$1\n";
else {
print "$curl_response\n";
die("Test drop failed\n");
print("Test drop done\n");
exit 0;
sub usage($)
my $error = shift;
my $fh = $error == 0 ? *STDOUT : *STDERR;
print $fh "\n" .
"Send a test drop to an ATS3 server for execution\n" .
"usage:\n" .
" --help\n" .
" --host=HOSTNAME --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH " .
" --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH " .
"[--username=ATS3USERNAME] [--password=ATS3PASSWORD] [--schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM]\n" .
"options:\n" .
" --help Display this help and exit\n" .
" --host=HOSTAME HOSTNAME is ATS3 server\n" .
" --local-test-pkg=PKGFILE PKGFILE is the test package.\n" .
" If PKGFILE begins \"...\" a filename in LOCALPATH is assumed\n" .
" --local-drop-path=LOCALPATH Path to local directory where PKGFILE will be dropped\n" .
" --host-drop-path=HOSTPATH Host directory that is mapped to LOCALPATH.\n" .
" Must agree with the properties of the registered device that the test package nominates\n" .
" --username=ATS3USERNAME ATS3 user to whome the test will belong. Default=admin\n" .
" --password=ATS3PASSWORD Password of ATS3 user. Default=admin\n" .
" --schedule=DD.MM.YYYY-HH:MM Date-time at which test is to run. Default=as soon as possible\n";
exit $error;
sub help()
sub usage_error()