author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 14 Apr 2010 12:58:22 +0100
changeset 219 d57b367400c0
parent 192 b20cc3d58393
permissions -rw-r--r--
Updated release notes generation: Added copyright message Proper command line parsing Usage message if inputs are not right Added explanatory preamble to output "NEW" FCLs are marked as such Merge changesets are included in output

# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# A quick and dirty perl script to take the generated 'changes.txt' from the BOM and wikify the FCL changes.

use strict;

my $file = shift @ARGV;
open(FILE, "<$file") or die "Coudln't open $file\n";
my $fcl = undef;
my $changeset = undef;
my $user = undef;
my $tag = "";
while(my $line = <FILE>)
  if($line =~ m/(\S+)(\/FCL\/\S+)/i)
    my $codeline = $1;
    my $location = $2;
    my $root;
    $tag = "";

    if ($codeline =~ m/oss/i)
      $root = "" 
    elsif($codeline =~ m/sfl/i)
      $root = "" 
    if (defined $fcl)
      print "|}\n";
    $fcl = $root.$location;

    my @bits = split ("\/",$location);
    my $packagename = pop @bits;
    $line = <FILE>; #grab next line 'cos it has the write location
    $line =~ s/\n//;
    $line =~ s/\///; #just the first one...
    print "==== ".$packagename." ([".$fcl." ".$line."]) ====\n";
    print "{|\n";
  elsif($line =~ m/(\S+)(\/MCL\/\S+)/i)
    if (defined $fcl)
      print "|}\n";
    undef $fcl;
  elsif($line =~ m/^changeset:\s+\S+:(\S+)/)
    #changeset:   118:c5817fd289ec
    $changeset = $1;
  elsif($line =~ m/^user:\s+(\S.+)$/)
    #changeset:   118:c5817fd289ec
    $user = $1;
  elsif($line =~ m/^tag:\s+(\S+)/)
    #changeset:   118:c5817fd289ec
    my $preprocessed = $1;
    $preprocessed =~ s/^tip$//g;
    if($preprocessed =~ m/\S+/)
      $tag = $tag."\'\'\'".$preprocessed."\'\'\' ";
#    $tag = $1." ";
  elsif( defined $fcl)
    if($line =~ s/^summary:\s+//)
      $line =~ s/\n//;
      my $bugzilla = "http:\/\/\/bugs\/show_bug.cgi?id=";
      $line =~ s/(bug\s*)(\d+)/\[$bugzilla$2 $1$2\]/gi;
      print "|[".$fcl."rev\/".$changeset." ".$changeset."]\n|".$tag.$line."\n|-\n";
#      print "|[".$fcl."rev\/".$changeset." ".$changeset."]\n|".$user."\n|".$line."\n|-\n";
    #abort: unknown revision 'PDK_3.0.c'!
    elsif($line =~ m/^abort:\sunknown\srevision/i)
      print "|\'\'\'TODO New FCL - fill in manually!!!\'\'\'\n";
close FILE;