2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Updated throughout to use the "temp_build_files" dir on the build drive rather than the "generated" directory in the fbf source tree.
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Replaced <available> check with an <uptodate> check, to greatly help people working
2009-10-16 Simon Howkins Restored call to summarise final BRAG status for regular platform builds.
2009-10-16 MattD Major packaging change to work around parallel calls - stopped zipping targets from having direct dependency on 'sf-preprocess-package-config', and instead have 'sf-zip-content' call 'sf-preprocess-package-config' if needed. Changed 'sf-prep' to call a target that wipes out the 'generated' directory. It's not perfect but it gets us going again.
2009-10-15 Simon Howkins Moved invocation of sf-brag-to-diamonds, so it's right at the end of the postbuild (apart from publishing zipped logs).
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Add standard C++ tests to the build
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Changed timeout
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Simon Howkins Bug 479: RnD package zips contain content not releaseable to public
2009-10-15 brendand tried changing the directory for pbkaddressselect.rsc
2009-10-15 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Add missing components to build
2009-10-14 Dario Sestito Add use lib statement to look for Text-CSV in local lib folder
2009-10-14 Simon Howkins Bug 478: build_*.zip missing from generated release_metadata.xml
2009-10-14 Maciej Seroka Updated comments in perl scripts
2009-10-14 Maciej Seroka Added new BC test
2009-10-14 brendand fixed up the phonebook tests to run faster
2009-10-14 Simon Howkins Replaced section "Package failures by phase/step/severity" with "Package failures by package/severity"
2009-10-13 Dario Sestito Merge PDK_2.0.0
2009-10-13 Dario Sestito Make csvToSysDef.pl work with codelines different than 3k
2009-10-13 Maciej Seroka Updated comments
2009-10-13 Shabe Razvi Move QEMU into adaptation layer when packaged
2009-10-12 MattD ATS fix for getting the smoketest to run.
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Added lib dir to pick up Text::CSV when it's not included with the installed perl distribution.
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Add new BC test
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Added lists of error messages themselves, categorised by phase, step, ...
2009-10-09 Simon Howkins Added tables for eack package with failures, broken down by severity.
2009-10-09 Simon Howkins Added understanding of the "ar" failure.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added post-processing of YARP analysis to feed into BRAG status.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added copy to copy the XSL so it's available if ever an XML is generated there.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Created a dedicated sf-log-to-brag target so it can take care of the commonality of the task, including the creation of the directory for XML output.
2009-10-12 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-12 MattD sf-gen-buildinfo-txt target in platform build - De-CamelCasing buildinfo.txt deletion and creation to fix zip inclusion/exclusion problems.
2009-10-12 Simon Howkins Fixed generation of rnd excludes file, so there are the necessary new-lines.
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Add new BC test
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka New BC test added
2009-10-12 Maciej Seroka Device name removed
2009-10-12 MattD sf-brag-to-diamonds - Only copy over the Brag XML if '${sf.spec.publish.enable}' is true.
2009-10-12 MattD ATS target 'sf-build-smoketestpkg' - fix for argument name change in 'ats_specialise_test_drop.pl'. Update command-line help for 'ats_specialise_test_drop.pl'
2009-10-09 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-09 MattD Modified sf-check-missing-os-files to deal with 'sf.os.compile.iterate' property. Added new target 'sf-compile-options' for setting the gmake sbs compile option, and added it as a dep for the compile targets.
2009-10-09 Arnaud Lenoir Allow to copy all the files in the summary directory to the bishare to allow link for BRAG to work in Diamonds. PDK_3.0.a
2009-10-09 brendand remove 'test.xml'
2009-10-09 brendand added basesvs.xml
2009-10-09 brendand sorted out more stuff with the dynamic bc, fewer failures now
2009-10-07 brendand some more updates to bc stuff
2009-10-07 brendand graphics test plan now only runs fbserv tests
2009-10-09 Maciej Seroka New BC test
2009-10-09 Dario Sestito Set PDK baseline to PDK_3.0.a_alpha_FCL.120
2009-10-08 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-10-08 Shabe Razvi Skip sf-compare-to-baseline if sf.spec.publish.enable is false. Update FBF documentation.
2009-10-08 Arnaud Lenoir Make sure the BRAG xml and xsl files are sent to bishare in an unzipped way to allow access from link in Diamonds.
2009-10-08 Arnaud Lenoir Make sure the BRAG xml and xsl files are sent to bishare in an unzipped way to allow access from link in Diamonds.
2009-10-08 Dario Sestito Make sf.spec.job.codeline the publishing category
2009-10-08 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-08 Louis Henry Nayegon Fix layer names for production and test builds
2009-10-08 MattD sf-run-analysis - Making 'sf-brag-to-diamonds' depend on 'sf.spec.publish.enable' property
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-07 ThomasE Fixed md5 zipping in case no publish is requested.
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-07 MattD sf-check-env - Fixed typo causing build to always halt if 'sf.suppress.buildenv.check' isn't set.
2009-10-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-10-06 MattD source-spec.ant.xml.ftl - Added change info for the BOM that lists submitted changesets between the baseline ('sf.previous.pdk.tag') and the synced changeset and writes to a changes.txt file in the BOM dir.
2009-10-07 Simon Howkins Added work-around for the QEMU package whilst it's still in an interim location, but we want to release it in a PDK.
2009-10-07 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-10-07 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed up multimedia to match fts
2009-10-03 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed up most of the issues with the dynamic bc test plans
2009-10-06 MattD sf-preprocess-package-config - fix for another BRAG step that presumes that "${build.log.dir}/summary" exists.
2009-10-06 MattD sf-check-env - Adding mkdir for BRAG output file.
2009-10-06 MattD sf-prep - Partial Revert of changeset aa36fa431e3d - 'Added processing of the BuildEnvironmentCheck for BRAG purposes.' as we need 'sf-check-env' to be optional with 'sf.suppress.buildenv.check' variable.
2009-10-06 Shabe Razvi Keepgoing in the event of testpackage submit error.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Adjustsed BRAG to BRAGG, to accommodate the possibility of there being Green builds and Gold builds.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Adjusted capitalisation to make the final output more aesthetically pleasing.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Added processing of the BuildEnvironmentCheck for BRAG purposes.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Parse log generated during proprocessing of zip config, so it gets included in BRAG analysis.
2009-10-06 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-06 Dario Sestito Upload codeline and sf.spec.diamonds.tag as Diamonds tags
2009-10-06 Arnaud Lenoir Add link in Diamonds to read the BAG status from _brag.xml.
