author Simon Howkins <>
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:27:03 +0000
changeset 104 1350a673dd5f
parent 68 6a685c67fb1f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Alternative script for generating release note information about package changes and FCL usage. Uses the sources.csv and sysdef, so doesn't need to access the release archive to access previous package lists or names, and can work concurrently with other build analysis steps.



use IO::Socket; 
use Getopt::Long;

my $target_url; #target url for the roadmap
my $tdomain; #tag for the domain to be use in csv file
my $csvfile; #output csv file name
my $authon= '';	 #does it require authorisation? default is false

my $ispackage;
my $summaryheader="ID\tPackage\tFeatures\tFormat\tHttp\n" ;
my $newtdformat = 0;

sub getpage
	#output file
	open ( outputfile, ">".$myfile);
	$port = "http(80)";
	$getmess = "GET " . $page ." HTTP/1.1\n" . $auth;

	print "INFO - sending message - $getmess\n";
	print outputfile "$getmess\n\n";

	$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new 	
		 PeerAddr => $host,   PeerPort => $port,  Proto => 'tcp', 
		) ;

	print $sock "$getmess\n\n";

	while(<$sock>) {
	  print outputfile $_;
	close ($sock);
	close (outputfile);

sub prntfeatures 

  $release =~ s/\\//sg;	
 if ($newtdformat) {
  $package =~ s/backlog//sgi;
  print $myfile " $release, $domain, $package, $myfeat\n";
 } else {
	$features = $features."<dt";


	while ( $features =~ /dt\>(.*?)\<\/dt(.*?)\<dt/sg  ){
		$myfeat = $1;
		$subfeat =$2;
		$myfeat =~ s/\n/ /sg;
		pos($features) = pos($features) -2;
		while ( $subfeat =~ /\<dd\>(.*?)\<\/dd\>/sg) {
			$mysubfeat = $mysubfeat.$mystr.$1;
			$mystr = " & ";
		undef $mystr;
	$mysubfeat =~ s/,/ /sg;
	$mysubfeat =~ s/\n//sg;
	$mysubfeat =~ s/\<.*?\>//sg;

	print $myfile " $release, $domain, $package, $myfeat, $mysubfeat\n";
	$mysubfeat = "";	
sub loadfile

	$/ = " ";
	open ( inputfile, "<".$myfile);
	my $contents = do { local $/;  <inputfile> };
	return $contents;


sub td_roadmap


	$roadmap=loadfile $infile;
	open ( outputfile, ">>".$outfile);

  if ($newtdformat) {
       print "Processing new TD roadmap format\n";
         if ($roadmap =~ m /Contents\<\/h2\>.*?\<\/table/sg) { $roadmap =$';}
         foreach (@releases) {
          $exp=$_." Roadmap";
           if ($roadmap =~ m /($exp)/sg) { 
			     print "PASS - Found entry for $_ \n";
			     $relroad =$';	
			     if ($roadmap =~ m /table\>(.*?)\<\/table/sg) { $relroad =$1;}
           while ($relroad =~ m/title\=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*)/g) {
                 $myfeat=~ s/\<\/td\>\<td\>/-/sg;   #TODO change - to , when the old format is dead
                 $myfeat=~ s/\<.*?\>//sg;
  } else {

	 foreach (@releases) {
		if ($roadmap =~ m /($exp)/sg) { 
			print "PASS - Found entry for $_ \n";
			$relroad =$';	
			if ($relroad =~ m /(.*?)\<h2/sg) { $relroad =$1;}
			while ($relroad=~ m/\<h3\>.*\>(.*?)\<.*<\/h3/g) {
				$package = $1;		
				$ppos[$i]= pos($relroad);
				$pname[$i]= $package;
			for ( $i=0;$i<($#ppos); $i++){
				$features= substr ($relroad, $ppos[$i],$ppos[$i+1]-$ppos[$i]);
			$features= substr ($relroad, $ppos[$i]);
			@ppos ="";
			@pname ="";
			undef ($features);


	close (outputfile);


sub parse_category {


	my @mylink;

