author William Roberts <williamr@symbian.org>
Fri, 27 Aug 2010 15:27:06 +0100
changeset 281 c62bd4f9dbce
parent 8 b40f95834f85
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add delete_builds.pl - a utility for making space quickly on build machines This Perl script deletes some directories known to contain very large files first, before deleting the rest of the build which contains millions of small files. Given multiple builds, it will do this breadth first, so that lost of space is released quickly.


# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Identify "Public APIs" - defined as
# 1. Files in epoc32\include which are not in epoc32\include\platform, 
# 2. And contain either no Symbian API classification doxygen tags (Public by export)
# 3. Or contain @publishedAll (Public by tag - now deprecated)

use strict;
my $debug = 0;

my @public_included = ();

sub analyse_api($$$)
  my ($file,$name,$includelistref) = @_;
  if ($name =~ /^epoc32\/include\/platform\//)
    # /epoc32/include/platform files are "Platform by export"
    return "Platform by export";
  if ($name =~ /\./ && $name !~ /\.(h|rh|hrh|inl|c|hpp)$/i)
    # Not a file which contains APIs anyway
    return "Non-API extension";

  open FILE, "<$file" or print "ERROR: Cannot open $file: $!\n" and return "Cannot open";
  my @lines = <FILE>; # they are all of a modest size
  close FILE;
  my @includelines = grep /^\s*#include\s+/, @lines;
  my @includefiles = ();
  foreach my $includeline (@includelines)
    if ($includeline =~ /^\s*#include\s+["<](.*\.([^.]+))[">]/)
      my $filename = $1;
      my $extension = $2;
      # print "++ $filename ($extension)\n";
      if ($extension =~ /mbg|rsg/i)
        # generated file referenced by #include
        push @{$includelistref}, $filename; 
        print STDERR "** $file - $includeline";
  my @apitaglines = grep /\@published|\@internal/, @lines;
  if (scalar @apitaglines == 0)
    # no API classification tags - must be "Public by export" 
    return "Public by export";
    if ($debug)
      print join("\n\t", $file, @apitaglines), "\n";
    my @publishedAll = grep /\@publishedAll/, @apitaglines;
    if (scalar @publishedAll == 0)
      # the API classification tags are all @publishedPartner or @internal
      return "Platform by tag";
    # contains at least one @publishedAll element - must be "Public by tag"
    return "Public by tag";

# Process epoc32\include tree

my %rationale;
my %ignoring_case;

sub scan_directory($$)
  my ($path, $name) = @_;
  opendir DIR, $path;
  my @files = grep !/^\.\.?$/, readdir DIR;
  closedir DIR;
  foreach my $file (@files)
    my $newpath = "$path/$file";
    my $newname = "$name/$file";
    if (-d $newpath)
      scan_directory($newpath, $newname);
    $ignoring_case{lc $newname} = $newname;
    my @includefiles = ();
    my $reason = analyse_api($newpath,$newname, \@includefiles);

    $rationale{$newname} = $reason;
    if ($reason =~ /Public/)
      push @public_included, @includefiles;   # #included files are therefore also public

scan_directory("/epoc32/include", "epoc32/include");

# Add the generated files which are included in public API files

foreach my $file (@public_included)
  # print "PUBLIC\tepoc32/include/$file\tIncluded\n";
  my $newname = "epoc32/include/$file";
  $newname = $ignoring_case{lc $newname};
  $rationale{$newname} = "Public by Inclusion";

print "Filename\tClassification\tReason\n";
foreach my $file (sort keys %rationale)
  my $reason = $rationale{$file};
  my $classification = "Platform";
  $classification = "Public" if ($reason =~ /Public/);
  print "$file\t$classification\t$reason\n";