Add script to clone repositories and create workspace based on the BOM produced by the platform build
authorAndy Simpson<>
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:33:23 +0100 (2009-06-29)
changeset 13 f57f08cb4e1d
parent 12 dda0176e838b
child 14 a5c7bdb47359
Add script to clone repositories and create workspace based on the BOM produced by the platform build
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/	Mon Jun 29 17:33:23 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# Perl script to clone or update all Foundation repositories based on content of 
+# BOM (bill of materials) file provided with a PDK release
+use strict;
+use XML::DOM ();
+use Getopt::Long;
+my ($help,$verbose,$build_info,$rincoming,$rstatus,$rclean);
+my $username="";
+my $password="";
+my $rclone=1;
+my $opts_err = GetOptions(
+  "h|help" => \$help,			# print Usage
+  "b|build-info=s" => \$build_info,		    # build info xml file
+  "u|user=s" => \$username, # user name when pushing to foundation
+  "p|password=s" => \$password, # password when pushing to foundation
+  "status!"=> \$rstatus,     #flag to request hg status for each repo
+  "incoming!"=>\$rincoming,   #flag to request incoming for each repo from sf repositories
+  "clean!"=>\$rclean, # flag to request clean the working source tree
+  "clone!"=>\$rclone, # flag to request clone   
+  "verbose!" => \$verbose,		#verbosity, currently only on or off (verbose or noverbose)
+) or die ("Error processing options\n\n" . Usage() );
+# check if there were any extra parameters ignored by GetOptions
+@ARGV and die ("Input not understood - unrecognised paramters : @ARGV \n\n" . Usage() );
+if ($help)
+    print Usage();
+    exit;
+if (! defined ($build_info))
+    die ("Need to specify the BOM file, e.g. -b build-info.xml\n\n".Usage());
+if (!-f $build_info) {die " Can't find build info file $build_info\n"}
+if (defined($rincoming) || ($rclone))
+  ## if you are going to try any operations on foundation host need password 
+  if ($username eq "" || $password eq "")
+  {
+    print "Must supply your username and password to talk to Foundation host\n";
+    exit 1;
+  }
+my ( $parser, $buildinfoxml );
+    $parser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
+    $buildinfoxml    = $parser->parsefile($build_info);
+if ( $@ )
+    print "Fatal XML error processing build info file: $@";
+my @baseline_entries = $buildinfoxml->getElementsByTagName('baseline');
+foreach my $repository (@baseline_entries)
+#    print $repository->toString();
+    my $baseline = $repository->getFirstChild->getNodeValue;
+    # e.g. E:/hg_cache/mercurial_master_prod/sfl/MCL/sf/tools/swconfigtools/#2:fa09df6b7e6a
+    $baseline =~ m/(.*?)#\d*:(.*)$/; 
+    my $repo_path = $1;      # e.g. E:/hg_cache/mercurial_master_prod/sfl/MCL/sf/tools/swconfigtools/
+    my $changeset = $2; # e.g fa09df6b7e6a
+    $repo_path =~ m/.*?(oss|sfl).(MCL|FCL)(.*$)/;
+    my $license = $1;
+    my $codeline =$2;
+    my $package =$3;
+    my $sf_repo = "https://$username:$password\$1/$2$package";
+    $sf_repo =~ s!\\!\/!g;
+    my @dirs = split /\//, $package;
+    my $destdir = pop @dirs;  # ignore the package name, because Mercurial will create that
+    # Ensure the directories already exist as far as the parent of the repository
+    my $local_path = "";
+    foreach my $dir (@dirs)
+    {
+      $local_path = ($local_path eq "") ? $dir : "$local_path/$dir";
+      if (!-d $local_path)
+      {
+        mkdir $local_path;
+      }
+    }
+    $local_path .= "/$destdir";   # this is where the repository will go
+    $local_path =~ s!\\!\/!g;
+    if($rclone)
+    {
+       if (-d "$local_path/.hg")
+       {
+          # The repository already exists, so just do an update
+          print "Updating $local_path from $sf_repo at changeset $changeset\n";
+          system("hg", "pull", "-R", $local_path, $sf_repo);
+          system("hg","-R", $local_path,"update",$changeset);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+          # hg clone -U    http://«user»:«password»",
+          print "Cloning $local_path from $sf_repo and update to changeset $changeset \n";
+          # need to update the working directory otherwise the parent of the tag change create a new head
+          system("hg", "clone", "--noupdate",$sf_repo, $local_path);
+          system("hg","-R", $local_path,"update",$changeset);
+      }
+    }
+    if (-d "$local_path/.hg")
+    {
+      if($rincoming)
+      {
+          system("hg","-R", $local_path,"incoming",$sf_repo);
+      }
+      if($rstatus)
+      {
+          print "Identify $local_path ";
+          system("hg","-R", $local_path, "identify");
+          system("hg","-R", $local_path, "status");
+      }
+      if($rclean)
+      {
+        print "Clean $local_path ";
+        system("hg","-R", $local_path,"update","-C",$changeset);
+        my @added =`hg -R $local_path status`;
+        foreach my $addedfile (@added)
+        {
+          $addedfile =~ s/\?\s*/\.\/$local_path\//;
+          $addedfile =~ s!\/!\\!g;
+          print "del $addedfile\n";
+       #   system("del", $addedfile);
+          #unlink($addedfile);       
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        print "ERROR: No repository found at $local_path\n";
+    }
+sub Usage
+  return <<"EOF";
+Usage: -b <build info file> [-status] [-incoming] [-u <user name> -p <password>] [-verbose]
+	Clones repositories listed in the build BOM 
+	Optionally can display status of local repositories
+	and preview of incoming changes from Foundation repos
+    -h -> Output this usage message;
+    -b -> file containing the build info (xml BOM format)
+    -u -> User name (required if accessing the Foundation repositories)
+    -p -> Password (required if accessing the Foundation repositories)
+    -status -> Query hg identify and hg status for each local repo
+    -incoming -> Query any incoming changes from the Foundation host
+    -clean -> clean the local source tree (n.b. removes local files not committed to mercurial)
+    -noclone -> skip the clone repositories step
+    -verbose -> more debug statements (optional, default off)
\ No newline at end of file