2009-11-18 Dario Sestito Add new recipe-error categories armcc_modifier_not_allowed, mwccsym2_file_cannot_be_opened
2009-11-18 Maciej Seroka Changed current baseline version for BC check.
2009-11-17 Dario Sestito Fix freemarker.core.ParseException: Encountered { at line 25, column 15 in linksForDiamonds.xml.ftl
2009-11-17 Maciej Seroka Added Static BC reports for Platform Builds
2009-11-17 Dario Sestito Add NewGraphicsArchitecture_props.ant.xml
2009-11-17 Dario Sestito Update PDK baselines for package builds
2009-11-16 MattD Merge Tags
2009-11-16 Dario Sestito Add Raptor Build Summary to the links for Diamonds
2009-11-16 Dario Sestito Publish HTML files summary of Raptor build
2009-11-16 Simon Howkins Now creates src-by-layer entries on the fly, so it doesn't create release zips with no content.
2009-11-12 Simon Howkins Added interpretation of recipe "win32def2lib" failing.
2009-11-13 Dario Sestito Fix XML-SAX bug #43174 (see http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=43174)
2009-11-13 Dario Sestito Improved Raptor parser, now "uh"
2009-11-13 Maciej Seroka Changed versions of the baselines for Static BC test
2009-11-13 Maciej Seroka Disabled Dynamic BC tests
2009-11-16 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-11-13 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_2.0.1 for changeset e13acd883fbe
2009-11-13 Maciej Seroka merged heads - non trivial merge in smoketest. Manual merge of those changes.
2009-11-13 brendand Test: Input methods smoke tests added.
2009-11-13 brendand Test: Fixed up the app install smoke tests so that both now pass
2009-11-12 Maciej Seroka Added new smoketest
2009-11-12 Simon Howkins Add call to parse (preprocessed) raptor logs directly for BRAGG.
2009-11-11 Simon Howkins Updated XSL to include counts of failures at each severity, and also the new effect/causes distinction, for failures that are not package specific.
2009-11-11 Simon Howkins New script which parses raptor logs directly to produce a BRAG summary.
2009-11-10 Simon Howkins Moved common code to shared module.
2009-11-12 Simon Howkins Updated the options to pass to getenv, to include -k. This avoids aborts if things are not exactly as the tool expects.
2009-11-12 MattD Added tag PDK_3.0.c for changeset 12815724a053
2009-11-11 Maciej Seroka Added new smoketest
2009-11-10 Maciej Seroka Added new smoketest PDK_2.0.1
2009-11-10 Simon Howkins Bug 881: Now also provides the locations of the two split-build system definitions to the release note generator, so it will work with both single and split builds.
2009-11-09 MattD source sync template - enabled getting the mercurial changes if you have sf.spec.sourcesync.archive set PDK_3.0.c
2009-11-09 MattD Transplant fix in ats BC Test - 'bld_sis' change that was knocked out with the rest of the transplant (bcdrivers/utilities)
2009-11-02 Simon Howkins Added call to munge license headers at the top of the postbuild phase, so it should be done within the platorm build.
2009-11-09 Simon Howkins Switched to using revised Package/FCL analysis script.
2009-11-06 Louis Henry Nayegon Remove meta data from package definition and replace with helium script
2009-11-05 brendand Test: Forgot to execute Profile smoke tests
2009-11-05 brendand Test: Changes to test drop files to run AppInstall
2009-11-05 brendand Test: Tweaked Profile tests and added AppInstall
2009-11-05 Dario Sestito Add new raptor-analysis recipe-failure category: elf2e32_symbol_missing_from_elf_file
2009-11-04 Shabe Razvi Override Helium defaults for RVCT checks to allow winscw builds without RVCT
2009-11-03 Dario Sestito Update PDK baselines for package builds
2009-11-03 Dario Sestito Add CompilerCompatibility properties file for package build
2009-11-02 Maciej Seroka Changed device name for lon-engbuild89
2009-11-02 Maciej Seroka Changed device name for lon-engbuild87
2009-11-02 Maciej Seroka Changed device name for C100725
2009-11-02 Maciej Seroka Changed device name
2009-11-02 brendand host name is added for any number of devices
2009-11-02 Maciej Seroka Added smoketest for Notepad
2009-11-02 Dario Sestito Add recipe-failure category armcc_internal_fault
2009-11-02 brendand fix bug with multiple harnesses
2009-11-02 brendand export to 'smoketest' instead of 'testframework'
2009-11-02 brendand capitals
2009-11-02 brendand updated smoketest plan to support both harnesses
2009-11-02 Dario Sestito Add recipe-failure categories armcc_controlling_expression_is_constant and armcc_generic_warnings_errors
2009-11-02 brendand Adding profiles smoke tests
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Removed unnecessary dependencies, to untangle the dependency graph a little.
