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     1 # Copyright (c) 1995-2003 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
     2 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
     3 # under the same terms as Perl itself.
     5 =head1 NAME
     7 Date::Manip - date manipulation routines
     9 =head1 SYNOPSIS
    11  use Date::Manip;
    13  $date = ParseDate(\@args);
    14  $date = ParseDate($string);
    15  $date = ParseDate(\$string);
    17  @date = UnixDate($date,@format);
    18  $date = UnixDate($date,@format);
    20  $delta = ParseDateDelta(\@args);
    21  $delta = ParseDateDelta($string);
    22  $delta = ParseDateDelta(\$string);
    24  @str = Delta_Format($delta,$dec,@format);
    25  $str = Delta_Format($delta,$dec,@format);
    27  $recur = ParseRecur($string,$base,$date0,$date1,$flags);
    28  @dates = ParseRecur($string,$base,$date0,$date1,$flags);
    30  $flag = Date_Cmp($date1,$date2);
    32  $d = DateCalc($d1,$d2 [,$errref] [,$del]);
    34  $date = Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec);
    35  $date = Date_SetTime($date,$time);
    37  $date = Date_SetDateField($date,$field,$val [,$nocheck]);
    39  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,$dow,$today,$hr,$min,$sec);
    40  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,$dow,$today,$time);
    42  $date = Date_GetNext($date,$dow,$today,$hr,$min,$sec);
    43  $date = Date_GetNext($date,$dow,$today,$time);
    45  $version = DateManipVersion;
    47  $flag = Date_IsWorkDay($date [,$flag]);
    49  $date = Date_NextWorkDay($date,$off [,$time]);
    50  $date = Date_PrevWorkDay($date,$off [,$time]);
    52  $name = Date_IsHoliday($date);
    54  $listref = Events_List($date);
    55  $listref = Events_List($date0,$date1);
    57  &Date_Init();
    58  &Date_Init("VAR=VAL","VAR=VAL",...);
    59  @list = Date_Init();
    60  @list = Date_Init("VAR=VAL","VAR=VAL",...);
    62 The above routines all check to make sure that Date_Init is called.  If it
    63 hasn't been, they will call it automatically.  As a result, there is usually
    64 no need to call Date_Init explicitely unless you want to change some of the
    65 config variables (described below).
    67 The following routines are used by the above routines (though they can also
    68 be called directly).  $y may be entered as either a 2 or 4 digit year (it
    69 will be converted to a 4 digit year based on the variable YYtoYYYY
    70 described below).  Month and day should be numeric in all cases.  Most (if
    71 not all) of the information below can be gotten from UnixDate which is
    72 really the way I intended it to be gotten, but there are reasons to use
    73 these (these are significantly faster).
    75 ***NOTE*** Unlike the routines listed above, the following routines do NOT
    76 explicitely call Date_Init.  You must make sure that Date_Init has been
    77 called, either by you explicitely, or by one of the above routines before you
    78 use these routines.
    80  $day = Date_DayOfWeek($m,$d,$y);
    81  $secs = Date_SecsSince1970($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
    82  $secs = Date_SecsSince1970GMT($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
    83  $days = Date_DaysSince1BC($m,$d,$y);
    84  $day = Date_DayOfYear($m,$d,$y);
    85  $days = Date_DaysInYear($y);
    86  $wkno = Date_WeekOfYear($m,$d,$y,$first);
    87  $flag = Date_LeapYear($y);
    88  $day = Date_DaySuffix($d);
    89  $tz = Date_TimeZone();
    90  ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s) = Date_NthDayOfYear($y,$n);
    92 =head1 DESCRIPTION
    94 This is a set of routines designed to make any common date/time
    95 manipulation easy to do.  Operations such as comparing two times,
    96 calculating a time a given amount of time from another, or parsing
    97 international times are all easily done.  From the very beginning, the main
    98 focus of Date::Manip has been to be able to do ANY desired date/time
    99 operation easily, not necessarily quickly.  Also, it is definitely oriented
   100 towards the type of operations we (as people) tend to think of rather than
   101 those operations used routinely by computers.  There are other modules that
   102 can do a subset of the operations available in Date::Manip much quicker
   103 than those presented here, so be sure to read the section SHOULD I USE
   104 DATE::MANIP below before deciding which of the Date and Time modules from
   105 CPAN is for you.
   107 Date::Manip deals with time as it is presented the Gregorian calendar (the
   108 one currently in use).  The Julian calendar defined leap years as every 4th
   109 year.  The Gregorian calendar improved this by making every 100th year NOT
   110 a leap year, unless it was also the 400th year.  The Gregorian calendar has
   111 been extrapolated back to the year 0000 AD and forward to the year 9999 AD.
   112 Note that in historical context, the Julian calendar was in use until 1582
   113 when the Gregorian calendar was adopted by the Catholic church.  Protestant
   114 countries did not accept it until later; Germany and Netherlands in 1698,
   115 British Empire in 1752, Russia in 1918.  Note that the Gregorian calendar
   116 is itself imperfect and at some point will need to be corrected.  No attempt
   117 is made to correct for that, and my great great great grandchildren will be
   118 long dead before this even occurs, so it's not an immediate concern.  Yes,
   119 this is the same type of attitute that caused the great Y2K problem... but
   120 I have an excuse: I don't know what the correction will be, so I can't
   121 possible implement it.  Nobody doubted that the year after 1999 would be
   122 known as 2000 :-).
   124 Date::Manip is therefore not equipped to truly deal with historical dates,
   125 but should be able to perform (virtually) any operation dealing with a
   126 modern time and date.
   128 Date::Manip has (or will have) functionality to work with several fundamental
   129 types of data.
   131 =over 4
   133 =item DATE
   135 Although the word date is used extensively here, it is actually somewhat
   136 misleading.  Date::Manip works with the full date AND time (year, month,
   137 day, hour, minute, second and weeks when appropriate).  It doesn't work
   138 with fractional seconds.  Timezones are also supported to some extent.
   140 NOTE:  Much better support for timezones (including Daylight Savings Time)
   141 is planned for the future.
   143 =item DELTA
   145 This refers to a duration or elapsed time.  One thing to note is that, as
   146 used in this module, a delta refers only to the amount of time elapsed.  It
   147 includes no information about a starting or ending time.
   149 =item RECURRENCE
   151 A recurrence is simply a notation for defining when a recurring event
   152 occurs.  For example, if an event occurs every other Friday or every
   153 4 hours, this can be defined as a recurrence.  With a recurrence and a
   154 starting and ending date, you can get a list of dates in that period when
   155 a recurring event occurs.
   157 =item GRAIN
   159 The granularity of a time basically refers to how accurate you wish to
   160 treat a date.  For example, if you want to compare two dates to see if
   161 they are identical at a granularity of days, then they only have to occur
   162 on the same day.  At a granularity of an hour, they have to occur within
   163 an hour of each other, etc.
   165 NOTE:  Support for this will be added in the future.
   167 =item HOLIDAYS and EVENTS
   169 These are basically a named time.  Holidays are used in business mode
   170 calculations.  Events allow things like calendar and scheduling
   171 applications to be designed much more easily.
   173 =back
   175 Among other things, Date::Manip allow you to:
   177 1.  Enter a date and be able to choose any format convenient
   179 2.  Compare two dates, entered in widely different formats
   180     to determine which is earlier
   182 3.  Extract any information you want from ANY date using a
   183     format string similar to the Unix date command
   185 4.  Determine the amount of time between two dates
   187 5.  Add a time offset to a date to get a second date (i.e.
   188     determine the date 132 days ago or 2 years and 3 months
   189     after Jan 2, 1992)
   191 6.  Work with dates with dates using international formats
   192     (foreign month names, 12/10/95 referring to October
   193     rather than December, etc.).
   195 7.  To find a list of dates where a recurring event happens.
   197 Each of these tasks is trivial (one or two lines at most) with this package.
   199 =head1 EXAMPLES
   201 In the documentation below, US formats are used, but in most (if not all)
   202 cases, a non-English equivalent will work equally well.
   204 1.  Parsing a date from any convenient format
   206   $date = ParseDate("today");
   207   $date = ParseDate("1st thursday in June 1992");
   208   $date = ParseDate("05/10/93");
   209   $date = ParseDate("12:30 Dec 12th 1880");
   210   $date = ParseDate("8:00pm december tenth");
   211   if (! $date) {
   212     # Error in the date
   213   }
   215 2.  Compare two dates
   217   $date1 = ParseDate($string1);
   218   $date2 = ParseDate($string2);
   219   $flag = Date_Cmp($date1,$date2);
   220   if ($flag<0) {
   221     # date1 is earlier
   222   } elsif ($flag==0) {
   223     # the two dates are identical
   224   } else {
   225     # date2 is earlier
   226   }
   228 3.  Extract information from a date.
   230   print &UnixDate("today","It is now %T on %b %e, %Y.");
   231     =>  "It is now 13:24:08 on Feb  3, 1996."
   233 4.  The amount of time between two dates.
   235   $date1 = ParseDate($string1);
   236   $date2 = ParseDate($string2);
   237   $delta = DateCalc($date1,$date2,\$err);
   238     => 0:0:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS   the weeks, days, hours, minutes,
   239                             and seconds between the two
   240   $delta = DateCalc($date1,$date2,\$err,1);
   241     => YY:MM:WK:DD:HH:MM:SS  the years, months, etc. between
   242                              the two
   244   Read the documentation below for an explanation of the
   245   difference.
   247 5.  To determine a date a given offset from another.
   249   $date = DateCalc("today","+ 3hours 12minutes 6 seconds",\$err);
   250   $date = DateCalc("12 hours ago","12:30 6Jan90",\$err);
   252   It even works with business days:
   254   $date = DateCalc("today","+ 3 business days",\$err);
   256 6.  To work with dates in another language.
   258   &Date_Init("Language=French","DateFormat=non-US");
   259   $date = ParseDate("1er decembre 1990");
   261 7.  To find a list of dates where a recurring event happens
   262     (including quite complex ones).
   264   # To find the 2nd tuesday of every month
   265   @date = ParseRecur("0:1*2:2:0:0:0",$base,$start,$stop);
   267   # To find the Monday after easter in 1997-1999.
   268   @date = ParseRecur("*1997-1999:0:0:0:0:0:0*EASTER,ND1");
   270 NOTE: Some date forms do not work as well in languages other than English,
   271 but this is not because Date::Manip is incapable of doing so (almost nothing
   272 in this module is language dependent).  It is simply that I do not have the
   273 correct translation available for some words.  If there is a date form that
   274 works in English but does not work in a language you need, let me know and
   275 if you can provide me the translation, I will fix Date::Manip.
   277 =head1 SHOULD I USE DATE::MANIP
   279 If you look in CPAN, you'll find that there are a number of Date and Time
   280 packages.  Is Date::Manip the one you should be using?  In my opinion, the
   281 answer is no most of the time.  This sounds odd coming from the author of
   282 the software, but read on.
   284 Date::Manip is written entirely in perl.  It's the most powerful of the
   285 date modules.  It's also the biggest and slowest.
   287 Since Date::Manip is written entirely in perl, and depends on no other
   288 module not in a standard perl distribution, Date::Manip has no dependancies
   289 to meet.  Other modules have dependancies on a C compiler or other perl
   290 modules.  Since it is fairly easy to satisfy these dependancies for
   291 anyone who is reasonably familiar with perl modules, this is not a
   292 huge advantage that Date::Manip has.
   294 On the other hand, simpler perl modules tend to be faster than Date::Manip,
   295 and modules written in C are significantly faster than their perl
   296 counterparts (at least if they're done right).  The TimeDate and
   297 Time-modules modules are written in perl, but are much simpler (and
   298 hence, faster) than Date::Manip.  The Date::Calc module is written in C
   299 and is a good module for doing many date calculations much faster than
   300 Date::Manip.  Between these three, most of your common date operations
   301 can be done.
   303 Date::Manip is certainly the most powerful of the Date modules.  To the
   304 best of my knowledge, it will do everything that any other date module will
   305 do (not just the ones I listed above), and there are a number of features
   306 that Date::Manip has that none of the other modules have.  Date::Manip is
   307 the "Swiss Army Knife" of Date modules.  I'm trying to build a library
   308 which can do _EVERY_ conceivable date/time manipulation that you'll run
   309 into in everyday life.
   311 Although I am working on making Date::Manip faster, it will never be as
   312 fast as other modules.  And before anyone asks, Date::Manip will never
   313 be translated to C (at least by me).  I write C because I have to.  I
   314 write perl because I like to.  Date::Manip is something I do because it
   315 interests me, not something I'm paid for.
   317 Date::Manip is also big.  The last time I looked, it's one of the largest
   318 CPAN modules there is.  If you ignore modules like Tk, LWP, etc. which are
   319 actually packages of modules, it may be the largest.  It's true that
   320 Date::Manip will do almost every date operation you could imagine... but
   321 you rarely need all that power.  I'm working on reducing the footprint of
   322 Date::Manip, but even at it's slimmest, it'll outweigh the other modules by
   323 a good bit.
   325 If you are going to be using the module in cases where performance is an
   326 important factor (started up in a CGI program being run by your web server
   327 5,000 times a second), you should check out one of the other Date or Time
   328 modules in CPAN.  If you're only doing fairly simple date operations
   329 (parsing common date formats, finding the difference between two dates,
   330 etc.), the other modules will almost certainly suffice.  If you're doing
   331 one operation very repetitively (parsing 10,000 dates from a database), you
   332 are probably better off writing your own functions (perhaps bypassing all
   333 date modules entirely) designed specifically for your needs.
   335 On the other hand, if you want one solution for all your date needs, don't
   336 need peak speed, or are trying to do more exotic date operations,
   337 Date::Manip is for you.  Operations on things like business dates, foreign
   338 language dates, holidays and other recurring events, etc. are available
   339 more-or-less exclusively in Date::Manip.
   341 =head1 ROUTINES
   343 =over 4
   345 =item ParseDate
   347  $date = ParseDate(\@args);
   348  $date = ParseDate($string);
   349  $date = ParseDate(\$string);
   351 This takes an array or a string containing a date and parses it.  When the
   352 date is included as an array (for example, the arguments to a program) the
   353 array should contain a valid date in the first one or more elements
   354 (elements after a valid date are ignored).  Elements containing a valid
   355 date are shifted from the array.  The largest possible number of elements
   356 which can be correctly interpreted as a valid date are always used.  If a
   357 string is entered rather than an array, that string is tested for a valid
   358 date.  The string is unmodified, even if passed in by reference.
