Replace the qt.conf for the duration of the building of the tests
Wed, 30 Jun 2010 07:53:54 +0100
changeset 1136 f89d89c04930
parent 1135 edc3d630b54e
child 1137 95d30b851e36
Replace the qt.conf for the duration of the building of the tests
--- a/common/build.test.xml	Thu Jun 24 17:30:25 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/build.test.xml	Wed Jun 30 07:53:54 2010 +0100
@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@
 	<target name="sf-build-smoketestpkg" depends="sf-getenv-tools">
         <echo message="INFO Building smoketest"/>
+		<!-- Have to replace qt.conf with the one in the smoketest package -->
+		<copy file="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf" tofile="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf.temp" overwrite="true" />
+		<copy file="${}/smoketest/qt.conf.smoketest" tofile="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf" overwrite="true" />
          <fmpp sourceFile="${qt.qmake.ant.template}" outputFile="${}/run-qmake-test.ant.xml">
             <data expandProperties="yes">
                 data: xml(${}/smoketest/package_definition.xml)
@@ -163,6 +168,10 @@
             <arg value="/c"/>
             <arg value="sbs -c winscw_udeb.test -s package_definition.xml"/>
+		<!-- Be a good boy and put the file back where it was -->
+		<copy file="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf" tofile="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf.smoketest" overwrite="true" />
+		<copy file="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf.temp" tofile="${}/epoc32/tools/qt/qt.conf" overwrite="true" />
         <echo message="INFO Creating smoketest testpackage"/>
         <exec executable="perl" dir="${}/smoketest/group" failonerror="false" append="true" output="${build.log.dir}/ATS_${}_smoketest.log">