2009-10-30 Dario Sestito In raptor-analysis create summary.csv file anyway, otherwise some targets following may crash the build
2009-10-30 Maciej Seroka Added smoketest for email
2009-10-29 Louis Henry Nayegon Update to add all components and create zip file for PDT
2009-10-28 Louis Henry Nayegon Add all components to bc test suite build
2009-10-28 Dario Sestito Fix some build configurations are left as 'noconfig'
2009-10-28 Dario Sestito Add raptor recipe error category armar_file_does_not_exist
2009-10-28 Dario Sestito Add raptor error categories unknown_build_config and no_build_configs_given
2009-10-26 MattD Merging tag
2009-10-21 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_3.0.b for changeset cdfb88270be0
2009-10-26 Dario Sestito Let sbs targets be taken from sf.spec.sbs.config
2009-10-26 Maciej Seroka Added 3 new smoke tests
2009-10-22 Maciej Seroka Changed dst path for evptests.txt
2009-10-21 Louis Henry Nayegon Add missing components to the BC build script
2009-10-21 Maciej Seroka Added new device for LON-ENGBUILD89
2009-10-21 Maciej Seroka Added new device for LON-ENGBUILD87
2009-10-20 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-20 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-20 MattD source sync template - Changed the BOM changes targets to limit the listed changes to the branch if the source was synced up using a branch, to make it easier to read.
2009-10-20 brendand Added Core Telephony BC tests
2009-10-20 brendand Added all of the tests for ASP
2009-10-20 Shabe Razvi If makefile_template copy fails then ignore, as its no longer needed for S^3.
2009-10-19 Shabe Razvi Merge PDK_3.0.b
2009-10-19 Shabe Razvi Add sf-rombuild target to build ROMs. Backout ARM license check suppression.
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Change baseline for symbian3 to \\bishare\releases\PDK_3.0.a
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Fix only one raptor log gets processed by Dario's Raptor parser
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Send to Diamonds only 3 links: brag, build bom, build logs
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Change default location of build results/reports to \\v800020\Publish\SF_builds
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Make script stop execution after help is displayed if --help
2009-10-19 Dario Sestito Remove default "test" tag
2009-10-19 MattD Catchup merge of tags
2009-10-15 asimpson Added tag PDK_2.0.0 for changeset 7a343c038e7d
2009-10-14 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_3.0.a for changeset 4709730d5226
2009-10-19 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-19 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-19 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-16 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-16 MattD sf-run-evalid - minor change to make sure that evalid is run at the root of the build drive, which can stop the MD5s from being generated. (evalid requires dirs to be relative and not absolute)
2009-10-18 brendand added a missing testdata file
2009-10-16 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Updated throughout to use the "temp_build_files" dir on the build drive rather than the "generated" directory in the fbf source tree.
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Replaced <available> check with an <uptodate> check, to greatly help people working
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Restored call to summarise final BRAG status for regular platform builds.
2009-10-16 MattD Major packaging change to work around parallel calls - stopped zipping targets from having direct dependency on 'sf-preprocess-package-config', and instead have 'sf-zip-content' call 'sf-preprocess-package-config' if needed. Changed 'sf-prep' to call a target that wipes out the 'generated' directory. It's not perfect but it gets us going again.
2009-10-15 Simon Howkins Moved invocation of sf-brag-to-diamonds, so it's right at the end of the postbuild (apart from publishing zipped logs).
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Add standard C++ tests to the build
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Changed timeout
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Simon Howkins Bug 479: RnD package zips contain content not releaseable to public
2009-10-15 brendand tried changing the directory for pbkaddressselect.rsc
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Add missing components to build
2009-10-14 Dario Sestito Add use lib statement to look for Text-CSV in local lib folder
2009-10-14 Simon Howkins Bug 478: build_*.zip missing from generated release_metadata.xml
2009-10-14 Maciej Seroka Updated comments in perl scripts
2009-10-14 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-14 brendand fixed up the phonebook tests to run faster
2009-10-14 Simon Howkins Replaced section "Package failures by phase/step/severity" with "Package failures by package/severity"
2009-10-13 Dario Sestito Merge PDK_2.0.0
2009-10-13 Dario Sestito Make csvToSysDef.pl work with codelines different than 3k
2009-10-13 Maciej Seroka Updated comments
2009-10-13 Shabe Razvi Move QEMU into adaptation layer when packaged
2009-10-12 MattD ATS fix for getting the smoketest to run.