   360 The real work is done in the ParseDateString routine.
   362 The ParseDate routine is primarily used to handle command line arguments.
   363 If you have a command where you want to enter a date as a command line
   364 argument, you can use Date::Manip to make something like the following
   365 work:
   367   mycommand -date Dec 10 1997 -arg -arg2
   369 No more reading man pages to find out what date format is required in a
   370 man page.
   372 Historical note: this is originally why the Date::Manip routines were
   373 written (though long before they were released as the Date::Manip module).
   374 I was using a bunch of programs (primarily batch queue managers) where
   375 dates and times were entered as command line options and I was getting
   376 highly annoyed at the many different (but not compatible) ways that they
   377 had to be entered.  Date::Manip originally consisted of basically 1 routine
   378 which I could pass "@ARGV" to and have it remove a date from the beginning.
   380 =item ParseDateString
   382  $date = ParseDateString($string);
   384 This routine is called by ParseDate, but it may also be called directly
   385 to save some time (a negligable amount).
   387 NOTE:  One of the most frequently asked questions that I have gotten
   388 is how to parse seconds since the epoch.  ParseDateString cannot simply
   389 parse a number as the seconds since the epoch (it conflicts with some
   390 ISO-8601 date formats).  There are two ways to get this information.
   391 First, you can do the following:
   393     $secs = ...         # seconds since Jan 1, 1970  00:00:00 GMT
   394     $date = &DateCalc("Jan 1, 1970  00:00:00 GMT",$secs);
   396 Second, you can call it directly as:
   398     $date = &ParseDateString("epoch $secs");
   400 To go backwards, just use the "%s" format of UnixDate:
   402     $secs = &UnixDate($date,"%s");
   404 A full date actually includes 2 parts: date and time.  A time must include
   405 hours and minutes and can optionally include seconds, fractional seconds,
   406 an am/pm type string, and a timezone.  For example:
   408      [at] HH:MN              [Zone]
   409      [at] HH:MN         [am] [Zone]
   410      [at] HH:MN:SS      [am] [Zone]
   411      [at] HH:MN:SS.SSSS [am] [Zone]
   412      [at] HH            am   [Zone]
   414 Hours can be written using 1 or 2 digits, but the single digit form may
   415 only be used when no ambiguity is introduced (i.e. when it is not
   416 immediately preceded by a digit).
   418 A time is usually entered in 24 hour mode, but 12 hour mode can be used
   419 as well if AM/PM are entered (AM can be entered as AM or A.M. or other
   420 variations depending on the language).
   422 Fractional seconds are also supported in parsing but the fractional part is
   423 discarded (with NO rounding ocurring).
   425 Timezones always appear immediately after the time.  A number of different
   426 forms are supported (see the section TIMEZONEs below).
   428 Incidentally, the time is removed from the date before the date is parsed,
   429 so the time may appear before or after the date, or between any two parts
   430 of the date.
   432 Valid date formats include the ISO 8601 formats:
   437    YYYYMMDDHH
   438    YY-MMDDHHMNSSF...
   440    YY-MMDDHHMN
   441    YY-MMDDHH
   442    YYYYMMDD
   443    YYYYMM
   444    YYYY
   445    YY-MMDD
   446    YY-MM
   447    YY
   448    YYYYwWWD      ex.  1965-W02-2
   449    YYwWWD
   450    YYYYDOY       ex.  1965-045
   451    YYDOY
   453 In the above list, YYYY and YY signify 4 or 2 digit years, MM, DD, HH, MN, SS
   454 refer to two digit month, day, hour, minute, and second respectively.  F...
   455 refers to fractional seconds (any number of digits) which will be ignored.
   456 The last 4 formats can be explained by example:  1965-w02-2 refers to Tuesday
   457 (day 2) of the 2nd week of 1965.  1965-045 refers to the 45th day of 1965.
   459 In all cases, parts of the date may be separated by dashes "-".  If this is
   460 done, 1 or 2 digit forms of MM, DD, etc. may be used.  All dashes are
   461 optional except for those given in the table above (which MUST be included
   462 for that format to be correctly parsed).  So 19980820, 1998-0820,
   463 1998-08-20, 1998-8-20, and 199808-20 are all equivalent, but that date may
   464 NOT be written as 980820 (it must be written as 98-0820).
   466 NOTE:  Even though not allowed in the standard, the timezone for an ISO-8601
   467 date is flexible and may be any of the timezones understood by Date::Manip.
   469 Additional date formats are available which may or may not be common including:
   471   MM/DD  **
   472   MM/DD/YY  **
   473   MM/DD/YYYY  **
   475   mmmDD       DDmmm                   mmmYYYY/DD     mmmYYYY
   476   mmmDD/YY    DDmmmYY     DD/YYmmm    YYYYmmmDD      YYYYmmm
   477   mmmDDYYYY   DDmmmYYYY   DDYYYYmmm   YYYY/DDmmm
   479 Where mmm refers to the name of a month.  All parts of the date can be
   480 separated by valid separators (space, "/", or ".").  The separator "-" may
   481 be used as long as it doesn't conflict with an ISO 8601 format, but this
   482 is discouraged since it is easy to overlook conflicts.  For example, the
   483 format MM/DD/YY is just fine, but MM-DD-YY does not work since it conflicts
   484 with YY-MM-DD.  To be safe, if "-" is used as a separator in a non-ISO
   485 format, they should be turned into "/" before calling the Date::Manip
   486 routines.  As with ISO 8601 formats, all separators are optional except for
   487 those given as a "/" in the list above.
   489 ** Note that with these formats, Americans tend to write month first, but
   490 many other countries tend to write day first.  The latter behavior can be
   491 obtained by setting the config variable DateFormat to something other than
   492 "US" (see CUSTOMIZING DATE::MANIP below).
   494 Date separators are treated very flexibly (they are converted to spaces),
   495 so the following dates are all equivalent:
   497    12/10/1965
   498    12-10 / 1965
   499    12 // 10 -. 1965
   501 In some cases, this may actually be TOO flexible, but no attempt is made to
   502 trap this.
   504 Years can be entered as 2 or 4 digits, days and months as 1 or 2 digits.
   505 Both days and months must include 2 digits whenever they are immediately
   506 adjacent to another numeric part of the date or time.  Date separators
   507 are required if single digit forms of DD or MM are used.  If separators
   508 are not used, the date will either be unparsable or will get parsed
   509 incorrectly.
   511 Miscellaneous other allowed formats are:
   512   which dofw in mmm in YY      "first sunday in june 1996 at 14:00" **
   513   dofw week num YY             "sunday week 22 1995" **
   514   which dofw YY                "22nd sunday at noon" **
   515   dofw which week YY           "sunday 22nd week in 1996" **
   516   next/last dofw               "next friday at noon"
   517   next/last week/month         "next month"
   518   in num days/weeks/months     "in 3 weeks at 12:00"
   519   num days/weeks/months later  "3 weeks later"
   520   num days/weeks/months ago    "3 weeks ago"
   521   dofw in num week             "Friday in 2 weeks"
   522   in num weeks dofw            "in 2 weeks on friday"
   523   dofw num week ago            "Friday 2 weeks ago"
   524   num week ago dofw            "2 weeks ago friday"
   525   last day in mmm in YY        "last day of October"
   526   dofw                         "Friday" (Friday of current week)
   527   Nth                          "12th", "1st" (day of current month)
   528   epoch SECS                   seconds since the epoch (negative values
   529                                are supported)
   531 ** Note that the formats "sunday week 22" and "22nd sunday" give very
   532 different bahaviors.  "sunday week 22" returns the sunday of the 22nd week
   533 of the year based on how week 1 is defined.  ISO 8601 defines week one to
   534 contain Jan 4, so "sunday week 1" might be the first or second sunday of
   535 the current year, or the last sunday of the previous year.  "22nd sunday"
   536 gives the actual 22nd time sunday occurs in a given year, regardless of the
   537 definition of a week.
   539 Note that certain words such as "in", "at", "of", etc. which commonly appear
   540 in a date or time are ignored.  Also, the year is always optional.
   542 In addition, the following strings are recognized:
   543   today     (exactly now OR today at a given time if a time is specified)
   544   now       (synonym for today)
   545   yesterday (exactly 24 hours ago unless a time is specified)
   546   tomorrow  (exactly 24 hours from now unless a time is specifed)
   547   noon      (12:00:00)
   548   midnight  (00:00:00)
   549 Other languages have similar (and in some cases additional) strings.
   551 Some things to note:
   553 All strings are case insensitive.  "December" and "DEceMBer" both work.
   555 When a part of the date is not given, defaults are used: year defaults
   556 to current year; hours, minutes, seconds to 00.
   558 The year may be entered as 2 or 4 digits.  If entered as 2 digits, it will
   559 be converted to a 4 digit year.  There are several ways to do this based on
   560 the value of the YYtoYYYY variable (described below).  The default behavior
   561 it to force the 2 digit year to be in the 100 year period CurrYear-89 to
   562 CurrYear+10.  So in 1996, the range is [1907 to 2006], and the 2 digit year
   563 05 would refer to 2005 but 07 would refer to 1907.  See CUSTOMIZING
   564 DATE::MANIP below for information on YYtoYYYY for other methods.
   566 Dates are always checked to make sure they are valid.
   568 In all of the formats, the day of week ("Friday") can be entered anywhere
   569 in the date and it will be checked for accuracy.  In other words,
   570   "Tue Jul 16 1996 13:17:00"
   571 will work but
   572   "Jul 16 1996 Wednesday 13:17:00"
   573 will not (because Jul 16, 1996 is Tuesday, not Wednesday).  Note that
   574 depending on where the weekday comes, it may give unexpected results when
   575 used in array context (with ParseDate).  For example, the date
   576 ("Jun","25","Sun","1990") would return June 25 of the current year since
   577 Jun 25, 1990 is not Sunday.
   579 The times "12:00 am", "12:00 pm", and "midnight" are not well defined.  For
   580 good or bad, I use the following convention in Date::Manip:
   581   midnight = 12:00am = 00:00:00
   582   noon     = 12:00pm = 12:00:00
   583 and the day goes from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.  In other words, midnight is the
   584 beginning of a day rather than the end of one.  The time 24:00:00 is also
   585 allowed (though it is automatically transformed to 00:00:00 of the following
   586 day).
   588 The format of the date returned is YYYYMMDDHH:MM:SS.  The advantage of this
   589 time format is that two times can be compared using simple string comparisons
   590 to find out which is later.  Also, it is readily understood by a human.
   591 Alternate forms can be used if that is more convenient.  See Date_Init below
   592 and the config variable Internal.
   594 NOTE: The format for the date is going to change at some point in the future
   595 to YYYYMMDDHH:MN:SS+HHMN*FLAGS.  In order to maintain compatibility, you
   596 should use UnixDate to extract information from a date, and Date_Cmp to compare
   597 two dates.  The simple string comparison will only work for dates in the same
   598 timezone.
   600 =item UnixDate
   602  @date = UnixDate($date,@format);
   603  $date = UnixDate($date,@format);
   605 This takes a date and a list of strings containing formats roughly
   606 identical to the format strings used by the UNIX date(1) command.  Each
   607 format is parsed and an array of strings corresponding to each format is
   608 returned.
   610 $date may be any string that can be parsed by ParseDateString.
   612 The format options are:
   614  Year
   615      %y     year                     - 00 to 99
   616      %Y     year                     - 0001 to 9999
   617      %G     year                     - 0001 to 9999 (see below)
   618      %L     year                     - 0001 to 9999 (see below)
   619  Month, Week
   620      %m     month of year            - 01 to 12
   621      %f     month of year            - " 1" to "12"
   622      %b,%h  month abbreviation       - Jan to Dec
   623      %B     month name               - January to December
   624      %U     week of year, Sunday
   625             as first day of week     - 01 to 53
   626      %W     week of year, Monday
   627             as first day of week     - 01 to 53
   628  Day
   629      %j     day of the year          - 001 to 366
   630      %d     day of month             - 01 to 31
   632      %e     day of month             - " 1" to "31"
   633      %v     weekday abbreviation     - " S"," M"," T"," W","Th"," F","Sa"
   634      %a     weekday abbreviation     - Sun to Sat
   635      %A     weekday name             - Sunday to Saturday
   636      %w     day of week              - 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
   637      %E     day of month with suffix - 1st, 2nd, 3rd...
   638  Hour
   639      %H     hour                     - 00 to 23
   640      %k     hour                     - " 0" to "23"
   641      %i     hour                     - " 1" to "12"
   642      %I     hour                     - 01 to 12
   643      %p     AM or PM
   644  Minute, Second, Timezone
   645      %M     minute                   - 00 to 59
   646      %S     second                   - 00 to 59
   647      %s     seconds from 1/1/1970 GMT- negative if before 1/1/1970
   648      %o     seconds from Jan 1, 1970
   649             in the current time zone
   650      %Z     timezone                 - "EDT"
   651      %z     timezone as GMT offset   - "+0100"
   652  Date, Time
   653      %c     %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y     - Fri Apr 28 17:23:15 1995
   654      %C,%u  %a %b %e %H:%M:%S %z %Y  - Fri Apr 28 17:25:57 EDT 1995
   655      %g     %a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z - Fri, 28 Apr 1995 17:23:15 EDT
   656      %D,%x  %m/%d/%y                 - 04/28/95
   657      %l     date in ls(1) format
   658               %b %e $H:$M            - Apr 28 17:23  (if within 6 months)
   659               %b %e  %Y              - Apr 28  1993  (otherwise)
   660      %r     %I:%M:%S %p              - 05:39:55 PM
   661      %R     %H:%M                    - 17:40
   662      %T,%X  %H:%M:%S                 - 17:40:58
   663      %V     %m%d%H%M%y               - 0428174095
   664      %Q     %Y%m%d                   - 19961025
   665      %q     %Y%m%d%H%M%S             - 19961025174058
   666      %P     %Y%m%d%H%M%S             - 1996102517:40:58
   667      %F     %A, %B %e, %Y            - Sunday, January  1, 1996
   668      %J     %G-W%W-%w                - 1997-W02-2
   669      %K     %Y-%j                    - 1997-045
   670  Other formats
   671      %n     insert a newline character
   672      %t     insert a tab character
   673      %%     insert a `%' character
   674      %+     insert a `+' character
   675  The following formats are currently unused but may be used in the future:
   676      NO 1234567890 !@#$^&*()_|-=\`[];',./~{}:<>?
   677  They currently insert the character following the %, but may (and probably
   678  will) change in the future as new formats are added.
