changeset 4 60053dab7e2a
parent 3 8b87ea768cb8
child 5 c34a018f3291
--- a/dummy_foundation/lib/Parse/Yapp.pm	Wed Jun 03 18:33:51 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,512 +0,0 @@
-# Module Parse::Yapp.pm.
-# Copyright (c) 1998-2001, Francois Desarmenien, all right reserved.
-# See the Copyright section at the end of the Parse/Yapp.pm pod section
-# for usage and distribution rights.
-package Parse::Yapp;
-use strict;
-use vars qw($VERSION @ISA);
-@ISA = qw(Parse::Yapp::Output);
-use Parse::Yapp::Output;
-# $VERSION is in Parse/Yapp/Driver.pm
-=head1 NAME
-Parse::Yapp - Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers. 
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-  yapp -m MyParser grammar_file.yp
-  ...
-  use MyParser;
-  $parser=new MyParser();
-  $value=$parser->YYParse(yylex => \&lexer_sub, yyerror => \&error_sub);
-  $nberr=$parser->YYNberr();
-  $parser->YYData->{DATA}= [ 'Anything', 'You Want' ];
-  $data=$parser->YYData->{DATA}[0];
-Parse::Yapp (Yet Another Perl Parser compiler) is a collection of modules
-that let you generate and use yacc like thread safe (reentrant) parsers with
-perl object oriented interface.
-The script yapp is a front-end to the Parse::Yapp module and let you
-easily create a Perl OO parser from an input grammar file.
-=head2 The Grammar file
-=over 4
-=item C<Comments>
-Through all your files, comments are either Perl style, introduced by I<#>
-up to the end of line, or C style, enclosed between  I</*> and I<*/>.
-=item C<Tokens and string literals>
-Through all the grammar files, two kind of symbols may appear:
-I<Non-terminal> symbols, called also I<left-hand-side> symbols,
-which are the names of your rules, and I<Terminal> symbols, called
-also I<Tokens>.
-Tokens are the symbols your lexer function will feed your parser with
-(see below). They are of two flavours: symbolic tokens and string
-Non-terminals and symbolic tokens share the same identifier syntax:
-		[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*
-String literals are enclosed in single quotes and can contain almost
-anything. They will be output to your parser file double-quoted, making
-any special character as such. '"', '$' and '@' will be automatically
-quoted with '\', making their writing more natural. On the other hand,
-if you need a single quote inside your literal, just quote it with '\'.
-You cannot have a literal I<'error'> in your grammar as it would
-confuse the driver with the I<error> token. Use a symbolic token instead.
-In case you inadvertently use it, this will produce a warning telling you
-you should have written it I<error> and will treat it as if it were the
-I<error> token, which is certainly NOT what you meant.
-=item C<Grammar file syntax>
-It is very close to yacc syntax (in fact, I<Parse::Yapp> should compile
-a clean I<yacc> grammar without any modification, whereas the opposite
-is not true).
-This file is divided in three sections, separated by C<%%>:
-	header section
-	%%
-	rules section
-	%%
-	footer section
-=over 4
-=item B<The Header Section> section may optionally contain:
-=item *
-One or more code blocks enclosed inside C<%{> and C<%}> just like in
-yacc. They may contain any valid Perl code and will be copied verbatim
-at the very beginning of the parser module. They are not as useful as
-they are in yacc, but you can use them, for example, for global variable
-declarations, though you will notice later that such global variables can
-be avoided to make a reentrant parser module.
-=item *
-Precedence declarations, introduced by C<%left>, C<%right> and C<%nonassoc>
-specifying associativity, followed by the list of tokens or litterals
-having the same precedence and associativity.
-The precedence beeing the latter declared will be having the highest level.
-(see the yacc or bison manuals for a full explanation of how they work,
-as they are implemented exactly the same way in Parse::Yapp)
-=item *
-C<%start> followed by a rule's left hand side, declaring this rule to
-be the starting rule of your grammar. The default, when C<%start> is not
-used, is the first rule in your grammar section.
