author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 01 Oct 2010 13:34:48 +0100
changeset 1242 b5003eee1583
parent 1218 cf7f8806ba43
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 3750: Use .7z extension for PDK zip files created with LZMA compression Commented out the renaming of the files, and the adjustment to release_metadata.xml, as getenv (part of helium) is broken by the change - it only processes *.zip

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="SF-FINALIZE" xmlns:hlm="">
  <!-- Transform BRAG xslt and display status at the end of the build -->
  <target name="sf-finalize">
    <delete dir="${}/output/logs/summary/">
      <include name="**/*.html"/>
    <available property="sf-summary-dir-available" file="${}/output/logs/summary" type="dir"/>
    <if><isset property="sf-summary-dir-available"/>
        <xslt basedir="${}/output/logs/summary" destdir="${}" extension=".html" style="brag.xsl"/>    
        <loadfile srcFile="${}/_BRAG.html" property="sf.brag.status">
             <regexp pattern="(BLACK|RED|AMBER|GREEN)"/>
            <deletecharacters chars="\&gt;\&lt;\h2\h1\/"/>
        <property name="sf.brag.status" value="BLACK"/>
    <echo message="BRAG STATUS: [${sf.brag.status}] - full build details available at ${}\output\logs\summary\_BRAG.xml"/>
    <!-- record brag information in BIT file -->
    <echo message="build_brag&#x0009;${sf.brag.status}${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
    <!-- record build finished time in BIT file -->
      <format property="" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" locale="en,UK"/>
    <echo message="finished&#x0009;${}${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
    <!-- upload BIT info to database -->
    <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/><then>
      <exec executable="perl" dir="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools" failonerror="false">
        <arg value=""/>
        <arg value="-c"/>
        <arg value="-f"/>
        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt"/>