Reinserted sf_refhw iMaker config, mistakenly removed in previous edit
authorDario Sestito <>
Wed, 28 Jul 2010 15:33:55 +0100
changeset 750 9ba8d209712a
parent 749 91069d6c267d
child 751 f1fb73c8c4d5
Reinserted sf_refhw iMaker config, mistakenly removed in previous edit
--- a/symbian3/single/sysdefs/system_model.xml	Wed Jul 28 14:34:08 2010 +0100
+++ b/symbian3/single/sysdefs/system_model.xml	Wed Jul 28 15:33:55 2010 +0100
@@ -1,78 +1,78 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
-<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel )>
-<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
-<!-- all paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SOURCEROOT if not.  -->
-<!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
-<!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
-<!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
-<!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
-<!ATTLIST layer
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
- <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST block
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
-<!-- Cellular Baseband Services, Networking Services, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST subblock
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
-<!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
-<!ATTLIST collection
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-<!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
-<!-- contains units or is a  package or prebuilt -->
-<!ATTLIST component
-  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
-  deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
-  introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
-  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
-  plugin (Y|N) "N"
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  supports CDATA #IMPLIED
-  purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
-<!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
-<!-- bldFile  may someday be removed in favour of mrp -->
-<!ATTLIST unit
-  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
-  prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
-  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
-  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!DOCTYPE SystemDefinition [
+<!ELEMENT SystemDefinition ( systemModel )>
+<!ATTLIST SystemDefinition
+<!-- all paths are relative to the environment variable specified by the root attribute, or SOURCEROOT if not.  -->
+<!-- System Model Section of DTD -->
+<!ELEMENT systemModel (layer+)>
+<!ELEMENT layer (block* | collection*)*>
+<!-- Kernel Services, Base Services, OS Services, Etc -->
+<!ATTLIST layer
+  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT block (subblock* | collection*)*>
+ <!-- Generic OS services, Comms Services, etc -->
+<!ATTLIST block
+  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT subblock (collection)*>
+<!-- Cellular Baseband Services, Networking Services, etc -->
+<!ATTLIST subblock
+  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT collection (component)*>
+<!-- Screen Driver, Content Handling, etc -->
+<!ATTLIST collection
+  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+<!ELEMENT component (unit)*>
+<!-- contains units or is a  package or prebuilt -->
+<!ATTLIST component
+  long-name CDATA #IMPLIED
+  deprecated CDATA #IMPLIED
+  introduced CDATA #IMPLIED
+  contract CDATA #IMPLIED
+  plugin (Y|N) "N"
+  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
+  supports CDATA #IMPLIED
+  purpose ( optional | mandatory | development ) "optional"
+<!-- must be buildable (bld.inf) -->
+<!-- bldFile  may someday be removed in favour of mrp -->
+<!ATTLIST unit
+  filter CDATA #IMPLIED
+  prebuilt NMTOKEN #IMPLIED
+  late (Y|N) #IMPLIED
+  priority CDATA #IMPLIED
 <SystemDefinition name="Symbian^3" schema="2.0.1">
 <layer name="adaptation" long-name="Adaptation" levels="low mw high">
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="os/ossrv/ofdbus/dbus-glib/group"/>
 <component name="ofdbus_rom" filter="s60" long-name="D-Bus ROM">
-<!-- Contains IBY for for dbus. Should remove #includes to above components and move this down a directory 
+<!-- Contains IBY for for dbus. Should remove #includes to above components and move this down a directory 
             Consider moving IBY file to one of the above as well and removing this component entirely -->
 <unit bldFile="os/ossrv/ofdbus/group"/>
@@ -1132,7 +1132,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="os/devicesrv/resourcemgmt/hwrmfmtxwatcherplugin/group"/>
 <component name="hwrmtargetmodifierplugin" filter="s60" long-name="HWRM Target Modifier Plugin" plugin="Y">
-<!-- uncomment the unit when configuration is in place, it's currently #included from resourcemgmt_build, 
+<!-- uncomment the unit when configuration is in place, it's currently #included from resourcemgmt_build, 
       		may need to  -->
 <!-- <unit bldFile="resourcemgmt/hwrmtargetmodifierplugin/group"/> -->
@@ -1146,7 +1146,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="os/devicesrv/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig" mrp="os/devicesrv/resourcemgmt/hwresourcesmgrconfig/telephony_hwrm-config.mrp"/>
 <component name="resourcemgmt_build" filter="s60" long-name="Resource Management Build">
-<!-- Move exports to a self-contained component.
