Add -packagelist option, which also supports build-info.xml to provide the equivalent of the script
authorWilliam Roberts <>
Wed, 26 Aug 2009 17:34:08 +0100 (2009-08-26)
changeset 39 674034f6180c
parent 38 759027e1c6b3
child 40 0c8b7325c98e
Add -packagelist option, which also supports build-info.xml to provide the equivalent of the script Added better return code handling, to allow for "hg diff" which returns 0 = same, 1 = different Refactor the reading of the supplied text files to use -packagelist processing internally Added %REV% for -exec usage, which gives access to the revision identifies from build-info.xml
--- a/clone_packages/	Tue Aug 25 17:55:56 2009 +0100
+++ b/clone_packages/	Wed Aug 26 17:34:08 2009 +0100
@@ -31,6 +31,11 @@
 password, which will be needed to access the SFL repositories, or you can
 supply them with command line arguments.
+The list of packages can be supplied in a text file using the -packagelist
+option, which is capable of reading the build-info.xml files supplied with 
+Symbian PDKs. Supplying a build-info.xml file will cause the clone or update
+operation to use the exact revision for each of the relevant repositories.
   This script uses https access to the repositories, so the username and
   password will be stored as cleartext in the .hg/hgrc file for each repository.
@@ -44,6 +49,7 @@
 -username      username at the Symbian website
 -password      password to go with username
 -mirror        create a "mirror" of the Symbian repository tree
+-packagelist   file containing the URLs for the packages to be processed
 -retries       number of times to retry a failed operation (default 1)
 -verbose       print the underlying "hg" commands before executing them
 -n             do nothing - don't actually execute the commands
@@ -59,6 +65,7 @@
 %WREPO%        relative path to repository, with Windows path separators
 %URL%          URL of the master repository
 %PUSHURL%      URL suitable for pushing (always includes username & password)
+%REV%          revision associated with the repository (defaults to "tip")
 It's often useful to use "--" to separate the exec command from the options
 to this script, e.g. "-exec -- hg update -C tip"
@@ -80,13 +87,9 @@
 my $help = 0;
 my $exec = 0;
 my $filter = "";
+my @packagelist_files = ();
-# Extract the path location of the program and locate package list files
 my $program_path = $0;
-$program_path =~ s#(^.*\\)[^\\]+$#$1#;
-my $sf_pkg_list_file = $program_path."sf_mcl_packages.txt";
-my $sftools_pkg_list_file = $program_path."sftools_mcl_packages.txt";
-my $other_pkg_list_file = $program_path."other_packages.txt";
 # Analyse the rest of command-line parameters
 if (!GetOptions(
@@ -99,6 +102,7 @@
     "h|help" => \$help,
     "e|exec" => \$exec,
     "f|filter=s" => \$filter,
+    "l|packagelist=s" => \@packagelist_files,
   Usage("Invalid argument");
@@ -108,11 +112,6 @@
 Usage("Too few arguments for -exec") if (scalar @ARGV == 0 && $exec);
 Usage("") if ($help);
-open  SF_PKG_LIST, "<$sf_pkg_list_file" or die "Can't open $sf_pkg_list_file\n";
-open  SFTOOLS_PKG_LIST, "<$sftools_pkg_list_file" or die "Can't open $sftools_pkg_list_file\n";
-open  OTHER_PKG_LIST, "<$other_pkg_list_file" or die "Can't open $other_pkg_list_file\n";
 # Important: This script uses http access to the repositories, so
 # the username and password will be stored as cleartext in the
 # .hg/hgrc file in each repository.
@@ -147,37 +146,6 @@
   chomp $password;
-my @sf_packages;
-foreach my $pkg (<SF_PKG_LIST>)
-	if ($pkg =~ s#^https://[^/]+/##)
-	{
-		chomp($pkg);
-		push @sf_packages, $pkg;
-	}
-my @sftools_packages;
-foreach my $pkg (<SFTOOLS_PKG_LIST>)
-	if ($pkg =~ s#^https://[^/]+/##)
-	{
-		chomp($pkg);
-		push @sftools_packages, $pkg;
-	}
-my @other_repos;
-foreach my $pkg (<OTHER_PKG_LIST>)
-	if ($pkg =~ s#^https://[^/]+/##)
-	{
-		chomp($pkg);
-		push @other_repos, $pkg;
-	}
 my %export_control_special_case = (
   "oss/MCL/sf/os/security" => 1,
   "oss/FCL/sf/os/security" => 1,
@@ -196,7 +164,9 @@
   return system(@cmd);
-sub get_repo($)
+my %revisions;
+sub process_one_repo($)
   my ($package) = @_;
   my @dirs = split /\//, $package;
@@ -232,6 +202,19 @@
     $repo_url = "$package/";
+  my @rev_options = ();
+  my $revision = $revisions{$package};
+  if (defined($revision))
+    {
+    @rev_options = ("--rev", $revision);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+    $revision = "tip";
+    # and leave the rev_options list empty
+    }
+  my $ret;
   if ($exec)
     # iteration functionality - process the keywords
@@ -245,91 +228,98 @@
       $cmd =~ s/%WREPO%/$wpath/;
       $cmd =~ s/%URL%/$repo_url/;
       $cmd =~ s/%PUSHURL%/$repo_push_url/;
+      $cmd =~ s/%REV%/$revision/;
       push @repo_cmd, $cmd;
     print "Processing $path...\n";
-    return do_system(@repo_cmd);
+    $ret = do_system(@repo_cmd);