2009-10-06 Simon Howkins Sorted out misalignment between capture of diamonds build id and its re-use.
2009-10-06 Shabe Razvi Copy Symbian_OS.HRH to required location
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Add codeline specific property files
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Reviewed build category and tags
2009-10-05 Dario Sestito Allow codeline-specific property file to be read (if present)
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added target to push a collated and calculated BRAG status to diamonds.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Save the diamonds build ID in a file as soon as it is generated.
2009-10-05 MattD catchup merge.
2009-10-05 MattD Creation of 'sf-create-public-PDK' for munging licences in text files. Not tested yet as I've got another build running on this machine, so submitting and kicking via Hudson.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added support for being passed wildcards in an XML file argument.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added schema setting, so Diamonds should accept the data.
2009-10-05 MattD Bug 419 source sync workaround - Added property sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419 to common_props.ant.xml and set to true.
2009-10-05 MattD Catchup merge
2009-10-05 MattD Bug 419 source sync workaround - Added new variable 'sf.spec.sourcesync.bug419' that can be used during source sync that just performs the sync manually without using Maven.
2009-10-05 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-10-05 Louis Henry Nayegon Update commands for clone and copy and use of makesis
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins New XSL rules to generate a diamonds compatible BRAG status, which can be posted into the database.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added XML escaping, so that the output should be well-formed XML even if the input includes '<'s, '>'s, or '&'s.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Added code to handle the script being given a log file argument which includes wild cards.
2009-10-05 Simon Howkins Fixed handling or regular expression strings, so the regular expression functiuonality works, not just substring detection!
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Adjusted sf-run-analysis-raptor so that when preprocessing the files, STDERR is appended, but STDOUT is not.
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Pre-emptive performance fix - avoid having to read the complete log file into memory at the same time before processing it.
2009-10-05 Maciej Seroka Static BC tests enabled
2009-10-02 chetank Catchup merge.
2009-10-02 chetank Added helium target sf-run-sfl-licence-munging for Public PDK creation.
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Added framework script for turning log files into XML BRAG summaries.
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Time-outs reduced
2009-10-02 Simon Howkins Script to merge multiple MXL files together, according to a merge specification string
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Adfjusted XML format used, so there's a document-level tag - <buildStatus> which can wrap multiple <phase> tags.
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka rmtree check removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Time-out changed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Device NAME removed
2009-10-02 Maciej Seroka Files names updated
2009-10-01 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-10-01 Shabe Razvi Skip armcc licence checking
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Reordered output, so information is presented in a high-level -> low-level way
2009-10-01 Simon Howkins Added package attribute (when failure is package specific).
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand python does not use PATH
2009-10-01 Louis Henry Nayegon update mcl code from RCL_1 branch
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand merge and switch off static bc check
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand removed 'NAME' property from test plans
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-10-01 Brendan Donegan brendand Changed ats_specialise_testdrop and build.test.xml to use the 'HOST' device property to fix the devicem rather than the 'NAME' property
2009-09-30 Louis Henry Nayegon Merge
2009-09-30 Louis Henry Nayegon Add layers for pre and post build
2009-09-30 Simon Howkins Added really basic failure extraction and BRAG calculation to build.
2009-09-29 MattD sf-zip-logs - Fixed zipping regression for running smoketest or BC test alone caused by changeset e73243604097 - 'Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory'
2009-09-29 MattD catchup merge
2009-09-29 MattD sf.spec.bccheck.enable - Added comment into common_props.ant.xml to explain how the value is used.
2009-09-29 c100726 merge
2009-09-29 c100726 merge
2009-09-29 c100726 make STAF security reflect all machines on the network
2009-09-29 MattD sf.spec.bccheck.enable - Disabling BC check as default, as it's not required after every build and can be kicked seperately using 'sf-test-bc-check' target on a clean machine.
2009-09-29 MattD sf.os.compile.iterate property - changed iterate compile check from <isset> to <istrue> so it can be overridden at the commandline or wherever.
2009-09-29 MattD Catchup merge
2009-09-29 MattD post-build target 'sf-publish' - Fixed publishing regression caused by changeset e73243604097 - 'Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory'
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed STAF_security
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added profiles engine wrapper
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added atsinterface device for c100725
2009-09-29 ThomasE Updated mechanism to manage Symbian_OS.hrh file to be inline with latest Nokia drop.
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand OS Services SVS submitted. nearly all done. Removed unneccesary components from mmsvs build
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-29 Brendan Donegan brendand added sendui component
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added 'or die' statements to messaging
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand extra bits
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand put in rmtree to cleanup properly
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand additions to the package definition xml
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added or die statements
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added back name property
2009-09-28 Brendan Donegan brendand added or die statements
2009-09-24 Simon Howkins Added setting of properties that are common to all (current) platform builds.
2009-09-25 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-25 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-25 Brendan Donegan brendand further mods to fts package def file
2009-09-25 Maciej Seroka File required to build 50_systemsw.SIS
2009-09-25 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_T_MidiClientUtility.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_T_MdaAudioToneUtility.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_AudioRecorderUtility.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_AudioPlayerUtility.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_AudioOutputStream.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_AudioInputStream.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_AudioConvertUtility.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_ImageEncoder.SIS
2009-09-24 Maciej Seroka Files required to build 50_Symbian_ImageDecoder.SIS
2009-09-23 Shabe Razvi Use correct s60 config list for sbs check
2009-09-23 Shabe Razvi Add sbs --check to Platform build analysis.
2009-09-23 Simon Howkins Used ${line.separator} to make (more) echo tasks more readable.
2009-09-23 Simon Howkins Used ${line.separator} to make echo tasks more readable.
2009-09-23 Arnaud Lenoir Add execution of fcls4releasenotes.pl in build system.
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka Required files to build 50_Symbian_Ecom.SIS
2009-09-23 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-23 Brendan Donegan brendand submit the various fixes that were made to make multimedia and graphics svs submit to ats properly
2009-09-23 Simon Howkins Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka Required files to build 50_Symbian_T_Camera.sis
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka New tcs file added
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka Empty tcs file removed from the pkg file
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka Required GraphicsSVS files
2009-09-23 Simon Howkins Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory
2009-09-23 Simon Howkins Bug 384 Platform build should output all PDK releasables into one directory
2009-09-23 Maciej Seroka Required BaseSVS files
2009-09-22 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-22 Brendan Donegan brendand added to the package def and fixed multimedia svs with ats
2009-09-22 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed up the ats errors with graphics svs
2009-09-22 Maciej Seroka New pkg files
2009-09-22 Maciej Seroka New pkg files
2009-09-22 Simon Howkins Added special handling for utilities package, so it's zipped up with the items from the tools layer, rather than as a misc item.