+<!-- Move exports to a self-contained component.
          	This needs to be kept around until configuration is in place -->
 <unit bldFile="os/devicesrv/resourcemgmt/group"/>
@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/group"/>
 <component name="effectspresets_utils" filter="s60" long-name="Effects Presets Utils">
-<!-- need to #include the lot from a single bld.inf
+<!-- need to #include the lot from a single bld.inf
       		Also move to a standard component location, not under effectspresets -->
 <unit bldFile="os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/AudioEqualizerUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build"/>
 <unit bldFile="os/mm/devsoundextensions/effectspresets/EnvironmentalReverbUtility/group" filter="!dfs_build"/>
@@ -2538,7 +2538,7 @@
 <collection name="textandlocutils" long-name="Text and Localisation Utils" level="util">
-<!-- components in this collection need to be moved to the right collection.
+<!-- components in this collection need to be moved to the right collection.
     		Either move into the units' directories, or create a new textandlocutils directory -->
 <component name="numbergrouping" filter="s60" long-name="Number Grouping">
 <unit bldFile="os/textandloc/charconvfw/numbergrouping/group"/>
@@ -2584,8 +2584,8 @@
 <block name="xmlsrv" level="services" long-name="XML Services" levels="plugin server framework generic specific">
 <collection name="xmlsrv_plat" long-name="XML Services Platform Interfaces" level="specific">
 <component name="xmlsrv_plat_build" long-name="XML Services Platform Interface Build" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- need to fix the configuration used here. 
-	  Either destribute to other components or use the new feature flags confguration mechanisms.
+<!-- need to fix the configuration used here. 
+	  Either destribute to other components or use the new feature flags confguration mechanisms.
 	  Remove this component and uncomment the other units when fixed-->
 <unit bldFile="os/xmlsrv/xmlsrv_plat/group"/>
@@ -2728,6 +2728,9 @@
 <component name="rombuild_zoom2" filter="sf_build" long-name="Zoom2 iMaker Config" purpose="development" introduced="^3" class="config">
 <unit bldFile="os/deviceplatformrelease/sf_config/rombuild/zoom2/group"/>
+<component name="rombuild_sfrefhw" filter="sf_build" long-name="sf_refhw iMaker Config" purpose="development" introduced="^3" class="config">
+<unit bldFile="os/deviceplatformrelease/sf_config/rombuild/sf_refhw/group"/>
 <!-- should be located locally in buildplatforms/group. NB. This is a different package! -->
 <collection name="s60bld" long-name="S60 Build">
@@ -2977,7 +2980,7 @@
 <collection name="contextframework" long-name="Context Framework" level="framework">
-<!-- the units that are commented out need to be put back when configuration is in place.
+<!-- the units that are commented out need to be put back when configuration is in place.
 		They're currently #included by contextframework_build, which should be removed when the other units are uncommented -->
 <component name="cfw" filter="s60" long-name="Context Framework">
 <!--<unit bldFile="contextframework/cfw/group"/> -->
@@ -4046,8 +4049,8 @@
 <collection name="vpnengine" long-name="VPN Engine" level="engine">
-<!-- too many components in this collection.
-    		Probably best to group the binaries together into larger components
+<!-- too many components in this collection.
+    		Probably best to group the binaries together into larger components
     		or maybe split the collection into more reasonable groups  -->
 <component name="eventmediatorapi" filter="s60" long-name="Event Mediator API">
 <unit bldFile="mw/vpnclient/vpnengine/eventmediatorapi/group" filter="!oem_build"/>
@@ -4986,7 +4989,7 @@
 <!--   <unit bldFile="remotestoragefw/remotedriveconfigurationbiocontrol/group"/>-->
 <component name="remotestoragefw_build" filter="s60" long-name="Remote Storage Framework Build">
-<!-- move exports to other components.
