Add a utility to convert raptor timestamps back into localtime.
Lots of change to the script, trying to get more insight
Add filename globbing to the script, so you can scan *compile*
package XML::Handler::BuildDOM;
use strict;
use XML::DOM;
# - add support for parameter entity references
# - expand API: insert Elements in the tree or stuff into DocType etc.
sub new
my ($class, %args) = @_;
bless \%args, $class;
#-------- PerlSAX Handler methods ------------------------------
sub start_document # was Init
my $self = shift;
# Define Document if it's not set & not obtainable from Element or DocType
$self->{Document} ||=
(defined $self->{Element} ? $self->{Element}->getOwnerDocument : undef)
|| (defined $self->{DocType} ? $self->{DocType}->getOwnerDocument : undef)
|| new XML::DOM::Document();
$self->{Element} ||= $self->{Document};
unless (defined $self->{DocType})
$self->{DocType} = $self->{Document}->getDoctype
if defined $self->{Document};
unless (defined $self->{Doctype})
#?? should be $doc->createDocType for extensibility!
$self->{DocType} = new XML::DOM::DocumentType ($self->{Document});
$self->{Document}->setDoctype ($self->{DocType});
# Prepare for document prolog
$self->{InProlog} = 1;
# We haven't passed the root element yet
$self->{EndDoc} = 0;
undef $self->{LastText};
sub end_document # was Final
my $self = shift;
unless ($self->{SawDocType})
my $doctype = $self->{Document}->removeDoctype;
#?? do we always want to destroy the Doctype?
sub characters # was Char
my $self = $_[0];
my $str = $_[1]->{Data};
if ($self->{InCDATA} && $self->{KeepCDATA})
undef $self->{LastText};
# Merge text with previous node if possible
$self->{Element}->addCDATA ($str);
# Merge text with previous node if possible
# Used to be: $expat->{DOM_Element}->addText ($str);
if ($self->{LastText})
$self->{LastText}->appendData ($str);
$self->{LastText} = $self->{Document}->createTextNode ($str);
$self->{Element}->appendChild ($self->{LastText});
sub start_element # was Start
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
my $elem = $hash->{Name};
my $attr = $hash->{Attributes};
my $parent = $self->{Element};
my $doc = $self->{Document};
if ($parent == $doc)
# End of document prolog, i.e. start of first Element
$self->{InProlog} = 0;
undef $self->{LastText};
my $node = $doc->createElement ($elem);
$self->{Element} = $node;
$parent->appendChild ($node);
my $i = 0;
my $n = scalar keys %$attr;
return unless $n;
if (exists $hash->{AttributeOrder})
my $defaulted = $hash->{Defaulted};
my @order = @{ $hash->{AttributeOrder} };
# Specified attributes
for (my $i = 0; $i < $defaulted; $i++)
my $a = $order[$i];
my $att = $doc->createAttribute ($a, $attr->{$a}, 1);
$node->setAttributeNode ($att);
# Defaulted attributes
for (my $i = $defaulted; $i < @order; $i++)
my $a = $order[$i];
my $att = $doc->createAttribute ($elem, $attr->{$a}, 0);
$node->setAttributeNode ($att);
# We're assuming that all attributes were specified (1)
for my $a (keys %$attr)
my $att = $doc->createAttribute ($a, $attr->{$a}, 1);
$node->setAttributeNode ($att);
sub end_element
my $self = shift;
$self->{Element} = $self->{Element}->getParentNode;
undef $self->{LastText};
# Check for end of root element
$self->{EndDoc} = 1 if ($self->{Element} == $self->{Document});
sub entity_reference # was Default
my $self = $_[0];
my $name = $_[1]->{Name};
$self->{Element}->appendChild (
$self->{Document}->createEntityReference ($name));
undef $self->{LastText};
sub start_cdata
my $self = shift;
$self->{InCDATA} = 1;
sub end_cdata
my $self = shift;
$self->{InCDATA} = 0;
sub comment
my $self = $_[0];
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
undef $self->{LastText};
my $comment = $self->{Document}->createComment ($_[1]->{Data});
$self->{Element}->appendChild ($comment);
sub doctype_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
$self->{DocType}->setParams ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{SystemId},
$hash->{PublicId}, $hash->{Internal});
$self->{SawDocType} = 1;
sub attlist_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
$self->{DocType}->addAttDef ($hash->{ElementName},
sub xml_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
undef $self->{LastText};
$self->{Document}->setXMLDecl (new XML::DOM::XMLDecl ($self->{Document},
sub entity_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
# Parameter Entities names are passed starting with '%'
my $parameter = 0;
#?? parameter entities currently not supported by PerlSAX!
undef $self->{LastText};
$self->{DocType}->addEntity ($parameter, $hash->{Name}, $hash->{Value},
$hash->{SystemId}, $hash->{PublicId},
# Unparsed is called when it encounters e.g:
# <!ENTITY logo SYSTEM "http://server/logo.gif" NDATA gif>
sub unparsed_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
# same as regular ENTITY, as far as DOM is concerned
$self->entity_decl ($hash);
sub element_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
undef $self->{LastText};
$self->{DocType}->addElementDecl ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{Model});
sub notation_decl
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
undef $self->{LastText};
$self->{DocType}->addNotation ($hash->{Name}, $hash->{Base},
$hash->{SystemId}, $hash->{PublicId});
sub processing_instruction
my ($self, $hash) = @_;
local $XML::DOM::IgnoreReadOnly = 1;
undef $self->{LastText};
$self->{Element}->appendChild (new XML::DOM::ProcessingInstruction
($self->{Document}, $hash->{Target}, $hash->{Data}));
return 1;
=head1 NAME
XML::Handler::BuildDOM - PerlSAX handler that creates XML::DOM document structures
use XML::Handler::BuildDOM;
use XML::Parser::PerlSAX;
my $handler = new XML::Handler::BuildDOM (KeepCDATA => 1);
my $parser = new XML::Parser::PerlSAX (Handler => $handler);
my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("file.xml");
XML::Handler::BuildDOM creates L<XML::DOM> document structures
(i.e. L<XML::DOM::Document>) from PerlSAX events.
This class used to be called L<XML::PerlSAX::DOM> prior to libxml-enno 1.0.1.
The XML::Handler::BuildDOM constructor supports the following options:
=over 4
=item * KeepCDATA => 1
If set to 0 (default), CDATASections will be converted to regular text.
=item * Document => $doc
If undefined, start_document will extract it from Element or DocType (if set),
otherwise it will create a new XML::DOM::Document.
=item * Element => $elem
If undefined, it is set to Document. This will be the insertion point (or parent)
for the nodes defined by the following callbacks.
=item * DocType => $doctype
If undefined, start_document will extract it from Document (if possible).
Otherwise it adds a new XML::DOM::DocumentType to the Document.