   680 If a lone percent is the final character in a format, it is ignored.
   682 Note that the ls format (%l) applies to date within the past OR future 6
   683 months!
   685 The %U, %W, %L, and %G formats are used to support the ISO-8601 format:
   686 YYYY-wWW-D.  In this format, a date is written as a year, the week of
   687 the year, and the day of the week.  Technically, the week may be considered
   688 to start on any day of the week, but Sunday and Monday are the two most
   689 common choices, so both are supported.
   691 The %U and %W formats return a week-of-year number from 01 to 53, and
   692 %L and %G return a 4-digit year corresponding to the week.  Most of the
   693 time, the %L and %G formats returns the same value as the %Y format,
   694 but there is a problem with days occuring in the first or last week of
   695 the year.
   697 The ISO-8601 representation of Jan 1, 1993 written in the YYYY-wWWW-D
   698 format is actually 1992-W53-5.  In other words, Jan 1 is treates as being
   699 in the last week of the preceding year.  Depending on the year, days in
   700 the first week of a year may belong to the previous year, and days in the
   701 final week of a year may belong to the next year.
   703 The %L and %U formats contains the year and week-of-year values treating
   704 weeks as starting on Sunday.  The %G and %W formats are the year and
   705 week-of-year values treating weeks as starting on Monday.
   707 %J returns the full ISO-8601 format (%G-W%W-%w).
   709 The formats used in this routine were originally based on date.pl (version
   710 3.2) by Terry McGonigal, as well as a couple taken from different versions
   711 of the Solaris date(1) command.  Also, several have been added which are
   712 unique to Date::Manip.
   714 =item ParseDateDelta
   716  $delta = ParseDateDelta(\@args);
   717  $delta = ParseDateDelta($string);
   718  $delta = ParseDateDelta(\$string);
   720 This takes an array and shifts a valid delta date (an amount of time)
   721 from the array.  Recognized deltas are of the form:
   722   +Yy +Mm +Ww +Dd +Hh +MNmn +Ss
   723       examples:
   724          +4 hours +3mn -2second
   725          + 4 hr 3 minutes -2
   726          4 hour + 3 min -2 s
   727   +Y:+M:+W:+D:+H:+MN:+S
   728       examples:
   729          0:0:0:0:4:3:-2
   730          +4:3:-2
   731   mixed format
   732       examples:
   733          4 hour 3:-2
   735 A field in the format +Yy is a sign, a number, and a string specifying
   736 the type of field.  The sign is "+", "-", or absent (defaults to the
   737 next larger element).  The valid strings specifying the field type
   738 are:
   739    y:  y, yr, year, years
   740    m:  m, mon, month, months
   741    w:  w, wk, ws, wks, week, weeks
   742    d:  d, day, days
   743    h:  h, hr, hour, hours
   744    mn: mn, min, minute, minutes
   745    s:  s, sec, second, seconds
   747 Also, the "s" string may be omitted.  The sign, number, and string may
   748 all be separated from each other by any number of whitespaces.
   750 In the date, all fields must be given in the order: Y M W D H MN S.  Any
   751 number of them may be omitted provided the rest remain in the correct
   752 order.  In the 2nd (colon) format, from 2 to 7 of the fields may be given.
   753 For example +D:+H:+MN:+S may be given to specify only four of the fields.
   754 In any case, both the MN and S field may be present.  No spaces may be
   755 present in the colon format.
   757 Deltas may also be given as a combination of the two formats.  For example,
   758 the following is valid: +Yy +D:+H:+MN:+S.  Again, all fields must be given
   759 in the correct order.
   761 The word "in" may be given (prepended in English) to the delta ("in 5 years")
   762 and the word "ago" may be given (appended in English) ("6 months ago").  The
   763 "in" is completely ignored.  The "ago" has the affect of reversing all signs
   764 that appear in front of the components of the delta.  I.e. "-12 yr 6 mon ago"
   765 is identical to "+12yr +6mon" (don't forget that there is an implied minus
   766 sign in front of the 6 because when no sign is explicitly given, it carries
   767 the previously entered sign).
   769 One thing is worth noting.  The year/month and day/hour/min/sec parts are
   770 returned in a "normalized" form.  That is, the signs are adjusted so as to
   771 be all positive or all negative.  For example, "+ 2 day - 2hour" does not
   772 return "0:0:0:2:-2:0:0".  It returns "+0:0:0:1:22:0:0" (1 day 22 hours
   773 which is equivalent).  I find (and I think most others agree) that this is
   774 a more useful form.
   776 Since the year/month and day/hour/min/sec parts must be normalized
   777 separately there is the possibility that the sign of the two parts will be
   778 different.  So, the delta "+ 2years -10 months - 2 days + 2 hours" produces
   779 the delta "+1:2:-0:1:22:0:0".
   781 It is possible to include a sign for all elements that is output.  See the
   782 configuration variable DeltaSigns below.
   784 NOTE: The internal format of the delta changed in version 5.30 from
   785 Y:M:D:H:MN:S to Y:M:W:D:H:MN:S .  Also, it is going to change again at some
   786 point in the future to Y:M:W:D:H:MN:S*FLAGS .  Use the routine Delta_Format
   787 to extract information rather than parsing it yourself.
   789 =item Delta_Format
   791  @str = Delta_Format($delta,$dec,@format);
   792  $str = Delta_Format($delta,$dec,@format);
   794 This is similar to the UnixDate routine except that it extracts information
   795 from a delta.  Unlike the UnixDate routine, most of the formats are 2
   796 characters instead of 1.
   798 Formats currently understood are:
   800    %Xv     : the value of the field named X
   801    %Xd     : the value of the field X, and all smaller fields, expressed in
   802              units of X
   803    %Xh     : the value of field X, and all larger fields, expressed in units
   804              of X
   805    %Xt     : the value of all fields expressed in units of X
   807    X is one of y,M,w,d,h,m,s (case sensitive).
   809    %%      : returns a "%"
   811 NOTE: Delta_Format only understands "exact" relationships, so for any delta
   812 that has a month component, there can be no mixing of the Y/M and
   813 W/D/H/MN/S segments.  In other words, the delta 1:6:1:1:1:1:1 has a month
   814 component, so asking for the total number of years (using the %yd format)
   815 will return 1.5 (which is what 1 year 6 months is).  For deltas which have
   816 NO month component, the relationship between years and days is known
   817 (365.25 is used) and all formats work as expected (except that formats with
   818 X equal to "M" are not allowed).
   820 So, the format "%hd" means the values of H, MN, and S expressed in hours.
   821 So for the delta "0:0:0:0:2:30:0", this format returns 2.5.  Similarly, the
   822 format "%yd" means the value (in years) of both the Y and M fields, or,
   823 if the month component is 0, it uses Y, W, D, H, MN, S.
   825 The format "%hh" returns the value of W, D, and H expressed in hours if
   826 the month component is non-zero, or Y, W, D, H if the month component is 0.
   828 If $dec is non-zero, the %Xd and %Xt values are formatted to contain $dec
   829 decimal places.
   831 =item ParseRecur
   833  $recur = ParseRecur($string [,$base,$date0,$date1,$flags]);
   834  @dates = ParseRecur($string [,$base,$date0,$date1,$flags]);
   836 A recurrence refers to a recurring event.  A fully specified recurrence
   837 requires (in most cases) 4 items: a recur description (describing the
   838 frequency of the event), a base date (a date when the event occurred and
   839 which other occurrences are based on), and a start and end date.  There may
   840 be one or more flags included which modify the behavior of the recur
   841 description.  The fully specified recurrence is written as:
   843   recur*flags*base*date0*date1
   845 Here, base, date0, and date1 are any strings (which must not contain any
   846 asterixes) which can be parsed by ParseDate.  flags is a comma separated
   847 list of flags (described below), and recur is a string describing a
   848 recurring event.
   850 If called in scalar context, it returns a string containing a fully
   851 specified recurrence (or as much of it as can be determined with
   852 unspecified fields left blank).  In list context, it returns a list of all
   853 dates referred to by a recurrence if enough information is given in the
   854 recurrence.  All dates returned are in the range:
   856   date0 <= date < date1
   858 The argument $string can contain any of the parts of a full recurrence.
   859 For example:
   861   recur
   862   recur*flags
   863   recur**base*date0*date1
   865 The only part which is required is the recur description.  Any values
   866 contained in $string are overridden or modified by values passed in as
   867 parameters to ParseRecur.
   869 A recur description is a string of the format Y:M:W:D:H:MN:S .  Exactly one
   870 of the colons may optionally be replaced by an asterisk, or an asterisk may
   871 be prepended to the string.
   873 Any value "N" to the left of the asterisk refers to the "Nth" one.  Any
   874 value to the right of the asterisk refers to a value as it appears on a
   875 calendar/clock.  Values to the right can be listed a single values, ranges
   876 (2 numbers separated by a dash "-"), or a comma separated list of values
   877 or ranges.  In a few cases, negative values are appropriate.
   879 This is best illustrated by example.
   881   0:0:2:1:0:0:0        every 2 weeks and 1 day
   882   0:0:0:0:5:30:0       every 5 hours and 30 minutes
   883   0:0:0:2*12:30:0      every 2 days at 12:30 (each day)
   884   3*1:0:2:12:0:0       every 3 years on Jan 2 at noon
   885   0:1*0:2:12,14:0:0    2nd of every month at 12:00 and 14:00
   886   1:0:0*45:0:0:0       45th day of every year
   887   0:1*4:2:0:0:0        4th tuesday (day 2) of every month
   888   0:1*-1:2:0:0:0       last tuesday of every month
   889   0:1:0*-2:0:0:0       2nd to last day of every month
   890   0:0:3*2:0:0:0        every 3rd tuesday (every 3 weeks on 2nd day of week)
   891   1:0*12:2:0:0:0       tuesday of the 12th week of each year
   892   *1990-1995:12:0:1:0:0:0
   893                        Dec 1 in 1990 through 1995
   895   0:1*2:0:0:0:0        the start of the 2nd week of every month (see Note 2)
   896   1*1:2:0:0:0:0        the start of the 2nd week in January each year (Note 2)
   898 I realize that this looks a bit cryptic, but after a discussion on the
   899 CALENDAR mailing list, it looked like there was no concise, flexible
   900 notation for handling recurring events.  ISO 8601 notations were very bulky
   901 and lacked the flexibility I wanted.  As a result, I developed this
   902 notation (based on crontab formats, but with much more flexibility) which
   903 fits in well with this module, and which is able to express every type of
   904 recurring event I could think of.
   906 NOTE: If a recurrence has a date0 and date1 in it AND a date0 and date1
   907 are passed in to the function, both sets of criteria apply.  If flags are
   908 passed in, they override any flags in the recurrence UNLESS the flags
   909 passed in start with a plus (+) character in which case they are appended
   910 to the flags in the recurrence.
   912 NOTE: There is no way to express the following with a single recurrence:
   914   every day at 12:30 and 1:00
   916 You have to use two recurrences to do this.
   918 NOTE: A recurrence specifying the week of a month is NOT clearly defined
   919 in common usage.  What is the 1st week in a month?  The behavior (with
   920 respect to this module) is well defined (using the FDn and FIn flags
   921 below), but in common usage, this is so ambiguous that this form should
   922 probably never be used.  It is included here solely for the sake of
   923 completeness.
   925 NOTE: Depending on whether M and W are 0 or nonzero, D means different
   926 things.  This is given in the following table.
   928   M  W  D (when right of an asterisk) refers to
   929   -  -  -------------------------------------------
   930   0  0  day of year (1-366)
   931   M  0  day of month (1-31)
   932   0  W  day of week (1-7),  W refers to the week of year
   933   M  W  the Wth (1-5 or -1 to -5) occurrence of Dth (1-7) day of week in month
   935 NOTE: Base dates are only used with some types of recurrences.  For example,
   937   0:0:3*2:0:0:0        every 3rd tuesday
   939 requires a base date.  If a base date is specified which doesn't match the
   940 criteria (for example, if a base date falling on Monday were passed in with
   941 this recurrence), the base date is moved forward to the first relevant date.
   943 Other dates do not require a base date.  For example:
   945   0:0*3:2:0:0:0        third tuesday of every month
   947 A recurrence written in the above format does NOT provide default values
   948 for base, date0, or date1.  They must be specified in order to get a list
   949 of dates.
   951 A base date is not used entirely.  It is only used to provide the parts
   952 necessary for the left part of a recurrence.  For example, the recurrence:
   954   1:3*0:4:0:0:0        every 1 year, 3 months on the 4th day of the month
   956 would only use the year and month of the base date.
   959 There are a small handful of English strings which can be parsed in place
   960 of a numerical recur description.  These include:
   962   every 2nd day [in 1997]
   963   every 2nd day in June [1997]
   964   2nd day of every month [in 1997]
   965   2nd tuesday of every month [in 1997]
   966   last tuesday of every month [in 1997]
   967   every tuesday [in 1997]
   968   every 2nd tuesday [in 1997]
   969   every 2nd tuesday in June [1997]
   971 Each of these set base, date0, and date1 to a default value (the current
   972 year with Jan 1 being the base date is the default if the year and month
   973 are missing).
   975 The following flags (case insensitive) are understood:
   977   MWn   : n is 1-7.  The first week of the month is the week
   978           which contains the first occurrence of day n (1=Monday).
   979           MW2 means that the first week contains the first Tuesday
   980           of the month.
   981   MDn   : n is 1-7.  The first week of the month contains the
   982           actual date (1st through 7th).  MD4 means that the first
   983           week of the month contains the 4th of that month.
   985   PDn   : n is 1-7.  Means the previous day n not counting today
   986   PTn   : n is 1-7.  Means the previous day n counting today
   987   NDn   : n is 1-7.  Means the next day n not counting today
   988   NTn   : n is 1-7.  Means the next day n counting today
   990   FDn   : n is any number.  Means step forward n days.
   991   BDn   : n is any number.  Means step backward n days.
   992   FWn   : n is any number.  Means step forward n workdays.
   993   BWn   : n is any number.  Means step backward n workdays.
   995   CWD   : the closest work day (using the TomorrowFirst config variable).
   996   CWN   : the closest work day (looking forward first).
   997   CWP   : the closest work day (looking backward first).
   999   NWD   : next work day counting today
  1000   PWD   : previous work day counting today
  1001   DWD   : next/previous work day (TomorrowFirst config) counting today
  1003   EASTER: select easter for this year (the M, W, D fields are ignored
  1004           in the recur).