+<!-- move exports to other components.
 				This is needed for #includes of configured component until congigiration is in place -->
 <unit bldFile="mw/remotestorage/remotestoragefw/group"/>
@@ -5241,9 +5244,9 @@
 <collection name="upnpharvester" long-name="UPnP Harvester" level="ctrl">
 <component name="upnpharvester_common" filter="s60" long-name="UPnP Harvester Common" introduced="^2" deprecated="^3" class="placeholder">
 <!-- need to merge or #include these to a single bld.inf -->
-<!--<unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmlibrary/group"/>
-        <unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmsettings/group"/>
-        <unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmsqlwrapper/group"/>
+<!--<unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmlibrary/group"/>
+        <unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmsettings/group"/>
+        <unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/cmsqlwrapper/group"/>
         <unit bldFile="upnpharvester/common/dbmanager/group"/>-->
 <component name="cdssync" filter="s60" long-name="CDS Sync" introduced="^2" deprecated="^3" class="placeholder">
@@ -5441,15 +5444,15 @@
 <component name="usbmscpersonality" filter="s60" long-name="USB MSC Personality" plugin="Y">
 <unit bldFile="mw/usbservices/usbclasses/usbmscpersonality/group"/>
-<!--	commented out in bld.inf. Should this be deleted?     
-  <component id="ptpstack" filter="s60" name="Picture Transfer Protocol Stack">
-        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/ptpstack/group"/>
-      </component>
-      <component id="sicdusbplugin" filter="s60" name="SICD USB Plugin" class="plugin">
-        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/sicdusbplugin/group"/>
-      </component>
-      <component id="ptpserver" filter="s60" name="Picture Transfer Protocol Server">
-        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/ptpserver/group"/>
+<!--	commented out in bld.inf. Should this be deleted?     
+  <component id="ptpstack" filter="s60" name="Picture Transfer Protocol Stack">
+        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/ptpstack/group"/>
+      </component>
+      <component id="sicdusbplugin" filter="s60" name="SICD USB Plugin" class="plugin">
+        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/sicdusbplugin/group"/>
+      </component>
+      <component id="ptpserver" filter="s60" name="Picture Transfer Protocol Server">
+        <unit bldFile="usbclasses/ptpserver/group"/>
 <component name="pictbridgeengine" filter="s60" long-name="PictBridge Engine">
 <unit bldFile="mw/usbservices/usbclasses/pictbridgeengine/group"/>
@@ -5555,7 +5558,7 @@
 <block name="metadatasrv" level="specific" long-name="Legacy Metadata Services" levels="plugin framework server generic specific">
 <collection name="metadatasrv_pub" long-name="Legacy Metadata Services Public Interfaces" level="specific">
 <component name="content_listing_framework_api" long-name="Content Listing Framework API" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
+<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
 	unit bldFile="metadatasrv_pub/content_listing_framework_api/group"/>-->
 <component name="media_fetch_api" long-name="Media Fetch API" filter="s60" class="api">
@@ -5571,11 +5574,11 @@
 <unit bldFile="mw/metadatasrv/metadatasrv_plat/media_fetch_implementation_api/group"/>
 <component name="content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api" long-name="Content Listing Framework Collection Manager API" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
+<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
     <unit bldFile="metadatasrv_plat/content_listing_framework_collection_manager_api/group"/>-->
 <component name="content_listing_framework_extended_api" long-name="Content Listing Framework Extended API" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
+<!-- Leave commented out until confguration is in use
     <unit bldFile="metadatasrv_plat/content_listing_framework_extended_api/group"/>-->
 <component name="metadatasrv_plat_build" long-name="Legacy Metadata Services Platform Interface Build" filter="s60" class="api">
@@ -6105,11 +6108,11 @@
 <unit bldFile="mw/mmappfw/mmappfw_plat/media_player_settings_engine_api/group"/>