	$mypage=loadfile $infile;
	if ( $mypage =~ m/Pages in category(.*)\<\/table/sg) {
		print "INFO - Category page found\n";
		$mypage = $1;
		while ($mypage =~ m /\<a href\=\"(\/wiki\/index\.php\/.*?)\"/g) {
			$mylink[$i] = $1;	
	print "INFO - Found $i items in the category page\n"
	return @mylink;

sub parse_bklog {
	$mypkg=loadfile $infile;
	#list if the bklog has been ported to the new bugzilla based format
  $headerformat= "wiki_format";
	open ( outputfile, ">>".$outfile);
	open ( soutputfile, ">>"."summary_".$outfile);
	if ($mypkg =~ m/index\.php\/(.*?) HTTP/sg) {
		$pagename = $1;
		print "INFO -Processing Package $pagename \n";
		if ($mypkg =~m/class\=\"bugzilla sortable\"/sg ) { $headerformat="autobug_format"; }
		while ($mypkg =~ m/\<tr.*?\>(.*?)\<\/tr/sg) { 
			$myheader= $&;
      if ($myheader =~ m/style=\"background-color\:/sg) {
        if ($myheader =~ m/Bug ID/sg) { $headerformat="bugzilla_format";}
			$myfeat= $1;
			$myfeat =~ s/\<\/td\>/\t/sg;
			$myfeat =~ s/\<.*?\>//sg;
			$myfeat =~ s/\n//sg;
			if ($myfeat =~ m/[A-z]/sg and not $myfeat =~ m/\&lt\;etc/sg and 
			not $myfeat =~ m/\&lt\;Feature/sg and not $myfeat =~ m/Item not available/sg) {
				print outputfile "$pagename\t$myfeat\n";

	print soutputfile "$id\t$pagename\t$i\t$headerformat\t$pagename\n";


	close (outputfile);
	close (soutputfile);


#help print
sub printhelp

	print "\n\n version 0.6
	\ -t=url -d=domain \n\nRequired parameters for Technology Roadmaps:\n\t -t url containing the technology domain roadmap\n\t -d the technology domain name
	\n\nOptional Parmeters for Technology Roadmaps\n\t-new if the roadmap has the new wiki format
  \n\nRequired Parameters for Package backlogs\n\t-p for package backlog analysis. just run -p
  \n\nOptional Pararmeters for Package backlogs\n\t -compare [f1] [f2] compares two package summary files for changes ignores order
  \n\nCommonOptional parameters\n\t-o filename ,the output is logged into the output.csv file by default\n\t-h for help
	\n\t recommend to run under cygwin environment and perl version v5.10.0 \n";

#compare bklogs
sub compare_bklogs {
	if (not $#bklogs == 1) { printhelp;}

	$cmd ="cut -f 2,3 ". $bklogs[0] . " | sort -u > tmp1.txt";
	$cmd ="cut -f 2,3 ". $bklogs[1] . " | sort -u > tmp2.txt";
	exec ("diff tmp1.txt tmp2.txt | grep '[<|>]'");
	system("rm temp*.txt");


#process command line options
sub cmd_options

  my $help;
  my @compare;

  GetOptions('h' => \$help,'t=s'=> \$target_url, 'd=s' => \$tdomain , 'o=s' => \$csvfile, 
	'a' => \$authon , 'p' => \$ispackage, 'compare=s{2}' =>\@compare, 'new' => \$isnewformat);

  if (@compare) {
	compare_bklogs @compare;

  if ($help) {

 if ($ispackage) {

 	$tdomain =" ";
	$target_url = "";
 if ($isnewformat){
    $newtdformat = 1;

 if ( not $target_url) {

	print "ERROR-missing arguments target url\n";

 if (not $tdomain){
	print "ERROR-missing arguments domain level\n";

 	print "\nINFO-downloading $target_url with label $tdomain\n";

 if (not $csvfile) {
	if (not $ispackage) { 
	} else {
		system ("rm *output.txt");
 print "\nINFO-output recorded in $csvfile \n";


$/ = " ";
$host1 = "";


if ($authon) {
	#file containing login details from http cookie
	$mycookie = loadfile("mycookie.txt");

	$auth = "Cookie: " . $mycookie ;

if ($ispackage) {
	getpage($target_url, $host1, $auth, "debug.txt");
	@bklog = parse_category("debug.txt");
	foreach (@bklog) {
		getpage("http://".$host1.$_, $host1, $auth, "pkg".$j.".txt");
		parse_bklog ("pkg".$j.".txt",$csvfile, $j);


} else {

	#foundation releases - add as required

	getpage($target_url, $host1, $auth, "debug.txt");
	td_roadmap("debug.txt" , $csvfile, $tdomain ,@releases);