  1006 NOTE: only one of MWn and MDn can be set.  If both are set, only the
  1007 last one is used.  The default is MW7 (i.e. the first week contains
  1008 the first Sunday).
  1010 CWD, CWN, and CWP will usually return the same value, but if you are
  1011 starting at the middle day of a 3-day weekend (for example), it will return
  1012 either the first work day of the following week, or the last work day of
  1013 the previous week depending on whether it looks forward or backward first.
  1015 All flags are applied AFTER the recurrence dates are calculated, and they
  1016 may move a date outside of the date0 to date1 range.  No check is made for
  1017 this.
  1019 The workday flags do not act exactly the same as a business mode calculation.
  1020 For example, a date that is Saturday with a FW1 steps forward to the first
  1021 workday (i.e. Monday).
  1023 =item Date_Cmp
  1025  $flag = Date_Cmp($date1,$date2);
  1027 This takes two dates and compares them.  Almost all dates can be compared
  1028 using the perl "cmp" command.  The only time this will not work is when
  1029 comparing dates in different timezones.  This routine will take that into
  1030 account.
  1032 NOTE:  This routine currently does little more than use "cmp", but once
  1033 the internal format for storing dates is in place (where timezone information
  1034 is kept as part of the date), this routine will become more important.  You
  1035 should use this routine in prepartation for that version.
  1037 =item DateCalc
  1039  $d = DateCalc($d1,$d2 [,\$err] [,$mode]);
  1041 This takes two dates, deltas, or one of each and performs the appropriate
  1042 calculation with them.  Dates must be a string that can be parsed by
  1043 &ParseDateString.  Deltas must be a string that can be parsed by
  1044 &ParseDateDelta.  Two deltas add together to form a third delta.  A date
  1045 and a delta returns a 2nd date.  Two dates return a delta (the difference
  1046 between the two dates).
  1048 Note that in many cases, it is somewhat ambiguous what the delta actually
  1049 refers to.  Although it is ALWAYS known how many months in a year, hours in
  1050 a day, etc., it is NOT known how many days form a month.  As a result, the
  1051 part of the delta containing month/year and the part with sec/min/hr/day
  1052 must be treated separately.  For example, "Mar 31, 12:00:00" plus a delta
  1053 of 1month 2days would yield "May 2 12:00:00".  The year/month is first
  1054 handled while keeping the same date.  Mar 31 plus one month is Apr 31 (but
  1055 since Apr only has 30 days, it becomes Apr 30).  Apr 30 + 2 days is May 2.
  1056 As a result, in the case where two dates are entered, the resulting delta
  1057 can take on two different forms.  By default ($mode=0), an absolutely
  1058 correct delta (ignoring daylight savings time) is returned in days, hours,
  1059 minutes, and seconds.
  1061 If $mode is 1, the math is done using an approximate mode where a delta is
  1062 returned using years and months as well.  The year and month part is
  1063 calculated first followed by the rest.  For example, the two dates "Mar 12
  1064 1995" and "Apr 13 1995" would have an exact delta of "31 days" but in the
  1065 approximate mode, it would be returned as "1 month 1 day".  Also, "Mar 31"
  1066 and "Apr 30" would have deltas of "30 days" or "1 month" (since Apr 31
  1067 doesn't exist, it drops down to Apr 30).  Approximate mode is a more human
  1068 way of looking at things (you'd say 1 month and 2 days more often then 33
  1069 days), but it is less meaningful in terms of absolute time.  In approximate
  1070 mode $d1 and $d2 must be dates.  If either or both is a delta, the
  1071 calculation is done in exact mode.
  1073 If $mode is 2, a business mode is used.  That is, the calculation is done
  1074 using business days, ignoring holidays, weekends, etc.  In order to
  1075 correctly use this mode, a config file must exist which contains the
  1076 section defining holidays (see documentation on the config file below).
  1077 The config file can also define the work week and the hours of the work
  1078 day, so it is possible to have different config files for different
  1079 businesses.
  1081 For example, if a config file defines the workday as 08:00 to 18:00, a
  1082 work week consisting of Mon-Sat, and the standard (American) holidays, then
  1083 from Tuesday at 12:00 to the following Monday at 14:00 is 5 days and 2
  1084 hours.  If the "end" of the day is reached in a calculation, it
  1085 automatically switches to the next day.  So, Tuesday at 12:00 plus 6 hours
  1086 is Wednesday at 08:00 (provided Wed is not a holiday).  Also, a date that
  1087 is not during a workday automatically becomes the start of the next
  1088 workday.  So, Sunday 12:00 and Monday at 03:00 both automatically becomes
  1089 Monday at 08:00 (provided Monday is not a holiday).  In business mode, any
  1090 combination of date and delta may be entered, but a delta should not
  1091 contain a year or month field (weeks are fine though).
  1093 See below for some additional comments about business mode calculations.
  1095 Note that a business week is treated the same as an exact week (i.e. from
  1096 Tuesday to Tuesday, regardless of holidays).  Because this means that the
  1097 relationship between days and weeks is NOT unambiguous, when a delta is
  1098 produced from two dates, it will be in terms of d/h/mn/s (i.e. no week
  1099 field).
  1101 If $mode is 3 (which only applies when two dates are passed in), an exact
  1102 business mode is used.  In this case, it returns a delta as an exact number
  1103 of business days/hours/etc. between the two.  Weeks, months, and years are
  1104 ignored.
  1106 Any other non-nil value of $mode is treated as $mode=1 (approximate mode).
  1108 The mode can be automatically set in the dates/deltas passed by including a
  1109 key word somewhere in it.  For example, in English, if the word
  1110 "approximately" is found in either of the date/delta arguments, approximate
  1111 mode is forced.  Likewise, if the word "business" or "exactly" appears,
  1112 business/exact mode is forced (and $mode is ignored).  So, the two
  1113 following are equivalent:
  1115    $date = DateCalc("today","+ 2 business days",\$err);
  1116    $date = DateCalc("today","+ 2 days",\$err,2);
  1118 Note that if the keyword method is used instead of passing in $mode, it is
  1119 important that the keyword actually appear in the argument passed in to
  1120 DateCalc.  The following will NOT work:
  1122    $delta = ParseDateDelta("+ 2 business days");
  1123    $today = ParseDate("today");
  1124    $date = DateCalc($today,$delta,\$err);
  1126 because the mode keyword is removed from a date/delta by the parse routines,
  1127 and the mode is reset each time a parse routine is called.  Since DateCalc
  1128 parses both of its arguments, whatever mode was previously set is ignored.
  1130 If \$err is passed in, it is set to:
  1131    1 is returned if $d1 is not a delta or date
  1132    2 is returned if $d2 is not a delta or date
  1133    3 is returned if the date is outside the years 1000 to 9999
  1134 This argument is optional, but if included, it must come before $mode.
  1136 Nothing is returned if an error occurs.
  1138 When a delta is returned, the signs such that it is strictly positive or
  1139 strictly negative ("1 day - 2 hours" would never be returned for example).
  1140 The only time when this cannot be enforced is when two deltas with a
  1141 year/month component are entered.  In this case, only the signs on the
  1142 day/hour/min/sec part are standardized.
  1144 =item Date_SetTime
  1146  $date = Date_SetTime($date,$hr,$min,$sec);
  1147  $date = Date_SetTime($date,$time);
  1149 This takes a date (any string that may be parsed by ParseDateString) and
  1150 sets the time in that date.  For example, one way to get the time for 7:30
  1151 tomorrow would be to use the lines:
  1153    $date = ParseDate("tomorrow");
  1154    $date = Date_SetTime($date,"7:30");
  1156 Note that in this routine (as well as the other routines below which use
  1157 a time argument), no real parsing is done on the times.  As a result,
  1159    $date = Date_SetTime($date,"13:30");
  1161 works, but
  1163    $date = Date_SetTime($date,"1:30 PM");
  1165 doesn't.
  1167 =item Date_SetDateField
  1169  $date = Date_SetDateField($date,$field,$val [,$nocheck]);
  1171 This takes a date and sets one of it's fields to a new value.  $field is
  1172 any of the strings "y", "m", "d", "h", "mn", "s" (case insensitive) and
  1173 $val is the new value.
  1175 If $nocheck is non-zero, no check is made as to the validity of the date.
  1177 =item Date_GetPrev
  1179  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,$dow, $curr [,$hr,$min,$sec]);
  1180  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,$dow, $curr [,$time]);
  1181  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,undef,$curr,$hr,$min,$sec);
  1182  $date = Date_GetPrev($date,undef,$curr,$time);
  1184 This takes a date (any string that may be parsed by ParseDateString) and finds
  1185 the previous occurrence of either a day of the week, or a certain time of day.
  1187 If $dow is defined, the previous occurrence of the day of week is returned.
  1188 $dow may either be a string (such as "Fri" or "Friday") or a number
  1189 (between 1 and 7).  The date of the previous $dow is returned.
  1191 If $date falls on the day of week given by $dow, the date returned depends
  1192 on $curr.  If $curr is 0, the date returned is a week before $date.  If
  1193 $curr is 1, the date returned is the same as $date.  If $curr is 2, the date
  1194 returned (including the time information) is required to be before $date.
  1196 If a time is passed in (either as separate hours, minutes, seconds or as a
  1197 time in HH:MM:SS or HH:MM format), the time on this date is set to it.  The
  1198 following examples should illustrate the use of Date_GetPrev:
  1200     date                   dow    curr  time            returns
  1201     Fri Nov 22 18:15:00    Thu    any   12:30           Thu Nov 21 12:30:00
  1202     Fri Nov 22 18:15:00    Fri    0     12:30           Fri Nov 15 12:30:00
  1203     Fri Nov 22 18:15:00    Fri    1/2   12:30           Fri Nov 22 12:30:00
  1205     Fri Nov 22 18:15:00    Fri    1     18:30           Fri Nov 22 18:30:00
  1206     Fri Nov 22 18:15:00    Fri    2     18:30           Fri Nov 15 18:30:00
  1208 If $dow is undefined, then a time must be entered, and the date returned is
  1209 the previous occurrence of this time.  If $curr is non-zero, the current
  1210 time is returned if it matches the criteria passed in.  In other words, the
  1211 time returned is the last time that a digital clock (in 24 hour mode) would
  1212 have displayed the time you passed in.  If you define hours, minutes and
  1213 seconds default to 0 and you might jump back as much as an entire day.  If
  1214 hours are undefined, you are looking for the last time the minutes/seconds
  1215 appeared on the digital clock, so at most, the time will jump back one hour.
  1217     date               curr  hr     min    sec      returns
  1218     Nov 22 18:15:00    0/1   18     undef  undef    Nov 22 18:00:00
  1219     Nov 22 18:15:00    0/1   18     30     0        Nov 21 18:30:00
  1220     Nov 22 18:15:00    0     18     15     undef    Nov 21 18:15:00
  1221     Nov 22 18:15:00    1     18     15     undef    Nov 22 18:15:00
  1222     Nov 22 18:15:00    0     undef  15     undef    Nov 22 17:15:00
  1223     Nov 22 18:15:00    1     undef  15     undef    Nov 22 18:15:00
  1225 =item Date_GetNext
  1227  $date = Date_GetNext($date,$dow, $curr [,$hr,$min,$sec]);
  1228  $date = Date_GetNext($date,$dow, $curr [,$time]);
  1229  $date = Date_GetNext($date,undef,$curr,$hr,$min,$sec);
  1230  $date = Date_GetNext($date,undef,$curr,$time);
  1232 Similar to Date_GetPrev.
  1234 =item Date_IsHoliday
  1236  $name = Date_IsHoliday($date);
  1238 This returns undef if $date is not a holiday, or a string containing the
  1239 name of the holiday otherwise.  An empty string is returned for an unnamed
  1240 holiday.
  1242 =item Events_List
  1244  $ref = Events_List($date);
  1245  $ref = Events_List($date ,0      [,$flag]);
  1246  $ref = Events_List($date0,$date1 [,$flag]);
  1248 This returns a list of events.  Events are defined in the Events section
  1249 of the config file (discussed below).
  1251 In the first form (a single argument), $date is any string containing a
  1252 date.  A list of events active at that precise time will be returned.
  1253 The format is similar to when $flag=0, except only a single time will
  1254 be returned.
  1256 In all other cases, a range of times will be used.  If the 2nd argument
  1257 evaluates to 0, the range of times will be the 24 hour period from
  1258 midnight to midnight containing $date.  Otherwise, the range is given
  1259 by the two dates.
  1261 The value of $flag determines the format of the information that is
  1262 returned.
  1264 With $flag=0, the events are returned as a reference to a list of the form:
  1266   [ date, [ list_of_events ], date, [ list_of_events ], ... ]
  1268 For example, if the following events are defined (using the syntax
  1269 discussed below in the description of the Event section of the config
  1270 file):
  1272   2000-01-01 ; 2000-03-21  = Winter
  1273   2000-03-22 ; 2000-06-21  = Spring
  1274   2000-02-01               = Event1
  1275   2000-05-01               = Event2
  1276   2000-04-01-12:00:00      = Event3
  1278 might result in the following output:
  1280   &Events_List("2000-04-01")
  1281    => [ 2000040100:00:00, [ Spring ] ]
  1283   &Events_List("2000-04-01 12:30");
  1284    => [ 2000040112:30:00, [ Spring, Event3 ] ]
  1286   &Events_List("2000-04-01",0);
  1287    => [ 2000040100:00:00, [ Spring ],
  1288         2000040112:00:00, [ Spring, Event3 ],
  1289         2000040113:00:00, [ Spring ] ]
  1291   &Events_List("2000-03-15","2000-04-10");
  1292    => [ 2000031500:00:00, [ Winter ],
  1293         2000032200:00:00, [ Spring ]
  1294         2000040112:00:00, [ Spring, Event3 ]
  1295         2000040113:00:00, [ Spring ] ]
  1297 Much more complicated events can be defined using recurrences.
  1299 When $flag is non-zero, the format of the output is changed.  If $flag
  1300 is 1, then a tally of the amount of time given to each event is returned.