2009-09-22 royt merge
2009-09-21 Shabe Razvi Generate BuildInfo.txt based upon new sf.spec.sbs.variant property
2009-09-21 Brendan Donegan brendand package definition for bc test apps
2009-09-21 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-21 Brendan Donegan brendand added my machine
2009-09-21 royt changed multimedia test drop script
2009-09-21 royt .
2009-09-18 royt .
2009-09-21 Brendan Donegan brendand Added back in removable drive scripts and added die statements
2009-09-21 ThomasE Updated analyse_components.pl arguments to use system_model_s60.xml as well as a source of package/component names (required for split model)
2009-09-21 Simon Howkins Bug 365 build-info.xml - BOM for config & project in different format to sources
2009-09-21 Simon Howkins Removed conditional around the creation of the build-info.xml - no reason to not do this just because it won't be published later.
2009-09-21 Simon Howkins Bug 365 build-info.xml - BOM for config & project in different format to sources
2009-09-18 Simon Howkins Added target to compare the build to the baseline. Initially populated with tasks to create part of the release notes.
2009-09-18 MattD updated package properties sf.spec.baseline.location to point at PDK_2.0.e instead of PDK2.0.d
2009-09-18 MattD Added test targets 'sf-test-smoketest' and 'sf-test-bc-check' for the test team. They populate the drive, run the tests and zip the output. Minor fix was needed in the post build for zipping: '${build.drive}/output/logs/releaseables' must exist
2009-09-17 Simon Howkins Fixed RnD content unpacking to ensure that only i9tems in the epoc32 tree are unpacked.
2009-09-17 Brendan Donegan brendand fixed paths in browser.xml
2009-09-17 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-17 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-16 Brendan Donegan brendand added messaging bc tests
2009-09-15 Brendan Donegan brendand typo
2009-09-17 Simon Howkins Fixed the initial population of the epoc32 tree with rnd bins to deal
2009-09-17 Simon Howkins Avoided zipping up .hg et al in rnd zips.
2009-09-17 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-09-17 Louis Henry Nayegon Add http download manager tests
2009-09-02 Simon Howkins Tool for filtering a system model definition.
2009-09-16 Simon Howkins Bug 350 RnD binary zips missing all content outside epoc32 tree
2009-09-15 Simon Howkins Bug 349 R&D kit zip file naming convention not followed
2009-09-15 Shabe Razvi Merge
2009-09-15 Shabe Razvi Export all required .hrh files
2009-09-15 Maciej Seroka New Landmarks Search BC tests
2009-09-15 royt bctest drop added
2009-09-15 royt BCTest drop added
2009-09-14 royt ATS worker target is made.
2009-09-15 MattD catchup merge - tag for PDK2.0.e
2009-09-14 MattD Added tag PDK_2.0.e for changeset cc2965329dd1
2009-09-15 Maciej Seroka New Landmarks Database Management BC test
2009-09-15 Brendan Donegan brendand added newsoapclasses to web service tests
2009-09-15 Louis Henry Nayegon Add clock tests
2009-09-14 Maciej Seroka New set added
2009-09-14 Maciej Seroka New set added
2009-09-14 royt ATS target made.
2009-09-14 Brendan Donegan brendand adding browser tests
2009-09-14 Brendan Donegan brendand Added new web service BC tests
2009-09-14 Louis Henry Nayegon Update script header commnets
2009-09-14 Maciej Seroka New BC tests
2009-09-11 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-11 Brendan Donegan brendand added send ui dynamic bc tests
2009-09-11 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-09-11 Dario Sestito Set Diamonds category to <job name>_<codeline>
2009-09-11 Shabe Razvi Add FBF documents for default config that built PDK 2.0.e
2009-09-10 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-09-10 Louis Henry Nayegon Add DRM test
2009-09-10 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-10 Brendan Donegan brendand added bc tests for profiles engine
2009-09-10 Louis Henry Nayegon Add speed dial tests
2009-09-10 Brendan Donegan brendand merge
2009-09-10 Brendan Donegan brendand Sorted the issues with vCard tests and made sure they worked.
2009-09-09 Brendan Donegan brendand added the missing test data for vcard
2009-09-09 Brendan Donegan brendand Added vcard import export tests
2009-09-09 royt changed the ats server machine name
2009-09-09 Brendan Donegan brendand xml named wrongly
2009-09-09 Brendan Donegan brendand Added Pbk UI Utils tests
2009-09-09 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-09-09 Louis Henry Nayegon Add contacts/phonebook tests
2009-09-09 arnaud lenoir Arnaudl: Added build machine v800017.
2009-09-09 royt enabling dynamic bctest
2009-09-08 Simon Howkins Removed unnecessary target. PDK_2.0.e
2009-09-08 Shabe Razvi Restructure sf-prebuild to ensure that sf-build-all doesnt invoke sf-prep.
2009-09-08 Brendan Donegan brendand Merged
2009-08-26 Brendan Donegan brendand Caught up
2009-08-24 Brendan Donegan brendand removed build id
2009-08-24 Brendan Donegan brendand sorted out the removal
2009-08-24 Brendan Donegan brendand renamed to graphicssvs.xml
2009-08-24 Brendan Donegan brendand Build machine registration files removed.
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand casing
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand missing file extension plugin
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand missing from zip manifest
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand added missing file system plugin
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand Removed another removable drive test
2009-08-18 Brendan Donegan brendand Removable drive tests 'removed'!
2009-08-14 Brendan Donegan brendand testfontws.gdr wasn't in there
2009-08-12 Brendan Donegan brendand added 'general' dir to file path
2009-08-12 Brendan Donegan brendand Added base SVS tests
2009-09-08 royt enabling static bctest
2009-09-04 Simon Howkins Separated download of baselines, syncing of source and "diamondizing" the BOM into completely separate targets.
2009-09-04 Simon Howkins Moved tasks for generating config and project BOMs into their own target so they can be tested independently, and simplified them slightly also.
2009-09-04 Simon Howkins Updated the mechanism for the conditional execution of sf-diamods-tag-build
2009-09-04 Shabe Razvi Add SBS retry controlled by sbs.spec.sbs.retry.limit property. Default is 5.