 <component name="mpx_backstepping_utility_api" long-name="MPX Backstepping Utility API" introduced="^1" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- uncomment when configuration is put in place
+<!-- uncomment when configuration is put in place
 	 <unit bldFile="mmappfw_plat/mpx_backstepping_utility_api/group"/> -->
 <component name="asx_parser_api" long-name="ASX Parser API" introduced="^1" filter="s60" class="api">
-<!-- uncomment when configuration is put in place
+<!-- uncomment when configuration is put in place
     <unit bldFile="mmappfw_plat/asx_parser_api/group"/> -->
 <component name="playback_helper_api" long-name="Playback Helper API" introduced="^1" filter="s60" class="api">
@@ -6143,7 +6146,7 @@
 <collection name="mmappcomponents" long-name="Multimedia App Components" level="utils">
 <component name="mmappcomponents_build" filter="s60" long-name="Multimedia App Components Build" introduced="^1">
-<!-- needed for  #ifdefs and hrh include. Need to #include the .hrh file in each bld.inf
+<!-- needed for  #ifdefs and hrh include. Need to #include the .hrh file in each bld.inf
       		Can remove this once configuration is in place-->
 <unit bldFile="mw/mmappfw/mmappcomponents/group"/>
@@ -7103,10 +7106,10 @@
 <component name="fontprovider" filter="s60" long-name="Font Provider">
 <unit bldFile="mw/uiresources/fontsupport/fontprovider/group"/>
-<!-- R&D materials, should be Nokia only: exports S60 fonts, removes freetype
-      <component id="s60_fonts" filter="s60" name="S60 Fonts">
-        <unit bldFile="fontsupport/fontutils/group"/>
-      </component>
+<!-- R&D materials, should be Nokia only: exports S60 fonts, removes freetype
+      <component id="s60_fonts" filter="s60" name="S60 Fonts">
+        <unit bldFile="fontsupport/fontutils/group"/>
+      </component>
 <component name="fontutils" filter="sf_build" long-name="Font Utils">
 <unit bldFile="mw/uiresources/fontsupport/fontutils/FontUtils/group"/>
@@ -7371,7 +7374,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="mw/homescreensrv/contentpublishingsrv/contentharvester/group"/>
 <component name="contentpublishingsrv_build" filter="s60" long-name="Content Publishing Service Build">
-<!-- need to remove links to the above components and just contain the IBY (or move the IBY into another component). 
+<!-- need to remove links to the above components and just contain the IBY (or move the IBY into another component). 
       		If keeping, it need to move down a directory.-->
 <unit bldFile="mw/homescreensrv/contentpublishingsrv/group"/>
@@ -7393,7 +7396,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="mw/homescreensrv/contentcontrolsrv/hscontentinfo/group"/>
 <component name="contentcontrolsrv_build" long-name="Content Control Service Build" filter="s60" introduced="^3">
-<!-- need to remove links to the above components and just contain the IBY (or move the IBY into another component). 
+<!-- need to remove links to the above components and just contain the IBY (or move the IBY into another component). 
       		If keeping, it need to move down a directory.-->
 <unit bldFile="mw/homescreensrv/contentcontrolsrv/group"/>
@@ -7802,7 +7805,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="mw/web/codhandler/roapapp/group"/>
 <component name="codhandler_build" filter="s60" long-name="COD Handler Build">
-<!-- Exports need to go into another component or make this self-contained.
+<!-- Exports need to go into another component or make this self-contained.
       		#included .hrh file needs to be #included in each of the other components -->
 <unit bldFile="mw/web/codhandler/group"/>
@@ -7831,7 +7834,7 @@
 <!--<unit bldFile="widgets/widgetstartup/group"/>-->
 <component name="widgets_build" filter="s60" long-name="Widgets Build">
-<!-- when configuration is in place, the #ifdef is no longer needed and this component can be removed 
+<!-- when configuration is in place, the #ifdef is no longer needed and this component can be removed 
       		#included .hrh file needs to be #included in each of the other components -->
 <unit bldFile="mw/web/widgets/group"/>
@@ -8416,7 +8419,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/iptelephony/convergedconnectionhandler/cchclientapi/group"/>
 <component name="convergedconnectionhandler_build" filter="s60" long-name="CCH Build" introduced="^2">
-<!--  consider distributing this into the above components, or collapse the collection into a single component. 
