Improve the parsing of the script location to determine the location of .txt files using File::Basename.
authordave.jones <>
Wed, 10 Feb 2010 13:30:10 +0000 (2010-02-10)
changeset 161 fb679efeb2dd
parent 160 fed3f1d2c557
child 162 4a47f1403d9b
Improve the parsing of the script location to determine the location of .txt files using File::Basename. Should be platform safe as $program_path will include trailing path separator.
--- a/clone_packages/	Wed Feb 10 13:22:03 2010 +0000
+++ b/clone_packages/	Wed Feb 10 13:30:10 2010 +0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 use strict;
 use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
 sub Usage($)
@@ -93,8 +94,6 @@
 my $filter = "";
 my @packagelist_files = ();
-my $program_path = $0;
 # Analyse the rest of command-line parameters
 if (!GetOptions(
     "u|username=s" => \$username,
@@ -274,10 +273,15 @@
   # Read the package list files alongside the script itself
   # Extract the path location of the program and locate package list files
-  $program_path =~ s/\\/\//g;
-  $program_path =~ s/(^.*\/)[^\/]+$/$1/;
+  my ($program_name,$program_path) = &File::Basename::fileparse($0);
   foreach my $file ("sf_mcl_packages.txt", "sftools_mcl_packages.txt", "other_packages.txt")
+    if (! -e $program_path.$file)
+    	{
+    	print "Cannot find implied packagelist $program_path$file\n";
+    	next;
+			}
     push @packagelist_files, $program_path.$file;
   $add_implied_FCL_repos = 1;   # lists only contain the MCL repo locations