2009-09-03 royt changed test section
2009-09-02 MattD catchup merge
2009-09-02 MattD bldmefirst fix for symbian^2 symbian^3 builds - getting location of symbian_OS.hrh and variant.cfg from the project config.
2009-09-02 Shabe Razvi Add dependency for sf-prep on sf-prebuild
2009-09-02 Shabe Razvi Default BuildEnv.xml file can now be overridden by one delivered in FBF project. Check can also be skipped by setting sf.suppress.buildenv.check property.
2009-09-02 Simon Howkins Bug 299 populateziptemplate.pl aborts if it cannot determine the license for a source component
2009-07-23 Simon Howkins Changed to avoid warnings during construction of packaging instructions.
2009-09-02 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-08-26 Arnaud Lenoir Arnaudl adding work done by Darios on raptor summarise.
2009-08-26 arnaudl Merge.
2009-08-26 Dario Sestito Add raptor build html summary computation
2009-08-26 arnaudl Brag script 1st draft by Arnaudl and DarioS
2009-08-28 royt Test targets seperated from "build.postbuild.xml" and put into "build.test.xml"
2009-08-25 Simon Howkins Bug 299 populateziptemplate.pl aborts if it cannot determine the license for a source component
2009-08-24 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-24 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-24 MattD renamed 'sf-tag-build' to 'sf-diamonds-tag-build' to stop unneccessary confusion with source tagging...
2009-08-24 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-24 MattD platform build - first cut of 'bldmefirst' stage to get rid of bldmefirst repo. Should probably add a check to see if it's enabled.
2009-08-19 Simon Howkins Moved project type specification from common config file to platform/package specific config file.
2009-08-24 Simon Howkins Changed regular expressions and temp files to be more agnostic about build ID conventions.
2009-08-24 Simon Howkins Bug 289 Issue in populatezip.pl when doing Platform build in step preprocess-zip-config
2009-08-20 Simon Howkins Adjusted matching for processing TSV files, so it will not fail even if the dir has not been created.
2009-08-20 Dario Sestito Truclean should not be performed if the sources.csv line doesn't have a sysdef field
2009-08-19 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-08-19 Dario Sestito Set Raptor -j option to 2 for package builds
2009-08-19 Simon Howkins Added disk space check for all builds.
2009-08-19 Dario Sestito First drop of script to generate build summary
2009-08-18 Dario Sestito =Merge
2009-08-18 Dario Sestito Enable analysis of Raptor warnings. Publish to Diamonds
2009-08-18 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-08-14 Dario Sestito Fix packaging source optimization does not work for package builds
2009-08-18 Simon Howkins Moved all targets specific to the postbuild phase of the build into the postbuild ant file.
2009-08-18 Simon Howkins Created framework for separating postbuild related activities into a separate file.
2009-08-18 Simon Howkins Moved comments around to be adjacent to the thing that they're describing.
2009-08-18 ThomasE Added Build environment check feature
2009-08-17 MattD platform build temporary patch - overidden sf-build-noprep to not generate the model from the fragments. Needed for split model builds and furhter work on simplifying model.
2009-08-14 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-14 MattD BOM fix - Changed to reading project location ${sf.project.location} instead of ${sf.config.dir}/../build/config, which isn't always correct.
2009-08-14 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-14 MattD Smoketest change - Added 'sf-find-ATS-worker-root' to build.xml so that the smoketest goes where the worker is expecting it on a individual basis, rather than it being hardcoded to D:\ATS\...
2009-08-14 MattD ATS testing on emulator - Renamed properties for lon-engbuild87, lon-engbuild89, and sym-build02 so they are the same as the machine name. Modified the TEMPDIR for c100726 so that it runs smoketests
2009-08-12 MattD sf-list-dir - added new tool 'listdir.py' which can exclude a directory and changed the behaviour of sf-list-dir to stop scanning epoc32/build to speed things up.
2009-08-12 MattD sf-postbuild - running analysis in parallel with evalid and post-build zipping.
2009-08-14 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-08-13 Simon Howkins Simplify the create-canonical-sysdef-file target as we can depend on there only being a single sysdef in the supplied reference.
2009-08-13 Simon Howkins Simplified create-canonical-sysdef-file so that it's just a simple copy.
2009-08-14 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-08-11 Simon Howkins Un-hardwired an interim location for the system definition.
2009-08-11 Simon Howkins Added output of the package definition incorporated for each package.
2009-08-11 Simon Howkins Added some diagnostic output when the system definition is built from the sources.csv file.
2009-08-10 Dario Sestito Commented out clean and tools targets. Changed tool2 target into tools2_rel
2009-08-07 Simon Howkins Removed commented & obsolete code.
2009-08-07 Simon Howkins Changed preference for selecting package definition files, so that it takes the one from our tree in preference to the one in the package itself. This means that we can just delete items from our tree when we're happy to switch to using the one in the package (as this will vary from package to package).
2009-08-07 Dario Sestito Add new raptor error category to raptor parser (tool_didnt_return_version)
2009-08-06 Dario Sestito Set project name and codeline from subproject only if these properties are not found in project's job_props.ant.xml
2009-08-06 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-08-06 Dario Sestito Fix again releaseables dir not existing as erroronmissing dir is not supported
2009-08-06 Simon Howkins If a package does not have a definition in the sources.csv then it won't get built, so don't try to incorporate it into the system definition.
2009-08-05 Dario Sestito Avoid build failure if releaseable dir is not present
2009-08-05 Simon Howkins Made error messages more useful.
2009-08-04 Simon Howkins Should fail the build if we can't generate the system model.
2009-08-04 Simon Howkins Fixed paths and drives for executing script.
2009-08-04 Simon Howkins Added invokation to build.xml and adjusted path to backup locations to match my development environment.
2009-08-04 Simon Howkins Added tool for collating a build definition from the set of package defintions indicated by the sources.csv
2009-08-04 Dario Sestito Change package baseline to PDK 2.0.d
2009-07-31 Dario Sestito Added 3 raptor error categories, adjusted severity of all categories
2009-07-27 Dario Sestito Fix regexp to take account of new codeline naming convention
2009-07-27 Dario Sestito Allow subprojects within a project repo and model file relative to the subproject dir
2009-07-22 Dario Sestito Generate error and summary file even if build reports no error
2009-07-21 Dario Sestito Restructured package build targets and sbs calls
2009-07-20 Dario Sestito Reverted category-property to build.family
2009-07-20 Dario Sestito Enable build tagging on Diamonds (default: 'test')
2009-07-20 Dario Sestito Fix to account of log file names for test builds
2009-07-20 Dario Sestito Added transformation of model file from version 3.0.0 to a version usable by Raptor
2009-08-14 royt change made in smoketest.xml
2009-08-14 royt change made in ats3_specialise_test_drop.pl script.
