Add - a utility for making space quickly on build machines
This Perl script deletes some directories known to contain very large files first, before
deleting the rest of the build which contains millions of small files. Given multiple
builds, it will do this breadth first, so that lost of space is released quickly.
# $Id:,v 1.2 2001/11/14 11:07:25 matt Exp $
package XML::SAX::PurePerl::Exception;
use strict;
use overload '""' => "stringify";
use vars qw/$StackTrace/;
$StackTrace = $ENV{XML_DEBUG} || 0;
sub throw {
my $class = shift;
die $class->new(@_);
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my %opts = @_;
die "Invalid options" unless exists $opts{Message};
if ($opts{reader}) {
return bless { Message => $opts{Message},
Exception => undef, # not sure what this is for!!!
ColumnNumber => $opts{reader}->column,
LineNumber => $opts{reader}->line,
PublicId => $opts{reader}->public_id,
SystemId => $opts{reader}->system_id,
$StackTrace ? (StackTrace => stacktrace()) : (),
}, $class;
return bless { Message => $opts{Message},
Exception => undef, # not sure what this is for!!!
}, $class;
sub stringify {
my $self = shift;
local $^W;
return $self->{Message} . " [Ln: " . $self->{LineNumber} .
", Col: " . $self->{ColumnNumber} . "]" .
($StackTrace ? stackstring($self->{StackTrace}) : "") . "\n";
sub stacktrace {
my $i = 2;
my @fulltrace;
while (my @trace = caller($i++)) {
my %hash;
@hash{qw(Package Filename Line)} = @trace[0..2];
push @fulltrace, \%hash;
return \@fulltrace;
sub stackstring {
my $stacktrace = shift;
my $string = "\nFrom:\n";
foreach my $current (@$stacktrace) {
$string .= $current->{Filename} . " Line: " . $current->{Line} . "\n";
return $string;