  1301 Time for which two or more events apply is counted for both.
  1303   &Events_List("2000-03-15","2000-04-10",1);
  1304    => { Winter => +0:0:1:0:0:0:0,
  1305         Spring => +0:0:2:5:0:0:0,
  1306         Event3 => +0:0:0:0:1:0:0 }
  1308 When $flag is 2, a more complex tally with no event counted twice is
  1309 returned.
  1311   &Events_List("2000-03-15","2000-04-10",2);
  1312    => { Winter => +0:0:1:0:0:0:0,
  1313         Spring => +0:0:2:4:23:0:0,
  1314         Event3+Spring => +0:0:0:0:1:0:0 }
  1316 The hash contains one element for each combination of events.
  1318 =item Date_DayOfWeek
  1320  $day = Date_DayOfWeek($m,$d,$y);
  1322 Returns the day of the week (1 for Monday, 7 for Sunday).
  1324 All arguments must be numeric.
  1326 =item Date_SecsSince1970
  1328  $secs = Date_SecsSince1970($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
  1330 Returns the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00 (negative if date is
  1331 earlier).
  1333 All arguments must be numeric.
  1335 =item Date_SecsSince1970GMT
  1337  $secs = Date_SecsSince1970GMT($m,$d,$y,$h,$mn,$s);
  1339 Returns the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00 GMT (negative if date
  1340 is earlier).  If CurrTZ is "IGNORE", the number will be identical to
  1341 Date_SecsSince1970 (i.e. the date given will be treated as being in GMT).
  1343 All arguments must be numeric.
  1345 =item Date_DaysSince1BC
  1347  $days = Date_DaysSince1BC($m,$d,$y);
  1349 Returns the number of days since Dec 31, 1BC.  This includes the year 0000.
  1351 All arguments must be numeric.
  1353 =item Date_DayOfYear
  1355  $day = Date_DayOfYear($m,$d,$y);
  1357 Returns the day of the year (001 to 366)
  1359 All arguments must be numeric.
  1361 =item Date_NthDayOfYear
  1363  ($y,$m,$d,$h,$mn,$s) = Date_NthDayOfYear($y,$n);
  1365 Returns the year, month, day, hour, minutes, and decimal seconds given
  1366 a floating point day of the year.
  1368 All arguments must be numeric.  $n must be greater than or equal to 1
  1369 and less than 366 on non-leap years and 367 on leap years.
  1371 NOTE: When $n is a decimal number, the results are non-intuitive perhaps.
  1372 Day 1 is Jan 01 00:00.  Day 2 is Jan 02 00:00.  Intuitively, you
  1373 might think of day 1.5 as being 1.5 days after Jan 01 00:00, but this
  1374 would mean that Day 1.5 was Jan 02 12:00 (which is later than Day 2).
  1375 The best way to think of this function is a timeline starting at 1 and
  1376 ending at 366 (in a non-leap year).  In terms of a delta, think of $n
  1377 as the number of days after Dec 31 00:00 of the previous year.
  1379 =item Date_DaysInYear
  1381  $days = Date_DaysInYear($y);
  1383 Returns the number of days in the year (365 or 366)
  1385 =item Date_DaysInMonth
  1387  $days = Date_DaysInMonth($m,$y);
  1389 Returns the number of days in the month.
  1391 =item Date_WeekOfYear
  1393  $wkno = Date_WeekOfYear($m,$d,$y,$first);
  1395 Figure out week number.  $first is the first day of the week which is
  1396 usually 1 (Monday) or 7 (Sunday), but could be any number between 1 and 7
  1397 in practice.
  1399 All arguments must be numeric.
  1401 NOTE: This routine should only be called in rare cases.  Use UnixDate with
  1402 the %W, %U, %J, %L formats instead.  This routine returns a week between 0
  1403 and 53 which must then be "fixed" to get into the ISO-8601 weeks from 1 to
  1404 53.  A date which returns a week of 0 actually belongs to the last week of
  1405 the previous year.  A date which returns a week of 53 may belong to the
  1406 first week of the next year.
  1408 =item Date_LeapYear
  1410  $flag = Date_LeapYear($y);
  1412 Returns 1 if the argument is a leap year
  1413 Written by David Muir Sharnoff <muir@idiom.com>
  1415 =item Date_DaySuffix
  1417  $day = Date_DaySuffix($d);
  1419 Add `st', `nd', `rd', `th' to a date (ie 1st, 22nd, 29th).  Works for
  1420 international dates.
  1422 =item Date_TimeZone
  1424  $tz = Date_TimeZone;
  1426 This determines and returns the local timezone.  If it is unable to determine
  1427 the local timezone, the following error occurs:
  1429    ERROR: Date::Manip unable to determine TimeZone.
  1431 See The TIMEZONES section below for more information.
  1433 =item Date_ConvTZ
  1435  $date = Date_ConvTZ($date);
  1436  $date = Date_ConvTZ($date,$from);
  1437  $date = Date_ConvTZ($date,"",$to);
  1438  $date = Date_ConvTZ($date,$from,$to);
  1440 This converts a date (which MUST be in the format returned by ParseDate)
  1441 from one timezone to another.
  1443 If it is called with no arguments, the date is converted from the local
  1444 timezone to the timezone specified by the config variable ConvTZ (see
  1445 documentation on ConvTZ below).  If ConvTZ is set to "IGNORE", no
  1446 conversion is done.
  1448 If called with $from but no $to, the timezone is converted from the
  1449 timezone in $from to ConvTZ (of TZ if ConvTZ is not set).  Again, no
  1450 conversion is done if ConvTZ is set to "IGNORE".
  1452 If called with $to but no $from, $from defaults to ConvTZ (if set) or the
  1453 local timezone otherwise.  Although this does not seem immediately obvious,
  1454 it actually makes sense.  By default, all dates that are parsed are
  1455 converted to ConvTZ, so most of the dates being worked with will be stored
  1456 in that timezone.
  1458 If Date_ConvTZ is called with both $from and $to, the date is converted
  1459 from the timezone $from to $to.
  1461 NOTE: As in all other cases, the $date returned from Date_ConvTZ has no
  1462 timezone information included as part of it, so calling UnixDate with the
  1463 "%z" format will return the timezone that Date::Manip is working in
  1464 (usually the local timezone).
  1466 Example:  To convert 2/2/96 noon PST to CST (regardless of what timezone
  1467 you are in, do the following:
  1469  $date = ParseDate("2/2/96 noon");
  1470  $date = Date_ConvTZ($date,"PST","CST");
  1472 Both timezones MUST be in one of the formats listed below in the section
  1475 =item Date_Init
  1477  &Date_Init();
  1478  &Date_Init("VAR=VAL","VAR=VAL",...);
  1479  @list = Date_Init();
  1480  @list = Date_Init("VAR=VAL","VAR=VAL",...);
  1482 Normally, it is not necessary to explicitly call Date_Init.  The first
  1483 time any of the other routines are called, Date_Init will be called to set
  1484 everything up.  If for some reason you want to change the configuration of
  1485 Date::Manip, you can pass the appropriate string or strings into Date_Init
  1486 to reinitialize things.
  1488 The strings to pass in are of the form "VAR=VAL".  Any number may be
  1489 included and they can come in any order.  VAR may be any configuration
  1490 variable.  A list of all configuration variables is given in the section
  1491 CUSTOMIZING DATE::MANIP below.  VAL is any allowed value for that variable.
  1492 For example, to switch from English to French and use non-US format (so
  1493 that 12/10 is Oct 12), do the following:
  1495   &Date_Init("Language=French","DateFormat=non-US");
  1497 If Date_Init is called in list context, it will return a list of all
  1498 config variables and their values suitable for passing in to Date_Init
  1499 to return Date::Manip to the current state.  The only possible problem is
  1500 that by default, holidays will not be erased, so you may need to prepend
  1501 the "EraseHolidays=1" element to the list.
  1503 =item Date_IsWorkDay
  1505   $flag = Date_IsWorkDay($date [,$flag]);
  1507 This returns 1 if $date is a work day.  If $flag is non-zero, the time is
  1508 checked to see if it falls within work hours.  It returns an empty string
  1509 if $date is not valid.
  1511 =item Date_NextWorkDay
  1513   $date = Date_NextWorkDay($date,$off [,$time]);
  1515 Finds the day $off work days from now.  If $time is passed in, we must also
  1516 take into account the time of day.
  1518 If $time is not passed in, day 0 is today (if today is a workday) or the
  1519 next work day if it isn't.  In any case, the time of day is unaffected.
  1521 If $time is passed in, day 0 is now (if now is part of a workday) or the
  1522 start of the very next work day.
  1524 =item Date_PrevWorkDay
  1526   $date = Date_PrevWorkDay($date,$off [,$time]);
  1528 Similar to Date_NextWorkDay.
  1530 =item Date_NearestWorkDay
  1532   $date = Date_NearestWorkDay($date [,$tomorrowfirst]);
  1534 This looks for the work day nearest to $date.  If $date is a work day, it
  1535 is returned.  Otherwise, it will look forward or backwards in time 1 day
  1536 at a time until a work day is found.  If $tomorrowfirst is non-zero (or if
  1537 it is omitted and the config variable TomorrowFirst is non-zero), we look
  1538 to the future first.  Otherwise, we look in the past first.  In other words,
  1539 in a normal week, if $date is Wednesday, $date is returned.  If $date is
  1540 Saturday, Friday is returned.  If $date is Sunday, Monday is returned.  If
  1541 Wednesday is a holiday, Thursday is returned if $tomorrowfirst is non-nil
  1542 or Tuesday otherwise.
  1544 =item DateManipVersion
  1546   $version = DateManipVersion;
  1548 Returns the version of Date::Manip.
  1550 =back
  1552 =head1 TIMEZONES
  1554 The following timezone names are currently understood (and can be used in
  1555 parsing dates).  These are zones defined in RFC 822.
  1557     Universal:  GMT, UT
  1558     US zones :  EST, EDT, CST, CDT, MST, MDT, PST, PDT
  1559     Military :  A to Z (except J)
  1560     Other    :  +HHMM or -HHMM
  1561     ISO 8601 :  +HH:MM, +HH, -HH:MM, -HH
  1563 In addition, the following timezone abbreviations are also accepted.  In a
  1564 few cases, the same abbreviation is used for two different timezones (for
  1565 example, NST stands for Newfoundland Standard -0330 and North Sumatra +0630).
  1566 In these cases, only 1 of the two is available.  The one preceded by a "#"
  1567 sign is NOT available but is documented here for completeness.  This list of
  1568 zones comes in part from the Time::Zone module by Graham Barr, David Muir
  1569 Sharnoff, and Paul Foley (with several additions by myself).
  1571       IDLW    -1200    International Date Line West
  1572       NT      -1100    Nome
  1573       HST     -1000    Hawaii Standard
  1574       CAT     -1000    Central Alaska
  1575       AHST    -1000    Alaska-Hawaii Standard
  1576       AKST    -0900    Alaska Standard
  1577       YST     -0900    Yukon Standard
  1578       HDT     -0900    Hawaii Daylight
  1579       AKDT    -0800    Alaska Daylight
  1580       YDT     -0800    Yukon Daylight
  1581       PST     -0800    Pacific Standard
  1582       PDT     -0700    Pacific Daylight
  1583       MST     -0700    Mountain Standard
  1584       MDT     -0600    Mountain Daylight
  1585       CST     -0600    Central Standard
  1586       CDT     -0500    Central Daylight
  1587       EST     -0500    Eastern Standard
  1588       ACT     -0500    Brazil, Acre
  1589       SAT     -0400    Chile
  1590       BOT     -0400    Bolivia
  1591       EDT     -0400    Eastern Daylight
  1592       AST     -0400    Atlantic Standard
  1593       AMT     -0400    Brazil, Amazon
  1594       ACST    -0400    Brazil, Acre Daylight
  1595      #NST     -0330    Newfoundland Standard       nst=North Sumatra    +0630
  1596       NFT     -0330    Newfoundland
  1597      #GST     -0300    Greenland Standard          gst=Guam Standard    +1000
  1598      #BST     -0300    Brazil Standard             bst=British Summer   +0100
  1599       BRST    -0300    Brazil Standard
  1600       BRT     -0300    Brazil Standard
  1601       AMST    -0300    Brazil, Amazon Daylight
  1602       ADT     -0300    Atlantic Daylight
  1603       ART     -0300    Argentina
  1604       NDT     -0230    Newfoundland Daylight
  1605       AT      -0200    Azores
  1606       BRST    -0200    Brazil Daylight (official time)
  1607       FNT     -0200    Brazil, Fernando de Noronha
  1608       WAT     -0100    West Africa
  1609       FNST    -0100    Brazil, Fernando de Noronha Daylight
  1610       GMT     +0000    Greenwich Mean
  1611       UT      +0000    Universal (Coordinated)
  1612       UTC     +0000    Universal (Coordinated)
  1613       WET     +0000    Western European
  1614       CET     +0100    Central European
  1615       FWT     +0100    French Winter
  1616       MET     +0100    Middle European
  1617       MEZ     +0100    Middle European
  1618       MEWT    +0100    Middle European Winter
  1619       SWT     +0100    Swedish Winter
  1620       BST     +0100    British Summer              bst=Brazil standard  -0300
  1621       GB      +0100    GMT with daylight savings
  1622       WEST    +0000    Western European Daylight
  1623       CEST    +0200    Central European Summer
  1624       EET     +0200    Eastern Europe, USSR Zone 1
  1625       FST     +0200    French Summer
  1626       MEST    +0200    Middle European Summer
  1627       MESZ    +0200    Middle European Summer
  1628       METDST  +0200    An alias for MEST used by HP-UX
  1629       SAST    +0200    South African Standard
  1630       SST     +0200    Swedish Summer              sst=South Sumatra    +0700
  1631       EEST    +0300    Eastern Europe Summer
  1632       BT      +0300    Baghdad, USSR Zone 2
  1633       MSK     +0300    Moscow
  1634       EAT     +0300    East Africa
  1635       IT      +0330    Iran
  1636       ZP4     +0400    USSR Zone 3
  1637       MSD     +0300    Moscow Daylight
  1638       ZP5     +0500    USSR Zone 4
  1639       IST     +0530    Indian Standard
  1640       ZP6     +0600    USSR Zone 5
  1641       NOVST   +0600    Novosibirsk time zone, Russia
  1642       NST     +0630    North Sumatra               nst=Newfoundland Std -0330
  1643      #SST     +0700    South Sumatra, USSR Zone 6  sst=Swedish Summer   +0200
  1644       JAVT    +0700    Java
  1645       CCT     +0800    China Coast, USSR Zone 7
  1646       AWST    +0800    Australian Western Standard
  1647       WST     +0800    West Australian Standard
  1648       PHT     +0800    Asia Manila
  1649       JST     +0900    Japan Standard, USSR Zone 8
  1650       ROK     +0900    Republic of Korea
  1651       ACST    +0930    Australian Central Standard
  1652       CAST    +0930    Central Australian Standard
  1653       AEST    +1000    Australian Eastern Standard
  1654       EAST    +1000    Eastern Australian Standard
  1655       GST     +1000    Guam Standard, USSR Zone 9  gst=Greenland Std    -0300
  1656       ACDT    +1030    Australian Central Daylight
  1657       CADT    +1030    Central Australian Daylight
  1658       AEDT    +1100    Australian Eastern Daylight
  1659       EADT    +1100    Eastern Australian Daylight
  1660       IDLE    +1200    International Date Line East
  1661       NZST    +1200    New Zealand Standard
  1662       NZT     +1200    New Zealand
  1663       NZDT    +1300    New Zealand Daylight
  1665 Others can be added in the future upon request.
  1667 Date::Manip must be able to determine the timezone the user is in.  It does
  1668 this by looking in the following places:
  1670    $Date::Manip::TZ (set with Date_Init or in Manip.pm)
  1671    $ENV{TZ}
  1672    the unix `date` command (if available)
  1673    $main::TZ
  1674    /etc/TIMEZONE
  1675    /etc/timezone
  1677 At least one of these should contain a timezone in one of the supported
  1678 forms.  If none do by default, the TZ variable must be set with Date_Init.