2009-08-14 arnaudl Add my computer following ATS installation instructions found at: https://sites.google.com/a/symbian.org/build_and_test/Home/ats-automated-test-system/ats-howtos,
2009-08-12 tathagatar changing smoketest.xml
2009-08-12 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-12 MattD Changed 'publish' to 'sf-publish' to only publish the zips, not all logs. Changed behaviour so that 'sf.spec.package.src.enable'=false stops the source repos from getting packaged, but not the RnD ones (which are extracted again in platform builds)
2009-08-12 MattD source syncing ftl - Added 'sf.spec.sourcesync.archive' preference to do 'hg archive' instead of 'hg sync'. If set and the repo sync is s'posed to be synced by tag it still does the slower clone+update behaviour.
2009-08-12 MattD platform build - added 'sf.os.compile.iterate' variable to iterate though the main targets rather than all at once to work around raptor problems with single model.
2009-08-10 MattD Split sf-run-analysis into bit-sized targets, which can run in parallel to reduce the post-build time on a platform build.
2009-08-07 MattD catchup merge
2009-08-04 MattD minor fix - creation of 'generated' dir for caching files.
2009-08-04 MattD raptor parser.pl - adding XML::SAX perl modules (public domain code - http://www.saxproject.org/faq.html) so we don't have to patch up every single build machine.
2009-08-11 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-08-11 Louis Henry Nayegon Add syslibssvs ats test drop creation script
2009-08-07 tathagatar ats change
2009-08-06 Louis Henry Nayegon Add multimediasvs ats test drop creation script
2009-08-05 Tathagata Roy updating smoketest.xml
2009-08-05 Tathagata Roy updating to add build-id for diamond in build.xml
2009-08-04 Dario Sestito Zip BOM and releasables changing the top level folder from "output" to "build_info"
2009-08-03 tathagatar updating ATS
2009-08-03 tathagatar updating device reg. file
2009-08-03 tathagatar Making device property file
2009-08-03 tathagatar Making device property file
2009-08-03 tathagatar updating security file for ATS
2009-07-31 Brendan Donegan brendand Caught up
2009-07-31 Brendan Donegan brendand Created Graphics Perl script to create package and finished adding to test XML
2009-07-30 Brendan Donegan brendand Reference to the Font Store API Server
2009-07-30 Brendan Donegan brendand Added graphics test.xml
2009-07-30 tathagatar changing "sf.spec.test.host.name" to "v800005" as ats server.
2009-07-30 MattD catchup merge
2009-07-30 MattD Yarp.pl - Added manual XML parsing. Memory leaks using XML::Simple cause perl to run out of memory when parsing a large raptor log.
2009-07-29 tathagatar Updating ATS security file.
2009-07-29 Matt Davies catchup merge
2009-07-29 Matt Davies catchup merge
2009-07-29 Matt Davies Yarp - Modified to output failed recipes to STDOUT instead of having to use dump_recipe_at_line.pl, and modified build.xml to save these logs.
2009-07-29 ThomasE Added a new "sf.os.compile.fast" parameter to skip redundant steps when executing the builds in separate config targets.
2009-07-29 Shabe Razvi Make ATS drop path by UNC not mapped drive.
2009-07-28 ThomasE Fixed smoketest perl target.
2009-07-28 Louis Henry Nayegon Move to classicui folder
2009-07-27 ThomasE Fixed usage of 7z in ats_specialise_test_drop.pl
2009-07-27 MattD smoketest creation - .pl files not always executable on build machines.
2009-07-24 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-07-24 Louis Henry Nayegon Add keyevent test at end of apploader test suite to remove prompt for location/time settings
2009-07-23 Brendan Donegan brendand Caught up from mercurial_development
2009-07-23 Brendan Donegan brendand Added step to submit Dynamic BC tests to ATS server
2009-07-22 royt reverting change
2009-07-22 royt reverting the change
2009-07-22 ThomasE Fixed FBF management of single build.
2009-07-22 Brendan Donegan brendand Merge to tip
2009-07-22 Brendan Donegan brendand SYM-BUILD02 had wrong tempdir, should have been D
2009-07-21 Brendan Donegan brendand Added my machine to STAF_Security
2009-07-22 royt merge
2009-07-22 royt Passing diamond build-id as parameter for ats_specialise_test_drop.pl to insert build-id tag in test.xml
2009-07-22 royt adding tags to enable diamonds post.
2009-07-20 andrew simpson create tag for PDK2.0.d
2009-07-20 Shabe Razvi Make BC testing more robust. Now requires PDT_HOME env var to be set rather than fail silently. Plus Logs zip tidy up.
2009-07-17 Shabe Razvi Add zipfile validation to packaging PDK_2.0.d
2009-07-17 Shabe Razvi Fix packaging issues. Released zips now delivered in zips\release folder.
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Added creation of zips of zips of OSS packages (though these are not yet published in a PDK release).
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Added tweak for bldmefirst zip filename
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Small speed improvement (fingers crossed) for zipping up binaries.
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Small tweak to get the right content with the right filename for doing a PDK release.
2009-07-16 Simon Howkins Stopped it putting useless information about zips of zips into the release_metadata.xml file.
2009-07-15 Simon Howkins Create zips of zips for SFL src.
2009-07-15 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-07-15 Dario Sestito Raptor error analysis to be published to Diamonds
2009-07-13 Dario Sestito Added analysis of Raptor errors
2009-07-15 Simon Howkins BOM and TSVs now zipped up in an alternative zip file.
2009-07-15 Simon Howkins Corrected filenames used for logging output of zip commands.
2009-07-15 Simon Howkins Zips binaries into three zips rather than one, to make them easier to download.
2009-07-15 Simon Howkins Simplified the locations of some generated files, so they are created where they need to be rather than created on one place and moved to another.
2009-07-14 Simon Howkins Added sorting and removal of duplicates from TSV files.
2009-07-13 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-07-13 Dario Sestito Raptor parser to provide summary csv file so that faults can be readily put into db
2009-07-13 Simon Howkins Updated preprocess_log to deal with mal-formed <archive> tags - workaround for Bug 170.
