changeset 178 eab8a264a833
child 188 0d02b2df4cbb
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dbrtools/dbr/dbrutils.py	Wed Mar 03 17:22:06 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# mattd <mattd@symbian.org>
+# Description:
+# DBRutils - Module for handling little bits of stuff to do with generating hashes and scaning directories
+import re
+import os
+import sys
+import string
+from os.path import join, isfile, stat
+from stat import *
+import glob # temporary (I hope) used for grabbing stuf from zip files...
+def defaultdb():
+  return os.path.join(patchpath(),'baseline.db')
+def patchpath():
+  return os.path.join(epocroot(),'%s/' % patch_path_internal())
+def patch_path_internal():
+  return 'epoc32/relinfo'
+def exclude_dirs():
+    fixpath = re.compile('\\\\')
+    leadingslash = re.compile('^%s' % fixpath.sub('/',epocroot()))
+    return [string.lower(leadingslash.sub('',fixpath.sub('/',os.path.join(epocroot(),'epoc32/build')))),string.lower(leadingslash.sub('',fixpath.sub('/',patch_path_internal())))]
+def exclude_files():
+#    return ['\.sym$','\.dll$'] # just testing...
+    return ['\.sym$']
+def epocroot():
+    return os.environ.get('EPOCROOT')
+def scanenv():
+    print 'Scanning local environment'
+    directory = os.path.join(epocroot(),'epoc32')
+    env = scandir(directory, exclude_dirs(), exclude_files())
+    return env
+def createzip(files, name):
+    tmpfilename = os.tmpnam( )
+    print tmpfilename    
+    f = open(tmpfilename,'w')
+    for file in sorted(files):
+        str = '%s%s' % (file,'\n')
+        f.write(str)    
+    f.close()
+    os.chdir(epocroot())
+    exestr = '7z a -Tzip -i@%s %s' %(tmpfilename,name)
+    print 'executing: >%s<\n' %exestr
+    os.system(exestr)
+    os.unlink(tmpfilename)
+def extractfiles(files, path):
+    zips = glob.glob(os.path.join(path, '*.zip'))
+    for name in zips:
+      extractfromzip(files, name)    
+def extractfromzip(files, name):
+    tmpfilename = os.tmpnam( )
+    print tmpfilename
+    os.chdir(epocroot())
+    f = open(tmpfilename,'w')
+    for file in sorted(files):
+        str = '%s%s' % (file,'\n')
+        f.write(str)    
+    f.close()
+    exestr = '7z x -y -i@%s %s' %(tmpfilename,name)
+    print 'executing: >%s<\n' %exestr
+    os.system(exestr)
+    os.unlink(tmpfilename)
+def deletefiles(files):
+    os.chdir(epocroot())
+    for file in files:
+      print 'deleting %s' %file
+      os.unlink(file)
+def generateMD5s(testset):
+    db = dict()
+    if(len(testset)):
+#      print testset
+      os.chdir(epocroot())
+      tmpfilename = os.tmpnam( )
+      print tmpfilename, '\n'
+      f = open(tmpfilename,'w')
+      for file in testset:
+          entry = dict()
+          entry['md5'] = 'xxx'
+          db[file] = entry
+          str = '%s%s' % (file,'\n')
+          f.write(str)
+      f.close()
+      outputfile = os.tmpnam() 
+      exestr = 'evalid -f %s %s %s' % (tmpfilename, epocroot(), outputfile)
+#      print exestr
+      exeresult = os.system(exestr) 
+      if(exeresult):
+        sys.exit('Fatal error executing: %s\nReported error: %s' % (exestr,os.strerror(exeresult)))
+      else:  
+        db = gethashes(db,outputfile)
+        os.unlink(outputfile)
+        os.unlink(tmpfilename)
+    return db
+# Brittle and nasty!!!
+def gethashes(db,md5filename):
+    os.chdir(epocroot())
+#    print 'trying to open %s' % md5filename
+    file = open(md5filename,'r')
+    root = ''
+    fixpath = re.compile('\\\\')
+    leadingslash = re.compile('^%s' % fixpath.sub('/',epocroot()))
+    evalidparse = re.compile('(.+)\sTYPE=(.+)\sMD5=(.+)')
+    dirparse = re.compile('Directory:(\S+)')
+    for line in file:
+        res = evalidparse.match(line)
+        if(res):
+            filename = "%s%s" % (root,res.group(1))
+            filename = string.lower(fixpath.sub('/',leadingslash.sub('',filename)))            
+#            print "found %s" % filename   
+            if(filename in db):
+                db[filename]['md5'] = res.group(3)
+        else:
+            res = dirparse.match(line)
+            if(res):
+                if(res.group(1) == '.'):
+                    root = ''
+                else:
+                    root = '%s/' % res.group(1)
+    file.close()
+    return db
+def scandir(top, exclude_dirs, exclude_files):
+# exclude_dirs must be in lower case...
+#    print "Remember to expand the logged dir from", top, "!!!"
+    countdown = 0
+    env = dict()
+    fixpath = re.compile('\\\\')
+    leadingslash = re.compile('^%s' % fixpath.sub('/',epocroot()))
+    ignorestr=''
+    for exclude in exclude_files:
+      if(len(ignorestr)):
+        ignorestr = '%s|%s' % (ignorestr, exclude)
+      else:
+        ignorestr = exclude    
+    ignore = re.compile(ignorestr) 
+    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=True):
+        for dirname in dirs:
+#            print string.lower(leadingslash.sub('',fixpath.sub('/',os.path.join(root,dirname))))
+            if(string.lower(leadingslash.sub('',fixpath.sub('/',os.path.join(root,dirname)))) in exclude_dirs):
+#              print 'removing: %s' % os.path.join(root,dirname)
+              dirs.remove(dirname)
+        for name in files:
+            filename = os.path.join(root, name)
+            statinfo = os.stat(filename)
+            fn = string.lower(leadingslash.sub('',fixpath.sub('/',filename)))
+#            print '%s\t%s' % (filename, fn);
+            if(countdown == 0):
+                print '.',
+                countdown = 1000
+            countdown = countdown-1
+            if not ignore.search(fn,1):
+              entry = dict()
+              entry['time'] = '%d' % statinfo[ST_MTIME]
+              entry['size'] = '%d' % statinfo[ST_SIZE]
+              entry['md5'] = 'xxx'
+              env[fn] = entry
+  #            data = [statinfo[ST_MTIME],statinfo[ST_SIZE],'xxx']
+  #            env[fn] = data
+    print '\n'
+    return env