  1680 The timezone may be in the STD#DST format (in which case both abbreviations
  1681 must be in the table above) or any of the formats described above.  The
  1682 STD#DST format is NOT available when parsing a date however.  The following
  1683 forms are also available and are treated similar to the STD#DST forms:
  1685       US/Pacific
  1686       US/Mountain
  1687       US/Central
  1688       US/Eastern
  1689       Canada/Pacific
  1690       Canada/Mountain
  1691       Canada/Central
  1692       Canada/Eastern
  1694 =head1 BUSINESS MODE
  1696 Anyone using business mode is going to notice a few quirks about it which
  1697 should be explained.  When I designed business mode, I had in mind what UPS
  1698 tells me when they say 2 day delivery, or what the local business which
  1699 promises 1 business day turnaround really means.
  1701 If you do a business day calculation (with the workday set to 9:00-5:00),
  1702 you will get the following:
  1704    Saturday at noon + 1 business day = Tuesday at 9:00
  1705    Saturday at noon - 1 business day = Friday at 9:00
  1707 What does this mean?
  1709 We have a business that works 9-5 and they have a drop box so I can drop
  1710 things off over the weekend and they promise 1 business day turnaround.  If
  1711 I drop something off Friday night, Saturday, or Sunday, it doesn't matter.
  1712 They're going to get started on it Monday morning.  It'll be 1 business day
  1713 to finish the job, so the earliest I can expect it to be done is around
  1714 17:00 Monday or 9:00 Tuesday morning.  Unfortunately, there is some
  1715 ambiguity as to what day 17:00 really falls on, similar to the ambiguity
  1716 that occurs when you ask what day midnight falls on.  Although it's not the
  1717 only answer, Date::Manip treats midnight as the beginning of a day rather
  1718 than the end of one.  In the same way, 17:00 is equivalent to 9:00 the next
  1719 day and any time the date calculations encounter 17:00, it automatically
  1720 switch to 9:00 the next day.  Although this introduces some quirks, I think
  1721 this is justified.  You just have to treat 17:00/9:00 as being ambiguous
  1722 (in the same way you treat midnight as being ambiguous).
  1724 Equivalently, if I want a job to be finished on Saturday (despite the fact
  1725 that I cannot pick it up since the business is closed), I have to drop it
  1726 off no later than Friday at 9:00.  That gives them a full business day to
  1727 finish it off.  Of course, I could just as easily drop it off at 17:00
  1728 Thursday, or any time between then and 9:00 Friday.  Again, it's a matter
  1729 of treating 9:00 as ambiguous.
  1731 So, in case the business date calculations ever produce results that you
  1732 find confusing, I believe the solution is to write a wrapper which,
  1733 whenever it sees a date with the time of exactly 9:00, it treats it
  1734 specially (depending on what you want.
  1736 So Saturday + 1 business day = Tuesday at 9:00 (which means anything
  1737 from Monday 17:00 to Tuesday 9:00), but Monday at 9:01 + 1 business
  1738 day = Tuesday at 9:01 which is exact.
  1740 If this is not exactly what you have in mind, don't use the DateCalc
  1741 routine.  You can probably get whatever behavior you want using the
  1742 routines Date_IsWorkDay, Date_NextWorkDay, and Date_PrevWorkDay described
  1743 above.
  1747 There are a number of variables which can be used to customize the way
  1748 Date::Manip behaves.  There are also several ways to set these variables.
  1750 At the top of the Manip.pm file, there is a section which contains all
  1751 customization variables.  These provide the default values.
  1753 These can be overridden in a global config file if one is present (this
  1754 file is optional).  If the GlobalCnf variable is set in the Manip.pm file,
  1755 it contains the full path to a config file.  If the file exists, it's
  1756 values will override those set in the Manip.pm file.  A sample config file
  1757 is included with the Date::Manip distribution.  Modify it as appropriate
  1758 and copy it to some appropriate directory and set the GlobalCnf variable in
  1759 the Manip.pm file.
  1761 Each user can have a personal config file which is of the same form as the
  1762 global config file.  The variables PersonalCnf and PersonalCnfPath set the
  1763 name and search path for the personal config file.  This file is also
  1764 optional.  If present, it overrides any values set in the global file.
  1766 NOTE: if you use business mode calculations, you must have a config file
  1767 (either global or personal) since this is the only place where you can
  1768 define holidays.
  1770 Finally, any variables passed in through Date_Init override all other
  1771 values.
  1773 A config file can be composed of several sections.  The first section sets
  1774 configuration variables.  Lines in this section are of the form:
  1776    VARIABLE = VALUE
  1778 For example, to make the default language French, include the line:
  1780    Language = French
  1782 Only variables described below may be used.  Blank lines and lines beginning
  1783 with a pound sign (#) are ignored.  All spaces are optional and strings are
  1784 case insensitive.
  1786 A line which starts with an asterisk (*) designates a new section.  For
  1787 example, the HOLIDAY section starts with a line:
  1789    *Holiday
  1791 The various sections are defined below.
  1795 All Date::Manip variables which can be used are described in the following
  1796 section.
  1798 =over 4
  1800 =item IgnoreGlobalCnf
  1802 If this variable is used (any value is ignored), the global config file
  1803 is not read.  It must be present in the initial call to Date_Init or the
  1804 global config file will be read.
  1806 =item EraseHolidays
  1808 If this variable is used (any value is ignored), the current list of
  1809 defined holidays is erased.  A new set will be set the next time a
  1810 config file is read in.  This can be set in either the global config file
  1811 or as a Date_Init argument (in which case holidays can be read in from
  1812 both the global and personal config files) or in the personal config file
  1813 (in which case, only holidays in the personal config file are counted).
  1815 =item PathSep
  1817 This is a regular expression used to separate multiple paths.  For example,
  1818 on Unix, it defaults to a colon (:) so that multiple paths can be written
  1819 PATH1:PATH2 .  For Win32 platforms, it defaults to a semicolon (;) so that
  1820 paths such as "c:\;d:\" will work.
  1822 =item GlobalCnf
  1824 This variable can be passed into Date_Init to point to a global
  1825 configuration file.  The value must be the complete path to a config file.
  1827 By default, no global config file is read.  Any time a global config file
  1828 is read, the holidays are erased.
  1830 Paths may have a tilde (~) expansion on platforms where this is supported
  1831 (currently Unix and VMS).
  1833 =item PersonalCnf
  1835 This variable can be passed into Date_Init or set in a global config file
  1836 to set the name of the personal configuration file.
  1838 The default name for the config file is .DateManip.cnf on all Unix
  1839 platforms and Manip.cnf on all non-Unix platforms (because some of them
  1840 insist on 8.3 character filenames :-).
  1842 =item PersonalCnfPath
  1844 This is a list of paths separated by the separator specified by the PathSep
  1845 variable.  These paths are each checked for the PersonalCnf config file.
  1847 Paths may have a tilde (~) expansion on platforms where this is supported
  1848 (currently Unix and VMS).
  1850 =item Language
  1852 Date::Manip can be used to parse dates in many different languages.
  1853 Currently, it is configured to read  the following languages (the version
  1854 in which they added is included for historical interest):
  1856   English      (default)
  1857   French       (5.02)
  1858   Swedish      (5.05)
  1859   German       (5.31)
  1860   Dutch        (5.32)     aka Nederlands
  1861   Polish       (5.32)
  1862   Spanish      (5.33)
  1863   Portuguese   (5.34)
  1864   Romanian     (5.35)
  1865   Italian      (5.35)
  1866   Russian      (5.41)
  1867   Turkish      (5.41)
  1868   Danish       (5.41)
  1870 Others can be added easily.  Language is set to the language used to parse
  1871 dates.  If you are interested in providing a translation for a new
  1872 language, email me (see the AUTHOR section below) and I'll send you a list
  1873 of things that I need.
  1875 =item DateFormat
  1877 Different countries look at the date 12/10 as Dec 10 or Oct 12.  In the
  1878 United States, the first is most common, but this certainly doesn't hold
  1879 true for other countries.  Setting DateFormat to "US" forces the first
  1880 behavior (Dec 10).  Setting DateFormat to anything else forces the second
  1881 behavior (Oct 12).
  1883 =item TZ
  1885 If set, this defines the local timezone.  See the TIMEZONES section above
  1886 for information on it's format.
  1888 =item ConvTZ
  1890 All date comparisons and calculations must be done in a single time zone in
  1891 order for them to work correctly.  So, when a date is parsed, it should be
  1892 converted to a specific timezone.  This allows dates to easily be compared
  1893 and manipulated as if they are all in a single timezone.
  1895 The ConvTZ variable determines which timezone should be used to store dates
  1896 in.  If it is left blank, all dates are converted to the local timezone
  1897 (see the TZ variable above).  If it is set to one of the timezones listed
  1898 above, all dates are converted to this timezone.  Finally, if it is set to
  1899 the string "IGNORE", all timezone information is ignored as the dates are
  1900 read in (in this case, the two dates "1/1/96 12:00 GMT" and "1/1/96 12:00
  1901 EST" would be treated as identical).
  1903 =item Internal
  1905 When a date is parsed using ParseDate, that date is stored in an internal
  1906 format which is understood by the Date::Manip routines UnixDate and
  1907 DateCalc.  Originally, the format used to store the date internally was:
  1911 It has been suggested that I remove the colons (:) to shorten this to:
  1915 The main advantage of this is that some databases are colon delimited which
  1916 makes storing a date from Date::Manip tedious.
  1918 In order to maintain backwards compatibility, the Internal variable was
  1919 introduced.  Set it to 0 (to use the old format) or 1 (to use the new
  1920 format).
  1922 =item FirstDay
  1924 It is sometimes necessary to know what day of week is regarded as first.
  1925 By default, this is set to Monday, but many countries and people will
  1926 prefer Sunday (and in a few cases, a different day may be desired).  Set
  1927 the FirstDay variable to be the first day of the week (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)
  1928 Monday should be chosen to to comply with ISO 8601.
  1930 =item WorkWeekBeg, WorkWeekEnd
  1932 The first and last days of the work week.  By default, Monday and Friday.
  1933 WorkWeekBeg must come before WorkWeekEnd numerically.  The days are
  1934 numbered from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday).
  1936 There is no way to handle an odd work week of Thu to Mon for example or 10
  1937 days on, 4 days off.
  1939 =item WorkDay24Hr
  1941 If this is non-nil, a work day is treated as being 24 hours long.  The
  1942 WorkDayBeg and WorkDayEnd variables are ignored in this case.
  1944 =item WorkDayBeg, WorkDayEnd
  1946 The times when the work day starts and ends.  WorkDayBeg must come before
  1947 WorkDayEnd (i.e. there is no way to handle the night shift where the work
  1948 day starts one day and ends another).  Also, the workday MUST be more than
  1949 one hour long (of course, if this isn't the case, let me know... I want a
  1950 job there!).
  1952 The time in both can be in any valid time format (including international
  1953 formats), but seconds will be ignored.
  1955 =item TomorrowFirst
  1957 Periodically, if a day is not a business day, we need to find the nearest
  1958 business day to it.  By default, we'll look to "tomorrow" first, but if this
  1959 variable is set to 0, we'll look to "yesterday" first.  This is only used in
  1960 the Date_NearestWorkDay and is easily overridden (see documentation for that
  1961 function).
  1963 =item DeltaSigns
  1965 Prior to Date::Manip version 5.07, a negative delta would put negative
  1966 signs in front of every component (i.e. "0:0:-1:-3:0:-4").  By default,
  1967 5.07 changes this behavior to print only 1 or two signs in front of the
  1968 year and day elements (even if these elements might be zero) and the sign
  1969 for year/month and day/hour/minute/second are the same.  Setting this
  1970 variable to non-zero forces deltas to be stored with a sign in front of
  1971 every element (including elements equal to 0).
  1973 =item Jan1Week1
  1975 ISO 8601 states that the first week of the year is the one which contains
  1976 Jan 4 (i.e. it is the first week in which most of the days in that week
  1977 fall in that year).  This means that the first 3 days of the year may
  1978 be treated as belonging to the last week of the previous year.  If this
  1979 is set to non-nil, the ISO 8601 standard will be ignored and the first
  1980 week of the year contains Jan 1.
  1982 =item YYtoYYYY
  1984 By default, a 2 digit year is treated as falling in the 100 year period of
  1985 CURR-89 to CURR+10.  YYtoYYYY may be set to any integer N to force a 2
  1986 digit year into the period CURR-N to CURR+(99-N).  A value of 0 forces
  1987 the year to be the current year or later.  A value of 99 forces the year
  1988 to be the current year or earlier.  Since I do no checking on the value of
  1989 YYtoYYYY, you can actually have it any positive or negative value to force
  1990 it into any century you want.