2009-07-13 Dario Sestito Modularized Raptor parser scripts
2009-07-09 Dario Sestito generate-layer overridden target from platform/build.xml to common/build.xml
2009-07-08 Dario Sestito Adding truclean step to the package build
2009-07-16 Louis Henry Nayegon Add sdk version file for 5.0 run
2009-07-15 Shabe Razvi Move runtarget outside if conditional
2009-07-15 Shabe Razvi Fix cenrep to run for both single and split model builds
2009-07-14 Shabe Razvi Use GENERIC interface on ATS server and add machine name to test package to aid origin
2009-07-14 Louis Henry Nayegon merge
2009-07-14 Louis Henry Nayegon Remove redundant files
2009-07-07 Louis Henry Nayegon Add all tests
2009-07-10 Shabe Razvi Remove extra column
2009-07-09 Shabe Razvi Add branch and changeset support for getting source. BOM sources.csv can now be reused directly.
2009-07-06 MattD Find_collisions.pl - modified tool to use 'FC' instead of 'diff' for finding origins. (gcc 'diff' not currently in builds)
2009-07-02 MattD catchup merge
2009-07-02 MattD Build HG Caching - added new variable 'sf.spec.sourcesync.cachelocation' and changed caching invocation to use it. Defaults to previous location.
2009-07-02 MattD cachefiles.pl - stopped cache from being excessively flattened, which could cause problems.
2009-07-02 Shabe Razvi Add delay to give expected processes a chance to start
2009-07-02 Shabe Razvi Add tools baseline to BOM
2009-06-30 Dario Sestito Merge
2009-06-30 Dario Sestito Integrate extraction of whatlog info and other minor changes from pkgbuild config
2009-06-30 Dario Sestito Adding extraction of whatlog information into "deliverables" files
2009-06-26 Dario Sestito Changed PDK to 2.0.c
2009-06-30 Shabe Razvi Fix log zip structure, fix udeb/urel issue in MD5s and also package MD5s into zip in correct epoc32\relinfo layout
2009-06-30 Shabe Razvi Enable build machine based testing via ATS worker
2009-06-25 andrews Tag source matching PDK_2.0.c
2009-06-23 thomase Fixed single model genxml pre-processing workaround to enable single system definition builds.
2009-06-22 Shabe Razvi Tidy up generate-layers and add missing quote PDK_2.0.c
2009-06-22 Louis Henry Nayegon merge diamondize and dynamic bc testing
2009-06-22 Louis Henry Nayegon merge using wildcard on destination removes all of destination not just src files
2009-06-22 Louis Henry Nayegon Add option for dynamic bc testing
2009-06-22 Shabe Razvi Export build-info.xml to BOM folder
2009-06-22 Shabe Razvi Export system model files to BOM folder
2009-06-22 Shabe Razvi Merge commit
2009-06-22 Shabe Razvi Rollback the removal of overriden generate-layers target - required platform build
2009-06-22 Mike Kinghan Adding ATS device registration files
2009-06-19 Dario Sestito Catchup from platform build
2009-06-19 Dario Sestito Fix for Error doesn't correctly report the number of failing raptor recipes
2009-06-19 Dario Sestito Added output stream to failures line in yarp. Made the failure string more robust
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Yarp file parser to get number of failures from the correct field
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Yarp to print failures
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Commented out print line
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Moved location of build results to \\v800008\g$
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Add missing file pare_yarp_files.pl
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Add missing files for yarp publishing to diamonds
2009-06-18 Dario Sestito Added yarp to diamonds publishing
2009-06-15 Dario Sestito Initial implementation of publishing to Diamonds
2009-06-12 Dario Sestito Catchup from platform build config
2009-06-12 Dario Sestito Changed location of PDK
2009-06-10 Dario Sestito Changed location of source code to point to v800008.ad-sfpd.intra
2009-06-09 Dario Sestito Catchup from platform build config
2009-05-29 darios Catchup from default config
2009-05-20 Dario Sestito Disabled tagging after build by changing default value to false
2009-05-20 Dario Sestito Changed PDK and filter options to get PDK_candidate_1 binaries
2009-05-18 dario Made smoketest optional
2009-05-18 dario Changing default value of sf.spec.smoketest.enable to false
2009-05-14 dario New version of make_junction.pl
2009-05-13 dario First drop of smoketest support
2009-05-07 dario Setting sf.spec.logs.raptorfilter.enable by default to true, as this will enable the full log and also the scanlog html report in the build results
2009-05-07 dario Reimplemented --check as the previous version didn't work (also most of the arguments are parameterized now)
2009-05-06 dario Doing WHAT with .whatlog. Added check with an exec task (some arguments are not parameterized).
2009-05-06 dario added whatlog and check
2009-05-06 dario Changed default location for logs/results to \\sym-build01\f$\SF_builds
2009-05-06 dario Changed common default for sf.spec.systemdefinition.assemble to false
2009-05-05 dario Changed location of PDK to \\lon-engbuild87\d$\PDK\PDK_candidate_0
2009-04-27 dario Changed --check to CHECK to see if it works
2009-04-27 dario Given a dummy value to the configuration list
2009-04-27 dario Added check stage
2009-04-27 dario Merge
2009-04-27 dario Changed package-common method of baseline retrieval
2009-04-27 dario Changed package-common location of baseline to \\lon-engbuild98\d$\GRACE\PDK_20090401
2009-04-27 dario Overridden gernate-layers, so that sysdef file is not filtered
2009-04-27 dario The prefix "hlm" for element "hlm:argSet" was not bound.
2009-04-27 dario Changes to support clean check and avoid filtering the logs
2009-04-22 BuildAdmin Download of "emu" and "patch" baseline zips common to all packages
2009-06-19 matt davies merge in changes
2009-06-19 MattD Packaging change - Tools now zipped into 'tools_epoc.zip', which isn't 'emu' but 'tools' for package and platform builds.
2009-06-19 ThomasE Added Hg local cache management feature.
2009-06-18 Louis Henry Nayegon Tidy up smoke test ats file
2009-06-18 William Roberts Remove the "abld import" stuff, add "No rule to make" and "Can't find mmp file" processing
2009-06-18 Shabe Razvi Limit source parallelisation to NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS
2009-06-18 Shabe Razvi Clear list as we dont want to exclude anything from RnD unpack
2009-06-17 Shabe Razvi Build smoketest as udeb plus ensure that sf-postbuild is run for sf-build-noprep.
2009-06-17 William Roberts Add the missing column heading in PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv
2009-06-17 MattD Added new helium target: 'sf-build-and-pack' for use if you need to babysit 'sf-prebuild'
2009-06-17 MattD Smoketest fix - changed ip address to point to symbuild01, caused by machines moving.