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Added lib dir to pick up Text::CSV when it's not included with the installed perl distribution.
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Add new BC test
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Added lists of error messages themselves, categorised by phase, step, ...
2009-10-09 Simon Howkins Added tables for eack package with failures, broken down by severity.
2009-10-09 Simon Howkins Added understanding of the "ar" failure.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added post-processing of YARP analysis to feed into BRAG status.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added copy to copy the XSL so it's available if ever an XML is generated there.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Created a dedicated sf-log-to-brag target so it can take care of the commonality of the task, including the creation of the directory for XML output.
2009-10-12 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-12 MattD sf-gen-buildinfo-txt target in platform build - De-CamelCasing buildinfo.txt deletion and creation to fix zip inclusion/exclusion problems.
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Fixed generation of rnd excludes file, so there are the necessary new-lines.
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Add new BC test
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka New BC test added
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Device name removed
2009-10-12 MattD sf-brag-to-diamonds - Only copy over the Brag XML if '${sf.spec.publish.enable}' is true.
2009-10-12 MattD ATS target 'sf-build-smoketestpkg' - fix for argument name change in 'ats_specialise_test_drop.pl'. Update command-line help for 'ats_specialise_test_drop.pl'
2009-10-09 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-09 MattD Modified sf-check-missing-os-files to deal with 'sf.os.compile.iterate' property. Added new target 'sf-compile-options' for setting the gmake sbs compile option, and added it as a dep for the compile targets.
2009-10-09 Arnaud Lenoir Allow to copy all the files in the summary directory to the bishare to allow link for BRAG to work in Diamonds. PDK_3.0.a
2009-10-09 brendand remove 'test.xml'
2009-10-09 brendand added basesvs.xml
2009-10-09 brendand sorted out more stuff with the dynamic bc, fewer failures now
2009-10-07 brendand some more updates to bc stuff
2009-10-07 brendand graphics test plan now only runs fbserv tests
2009-10-09 Maciej Seroka New BC test
2009-10-09 Dario Sestito Set PDK baseline to PDK_3.0.a_alpha_FCL.120
2009-10-08 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-10-08 Shabe Razvi Skip sf-compare-to-baseline if sf.spec.publish.enable is false. Update FBF documentation.
2009-10-08 Arnaud Lenoir Make sure the BRAG xml and xsl files are sent to bishare in an unzipped way to allow access from link in Diamonds.
2009-10-08 Arnaud Lenoir Make sure the BRAG xml and xsl files are sent to bishare in an unzipped way to allow access from link in Diamonds.
2009-10-08 Dario Sestito Make sf.spec.job.codeline the publishing category
2009-10-08 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-08 Louis Henry Nayegon Fix layer names for production and test builds
2009-10-08 MattD sf-run-analysis - Making 'sf-brag-to-diamonds' depend on 'sf.spec.publish.enable' property
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-07 ThomasE Fixed md5 zipping in case no publish is requested.
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-07 MattD sf-check-env - Fixed typo causing build to always halt if 'sf.suppress.buildenv.check' isn't set.
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-06 MattD source-spec.ant.xml.ftl - Added change info for the BOM that lists submitted changesets between the baseline ('sf.previous.pdk.tag') and the synced changeset and writes to a changes.txt file in the BOM dir.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added work-around for the QEMU package whilst it's still in an interim location, but we want to release it in a PDK.
2009-10-07 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-10-07 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed up multimedia to match fts
2009-10-03 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed up most of the issues with the dynamic bc test plans
2009-10-06 MattD sf-preprocess-package-config - fix for another BRAG step that presumes that "${build.log.dir}/summary" exists.
2009-10-06 MattD sf-check-env - Adding mkdir for BRAG output file.
2009-10-06 MattD sf-prep - Partial Revert of changeset aa36fa431e3d - 'Added processing of the BuildEnvironmentCheck for BRAG purposes.' as we need 'sf-check-env' to be optional with 'sf.suppress.buildenv.check' variable.
2009-10-06 Shabe Razvi Keepgoing in the event of testpackage submit error.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Adjustsed BRAG to BRAGG, to accommodate the possibility of there being Green builds and Gold builds.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Adjusted capitalisation to make the final output more aesthetically pleasing.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Added processing of the BuildEnvironmentCheck for BRAG purposes.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Parse log generated during proprocessing of zip config, so it gets included in BRAG analysis.