  1992 YYtoYYYY can also be set to "C" to force it into the current century, or
  1993 to "C##" to force it into a specific century.  So, no (1998), "C" forces
  1994 2 digit years to be 1900-1999 and "C18" would force it to be 1800-1899.
  1996 It can also be set to the form "C####" to force it into a specific 100
  1997 year period.  C1950 refers to 1950-2049.
  1999 =item UpdateCurrTZ
  2001 If a script is running over a long period of time, the timezone may change
  2002 during the course of running it (i.e. when daylight savings time starts or
  2003 ends).  As a result, parsing dates may start putting them in the wrong time
  2004 zone.  Since a lot of overhead can be saved if we don't have to check the
  2005 current timezone every time a date is parsed, by default checking is turned
  2006 off.  Setting this to non-nil will force timezone checking to be done every
  2007 time a date is parsed... but this will result in a considerable performance
  2008 penalty.
  2010 A better solution would be to restart the process on the two days per year
  2011 where the timezone switch occurs.
  2013 =item IntCharSet
  2015 If set to 0, use the US character set (7-bit ASCII) to return strings such
  2016 as the month name.  If set to 1, use the appropriate international character
  2017 set.  For example, If you want your French representation of Decemeber to
  2018 have the accent over the first "e", you'll want to set this to 1.
  2020 =item ForceDate
  2022 This variable can be set to a date in the format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH:MN:SS
  2023 to force the current date to be interpreted as this date.  Since the current
  2024 date is used in parsing, this string will not be parsed and MUST be in the
  2025 format given above.
  2027 =back
  2029 =head1 HOLIDAY SECTION
  2031 The holiday section of the config file is used to define holidays.  Each
  2032 line is of the form:
  2034    DATE = HOLIDAY
  2036 HOLIDAY is the name of the holiday (or it can be blank in which case the
  2037 day will still be treated as a holiday... for example the day after
  2038 Thanksgiving or Christmas is often a work holiday though neither are
  2039 named).
  2041 DATE is a string which can be parsed to give a valid date in any year.  It
  2042 can be of the form
  2044    Date
  2045    Date + Delta
  2046    Date - Delta
  2047    Recur
  2049 A valid holiday section would be:
  2051    *Holiday
  2053    1/1                             = New Year's Day
  2054    third Monday in Feb             = Presidents' Day
  2055    fourth Thu in Nov               = Thanksgiving
  2057    # The Friday after Thanksgiving is an unnamed holiday most places
  2058    fourth Thu in Nov + 1 day       =
  2060    1*0:0:0:0:0:0*EASTER            = Easter
  2061    1*11:0:11:0:0:0*CWD             = Veteran's Day (observed)
  2062    1*0:0:0:0:0:0*EASTER,PD5        = Good Friday
  2064 In a Date + Delta or Date - Delta string, you can use business mode by
  2065 including the appropriate string (see documentation on DateCalc) in the
  2066 Date or Delta.  So (in English), the first workday before Christmas could
  2067 be defined as:
  2069    12/25 - 1 business day          =
  2071 The date's may optionally contain the year.  For example, the dates
  2073   1/1
  2074   1/1/1999
  2076 refers to Jan 1 in any year or in only 1999 respectively.  For dates that
  2077 refer to any year, the date must be written such that by simply appending
  2078 the year (separated by spaces) it can be correctly interpreted.  This
  2079 will work for everything except ISO 8601 dates, so ISO 8601 dates may
  2080 not be used in this case.
  2082 In cases where you are interested in business type calculations, you'll
  2083 want to define most holidays using recurrences, since they can define
  2084 when a holiday is celebrated in the financial world.  For example,
  2085 Christmas chould be defined as:
  2087    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2089 NOTE: It was pointed out to me that using a similar type recurrence to
  2090 define New Years does not work.  The recurrence:
  2092    1*12:0:31:0:0:0*FW1
  2094 fails (worse, it goes into an infinite loop).  The problem is that each
  2095 holiday definition is applied to a specific year and it expects to find
  2096 the holiday for that year.  When this recurrence is applied to the year
  2097 1995, it returns the holiday for 1996 and fails.
  2099 Use the recurrence:
  2101    1*1:0:1:0:0:0*NWD
  2103 instead.
  2105 If you wanted to define both Christmas and Boxing days (Boxing is the
  2106 day after Christmas, and is celebrated in some parts of the world), you
  2107 could do it in one of the following ways:
  2109    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2110    1*12:0:25:0:0:0*FW1  = Boxing
  2112     1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1 = Christmas
  2113    01*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1 = Boxing
  2115    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1   = Christmas
  2116    1*12:0:25:0:0:0*FW1,a = Boxing
  2118 The following examples will NOT work:
  2120    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2121    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW2  = Boxing
  2123    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2124    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Boxing
  2126 The reasoning behind all this is as follows:
  2128 Holidays go into affect the minute they are parsed.  So, in the case of:
  2130    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2131    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW2  = Boxing
  2133 the minute the first line is parsed, Christmas is defined as a holiday.
  2134 The second line then steps forward 2 work days (skipping Christmas since
  2135 that's no longer a work day) and define the work day two days after
  2136 Christmas, NOT the day after Christmas.
  2138 An good alternative would appear to be:
  2140    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2141    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Boxing
  2143 This unfortunately fails because the recurrences are currently stored in a
  2144 hash.  Since these two recurrences are identical, they fail (the first one
  2145 is overwritten by the second and in essense, Christmas is never defined).
  2147 To fix this, make them unique with either a fake flag (which is ignored):
  2149    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1,a  = Boxing
  2151 or adding an innocuous 0 somewhere:
  2153    01*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1   = Boxing
  2155 The other good alternative would be to make two completely different
  2156 recurrences such as:
  2158    1*12:0:24:0:0:0*FW1  = Christmas
  2159    1*12:0:25:0:0:0*FW1  = Boxing
  2161 At times, you may want to switch back and forth between two holiday files.
  2162 This can be done by calling the following:
  2164   &Date_Init("EraseHolidays=1","PersonalCnf=FILE1");
  2165   ...
  2166   &Date_Init("EraseHolidays=1","PersonalCnf=FILE2");
  2167   ...
  2169 =head1 EVENTS SECTION
  2171 The Events section of the config file is similar to the Holiday section.
  2172 It is used to name certain days or times, but there are a few important
  2173 differences:
  2175 =over 4
  2177 =item Events can be assigned to any time and duration
  2179 All holidays are exactly 1 day long.  They are assigned to a period
  2180 of time from midnight to midnight.
  2182 Events can be based at any time of the day, and may be of any duration.
  2184 =item Events don't affect business mode calculations
  2186 Unlike holidays, events are completely ignored when doing business
  2187 mode calculations.
  2189 =back
  2191 Whereas holidays were added with business mode math in mind, events
  2192 were added with calendar and scheduling applications in mind.
  2194 Every line in the events section is of the form:
  2196    EVENT = NAME
  2198 where NAME is the name of the event, and EVENT defines when it occurs
  2199 and it's duration.  An EVENT can be defined in the following ways:
  2201    Date
  2202    Date*
  2203    Recur    [NYI]
  2204    Recur*   [NYI]
  2206    Date  ; Date
  2207    Date  ; Delta
  2208    Recur ; Delta   [NYI]
  2210    Date  ; Delta ; Delta   [NYI]
  2211    Recur ; Delta ; Delta   [NYI]
  2213 Here, Date* refers to a string containing a Date with NO TIME fields
  2214 (Jan 12, 1/1/2000, 2010-01-01) while Date does contain time fields.
  2215 Similarily, Recur* stands for a recurrence with the time fields all
  2216 equal to 0) while Recur stands for a recurrence with at least one
  2217 non-zero time field.
  2219 Both Date* and Recur* refer to an event very similar to a holiday which
  2220 goes from midnight to midnight.
  2222 Date and Recur refer to events which occur at the time given and with
  2223 a duration of 1 hour.
  2225 Events given by "Date ; Date", "Date ; Delta", and "Recur ; Delta"
  2226 contain both the starting date and either ending date or duration.
  2228 Events given as three elements "Date ; Delta ; Delta" or "Recur ; Delta ;
  2229 Delta" take a date and add both deltas to it to give the starting and
  2230 ending time of the event.  The order and sign of the deltas is
  2231 unimportant (and both can be the same sign to give a range of times
  2232 which does not contain the base date).
  2234 Items marked with [NYI] are not yet implemented but will be by the
  2235 time this is released.
  2239 For the most part, Date::Manip has remained backward compatible at every
  2240 release.  There have been a few minor incompatibilities introduced at
  2241 various stages.  Major differences are marked with bullets.
  2243 =over 4
  2245 =item VERSION 5.41
  2247 =item Changed path separator for VMS
  2249 Since ":" is used in some VMS paths, it should not have been used as
  2250 the path separator.  It has been changed to a newline ("\n") character.
  2252 =item Delta_Format behavior changed
  2254 The entire delta is exact if no month component is present (previously,
  2255 no year or month component could be present).
  2257 =item VERSION 5.38
  2259 =item Removed Date_DaysSince999
  2261 The Date_DaysSince999 function (deprecated in 5.35) has been removed.
  2263 =item VERSION 5.35
  2265 =over 4
  2267 =item Deprected Date_DaysSince999
  2269 In fixing support for the years 0000-0999, I rewrote Date_DaysSince999 to
  2270 be Date_DaysSince1BC.  The Date_DaysSince999 function will be removed.
  2272 =item * Added PathSep variable
  2274 In order to better support Win32 platforms, I added the PathSep config
  2275 variable.  This will allow the use of paths such as "c:\date" on Win32
  2276 platforms.  Old config files on Win32 platforms (which were not working
  2277 correctly in many cases) may not work if they contain path information to
  2278 the personal config file.
  2280 =back
  2282 =item VERSION 5.34
  2284 =over 4
  2286 =item * All Date::Manip variables are no longer accessible
  2288 Previously, Date::Manip variables were declared using a full package name.
  2289 Now, they are declared with the my() function.  This means that internal
  2290 variables are no longer accessible outside of the module.
  2292 =item Week interpretation in business mode deltas
  2294 A business mode delta containing a week value used to be treated as 7 days.
  2295 A much more likely interpretation of a week is Monday to Monday, regardless
  2296 of holidays, so this is now the behavior.
  2298 =item %z UnixDate format
  2300 The %z UnixDate format used to return the Timezone abbreviation.  It now
  2301 returns it as a GMT offset (i.e. -0500).  %Z still returns the Timezone
  2302 abbreviation.
  2304 =item Formats "22nd sunday" returns the intuitive value
  2306 The date "22nd sunday" used to return the Sunday of the 22nd week of the
  2307 year (which could be the 21st, 22nd, or 23rd Sunday of the year depending
  2308 on how weeks were defined).  Now, it returns the 22nd Sunday of the year
  2309 regardless.
  2311 =item Separator in DD/YYmmm and mmmDD/YY formats no longer optional
  2313 Previously, the date "Dec1065" would return Dec 10, 1965.  After adding
  2314 the YYYYmmm and mmmYYYY formats, this was no longer possible.  The separator
  2315 between DD and YY is no longer optional, so
  2317    Dec1065     returns December 1, 1065
  2318    Dec10/65    returns December 10, 1965
  2320 =item * Date_Cmp added
  2322 This is not a backwards incompatibility... but is added to help prepare for
  2323 a future incompatibility.  In one of the next versions of Date::Manip, the
  2324 internal format of the date will change to include timezone information.
  2325 All date comparisons should be made using Date_Cmp (which currently does
  2326 nothing more than call the perl "cmp" command, but which will important
  2327 when comparing dates that include the timezone).
  2329 =back
  2331 =item VERSION 5.32
  2333 =over 4
  2335 =item Date_Init arguments
  2337 The old style Date_Init arguments that were deprecated in version 5.07
  2338 have been removed.
  2340 =item * DateManip.cnf change
  2342 Changed .DateManip.cnf to Manip.cnf (to get rid of problems on OS's
  2343 that insist on 8.3 filenames) for all non-Unix platforms (Wintel, VMS,
  2344 Mac).  For all Unix platforms, it's still .DateManip.cnf .  It will only
  2345 look in the user's home directory on VMS and Unix.
  2347 =back
  2349 =item VERSION 5.30
  2351 =over 4
  2353 =item * Delta format changed
  2355 A week field has been added to the internal format of the delta.  It now
  2356 reads "Y:M:W:D:H:MN:S" instead of "Y:M:D:H:MN:S".
  2358 =back
  2360 =item VERSION 5.21
  2362 =over 4
  2364 =item Long running processes may give incorrect timezone
  2366 A process that runs during a timezone change (Daylight Saving Time
  2367 specifically) may report the wrong timezone.  See the UpdateCurrTZ variable
  2368 for more information.
  2370 =item UnixDate "%J", "%W", and "%U" formats fixed
  2372 The %J, %W, and %U will no longer report a week 0 or a week 53 if it should
  2373 really be week 1 of the following year.  They now report the correct week
  2374 number according to ISO 8601.
  2376 =back
  2378 =item VERSION 5.20
  2380 =over 4
  2382 =item * ParseDate formats removed (ISO 8601 compatibility)
  2384 Full support for ISO 8601 formats was added.  As a result, some formats
  2385 which previously worked may no longer be parsed since they conflict with an
  2386 ISO 8601 format.  These include MM-DD-YY (conflicts with YY-MM-DD) and
  2387 YYMMDD (conflicts with YYYYMM).  MM/DD/YY still works, so the first form
  2388 can be kept easily by changing "-" to "/".  YYMMDD can be changed to
  2389 YY-MM-DD before being parsed.  Whenever parsing dates using dashes as
  2390 separators, they will be treated as ISO 8601 dates.  You can get around
  2391 this by converting all dashes to slashes.
  2393 =item * Week day numbering
  2395 The day numbering was changed from 0-6 (sun-sat) to 1-7 (mon-sun) to be
  2396 ISO 8601 compatible.  Weeks start on Monday (though this can be overridden
  2397 using the FirstDay config variable) and the 1st week of the year contains
  2398 Jan 4 (though it can be forced to contain Jan 1 with the Jan1Week1 config
  2399 variable).
  2401 =back
  2403 =item VERSION 5.07
  2405 =over 4
  2407 =item UnixDate "%s" format
  2409 Used to return the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 in the current
  2410 timezone.  It now returns the number of seconds since 1/1/1970 GMT.
