changeset 158 d50cda9d0682
parent 155 753418a2eb15
child 172 048763260c9e
equal deleted inserted replaced
157:27cf0a88d449 158:d50cda9d0682
     1 #!/usr/bin/python
     2 # Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation.
     3 # All rights reserved.
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Symbian Foundation - Initial contribution
    11 # 
    12 # Description:
    13 # Map the SFL license to the EPL license
    15 import os
    16 import os.path
    17 import re
    18 import codecs
    19 from optparse import OptionParser
    20 import sys
    22 oldtext0 = re.compile('terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"(to Symbian Foundation)?')
    23 oldtext1 = re.compile('the URL "http:..www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html"')
    25 newtext = [
    26   'terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"',
    27   'the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html"'
    28 ]
    30 errorfiles = []
    31 multinoticefiles = []
    32 shadowroot = 'shadow_epoc32'
    34 def file_type(file) :
    35 	f = open(file, 'r')
    36 	data = f.read(256)
    37 	f.close()
    38 	if len(data) < 2:
    39 		return None # too short to be worth bothering about anyway
    40 	if data[0] == chr(255) and data[1] == chr(254) :
    41 		return 'utf_16_le'
    42 	if data.find(chr(0)) >= 0 : 
    43 		return None	# zero byte implies binary file
    44 	return 'text'
    46 def map_eula(dir, name, encoded) :
    47 	global oldtext0
    48 	global newtext1
    49 	global newtext
    50 	file = os.path.join(dir, name)
    51 	if encoded == 'text':
    52 		f = open(file, 'r')
    53 	else:
    54 		f = codecs.open(file, 'r', encoding=encoded)
    55 	lines = f.readlines()
    56 	# print ">> %s encoded as %s" % (file, f.encoding)
    57 	f.close()
    59 	updated = 0
    60 	newlines = []
    61 	while len(lines) > 0:
    62 		line = lines.pop(0)
    63 		pos1 = oldtext0.search(line)
    64 		if pos1 != None:
    65 			# be careful - oldtext is a prefix of newtext
    66 			if pos1.group(1) != None:
    67 				# line already converted - nothing to do
    68 				newlines.append(line)
    69 				continue
    70 			midlines = []
    71 			midlinecount = 1
    72 			while len(lines) > 0:
    73 				nextline = lines.pop(0)
    74 				if not re.match('^\s$', nextline):
    75 					# non-blank line
    76 					if midlinecount == 0:
    77 						break
    78 					midlinecount -= 1
    79 				midlines.append(nextline)
    80 			urlline = nextline
    81 			pos2 = oldtext1.search(urlline)
    82 			if pos2 != None:
    83 				# found it - assume that there's only one instance
    84 				newline = oldtext0.sub(newtext[0], line)
    85 				newurl  = oldtext1.sub(newtext[1], urlline)
    86 				newlines.append(newline)
    87 				newlines.extend(midlines)
    88 				newlines.append(newurl)
    89 				updated += 1
    90 				continue
    91 			else:
    92 			  if updated != 0:
    93 			  	lineno = 1 + len(newlines)
    94 			  	print "Problem in " + file + " at " + lineno + ": incorrectly formatted >"
    95 			  	print line
    96 			  	print midlines
    97 			  	print urlline
    98 			  	global errorfiles
    99 			  	errorfiles.append(file)
   100 			  break
   101 		newlines.append(line)
   103 	if updated == 0:
   104 		# print " = no change to " + file
   105 		return 0
   107 	if updated > 1:
   108 	  global multinoticefiles
   109 	  multinoticefiles.append(file)
   110 	  print '! found %d SFL notices in %s' % (updated, file)
   112 	# global shadowroot
   113 	# shadowdir = os.path.join(shadowroot, dir)
   114 	# if not os.path.exists(shadowdir) :
   115 	# 	os.makedirs(shadowdir)
   116 	# newfile = os.path.join(shadowroot,file)
   117 	# os.rename(file, newfile)
   119 	global options
   120 	if not options.dryrun:
   121 		if encoded == 'text':
   122 			f = open(file, 'w')
   123 		else:
   124 			f = codecs.open(file, 'w', encoding=encoded)
   125 		f.writelines(newlines)
   126 		f.close()
   127 	print "* updated %s (encoding %s)" % (file, encoded)
   128 	return 1
   130 parser = OptionParser(version="%prog 0.2", usage="Usage: %prog [options]")
   131 parser.add_option("-n", "--check", action="store_true", dest="dryrun",
   132 	help="report the files which would be updated, but don't change anything")
   133 parser.set_defaults(dryrun=False)
   135 (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
   136 if len(args) != 0:
   137 	parser.error("Unexpected commandline arguments")
   139 # process tree
   141 update_count = 0
   142 for root, dirs, files in os.walk('.', topdown=True):
   143 	if '.hg' in dirs:
   144 			dirs.remove('.hg') # don't recurse into the Mercurial repository storage
   145 	for name in files:
   146 		encoding = file_type(os.path.join(root, name))
   147 		if encoding:
   148 			update_count += map_eula(root, name, encoding)
   150 print '%d problem files' % len(errorfiles)
   151 print errorfiles
   153 print '%d files with multiple notices' % len(multinoticefiles)
   154 print multinoticefiles
   156 if options.dryrun and update_count > 0:
   157 	print "%d files need updating" % update_count
   158 	sys.exit(1)