Moved conntools into "app" layer to match the repository location.
authorSimon Howkins <>
Thu, 20 Aug 2009 16:49:53 +0100
changeset 162 e9f38894b4c9
parent 161 9288bd907448
child 163 e04aef86e166
Moved conntools into "app" layer to match the repository location. (This is subject to a further change shortly when the repository will change to reflect it moving from the app to mw.)
--- a/foundation/sysdefs/system_model.xml	Thu Aug 20 16:31:48 2009 +0100
+++ b/foundation/sysdefs/system_model.xml	Thu Aug 20 16:49:53 2009 +0100
@@ -7086,26 +7086,6 @@
-   <block name="conntools" long-name="Conn Tools" tech_domain="to" level="generic" levels="1 2">
-    <collection name="nettools" long-name="Net Tools" level="2">
-     <component name="conntest" long-name="Connection Test" origin-model="foundation">
-      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/nettools/conntest/group"/>
-     </component>
-     <component unofficial="yes" name="nettools_build" long-name="Net Tools Build" origin-model="foundation">
-      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/nettools/group"/>
-     </component>
-    </collection>
-    <collection name="emulatorlan" long-name="Emulator Lan" level="1">
-     <component name="emulatorlan_build" long-name="Emulator LAN Component" origin-model="foundation">
-      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/emulatorlan/group"/>
-     </component>
-    </collection>
-    <collection name="conntools_info" long-name="Conn Tools Info" level="2">
-     <component unofficial="yes" name="conntools_build" long-name="Conn Tools Build" origin-model="foundation">
-      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/group"/>
-     </component>
-    </collection>
-   </block>
    <block name="platformtools" long-name="Platform Tools" tech_domain="to" level="generic">
     <collection name="gfxconversion" long-name="Graphics Conversion">
      <component name="bmconv_s60" long-name="Bm Conv S60" origin-model="foundation">
@@ -7834,6 +7814,26 @@
+   <block name="conntools" long-name="Conn Tools" tech_domain="to" level="services" levels="1 2">
+    <collection name="nettools" long-name="Net Tools" level="2">
+     <component name="conntest" long-name="Connection Test" origin-model="foundation">
+      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/nettools/conntest/group"/>
+     </component>
+     <component unofficial="yes" name="nettools_build" long-name="Net Tools Build" origin-model="foundation">
+      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/nettools/group"/>
+     </component>
+    </collection>
+    <collection name="emulatorlan" long-name="Emulator Lan" level="1">
+     <component name="emulatorlan_build" long-name="Emulator LAN Component" origin-model="foundation">
+      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/emulatorlan/group"/>
+     </component>
+    </collection>
+    <collection name="conntools_info" long-name="Conn Tools Info" level="2">
+     <component unofficial="yes" name="conntools_build" long-name="Conn Tools Build" origin-model="foundation">
+      <unit bldFile="app/conntools/group"/>
+     </component>
+    </collection>
+   </block>
    <block name="printing" long-name="Printing" tech_domain="de" level="services" levels="app">
     <collection name="imageprint" long-name="ImagePrint" level="app">
      <component name="clog" origin-model="foundation">