-=item *
-C<%token> followed by a list of symbols, forcing them to be recognized
-as tokens, generating a syntax error if used in the left hand side of
-a rule declaration.
-Note that in Parse::Yapp, you I<don't> need to declare tokens as in yacc: any
-symbol not appearing as a left hand side of a rule is considered to be
-a token.
-Other yacc declarations or constructs such as C<%type> and C<%union> are
-parsed but (almost) ignored.
-=item *
-C<%expect> followed by a number, suppress warnings about number of Shift/Reduce
-conflicts when both numbers match, a la bison.
-=item B<The Rule Section> contains your grammar rules:
-A rule is made of a left-hand-side symbol, followed by a C<':'> and one
-or more right-hand-sides separated by C<'|'> and terminated by a C<';'>:
-    exp:    exp '+' exp
-        |   exp '-' exp
-        ;
-A right hand side may be empty:
-    input:  #empty
-        |   input line
-        ;
-(if you have more than one empty rhs, Parse::Yapp will issue a warning,
-as this is usually a mistake, and you will certainly have a reduce/reduce
-A rhs may be followed by an optional C<%prec> directive, followed
-by a token, giving the rule an explicit precedence (see yacc manuals
-for its precise meaning) and optionnal semantic action code block (see
-    exp:   '-' exp %prec NEG { -$_[1] }
-        |  exp '+' exp       { $_[1] + $_[3] }
-        |  NUM
-        ;
-Note that in Parse::Yapp, a lhs I<cannot> appear more than once as
-a rule name (This differs from yacc).
-=item C<The footer section>
-may contain any valid Perl code and will be appended at the very end
-of your parser module. Here you can write your lexer, error report
-subs and anything relevant to you parser.
-=item C<Semantic actions>
-Semantic actions are run every time a I<reduction> occurs in the
-parsing flow and they must return a semantic value.
-They are (usually, but see below C<In rule actions>) written at
-the very end of the rhs, enclosed with C<{ }>, and are copied verbatim
-to your parser file, inside of the rules table.
-Be aware that matching braces in Perl is much more difficult than
-in C: inside strings they don't need to match. While in C it is
-very easy to detect the beginning of a string construct, or a
-single character, it is much more difficult in Perl, as there
-are so many ways of writing such literals. So there is no check
-for that today. If you need a brace in a double-quoted string, just
-quote it (C<\{> or C<\}>). For single-quoted strings, you will need
-to make a comment matching it I<in th right order>.
-Sorry for the inconvenience.
-    {
-        "{ My string block }".
-        "\{ My other string block \}".
-        qq/ My unmatched brace \} /.
-        # Force the match: {
-        q/ for my closing brace } /
-        q/ My opening brace { /
-        # must be closed: }
-    }
-All of these constructs should work.
-In Parse::Yapp, semantic actions are called like normal Perl sub calls,
-with their arguments passed in C<@_>, and their semantic value are
-their return values.
-$_[1] to $_[n] are the parameters just as $1 to $n in yacc, while
-$_[0] is the parser object itself.
-Having $_[0] beeing the parser object itself allows you to call
-parser methods. Thats how the yacc macros are implemented:
-	yyerrok is done by calling $_[0]->YYErrok
-	YYERROR is done by calling $_[0]->YYError
-	YYACCEPT is done by calling $_[0]->YYAccept
-	YYABORT is done by calling $_[0]->YYAbort
-All those methods explicitly return I<undef>, for convenience.
-    YYRECOVERING is done by calling $_[0]->YYRecovering
-Four useful methods in error recovery sub
-    $_[0]->YYCurtok
-    $_[0]->YYCurval
-    $_[0]->YYExpect
-    $_[0]->YYLexer
-return respectivly the current input token that made the parse fail,
-its semantic value (both can be used to modify their values too, but
-I<know what you are doing> ! See I<Error reporting routine> section for
-an example), a list which contains the tokens the parser expected when
-the failure occured and a reference to the lexer routine.