2009-06-17 matt davies rebuildok.txt - removed 'epoc32/tools/*' for build machines with no vc6 compiler, so all the tools get unzipped in 'sf-unpack-rnd'.
2009-06-15 matt davies parsewhatlog.pl - put back in the regex 1-liner what got taken out (multiple 'master' repos out of sync)
2009-06-15 matt davies 'WHAT' build removed. parselistdirs.pl fixes for raptor logs.
2009-06-15 matt davies 'sf-unpack-rnd' target: changed to overwrite mode, due to TEF being present earlier in build.
2009-06-15 matt davies Results Publish - changed network location from \\lon-engbuild87\SF_Build\ to \\v800008\SF_build\
2009-06-15 Mike Kinghan Applied the /accepteula option to all calls to junction so that it will never stall a build waiting for the user to accept the EULA,
2009-06-15 Mike Kinghan Amend STAF machine trust levels to waive intranet component
2009-06-12 Mike Kinghan Committing merges
2009-06-12 Mike Kinghan Adding global STAF security settings file
2009-06-10 Matt Davies merged in parsewhatlog.pl defect fix for Raptor 2.7.2 and find_collisions.pl minor arg cleanup.
2009-06-10 Matt Davies find_collisions.pl - removed unused command-line argument from script to tidy things up.
2009-06-10 Matt Davies parsewhatlog.pl - regex bug fix for raptor 2.7.2
2009-06-09 William Roberts Reorder the PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv columns, and change "KO" to "Bad".
2009-06-09 Shabe Razvi Remove files that are not in test package
2009-06-08 Shabe Razvi Merge changes
2009-06-08 Shabe Razvi Add <sf-getenv-tools> target to unpack tools baseline and also <sf-build-smoketestpkg> to create smoketest package to be sent to ATS3 server
2009-06-04 Shabe Razvi Add MD5 creation
2009-06-10 Dario Sestito Added yarp to the post-build analysis
2009-06-04 Mike Kinghan Fixed typo. $-sign should have been &
2009-06-03 Matt Davies Added yarp.pl - (Yet Another Raptor Parser) and dump_recipe_at_line.pl
2009-06-03 Louis Henry Nayegon Catch up
2009-06-03 Louis Henry Nayegon Add perl script to build test zip
2009-06-03 Mike Kinghan merge
2009-06-03 Mike Kinghan Comments and code tidying for ats3_testdrop.pl
2009-06-03 Louis Henry Nayegon .xml missing from file names
2009-06-02 Simon Howkins File was rendered obsolete a long time ago
2009-06-01 thomase Added analyse_components.pl and related call to build.xml
2009-06-01 Shabe Razvi Remove duplicates from rebuiltok list
2009-05-29 Matt Davies catchup merge
2009-05-29 Matt Davies adding merge_csv_orphans.pl Untrusted at the moment
2009-05-29 Matt Davies Added merge_csv_orphans.pl - Would just change merge_csv.pl but I've been hacking and don't trust it yet.
2009-05-29 Shabe Razvi Merge to default branch
2009-05-29 Shabe Razvi Exclude list of things from RnD unpack that we know we can build
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon merge - catch up
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon Add optiona BC checking to build process
2009-05-29 Matt Davies Merge of change to merge_csv.pl change. Caused by moving of the Repo: No files changed.
2009-05-29 Matt Davies merge_csv.pl - Added an optional post-build rnd zip argument which adds a timestamp field to the CSV. Requires '7z' not '7za'.
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon Add ats local winscw device
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon Remove abld.bat - generated during build
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon merge - catch up
2009-05-29 Louis Henry Nayegon Add first draft of smoketests
2009-05-28 Shabe Razvi Use 7za not 7z as this is what is available on build machines
2009-05-28 Shabe Razvi Merge to default branch
2009-05-28 Shabe Razvi Move analysis after packaging
2009-05-28 Mike Kinghan Adding license boilerplate to perl scripts.
2009-05-27 Shabe Razvi Add zip tool to support postbuild RnD packaging.
2009-05-27 Shabe Razvi Add postbuild RnD packaging. Add .whatlog to os tools build.
2009-05-26 Shabe Razvi Merge changes to default branch
2009-05-26 Shabe Razvi Unpack actual RnD zips rather than fastcopy. Add build collisions tool to <sf-run-analysis> target.
2009-05-26 Simon Howkins Added license header
2009-05-26 Simon Howkins Merge
2009-05-26 Simon Howkins Added filter to exclude Hg control files from package zips.
2009-05-26 Mike Kinghan Fixed minor bug in ats3_testdrop.pl: Quote marks within quotation needed to be escaped.
2009-05-20 Shabe Razvi Disable hg tagging by default
2009-05-20 Shabe Razvi Fix test property typos
2009-05-19 Shabe Razvi Fix populateziptemplate.pl to work with new repo structure
2009-05-19 Matt Davies Added find_collisions.pl Updated the readme.txt for instructions.
2009-05-19 Matt Davies parselistdirs.pl - fixed export scanning and added output path for logs.
2009-05-19 Shabe Razvi Add ATS test client target <sf-send-testpkg> to default configuration. Default is off.
2009-05-18 Shabe Razvi Merge updates from master
2009-05-18 Shabe Razvi Add build analysis tools to <sf-run-analysis> target. All output generated in <logs>\analysis dir.
2009-05-13 ThomasE Fixed "zip.cfg.xml.ftl.template" to use "oss" and not "epl" in the configuration name.
2009-05-13 ThomasE Merge with previous modifications.
2009-05-13 ThomasE Modified populateziptemplate.pl to use "oss" instead of "epl" keyword.
2009-05-13 Shabe Razvi Exclude .hg repositories from epoc32 merge
2009-05-12 Shabe Razvi Exclude *.sym files from binary packaging
2009-05-12 Shabe Razvi 1) Update binary packaging solution to invoke 7za directly. 2) Add partially complete ATS sf-send-testpkg target and associated tools
2009-05-11 Simon Howkins Removed obsolete variable (@includes).
2009-05-11 Simon Howkins Copy Text::CSV module into source and change to use it, as we can't rely on it appearing in the Perl library when Perl 5.6.1 is installed.
2009-05-07 Shabe Razvi Package RnD binaries from rnd root location to reduce size of include list
2009-05-06 Shabe Razvi Make use of <hlm:fastcopy> taskdef to speed up copying of RnD binary tree.