   elsif (-d "$path/.hg")
     # The repository already exists, so just do an update
     print "Updating $destdir from $package...\n";
-    return do_system("hg", "pull", @pull_options, "-R", $path, $repo_url);
+    $ret = do_system("hg", "pull", @pull_options, "-R", $path, $repo_url, @rev_options);
     # Clone the repository
     print "Cloning $destdir from $package...\n";
-    return do_system("hg", "clone", @clone_options, $repo_url, $path);
+    $ret = do_system("hg", "clone", @clone_options, $repo_url, $path, @rev_options);
+  $ret = $ret >> 8;   # extract the exit status
+  print "* Exit status $ret for $path\n\n" if ($verbose);
+  return $ret;
+  }
+if (scalar @packagelist_files == 0)
+  {
+  # Read the package list files alongside the script itself
+  # Extract the path location of the program and locate package list files
+  $program_path =~ s/\\/\//g;
+  $program_path =~ s/(^.*\/)[^\/]+$/$1/;
+  foreach my $file ("sf_mcl_packages.txt", "sftools_mcl_packages.txt", "other_packages.txt")
+    {
+    push @packagelist_files, $program_path.$file;
+    }
-my @all_packages;
+my @all_packages = ();
-@all_packages = (@sf_packages, @sftools_packages, @other_repos);
+foreach my $file (@packagelist_files)
+  {
+  print "* reading package information from $file...\n" if ($verbose);
+  open PKG_LIST, "<$file" or die "Can't open $file: $!\n";
+  foreach my $line (<PKG_LIST>)
+    {
+    chomp($line);
+    my $revision; # set when processing build-info listings
+    # build-info.xml format
+    # <baseline>//v800008/Builds01/mercurial_master_prod/sfl/MCL/sf/adaptation/stubs/#:e086c7f635d5</baseline>
+    if ($line =~ /<baseline>(.*)#:([0-9a-z]+)<\/baseline>/i)
+      {
+      $line = $1;   # discard the wrapping
+      $revision = $2;
+      }
+    # Look for the oss/MCL/ prefix to a path e.g.
+    #
+    if ($line =~ /((oss|sfl)\/(FCL|MCL)\/.*)\s*$/)
+      {
+      my $repo_path = $1;
+      $repo_path =~ s/\/$//;  # remove trailing slash, if any
+      push @all_packages, $repo_path;
+      $revisions{$repo_path} = $revision if (defined $revision);
+      next;
+      }
+    }
+  close PKG_LIST;
+  }
 if ($mirror)
   push @clone_options, "--noupdate";
-  if (0)
+  # Assume that every MCL has a matching FCL
+  my @list_with_fcls = ();
+  foreach my $package (@all_packages)
-    # Prototype code to scrape the repository list from the website
-    # Needs to have extra modules and executables installed to support https
-    # so this would only work for the oss packages at present...
-    # Create a user agent object
-    use LWP::UserAgent;
-    use HTTP::Request::Common;
-    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-    $ua->agent(" ");
-    # Request the oss package list
-    my $res = $ua->request(GET "http://$hostname/oss");
-    # Check the outcome of the response
-    if (! $res->is_success) 
+    push @list_with_fcls, $package;
+    if ($package =~ /MCL/)
-      print "Failed to read oss package list:\n\t", $res->status_line, "\n";
+      # If mirroring, get the matching FCLs as well as MCLs
+      $package =~ s/MCL/FCL/;
+      push @list_with_fcls, $package;
-    my @oss_packages = ($res->content =~ m/<td><a href="\/(oss\/[^"]+)\/?">/g);  # umatched "
-    print join ("\n\t",@oss_packages), "\n";
-    # Request the sfl package list
-    $res = $ua->request(GET "https://$username:$password\@$hostname/sfl");
+    }
+  @all_packages = @list_with_fcls;
-    # Check the outcome of the response
-    if (! $res->is_success) 
-      {
-      print "Failed to read sfl package list:\n\t", $res->status_line, "\n";
-      }
-    my @sfl_packages = ($res->content =~ m/<td><a href="\/(sfl\/[^"]+)\/?">/g);  # umatched "
-    print join ("\n\t",@sfl_packages), "\n";
-    @all_packages = (@sfl_packages, @oss_packages);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-    # Assume that every MCL has a matching FCL
-    my @list_with_fcls = ();
-    foreach my $package (@all_packages)
-      {
-      push @list_with_fcls, $package;
-      if ($package =~ /MCL/)
-        {
-        # If mirroring, get the matching FCLs as well as MCLs
-        $package =~ s/MCL/FCL/;
-        push @list_with_fcls, $package;
-        }
-      }
-    @all_packages = @list_with_fcls;
-    }
 my @problem_packages = ();
@@ -341,9 +331,9 @@
     next; # skip repos which don't match the filter
-  my $err = get_repo($package);
+  my $err = process_one_repo($package);
-  push @problem_packages, $package if ($err); 
+  push @problem_packages, $package if ($err < 0 || $err > 127); 
 # retry problem packages
@@ -360,8 +350,8 @@
   @problem_packages = ();
   foreach my $package (@list)
-    my $err = get_repo($package);
-    push @problem_packages, $package if ($err); 
+    my $err = process_one_repo($package);
+    push @problem_packages, $package if ($err < 0 || $err > 127); 