  2411 The "%o" format was added which returns what "%s" previously did.
  2413 =item Internal format of delta
  2415 The format for the deltas returned by ParseDateDelta changed.  Previously,
  2416 each element of a delta had a sign attached to it (+1:+2:+3:+4:+5:+6).  The
  2417 new format removes all unnecessary signs by default (+1:2:3:4:5:6).  Also,
  2418 because of the way deltas are normalized (see documentation on
  2419 ParseDateDelta), at most two signs are included.  For backwards
  2420 compatibility, the config variable DeltaSigns was added.  If set to 1, all
  2421 deltas include all 6 signs.
  2423 =item Date_Init arguments
  2425 The format of the Date_Init calling arguments changed.  The
  2426 old method
  2428   &Date_Init($language,$format,$tz,$convtz);
  2430 is still supported , but this support will likely disappear in the future.
  2431 Use the new calling format instead:
  2433   &Date_Init("var=val","var=val",...);
  2435 NOTE:  The old format is no longer supported as of version 5.32 .
  2437 =back
  2439 =back
  2441 =head1 KNOWN PROBLEMS
  2443 The following are not bugs in Date::Manip, but they may give some people
  2444 problems.
  2446 =over 4
  2448 =item Unable to determine TimeZone
  2450 Perhaps the most common problem occurs when you get the error:
  2452    Error: Date::Manip unable to determine TimeZone.
  2454 Date::Manip tries hard to determine the local timezone, but on some
  2455 machines, it cannot do this (especially non-unix systems).  To fix this,
  2456 just set the TZ variable, either at the top of the Manip.pm file,, in the
  2457 DateManip.cnf file, or in a call to Date_Init.  I suggest using the form
  2458 "EST5EDT" so you don't have to change it every 6 months when going to or
  2459 from daylight savings time.
  2461 Windows NT does not seem to set the TimeZone by default.  From the
  2462 Perl-Win32-Users mailing list:
  2464    > How do I get the TimeZone on my NT?
  2465    >
  2466    >      $time_zone = $ENV{'TZ'};
  2467    >
  2468    You have to set the variable before, WinNT doesn't set it by
  2469    default.  Open the properties of "My Computer" and set a SYSTEM
  2470    variable TZ to your timezone.   Jenda@Krynicky.cz
  2472 This might help out some NT users.
  2474 A minor (false) assumption that some users might make is that since
  2475 Date::Manip passed all of it's tests at install time, this should not occur
  2476 and are surprised when it does.
  2478 Some of the tests are timezone dependent.  Since the tests all include
  2479 input and expected output, I needed to know in advance what timezone they
  2480 would be run in.  So, the tests all explicitly set the timezone using the
  2481 TZ configuration variable passed into Date_Init.  Since this overrides any
  2482 other method of determining the timezone, Date::Manip uses this and doesn't
  2483 have to look elsewhere for the timezone.
  2485 When running outside the tests, Date::Manip has to rely on it's other
  2486 methods for determining the timezone.
  2488 =item Complaining about getpwnam/getpwuid
  2490 Another problem is when running on Micro$oft OS'es.  I have added many
  2491 tests to catch them, but they still slip through occasionally.  If any ever
  2492 complain about getpwnam/getpwuid, simply add one of the lines:
  2494   $ENV{OS} = Windows_NT
  2495   $ENV{OS} = Windows_95
  2497 to your script before
  2499   use Date::Manip
  2501 =item Date::Manip is slow
  2503 The reasons for this are covered in the SHOULD I USE DATE::MANIP section
  2504 above.
  2506 Some things that will definitely help:
  2508 Version 5.21 does run noticeably faster than earlier versions due to
  2509 rethinking some of the initialization, so at the very least, make sure you
  2510 are running this version or later.
  2512 ISO-8601 dates are parsed first and fastest.  Use them whenever possible.
  2514 Avoid parsing dates that are referenced against the current time (in 2
  2515 days, today at noon, etc.).  These take a lot longer to parse.
  2517    Example:  parsing 1065 dates with version 5.11 took 48.6 seconds, 36.2
  2518    seconds with version 5.21, and parsing 1065 ISO-8601 dates with version
  2519    5.21 took 29.1 seconds (these were run on a slow, overloaded computer with
  2520    little memory... but the ratios should be reliable on a faster computer).
  2522 Business date calculations are extremely slow.  You should consider
  2523 alternatives if possible (i.e. doing the calculation in exact mode and then
  2524 multiplying by 5/7).  There will be an approximate business mode in one of
  2525 the next versions which will be much faster (though less accurate) which
  2526 will do something like this.  Whenever possible, use this mode.  And who
  2527 needs a business date more accurate than "6 to 8 weeks" anyway huh :-)
  2529 Never call Date_Init more than once.  Unless you're doing something very
  2530 strange, there should never be a reason to anyway.
  2532 =item Sorting Problems
  2534 If you use Date::Manip to sort a number of dates, you must call Date_Init
  2535 either explicitly, or by way of some other Date::Manip routine before it
  2536 is used in the sort.  For example, the following code fails:
  2538    use Date::Manip;
  2539    # &Date_Init;
  2540    sub sortDate {
  2541        my($date1, $date2);
  2542        $date1 = &ParseDate($a);
  2543        $date2 = &ParseDate($b);
  2544        return (&Date_Cmp($date1,$date2));
  2545    }
  2546    @dates = ("Fri 16 Aug 96",
  2547             "Mon 19 Aug 96",
  2548             "Thu 15 Aug 96");
  2549    @i=sort sortDate @dates;
  2551 but if you uncomment the Date_Init line, it works.  The reason for this is
  2552 that the first time you call Date_Init, it initializes a number of items
  2553 used by Date::Manip.  Some of these have to be sorted (regular expressions
  2554 sorted by length to ensure the longest match).  It turns out that perl
  2555 has a bug in it which does not allow a sort within a sort.  At some point,
  2556 this should be fixed, but for now, the best thing to do is to call Date_Init
  2557 explicitly.  The bug exists in all versions up to 5.005 (I haven't
  2558 tested 5.6.0 yet).
  2560 NOTE: This is an EXTREMELY inefficient way to sort data.  Instead, you
  2561 should parse the dates with ParseDate, sort them using a normal string
  2562 comparison, and then convert them back to the format desired using
  2563 UnixDate.
  2565 =item RCS Control
  2567 If you try to put Date::Manip under RCS control, you are going to have
  2568 problems.  Apparently, RCS replaces strings of the form "$Date...$" with
  2569 the current date.  This form occurs all over in Date::Manip.  To prevent the
  2570 RCS keyword expansion, checkout files using "co -ko".  Since very few people
  2571 will ever have a desire to do this (and I don't use RCS), I have not worried
  2572 about it.
  2574 =back
  2576 =head1 KNOWN BUGS
  2578 =over 4
  2580 =item Daylight Savings Times
  2582 Date::Manip does not handle daylight savings time, though it does handle
  2583 timezones to a certain extent.  Converting from EST to PST works fine.
  2584 Going from EST to PDT is unreliable.
  2586 The following examples are run in the winter of the US East coast (i.e.
  2587 in the EST timezone).
  2589 	print UnixDate(ParseDate("6/1/97 noon"),"%u"),"\n";
  2590         => Sun Jun  1 12:00:00 EST 1997
  2592 June 1 EST does not exist.  June 1st is during EDT.  It should print:
  2594         => Sun Jun  1 00:00:00 EDT 1997
  2596 Even explicitly adding the timezone doesn't fix things (if anything, it
  2597 makes them worse):
  2599 	print UnixDate(ParseDate("6/1/97 noon EDT"),"%u"),"\n";
  2600         => Sun Jun  1 11:00:00 EST 1997
  2602 Date::Manip converts everything to the current timezone (EST in this case).
  2604 Related problems occur when trying to do date calculations over a timezone
  2605 change.  These calculations may be off by an hour.
  2607 Also, if you are running a script which uses Date::Manip over a period of
  2608 time which starts in one time zone and ends in another (i.e. it switches
  2609 form Daylight Savings Time to Standard Time or vice versa), many things may
  2610 be wrong (especially elapsed time).
  2612 I hope to fix these problems in a future release so that it would convert
  2613 everything to the current zones (EST or EDT).
  2615 =back
  2617 =head1 BUGS AND QUESTIONS
  2619 If you find a bug in Date::Manip, please send it directly to me (see the
  2620 AUTHOR section below) rather than posting it to one of the newsgroups.
  2621 Although I try to keep up with the comp.lang.perl.* groups, all too often I
  2622 miss news (flaky news server, articles expiring before I caught them, 1200
  2623 articles to wade through and I missed one that I was interested in, etc.).
  2625 When filing a bug report, please include the following information:
  2627   o  The version of Date::Manip you are using.  You can get this by using
  2628      the script:
  2630         use Date::Manip;
  2631         print &DateManipVersion(),"\n";
  2633   o  The output from "perl -V"
  2635 If you have a problem using Date::Manip that perhaps isn't a bug (can't
  2636 figure out the syntax, etc.), you're in the right place.  Go right back to
  2637 the top of this man page and start reading.  If this still doesn't answer
  2638 your question, mail me (again, please mail me rather than post to the
  2639 newsgroup).
  2641 =head1 YEAR 2000
  2643 In hindsight, the fact that I've only been asked once (so far) if Date::Manip
  2644 is year 2000 compliant surprises me a bit.  Still, as 2000 approaches and
  2645 this buzzword starts flying around more and more frantically, other's might
  2646 follow suit, so this section answers the question.
  2648 Is Date::Manip year 2000 compliant?
  2650 This question is largely meaningless.  Date::Manip is basically just a
  2651 parser.  You give it a date and it'll manipulate it.  Date::Manip does
  2652 store the date internally as a 4 digit year, and performs all operations
  2653 using this internal representation, so I will state that Date::Manip is
  2654 CAPABLE of writing Y2K compliant code.
  2656 But Date::Manip is simply a library.  If you use it correctly, your code
  2657 can be Y2K compliant.  If you don't, your code may not be Y2K compliant.
  2659 The bottom line is this:
  2661   Date::Manip is a library that is capable of being used to write Y2K
  2662   compliant code.  It may also be used to write non-Y2K compliant code.
  2664   If your code is NOT Y2K compliant, it is NOT due to any deficiency in
  2665   Date::Manip.  Rather, it is due to poor programming on the part of the
  2666   person using Date::Manip.
  2668 For an excellent treatment of the Y2K problem, see the article by Tom
  2669 Christiansen at:
  2671   http://language.perl.com/news/y2k.html
  2673 A slightly better question is "Is Perl year 2000 compliant"?  This is
  2674 covered in the perl FAQ (section 4) and in the article by Tom Crhistiansen.
  2676 The best question is "For what dates is Date::Manip useful?"  It definitely
  2677 can't handle BC dates, or dates past Dec 31, 9999.  So Date::Manip works
  2678 during the years 1000 to 9999.
  2680 In practical terms however, Date::Manip deals with the Gregorian calendar,
  2681 and is therefore useful in the period that that calendar has been, or will
  2682 be, in effect.  The Gregorian calendar was first adopted by the Catholic
  2683 church in 1582, but some countries were still using the Julian calendar as
  2684 late as the early part of the 20th century.  Also, at some point (probably
  2685 no earlier than the year 3000 and possibly much later), the Gregorian
  2686 system is going to have to be modified slightly since the current system of
  2687 leap years is off by a few seconds a year.  So...  in practical terms,
  2688 Date::Manip is _probably_ useful from 1900 to 3000.
  2690 One other note is that Date::Manip will NOT handle 3 digit years.  So, if
  2691 you store the year as an offset from 1900 (which is 2 digits now, but will
  2692 become 3 digits in 2000), these will NOT be parsable by Date::Manip.
  2694 =head1 VERSION NUMBERS
  2696 A note about version numbers.
  2698 Prior to version 5.00, Date::Manip was distributed as a perl4 library.
  2699 There were no numbering conventions in place, so I used a simple
  2700 MAJOR.MINOR numbering scheme.
  2702 With version 5.00, I switched to a perl5 module and at that time switched
  2703 to the perl5 numbering convention of a major version followed by a 2 digit
  2704 minor version.
  2706 As of 5.41/5.42, all versions released to CPAN will be even numbered.  Odd
  2707 numbered will be development versions available from my web site.  For
  2708 example, after 5.40 was released, I started making changes, and called
  2709 the development version 5.41.  When released to CPAN, it was called 5.42.
  2710 I may add a third digit to development versions (i.e. 5.41.9) to keep
  2711 track of important changes in the development version.
  2715 There are many people who have contributed to Date::Manip over the years
  2716 that I'd like to thank.  The most important contributions have come in the
  2717 form of suggestions and bug reports by users.  I have tried to include the
  2718 name of every person who first suggested each improvement or first reported
  2719 each bug.  These are included in the HISTORY file in the Date::Manip
  2720 distribution in the order the changes are made.  The list is simply too
  2721 long to appear here, but I appreciate their help.
  2723 A number of people have made suggestions or reported bugs which are not
  2724 mentioned in the HISTORY file.  These include suggestions which have not
  2725 been implemented and people who have made a suggestion or bug report which
  2726 has already been suggested/reported by someone else.  For those who's
  2727 suggestions have not yet been implemented, they will be added to the
  2728 HISTORY file when (if) their suggestions are implemented.  For everyone
  2729 else, thank you too.  I'd much rather have a suggestion made twice than not
  2730 at all.
  2732 Thanks to Alan Cezar and Greg Schiedler for paying me to implement the
  2733 Events_List routine.  They gave me the idea, and were then willing to pay
  2734 me for my time to get it implemented quickly.
  2736 I'd also like a couple of authors.  Date::Manip has recently been getting
  2737 some really good press in a couple of books.  Since no one's paying me to
  2738 write Date::Manip, seeing my module get a good review in a book written by
  2739 someone else really makes my day.  My thanks to Nate Padwardhan and Clay
  2740 Irving (Programming with Perl Modules -- part of the O'Reilly Perl Resource
  2741 Kit); and Tom Christiansen and Nathan Torkington (The Perl Cookbook).
  2742 Also, thanks to any other authors who've written about Date::Manip who's
  2743 books I haven't seen.
  2745 =head1 AUTHOR
  2747 Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)
  2749 You can always get the newest beta version of Date::Manip (which may fix
  2750 problems in the current CPAN version... and may add others) from my home
  2751 page:
  2753 http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sbeck/
  2755 =cut