2009-10-06 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-06 Dario Sestito Upload codeline and sf.spec.diamonds.tag as Diamonds tags
2009-10-06 Arnaud Lenoir Add link in Diamonds to read the BAG status from _brag.xml.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Sorted out misalignment between capture of diamonds build id and its re-use.
2009-10-06 Shabe Razvi Copy Symbian_OS.HRH to required location
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Add codeline specific property files
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Reviewed build category and tags
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Allow codeline-specific property file to be read (if present)
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added target to push a collated and calculated BRAG status to diamonds.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Save the diamonds build ID in a file as soon as it is generated.
2009-10-05 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-05 MattD Creation of 'sf-create-public-PDK' for munging licences in text files. Not tested yet as I've got another build running on this machine, so submitting and kicking via Hudson.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added support for being passed wildcards in an XML file argument.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added schema setting, so Diamonds should accept the data.
2009-10-05 MattD Bug 419 source sync workaround - Added property sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419 to common_props.ant.xml and set to true.
2009-10-05 MattD Catchup merge
2009-10-05 MattD Bug 419 source sync workaround - Added new variable 'sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419' that can be used during source sync that just performs the sync manually without using Maven.
2009-10-05 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-05 Louis Henry Nayegon Update commands for clone and copy and use of makesis
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins New XSL rules to generate a diamonds compatible BRAG status, which can be posted into the database.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added XML escaping, so that the output should be well-formed XML even if the input includes '<'s, '>'s, or '&'s.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added code to handle the script being given a log file argument which includes wild cards.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Fixed handling or regular expression strings, so the regular expression functiuonality works, not just substring detection!
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Adjusted sf-run-analysis-raptor so that when preprocessing the files, STDERR is appended, but STDOUT is not.
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Pre-emptive performance fix - avoid having to read the complete log file into memory at the same time before processing it.
2009-10-05 Maciej Seroka Static BC tests enabled
2009-10-02 chetank Catchup merge.
2009-10-02 chetank Added helium target sf-run-sfl-licence-munging for Public PDK creation.
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Added framework script for turning log files into XML BRAG summaries.
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Time-outs reduced
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Script to merge multiple MXL files together, according to a merge specification string
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Adfjusted XML format used, so there's a document-level tag - <buildStatus> which can wrap multiple <phase> tags.
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka rmtree check removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Time-out changed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Files names updated
2009-10-01 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-10-01 Shabe Razvi Skip armcc licence checking
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Reordered output, so information is presented in a high-level -> low-level way
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Added package attribute (when failure is package specific).
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand python does not use PATH
2009-10-01 Louis Henry Nayegon update mcl code from RCL_1 branch
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand merge and switch off static bc check
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand removed 'NAME' property from test plans
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand Changed ats_specialise_testdrop and build.test.xml to use the 'HOST' device property to fix the devicem rather than the 'NAME' property
2009-09-30 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-09-30 Louis Henry Nayegon Add layers for pre and post build
2009-09-30 Simon Howkins Added really basic failure extraction and BRAG calculation to build.
2009-09-29 MattD sf-zip-logs - Fixed zipping regression for running smoketest or BC test alone caused by changeset e73243604097 - 'Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory'
2009-09-29 MattD catchup merge
2009-09-29 MattD sf.spec.bccheck.enable - Added comment into common_props.ant.xml to explain how the value is used.
2009-09-29 c100726 merge
2009-09-29 c100726 merge
2009-09-29 c100726 make STAF security reflect all machines on the network
2009-09-29 MattD sf.spec.bccheck.enable - Disabling BC check as default, as it's not required after every build and can be kicked seperately using 'sf-test-bc-check' target on a clean machine.
2009-09-29 MattD sf.os.compile.iterate property - changed iterate compile check from <isset> to <istrue> so it can be overridden at the commandline or wherever.
2009-09-29 MattD Catchup merge
2009-09-29 MattD post-build target 'sf-publish' - Fixed publishing regression caused by changeset e73243604097 - 'Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory'
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed STAF_security
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added profiles engine wrapper
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added atsinterface device for c100725
2009-09-29 ThomasE Updated mechanism to manage Symbian_OS.hrh file to be inline with latest Nokia drop.
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand OS Services SVS submitted. nearly all done. Removed unneccesary components from mmsvs build
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added sendui component
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added 'or die' statements to messaging
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand extra bits
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand put in rmtree to cleanup properly
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand additions to the package definition xml
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added or die statements
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added back name property
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