author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 12:10:52 +0000
changeset 98 5adea361d896
parent 86 97b833888afe
child 106 b51d77004ea8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bug 881: "Automatic creation of release note content broken by config change" Added a new option to allow the caller to specify where the publish location is. Minor improvements to formatting of output. Turned on warnings, and fixed most of those that appeared. Greatly simplified the checking of the script arguments. Removed code which was noted to be unnecessary, and was. Declared some variables more closely to the code that uses them.

#!perl -w

# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Automates the creation of part of the PDK Release Notes: "Mercurial Comparison with PDK XXXXX"

use strict;

use FindBin;
$FindBin::Bin =~ s{/}{\\}g;;

my $bomInfoFile = shift or die "First argument must be BOM file for build being built/released\n";
my $previousPdkLabel = shift or die  "Second argument must be hg label to compare against\n";
my $detailsTsvFilename = shift or die "Third argument must be filename to write detailed TSV data into\n";
defined shift and die "No more than three arguments please\n";

# Use external scripts to get the raw data and produce the CSV summary (to go into Excel, etc)
my @pkgErrors = `perl $FindBin::Bin\\..\\clone_packages\\ -packagelist $bomInfoFile -exec -- hg status -A --rev $previousPdkLabel 2>&1 | perl $FindBin::Bin\\..\\williamr\\ 2>&1 > $detailsTsvFilename`;

# The redirection above means that we capture STDERR from summarise_hg_status,
# which lists packages for which it was unable to generate any data
# It's captured because that happens either because it's a new package or has
# moved from SFL -> EPL or we've reverted to using the MCL instead of the FCL
# (in which case it's dealt with in another part of the release notes) or it
# just hasn't had any changes since the last release

# Input from TSV file
my @rawData;
open my $fh, "<", $detailsTsvFilename;
my @columns;
foreach my $line (<$fh>)
	chomp $line;
	my @values = split "\t", $line;
	if (!@columns)
		@columns = @values;
		my %lineData;
		@lineData{@columns} = @values;
		push @rawData, \%lineData;
close $fh;

# Pivot
my %cookedData;
foreach my $datum (@rawData)
	# Accumulate the total number of files in the old revision of the pkg
	$cookedData{$datum->{Package}}->{totalFiles} += $datum->{Count} unless $datum->{Change} eq "A";
	$cookedData{$datum->{Package}}->{same} += $datum->{Count} if $datum->{Change} eq "same";
	$cookedData{$datum->{Package}}->{addRemove} += $datum->{Count} if $datum->{Change} =~ m{^[AR]$};
# Add the "exception" packages
foreach my $package (@pkgErrors)
	chomp $package;
	$package =~ s{No valid comparison for }{};
	$cookedData{$package}->{exception} = "* Package is brand new, or converted from SFL -> EPL, or has transitioned from FCL back to MCL (not covered in this section)\n";

# Cut-off for "interesting" packages

foreach my $package (keys %cookedData)
	# Ensure items are defined
	$cookedData{$package}->{totalFiles} |= 1;
	$cookedData{$package}->{same} |= 0;
	$cookedData{$package}->{addRemove} |= 0;
	$cookedData{$package}->{percentChurn} = 100 * (1 - ($cookedData{$package}->{same} / $cookedData{$package}->{totalFiles}));
	$cookedData{$package}->{exception} |= "";
	# More than N files added + removed
	next if $cookedData{$package}->{addRemove} >= 400;
	# More than M% churn
	next if $cookedData{$package}->{percentChurn} > 30;
	# Unable to compare at all
	next if $cookedData{$package}->{exception};
	# Nothing interesting about this package
	delete $cookedData{$package};

# Output
foreach my $package (sort keys %cookedData)
	print <<"EOT";
=== $package ===

* $cookedData{$package}->{addRemove} files added/removed
* $cookedData{$package}->{percentChurn}% churn
# Cause1
# etc


if (!keys %cookedData)
	print "'''No packages were identified with large changes.'''";