changeset 4 60053dab7e2a
parent 3 8b87ea768cb8
child 5 c34a018f3291
--- a/dummy_foundation/lib/XML/Handler/XMLWriter.pm	Wed Jun 03 18:33:51 2009 +0100
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 1999 Ken MacLeod
-# Portions derived from code in XML::Writer by David Megginson
-# XML::Handler::XMLWriter is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
-# $Id: XMLWriter.pm,v 1.2 1999/12/22 21:15:00 kmacleod Exp $
-use strict;
-package XML::Handler::XMLWriter;
-use XML::Handler::Subs;
-use vars qw{ $VERSION @ISA $escapes };
-# will be substituted by make-rel script
-$VERSION = "0.07";
-@ISA = qw{ XML::Handler::Subs };
-$escapes = { '&' => '&',
-	     '<' => '&lt;',
-	     '>' => '&gt;',
-	     '"' => '&quot;'
-	 };
-sub start_document {
-    my ($self, $document) = @_;
-    $self->SUPER::start_document($document);
-    # create a temporary Output_ in case we're creating a standard
-    # output file that we'll delete later.
-    if (!$self->{AsString} && !defined($self->{Output})) {
-	require IO::File;
-	import IO::File;
-	$self->{Output_} = new IO::File(">-");
-    } elsif (defined($self->{Output})) {
-	$self->{Output_} = $self->{Output};
-    }
-    if ($self->{AsString}) {
-	$self->{Strings} = [];
-    }
-    $self->print("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n");
-    # FIXME support Doctype declarations
-sub end_document {
-    my ($self, $document) = @_;
-    if (defined($self->{Output_})) {
-	$self->{Output_}->print("\n");
-	delete $self->{Output_};
-    }
-    my $string = undef;
-    if (defined($self->{AsString})) {
-	push @{$self->{Strings}}, "\n";
-	$string = join('', @{$self->{Strings}});
-	delete $self->{Strings};
-    }
-    $self->SUPER::end_document($document);
-    return($string);
-sub start_element {
-    my ($self, $element) = @_;
-    if ($self->SUPER::start_element($element) == 0) {
-	$self->print_start_element($element);
-    }
-sub print_start_element {
-    my ($self, $element)  = @_;
-    my $output = "<$element->{Name}";
-    if (defined($element->{Attributes})) {
-	foreach my $name (sort keys %{$element->{Attributes}}) {
-	    my $esc_value = $element->{Attributes}{$name};
-	    $esc_value =~ s/([\&\<\>\"])/$escapes->{$1}/ge;
-	    $output .= " $name=\"$esc_value\"";
-	}
-    }
-    if ($self->{Newlines}) {
-	$output .= "\n";
-    }
-    $output .= ">";
-    $self->print($output);
-sub end_element {
-    my ($self, $element) = @_;
-    if ($self->SUPER::end_element($element) == 0) {
-	$self->print_end_element($element);
-    }
-sub print_end_element {
-    my ($self, $element) = @_;
-    my $output = "</$element->{Name}"
-	. ($self->{Newlines} ? "\n" : "") . ">";
-    $self->print($output);
-sub characters {
-    my ($self, $characters) = @_;
-    my $output = $characters->{Data};
-    $output =~ s/([\&\<\>])/$escapes->{$1}/ge;
-    $self->print($output);
-sub processing_instruction {
-    my ($self, $pi) = @_;
-    my $nl = ($#{$self->{Names}} == -1) ? "\n" : "";
-    my $output;
-    if ($self->{IsSGML}) {
-	$output = "<?$pi->{Data}>\n";
-    } else {
-	if ($pi->{Data}) {
-	    $output = "<?$pi->{Target} $pi->{Data}?>$nl";
-	} else {
-	    $output = "<?$pi->{Target}?>$nl";
-	}
-    }
-    $self->print($output);
-sub ignorable_whitespace {
-    my ($self, $whitespace) = @_;
-    $self->print($whitespace->{Data});
-sub comment {
-    my ($self, $comment) = @_;
-    my $nl = ($#{$self->{Names}} == -1) ? "\n" : "";
-    my $output = "<!-- $comment->{Data} -->$nl";
-    $self->print($output);
-sub print {
-    my ($self, $output) = @_;
-    $self->{Output_}->print($output)
-	if (defined($self->{Output_}));
-    push(@{$self->{Strings}}, $output)
-	if (defined($self->{AsString}));
-=head1 NAME
-XML::Handler::XMLWriter - a PerlSAX handler for writing readable XML
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- use XML::Parser::PerlSAX;
- use XML::Handler::XMLWriter;
- $my_handler = XML::Handler::XMLWriter->new( I<OPTIONS> );
- XML::Parser::PerlSAX->new->parse(Source => { SystemId => 'REC-xml-19980210.xml' },
-                                  Handler => $my_handler);
-C<XML::Handler::XMLWriter> is a PerlSAX handler for writing readable
-XML (in contrast to Canonical XML, for example).
