v0.5, support for bklog compare and fix feature count
Thu, 06 Aug 2009 17:06:53 +0100 (2009-08-06)
changeset 27 7dccd04e54f9
parent 26 cad9fdd53748
child 28 7896313fcd8f v0.5, support for bklog compare and fix feature count
--- a/tdroadmap_merger/	Mon Aug 03 13:27:22 2009 +0100
+++ b/tdroadmap_merger/	Thu Aug 06 17:06:53 2009 +0100
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 use IO::Socket; 
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 my $ispackage;
 sub getpage
@@ -175,66 +176,108 @@
 sub parse_bklog {
-	($infile,$outfile)=@_;
+	($infile,$outfile,$id)=@_;
 	$mypkg=loadfile $infile;
 	open ( outputfile, ">>".$outfile);
 	open ( soutputfile, ">>"."summary_".$outfile);
 	if ($mypkg =~ m/index\.php\/(.*?) HTTP/sg) {
 		$pagename = $1;
 		print "INFO -Processing Package $pagename \n";
-		#while ($mypkg =~ m/\<tr\>\<td\>(.*?)\<\/td\>/g) {
-		while ($mypkg =~ m/\<tr\>(.*?)\<\/tr/sg) {
+		while ($mypkg =~ m/\<tr.*?\>(.*?)\<\/tr/sg) {
+			next if ($& =~ m/style=\"background-color\:/s);
 			$myfeat= $1;
 			$myfeat =~ s/\<\/td\>/\t/sg;
 			$myfeat =~ s/\<.*?\>//sg;
 			$myfeat =~ s/\n//sg;
-			if ($myfeat =~ m/[A-z]/sg ) {
+			if ($myfeat =~ m/[A-z]/sg and not $myfeat =~ m/\&lt\;etc/sg and 
+			not $myfeat =~ m/\&lt\;Feature/sg and not $myfeat =~ m/Item not available/sg) {
 				print outputfile "$pagename\t$myfeat\n";
-	print soutputfile "$pagename\t$i\n";
+	print soutputfile "$id\t$pagename\t$i\t$pagename\n";
+	close (outputfile);
+	close (soutputfile);
 #help print
 sub printhelp
-	print "\n\n version 0.4 
-	\ -t=url -d=domain \nrequired parameters:\n\t -t url containing the technology domain roadmap\n\t -d the technology domain name
-	\n Optional parameters\n\t-o filename ,the output is logged into the output.csv file by default\n\t-h for help
-	\n\t-a setup authorisation by cookie follow instructions in
-	\n\t -p adds support for package backlog analysis. just run -p";
+	print "\n\n version 0.5 
+	\ -t=url -d=domain \n\nrequired parameters:\n\t -t url containing the technology domain roadmap\n\t -d the technology domain name
+	\n\nOptional parameters\n\t-o filename ,the output is logged into the output.csv file by default\n\t-h for help
+	\n\t-a setup authorisation by cookie follow instructions \n\tin
+	\n\t -p adds support for package backlog analysis. just run -p
+	\n\t -compare [f1] [f2] compares two package summary files for changes ignores order\n";
+#compare bklogs
+sub compare_bklogs {
+	#arguments
+	(@bklogs)=@_;
+	if (not $#bklogs == 1) { printhelp;}
+	$cmd ="cut -f 2,3 ". $bklogs[0] . " | sort -u > tmp1.txt";
+	system($cmd);
+	$cmd ="cut -f 2,3 ". $bklogs[1] . " | sort -u > tmp2.txt";
+	system($cmd);
+	exec ("diff tmp1.txt tmp2.txt | grep '[<|>]'");
+	system("rm temp*.txt");
+	exit;
 #process command line options
 sub cmd_options
   my $help;
+  my @compare;
-  GetOptions('h' => \$help,'t=s'=> \$target_url, 'd=s' => \$tdomain , 'o=s' => \$csvfile, 'a' => \$authon , 'p' => \$ispackage);
+  GetOptions('h' => \$help,'t=s'=> \$target_url, 'd=s' => \$tdomain , 'o=s' => \$csvfile, 
+	'a' => \$authon , 'p' => \$ispackage, 'compare=s{2}' =>\@compare);
+  if (@compare) {
+	compare_bklogs @compare;
+  }
   if ($help) {
  if ($ispackage) {
  	$tdomain =" ";
@@ -259,7 +302,14 @@
  if (not $csvfile) {
-	$csvfile="output.csv";
+	if (not $ispackage) { 
+		$csvfile="output.csv";
+		system ("rm output.csv");
+	} else {
+		$csvfile="output.txt";
+		system ("rm *output.txt");
+	}
  print "\nINFO-output recorded in $csvfile \n";
@@ -288,7 +338,7 @@
 	foreach (@bklog) {
 		getpage("http://".$host1.$_, $host1, $auth, "pkg".$j.".txt");
-		parse_bklog ("pkg".$j.".txt",$csvfile);
+		parse_bklog ("pkg".$j.".txt",$csvfile, $j);