-Note that if C<$_[0]-E<gt>YYCurtok> is declared as a C<%nonassoc> token,
-it can be included in C<$_[0]-E<gt>YYExpect> list whenever the input
-try to use it in an associative way. This is not a bug: the token
-IS expected to report an error if encountered.
-To detect such a thing in your error reporting sub, the following
-example should do the trick:
-        grep { $_[0]->YYCurtok eq $_ } $_[0]->YYExpect
-    and do {
-        #Non-associative token used in an associative expression
-    };
-Accessing semantics values on the left of your reducing rule is done
-through the method
-    $_[0]->YYSemval( index )
-where index is an integer. Its value being I<1 .. n> returns the same values
-than I<$_[1] .. $_[n]>, but I<-n .. 0> returns values on the left of the rule
-beeing reduced (It is related to I<$-n .. $0 .. $n> in yacc, but you
-cannot use I<$_[0]> or I<$_[-n]> constructs in Parse::Yapp for obvious reasons)
-There is also a provision for a user data area in the parser object,
-accessed by the method:
-    $_[0]->YYData
-which returns a reference to an anonymous hash, which let you have
-all of your parsing data held inside the object (see the Calc.yp
-or ParseYapp.yp files in the distribution for some examples).
-That's how you can make you parser module reentrant: all of your
-module states and variables are held inside the parser object.
-Note: unfortunatly, method calls in Perl have a lot of overhead,
-      and when YYData is used, it may be called a huge number
-      of times. If your are not a *real* purist and efficiency
-      is your concern, you may access directly the user-space
-      in the object: $parser->{USER} wich is a reference to an
-      anonymous hash array, and then benchmark.
-If no action is specified for a rule, the equivalant of a default
-action is run, which returns the first parameter:
-   { $_[1] }
-=item C<In rule actions>
-It is also possible to embed semantic actions inside of a rule:
-    typedef:    TYPE { $type = $_[1] } identlist { ... } ;
-When the Parse::Yapp's parser encounter such an embedded action, it modifies
-the grammar as if you wrote (although @x-1 is not a legal lhs value):
-    @x-1:   /* empty */ { $type = $_[1] };
-    typedef:    TYPE @x-1 identlist { ... } ;
-where I<x> is a sequential number incremented for each "in rule" action,
-and I<-1> represents the "dot position" in the rule where the action arises.
-In such actions, you can use I<$_[1]..$_[n]> variables, which are the
-semantic values on the left of your action.
-Be aware that the way Parse::Yapp modifies your grammar because of
-I<in rule actions> can produce, in some cases, spurious conflicts
-that wouldn't happen otherwise.  
-=item C<Generating the Parser Module>
-Now that you grammar file is written, you can use yapp on it
-to generate your parser module:
-    yapp -v Calc.yp
-will create two files F<Calc.pm>, your parser module, and F<Calc.output>
-a verbose output of your parser rules, conflicts, warnings, states
-and summary.
-What your are missing now is a lexer routine.
-=item C<The Lexer sub>
-is called each time the parser need to read the next token.
-It is called with only one argument that is the parser object itself,
-so you can access its methods, specially the
-    $_[0]->YYData
-data area.
-It is its duty to return the next token and value to the parser.
-They C<must> be returned as a list of two variables, the first one
-is the token known by the parser (symbolic or literal), the second
-one beeing anything you want (usualy the content of the token, or the
-literal value) from a simple scalar value to any complex reference,
-as the parsing driver never use it but to call semantic actions:
-    ( 'NUMBER', $num )
-    ( '>=', '>=' )
-    ( 'ARRAY', [ @values ] )
-When the lexer reach the end of input, it must return the C<''>
-empty token with an undef value:
-     ( '', undef )
-Note that your lexer should I<never> return C<'error'> as token
-value: for the driver, this is the error token used for error
-recovery and would lead to odd reactions.
