author Shabe Razvi <>
Wed, 03 Mar 2010 19:46:30 +0000
changeset 913 eeffe74cd1b2
parent 206 62976b2583f7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add initial support for Helium7 for the platform. * Use to pass args direct to Raptor. * Backwards compatibility with Helium5 maintained. * Listdir function to be provided by sbs check filter, which will be added later.

my @asYarpFiles = ();
open(FILE, $ARGV[0]);
while ( <FILE> )
	if ( m/^[^,]*,[^,]*,([^,]*)/ )
		my $sFile = $1;
		chomp $sFile;
#		print "$sFile\n";
		push(@asYarpFiles, $sFile);
my $nYarpFiles = scalar(@asYarpFiles);
#print "Found $nYarpFiles files to parse\n";

my $nTotalRecipeErrors = 0;
for my $nYarpFile (@asYarpFiles)
	my $nRecipeErrors = 0;
#	print "Parsing file $nYarpFile...\n";
	open(FILE, $nYarpFile);
	while ( <FILE> )
		if ( m/^Raptor recipe failures:\s+(\d+)$/ )
#			print "Raptor recipe failures: $1\n";
			$nRecipeErrors = $1;
#	print "Recipe errors in $nYarpFile: $nRecipeErrors\n";
	$nTotalRecipeErrors += $nRecipeErrors;
#print "Total recipe errors across all files: $nTotalRecipeErrors\n";

print "$nTotalRecipeErrors";