Removed definitions of sf-s60-compile, as there are no longer any users of the target.
authorSimon Howkins <>
Wed, 07 Jul 2010 15:15:41 +0100
changeset 1158 6dad376b9835
parent 1157 5fafe4f9fda8
child 1159 460734e6c4be
Removed definitions of sf-s60-compile, as there are no longer any users of the target.
--- a/sf-platform/compile-hlm-5.ant.xml	Wed Jul 07 17:26:43 2010 +0100
+++ b/sf-platform/compile-hlm-5.ant.xml	Wed Jul 07 15:15:41 2010 +0100
@@ -184,132 +184,7 @@
-  <!--
-    == Name: SF-S60-COMPILE
-    ==
-    == Desc: Compile S60 part of build using the spec defined in:
-    ==
-    ==         - job_props.ant.xml
-    ==         - job_refs.ant.xml
-    ==
-    -->
-  <target name="sf-s60-compile" depends="sf-compile-options">
-        <hlm:argSet id="">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="${sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable}" />
-                                <hlm:arg name="retry-limit" value="${}" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-			<hlm:argSet id="">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="singlejob" value="true" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="${sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable}" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-    		<hlm:argSet id="">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="${sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable}" />
-                                <hlm:arg name="retry-limit" value="${}" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-			<hlm:argSet id="">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="${sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable}" />
-				<hlm:arg name="command" value="CLEAN --check" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-          			<hlm:argSet id="">
-          			<hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-          			<hlm:arg name="enable-filter" value="${sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable}" />
-				<hlm:arg name="command" value="WHAT" />
-    		</hlm:argSet>
-    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.toolsbuild.options" />
-    		<hlm:sbsMakeOptions engine="gmake" id="sbs.fullbuild.options" />
-		<antcall target="sf-list-dir" inheritAll="false">
-			<param name="" value="s60-baseline"/>
-		</antcall>
-			<!-- s60 what  -->
-			<!--
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-          			<reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-			-->
-			<!-- s60 clean main build -->
-			<if><istrue value="${sf.spec.baseline.clean}"/>
-				<then>
-					<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-							<param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-							<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-							<reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
-							<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-							<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-					</antcall>
-				</then>
-			</if>
-			<antcall target="sf-list-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-clean"/>
-			</antcall>
-			<!-- what has been cleaned from baseline PDK by s60 model -->
-			<antcall target="sf-delta-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="s60-baseline"/>
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-clean"/>
-			</antcall>		
-            <!-- s60  tools build -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-          			<reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-			<antcall target="sf-list-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-build-tools"/>
-			</antcall>
-    		<!-- s60 main build -->
-    		<antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-          			<param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-          			<param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-          			<reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
-          			<reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-          			<reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    		</antcall>
-			<antcall target="sf-list-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-build-main"/>
-			</antcall>
-			<!-- what has been built by tools+2+main -->
-			<antcall target="sf-delta-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="s60-baseline"/>
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-build-main"/>
-			</antcall>		
-			<!-- what has been cleaned and rebuilt -->
-			<antcall target="sf-intersect-dir" inheritAll="false">
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-clean_delta"/>       <!-- clean list -->
-				<param name="" value="post-s60-build-main_delta"/>  <!-- built list -->
-			</antcall>
-	</target>
--- a/sf-platform/compile.ant.xml	Wed Jul 07 17:26:43 2010 +0100
+++ b/sf-platform/compile.ant.xml	Wed Jul 07 15:15:41 2010 +0100
@@ -12,14 +12,6 @@
-  <!-- compile specified sysdef file. called from sf-compile target in sf-platform/build.xml -->
-  <target name="sf-s60-compile">
-    <antcall target="sf-do-compile" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-        <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.s60.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-        <reference refid="sf.spec.s60.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-    </antcall>
-  </target>
   <!-- compile and sbs.config. tools built only if its not being unpacked first.
        note: must be called from sf-os/s60-compile targets, as sys model input needed -->
   <target name="sf-do-compile" depends="create-canonical-sysdef-file">