-Now that you have your lexer written, maybe you will need to output
-meaningful error messages, instead of the default which is to print
-'Parse error.' on STDERR.
-So you will need an Error reporting sub.
-item C<Error reporting routine>
-If you want one, write it knowing that it is passed as parameter
-the parser object. So you can share information whith the lexer
-routine quite easily.
-You can also use the C<$_[0]-E<gt>YYErrok> method in it, which will
-resume parsing as if no error occured. Of course, since the invalid
-token is still invalid, you're supposed to fix the problem by
-The method C<$_[0]-E<gt>YYLexer> may help you, as it returns a reference
-to the lexer routine, and can be called as
-    ($tok,$val)=&{$_[0]->Lexer}
-to get the next token and semantic value from the input stream. To
-make them current for the parser, use:
-    ($_[0]->YYCurtok, $_[0]->YYCurval) = ($tok, $val)
-and know what you're doing...
-=item C<Parsing>
-Now you've got everything to do the parsing.
-First, use the parser module:
-    use Calc;
-Then create the parser object:
-    $parser=new Calc;
-Now, call the YYParse method, telling it where to find the lexer
-and error report subs:
-    $result=$parser->YYParse(yylex => \&Lexer,
-                           yyerror => \&ErrorReport);
-(assuming Lexer and ErrorReport subs have been written in your current
-The order in which parameters appear is unimportant.
-Et voila.
-The YYParse method will do the parse, then return the last semantic
-value returned, or undef if error recovery cannot recover.
-If you need to be sure the parse has been successful (in case your
-last returned semantic value I<is> undef) make a call to:
-    $parser->YYNberr()
-which returns the total number of time the error reporting sub has been called.
-=item C<Error Recovery>
-in Parse::Yapp is implemented the same way it is in yacc.
-=item C<Debugging Parser>
-To debug your parser, you can call the YYParse method with a debug parameter:
-    $parser->YYParse( ... , yydebug => value, ... )
-where value is a bitfield, each bit representing a specific debug output:
-    Bit Value    Outputs
-    0x01         Token reading (useful for Lexer debugging)
-    0x02         States information
-    0x04         Driver actions (shifts, reduces, accept...)
-    0x08         Parse Stack dump
-    0x10         Error Recovery tracing
-To have a full debugging ouput, use
-    debug => 0x1F
-Debugging output is sent to STDERR, and be aware that it can produce
-C<huge> outputs.
-=item C<Standalone Parsers>
-By default, the parser modules generated will need the Parse::Yapp
-module installed on the system to run. They use the Parse::Yapp::Driver
-which can be safely shared between parsers in the same script.
-In the case you'd prefer to have a standalone module generated, use
-the C<-s> switch with yapp: this will automagically copy the driver
-code into your module so you can use/distribute it without the need
-of the Parse::Yapp module, making it really a C<Standalone Parser>.
-If you do so, please remember to include Parse::Yapp's copyright notice
-in your main module copyright, so others can know about Parse::Yapp module.
-=item C<Source file line numbers>
-by default will be included in the generated parser module, which will help
-to find the guilty line in your source file in case of a syntax error.
-You can disable this feature by compiling your grammar with yapp using
-the C<-n> switch.
-If you find bugs, think of anything that could improve Parse::Yapp
-or have any questions related to it, feel free to contact the author.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Francois Desarmenien  <francois@fdesar.net>
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-yapp(1) perl(1) yacc(1) bison(1).
-The Parse::Yapp module and its related modules and shell scripts are copyright
-(c) 1998-2001 Francois Desarmenien, France. All rights reserved.
-You may use and distribute them under the terms of either
-the GNU General Public License or the Artistic License,
-as specified in the Perl README file.
-If you use the "standalone parser" option so people don't need to install
-Parse::Yapp on their systems in order to run you software, this copyright
-noticed should be included in your software copyright too, and the copyright
-notice in the embedded driver should be left untouched.