2010-08-27 William Roberts v0.20 - change to developer-secure.symbian.org, to fix Bug 3627
2010-07-30 William Roberts v0.19 of downloadkit.py
2010-07-07 Maciej Seroka Updated scripts for filtering BC reports
2010-07-07 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.0 for changeset c1b745b16f58 TAGS
2010-06-30 William Roberts version 0.18 - detect the login redirections on the new-look developer site PDK_3.0.0
2010-06-29 William Roberts Extend packagelist parsing to read "sources.csv" files.
2010-06-29 William Roberts version 0.17 - use the size information in release_metadata.xml, treat checksum errors as failures
2010-06-29 Tahir Mahmood updated MCL & FCL package listings
2010-06-29 Dario Sestito Fix: Missing 'missing' info
2010-06-29 Dario Sestito Truclean to take account of new /sf/ directory level in the releaseables
2010-06-29 Dario Sestito Update help info
2010-06-29 Dario Sestito Allow shell wildcards in input file names
2010-06-28 Dario Sestito Comment out some debug info
2010-06-28 Dario Sestito Extend UH parser to cope with tools build
2010-06-22 Tahir Mahmood added ../sf/mw/webextensions package to list of repos
2010-06-21 Dario Sestito EPOCROOT should not be compared against baseline
2010-06-21 Dario Sestito Fix: when comparing to zipped baseline the temporary file is not removed
2010-06-21 Dario Sestito Fix: tools version comparison shows always less recent
2010-06-16 Dario Sestito Add EPOCROOT to the envinfo report
2010-06-16 Dario Sestito Restructure envinfo help
2010-06-16 Dario Sestito Allow better version reporting for gcc compiler
2010-06-10 Dario Sestito Restructure help text
2010-06-10 Dario Sestito Change default releaseablesdir to \build_info\logs\releaseables
2010-06-10 Dario Sestito Don't search for the tools under PDT_HOME\utilities but only under ..
2010-06-10 Dario Sestito Rename 'stubs' as 'bin' as this is more appropriate
2010-06-09 Dario Sestito Add stubs for the most commonly used tools
2010-06-07 Dario Sestito Improve/fix help info
2010-06-07 Dario Sestito Fix: wrong location for envinfo.txt in zip file. Add more locations to look for envinfo.txt
2010-06-04 Dario Sestito Changed envinfo slightly to have comparison of tools version with a baseline
2010-06-03 Dario Sestito Add envinfo.pl tool to dump environment info
2010-06-03 Shabe Razvi Remove duplicate script, use uh_parser/truclean.pl instead
2010-05-28 Dario Sestito Raised to critical the categories: armcc_cannot_open_source_input_file, mwccsym2_file_cannot_be_opened, cpp_exe_no_such_file_or_directory
2010-05-27 teknolog Added a very crude tool to check for existence of various tools in the system PATH.
2010-05-27 Tahir Mahmood moved socialmobilefw package from incubator to sf/mw
2010-05-26 Dario Sestito Add new categories: mwldsym2_undefined_symbol and makedef_frozen_export_missing for recipe failures
2010-05-13 Simon Howkins Added output of Heading above table, so the script generates all of the desired content for the wiki page, not just part of it.
2010-05-13 Simon Howkins Changed script to use CSV formatted input, rather than TSV.
2010-05-20 Tahir Mahmood removed sf/tools/homescreentools from package lists
2010-05-20 Tahir Mahmood updated MCL/sf and FCL/sf package lists
2010-05-20 Dario Sestito Raise level of severity for 'make: no rule to make target' errors to major as they are root causes
2010-05-17 Simon Howkins Added tag PDK_3.0.i for changeset d01a4084d621 TAGS
2010-05-13 Simon Howkins Extended to put the preferred column headings into the table. PDK_3.0.i
2010-05-12 Dario Sestito Revert to version 236 as 237 breaks the parser
2010-05-11 Shabe Razvi Update uh_parser to understand sftools/dev packages
2010-05-11 Dario Sestito Add author information. Reviewed descriptions
2010-05-11 Dario Sestito Ren 'general failures' title into more appropriate 'floating failures'
2010-05-11 Dario Sestito Do not display the unknown/unknown package unless there are associated failures
2010-05-11 Dario Sestito Move PARSED FILES section to the bottom. Minor cosmetic changes
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