Added Orbit tools support.
authorJohan Groth <>
Mon, 11 Oct 2010 14:53:15 +0100
changeset 1267 da1ff046acdc
parent 1266 acc4b03313f0
child 1268 fe97a9594f6c
Added Orbit tools support.
--- a/sf-tools/build.xml	Mon Oct 11 14:51:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sf-tools/build.xml	Mon Oct 11 14:53:15 2010 +0100
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
   <!-- location of this config -->
   <dirname property="" file="${ant.file.SF-TOOLS-CONFIG}"/>
-  <!-- tools template -->
-  <property name="qt.qmake.ant.template" value="${}/templates/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl"/>
   <!-- import package properties -->
   <import file="${}/tools_props.ant.xml" optional="true"/>
@@ -65,12 +62,6 @@
  <target name="sf-compile" depends="sf-platform-bootstrap-gt">
-    <!-- explicitly run qmake once, as iterative build will repeat the step. if qmake is not unpacked already, then this step is skipped  -->
-    <antcall target="run-qmake" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-      <param name="qmake.enabled" value="true"/>
-      <param name="sysdef.configuration" value="${sysdef.configurations.list}"/>
-    </antcall>
    <!-- turn comma separated list into sbs friendly -c list, and _ separated list for friendly log names -->
    <propertyregex property=""         override="true" input="${}" regexp="(,)" replace=" -c " defaultValue="${}" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
    <propertyregex property="" override="true" input="${}" regexp="(,)" replace="_"    defaultValue="${}" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
--- a/sf-tools/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl	Mon Oct 11 14:51:10 2010 +0100
+++ b/sf-tools/run-qmake.ant.xml.ftl	Mon Oct 11 14:53:15 2010 +0100
@@ -1,34 +1,29 @@
 <?xml version="1.0"?>
 <project name="run-qmake" default="all">
-    <target name="all" depends="sd-qmake-all-profiles"/>
+    <target name="all" depends="sf-configure-orbit"/>
     <target name="sf-configure-orbit">
-  <#list data["//unit[@proFile = '']"] as unit>
-            <echo>Running for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}</echo>
-            <if>
-                <available file="${r'$'}{}${unit.@bldFile}" type="dir"/>
-                <then>
-                    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{}${unit.@bldFile}" failonerror="false" output="${r'$'}{}/output/logs/${ant['']}_compile_hb_configure.log">
+                    <echo>INFO: Configuring Orbit host based tools.</echo>
+                    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{}/sf/mw/hb" failonerror="false" output="${r'$'}{}/output/logs/${ant['']}_compile_hb_configure.log">
                         <arg value="/C"/>
                         <arg value="python"/>
                         <arg line =" --host-make-bin=mingw32-make.exe --host-qmake-bin=qmake.exe --qmake-spec=win32-g++ --platform=symbian --qmake-options=MMP_RULES+=EXPORTUNFROZEN CONFIG+=sgimagelite_support DEFINES+=HB_EFFECTS_OPENVG DEFINES+=HB_FILTER_EFFECTS"/>
-                    <echo>INFO: Exporting Orbit mkspecs to epoc32\tools for ${unit.@bldFile}/${unit.@proFile}</echo>
-                    <echo>INFO: Running Orbit theme installer, make install step</echo>
-                    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{}${unit.@bldFile}" failonerror="false" output="${r'$'}{}/output/logs/${ant['']}_install_hb_configure.log">
+                    <echo>INFO: Making host based tools.</echo>
+                    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{}/sf/mw/hb" failonerror="false" output="${r'$'}{}/output/logs/${ant['']}_compile_hb_make.log">
                         <arg value="/C"/>
-                        <arg value="make install"/>
+                        <arg value="mingw32-make"/>
-                </then>
-                <else>
-                    <echo message="ERROR: Directory ${r'$'}{}${unit.@bldFile} doesn't exist."/>
-                </else>
-            </if>
-  </#list>
+                    <echo>INFO: Exporting Orbit mkspecs to epoc32\tools</echo>
+                    <echo>INFO: Running Orbit theme installer, make install step</echo>
+                    <exec executable="cmd" dir="${r'$'}{}/sf/mw/hb" failonerror="false" output="${r'$'}{}/output/logs/${ant['']}_install_hb_configure.log">
+                        <arg value="/C"/>
+                        <arg value="mingw32-make install"/>
+                    </exec>