+<!--  consider distributing this into the above components, or collapse the collection into a single component. 
       		The latter is a better option since clients and sevrers are rarely separate components -->
 <unit bldFile="app/iptelephony/convergedconnectionhandler/group"/>
@@ -8572,7 +8575,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/devicecontrol/devicediagnostics/diagsuites/group"/>
 <component name="devicediagnostics_build" filter="s60" long-name="Device Diagnostics Build">
-<!-- can the exports be moved to one of the other components?
+<!-- can the exports be moved to one of the other components?
 			or all  #includes removed from here, and it renamed Device Diagnostics ROM -->
 <unit bldFile="app/devicecontrol/devicediagnostics/group"/>
@@ -9609,7 +9612,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/commonemail/meetingrequest/mrurlparserplugin/group"/>
 <component name="meetingrequest_build" filter="s60" long-name="MR Build" introduced="^2">
-<!-- can the exports be broken up into the other components ?
+<!-- can the exports be broken up into the other components ?
 			alternatively, move the exports into a RM Config component-->
 <unit bldFile="app/commonemail/meetingrequest/group"/>
@@ -9841,8 +9844,8 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditor/plugins/sepiaplugin/group"/>
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditor/plugins/sharpnessplugin/group"/>
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditor/plugins/textplugin/group"/>
-<!-- conditionally #included in imageeditor_build: need to fix
-        <unit bldFile="imageeditor/plugins/drawplugin/group"/>
+<!-- conditionally #included in imageeditor_build: need to fix
+        <unit bldFile="imageeditor/plugins/drawplugin/group"/>
 <component name="editorprovider" filter="s60" long-name="Image Editor Provider">
@@ -9876,8 +9879,8 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditorengine/filters/filtersepia/group"/>
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditorengine/filters/filtersharpness/group"/>
 <unit bldFile="app/imgeditor/imageeditorengine/filters/filtertext/group"/>
-<!-- conditionally #included in imageeditor_build: need to fix
-        <unit bldFile="imageeditorengine/filters/filterdraw/group"/>
+<!-- conditionally #included in imageeditor_build: need to fix
+        <unit bldFile="imageeditorengine/filters/filterdraw/group"/>
 <component name="imageeditorutils" filter="s60" long-name="Image Editor Utilities">
@@ -10241,7 +10244,7 @@
 <collection name="scrsaver" long-name="Screen Saver" level="plugin">
 <component name="scrsaverplugins" filter="s60" long-name="Screen Saver Plugins" plugin="Y">
 <!-- must have only one component. #include from a common bld.inf, or move up a directory and make scrsaverplugins a collection -->
-<!--<unit bldFile="scrsaver/scrsaverplugins/ScreenSaverAnimPlugin/group/"/>
+<!--<unit bldFile="scrsaver/scrsaverplugins/ScreenSaverAnimPlugin/group/"/>
         <unit bldFile="scrsaver/scrsaverplugins/ScreenSaverGifAnimPlugin/group/"/>-->
 <component name="scrsaver_slideshowplugin" filter="s60" long-name="Screen Saver Slideshow Plugin" plugin="Y">
@@ -10601,7 +10604,7 @@
 <unit bldFile="app/webuis/pushmtm/plugins/group"/>
 <component name="pushmtm_build" filter="s60" long-name="Push MTM Build">
-<!-- Some content is at collection level and some is at comopnent level. Either make this a single
+<!-- Some content is at collection level and some is at comopnent level. Either make this a single
 			component and move it down a diretcory, or make separate independent components in this collection -->
 <unit bldFile="app/webuis/pushmtm/group"/>