Mon, 09 Nov 2009 15:04:58 +0000 Removed attempts to identify new and relicensed packages, as this is already covered by another script and another part of the release notes.
Simon Howkins <> [Mon, 09 Nov 2009 15:04:58 +0000] rev 106
Removed attempts to identify new and relicensed packages, as this is already covered by another script and another part of the release notes.
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:58:53 +0000 Updated to parse options in a more standard way, added new options to allow a different path to the sources/sysdef in the earlier release, and to provide a usage message.
Simon Howkins <> [Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:58:53 +0000] rev 105
Updated to parse options in a more standard way, added new options to allow a different path to the sources/sysdef in the earlier release, and to provide a usage message.
Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:27:03 +0000 Alternative script for generating release note information about package changes and FCL usage.
Simon Howkins <> [Mon, 09 Nov 2009 14:27:03 +0000] rev 104
Alternative script for generating release note information about package changes and FCL usage. Uses the sources.csv and sysdef, so doesn't need to access the release archive to access previous package lists or names, and can work concurrently with other build analysis steps.
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:00:20 +0000 Added the links to the website for each package (may need some improvements).
Arnaud Lenoir <> [Fri, 06 Nov 2009 16:00:20 +0000] rev 103
Added the links to the website for each package (may need some improvements).
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:47:33 +0000 Corrected new argument checking.
Simon Howkins <> [Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:47:33 +0000] rev 102
Corrected new argument checking.
Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:21:20 +0000 Changed the hard-coded default for the releases location, so at least tonight's candidate build will work OK.
Simon Howkins <> [Fri, 06 Nov 2009 15:21:20 +0000] rev 101
Changed the hard-coded default for the releases location, so at least tonight's candidate build will work OK.
Mon, 19 Oct 2009 18:06:51 +0100 Count the number of bugs and print on the default ouptut to update the Release Notes with that value. Need to be added automatically.
Arnaud Lenoir [Mon, 19 Oct 2009 18:06:51 +0100] rev 100
Count the number of bugs and print on the default ouptut to update the Release Notes with that value. Need to be added automatically.
(0) -100 -30 -10 -7 +7 +10 +30 +100 tip