2009-05-06 Shabe Razvi Make RnD merge conditional, only on discovery of rnd binary tree
2009-05-05 Shabe Razvi Add merge of RnD binaries into epoc32 tree as HLM target. Also create empty sources.csv and baseline.txt files if source sync/get baseline is disabled.
2009-05-05 Simon Howkins Improved zip template generation script, to take a third argument for the required location of the output file.
2009-05-05 Simon Howkins Fix the generation of the binary zip, so epoc32/include is zipped, but epoc32/build is not.
2009-05-05 Simon Howkins Exclude the .hg repository directories from the packaged src.
2009-05-01 ThomasE Added RnD binaries support in PRE-BUILD stage.
2009-05-01 ThomasE Fixed ant syntax from previous commit.
2009-05-01 ThomasE Implemented the "sf.spec.baseline.clean" switch.
2009-04-30 Shabe Razvi Strip drive and dir root from listing
2009-04-30 Shabe Razvi Exclude epoc32/build to stop intermediate obj files from being packaged
2009-04-29 Shabe Razvi Include epl/sfl category in zipfile name
2009-04-29 Shabe Razvi Add missing </if>
2009-04-29 Shabe Razvi 1. Run Packaging src at start and bin at end of build.
2009-04-29 Shabe Razvi Add first cut of packaging solution
2009-04-29 shaber If found then export cli_build_error.log to logs directory
2009-04-28 shaber Remove old s60 bldmelast step and replace with call to generate cenrep files.
2009-04-27 ShabeR Include --check on CLEAN and also remove S60_bldmelast configuration. It didnt work anyway as s60cli.exe is not present.
2009-04-22 BuildAdmin Fix generated sysdef filename and also remove erroneous comment
2009-04-21 BuildAdmin Make BOM identify thread safe
2009-04-21 ShabeR Fix missing <if> typo
2009-04-21 ShabeR Remove GenXML filtering and merge as platform System Model xml files should now be complete
2009-04-20 ShabeR Add intersection target to FBF
2009-04-20 ShabeR Add intersection option for difflist.pl
2009-04-16 ShabeR Correct source and target diff files
2009-04-15 DarioS Catchup from main repo
2009-04-15 DarioS Diamondize BOM info
2009-04-09 DarioS Fixed error
2009-04-09 DarioS Added project and config info to BOM files
2009-04-09 DarioS Added the revision number, moved BOM folder under /logs/
2009-04-09 DarioS Fixed misspelling of variable
2009-04-09 DarioS Added recording of baseline info in a BOM file
2009-04-08 DarioS Removed leftover notes at end of file
2009-04-08 DarioS Added try/catch around the tagging, so that the build doesn't fail if tag gives an error
2009-04-08 DarioS Targets must be separated by commas
2009-04-08 DarioS Adding removal of sources.csv before populating it
2009-04-08 DarioS Fixed path to sources.csv file
2009-04-08 DarioS Changed comment
2009-04-08 DarioS Removing old code
2009-04-08 DarioS Fixing nested vars issue
2009-04-08 DarioS New implementation of generation of BOM sources.csv
2009-04-06 DarioS Added revision identification
2009-04-03 DarioS Changed filter option to -i
2009-04-02 BuildAdmin Changed publish share to lon-engbuild87
2009-04-02 BuildAdmin Build drive G: gives issues on Foundation machines
2009-03-30 dariosestito Tag level should be "normal" otherwise the tags are not copied to the original repo
2009-03-30 dariosestito Added tagging of source code used in the build
2009-04-15 ShabeR 1. Update list and delta targets
2009-04-14 ShabeR Add tools to create file tree deltas and integrate them into build f/w
2009-04-09 ShabeR Update to allow foundation model build in single step
2009-04-07 ShabeR Add sf-zip-logs target to be run before sf-postbuild. Packages logs in zipfile for easy transfer.
2009-04-07 ShabeR Remove platform.properties as properties are no longer loaded this way.
2009-04-07 ShabeR Apply sbs clean before build. TODO add generic clean target next.
2009-03-31 shaberazvi Update Platform Config to build tools2 before tools - which must be run in single thread. Also update sync template to sync in parallel.
2009-03-30 dariosestito Commit
2009-03-30 dariosestito Fixed include option to -i (was -l)
2009-03-27 shaberazvi Add config changes in order to support s60 and os platform builds
2009-03-25 dariosestito name, codeline, number
2009-03-25 dariosestito Job drive defaults to G: and job number defaults to 0
2009-03-25 dariosestito Changed default rootdir and made it be used
2009-03-25 dariosestito Changed name of product and release spec vars
2009-03-24 dariosestito Added publishing of logs and reports
2009-03-24 dariosestito Added publishing stage
2009-03-23 dariosestito Enabled sf.spec.systemdefinition.assemble flag to control sysdef merge stage
2009-03-23 dariosestito Moved back the override
2009-03-23 dariosestito Moved override of create-canonical-sysdef-file
2009-03-23 dariosestito Changes to enable system definition file to be provided and used as is
2009-03-17 dariosestito Finalize catchup from Shabe's changes
2009-03-17 dariosestito Catchup from Shabe's changes
2009-03-17 dariosestito Reorganized property/reference importing structure
2009-03-11 shaberazvi Fix FMPP template to allow multiple repositories
2009-03-10 shaberazvi Correct new project filename
2009-03-10 shaberazvi Correct location
2009-03-10 shaberazvi Restore properties.default.ant.xml and allow projec spec to be configurable
2009-03-09 dejianmeng Progress in moving old vars to new formats
2009-03-09 dejianmeng merged with shabe's changes
2009-03-09 dejianmeng Enabled sf properties: sf.baseline.location and sf.baseline.getenv_options
2009-03-09 shaberazvi Added tag fbf_configs_0.0.a for changeset 29394d95b3e1
2009-03-06 shaberazvi Merge all changes fbf_configs_0.0.a
2009-03-05 shaberazvi Remove duplicate sync and rename sf-build-run to correct sf-build-noprep target
2009-03-05 shaberazvi Rename and move of generated source sync xml and also tidy up
2009-03-05 dariosestito Various changes
2009-03-04 shaberazvi Reorder target for check-tool-dependencies
2009-03-04 shaberazvi Fix target name
2009-03-04 shaberazvi Fix error in template counter
2009-03-04 shaberazvi Update and add build.sysdef.xml
2009-03-02 Dario Sestito test commital
2009-03-02 Dario Sestito Initial drop of FBF Helium configuration
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