-XML::Handler::XMLWriter can be used with a parser to reformat XML,
-with XML::DOM or XML::Grove to write out XML, or with other PerlSAX
-modules that generate events.
-C<XML::Handler::XMLWriter> is intended to be used with PerlSAX event
-generators and does not perform any checking itself (for example,
-matching start and end element events).  If you want to generate XML
-directly from your Perl code, use the XML::Writer module.  XML::Writer
-has an easy to use interface and performs many checks to make sure
-that the XML you generate is well-formed.
-C<XML::Handler::XMLWriter> is a subclass of C<XML::Handler::Subs>.
-C<XML::Handler::XMLWriter> can be further subclassed to alter it's
-behavior or to add element-specific handling.  In the subclass, each
-time an element starts, a method by that name prefixed with `s_' is
-called with the element to be processed.  Each time an element ends, a
-method with that name prefixed with `e_' is called.  Any special
-characters in the element name are replaced by underscores.  If there
-isn't a start or end method for an element, the default action is to
-write the start or end tag.  Start and end methods can use the
-`C<print_start_element()>' and `C<print_end_element()>' methods to
-print start or end tags.  Subclasses can call the `C<print()>' method
-to write additional output.
-Subclassing XML::Handler::XMLWriter in this way is similar to
-XML::Parser's Stream style.
-XML::Handler::Subs maintains a stack of element names,
-`C<$self->{Names}', and a stack of element nodes, `C<$self->{Nodes}>'
-that can be used by subclasses.  The current element is pushed on the
-stacks before calling an element-name start method and popped off the
-stacks after calling the element-name end method.
-See XML::Handler::Subs for additional methods.
-In addition to the standard PerlSAX handler methods (see PerlSAX for
-descriptions), XML::Handler::XMLWriter supports the following methods:
-=over 4
-=item new( I<OPTIONS> )
-Creates and returns a new instance of XML::Handler::XMLWriter with the
-given I<OPTIONS>.  Options may be changed at any time by modifying
-them directly in the hash returned.  I<OPTIONS> can be a list of key,
-value pairs or a hash.  The following I<OPTIONS> are supported:
-=over 4
-=item Output
-An IO::Handle or one of it's subclasses (such as IO::File), if this
-parameter is not present and the AsString option is not used, the
-module will write to standard output.
-=item AsString
-Return the generated XML as a string from the `C<parse()>' method of
-the PerlSAX event generator.
-=item Newlines
-A true or false value; if this parameter is present and its value is
-true, then the module will insert an extra newline before the closing
-delimiter of start, end, and empty tags to guarantee that the document
-does not end up as a single, long line.  If the paramter is not
-present, the module will not insert the newlines.
-=item IsSGML
-A true or false value; if this parameter is present and its value is
-true, then the module will generate SGML rather than XML.
-=item print_start_element($element)
-Print a start tag for `C<$element>'.  This is the default action for
-the PerlSAX `C<start_element()>' handler, but subclasses may use this
-if they define a start method for an element.
-=item print_end_element($element)
-Prints an end tag for `C<$element>'.  This is the default action for
-the PerlSAX `C<end_element()>' handler, but subclasses may use this
-if they define a start method for an element.
-=item print($output)
-Write `C<$output>' to Output and/or append it to the string to be
-returned.  Subclasses may use this to write additional output.
-=head1 TODO
-=over 4
-=item *
-An Elements option that provides finer control over newlines than the
-Newlines option, where you can choose before and after newline for
-element start and end tags.  Inspired by the Python XMLWriter.
-=item *
-Support Doctype and XML declarations.
-=head1 AUTHOR
-Ken MacLeod, ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us
-This module is partially derived from XML::Writer by David Megginson.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-perl(1), PerlSAX.pod(3)