2009-10-19 Arnaud Lenoir Count the number of bugs and print on the default ouptut to update the Release Notes with that value. Need to be added automatically.
2009-11-09 asimpson changed paths for sftools/dev/build and sf/os/kernelhwsrv from sfl to oss (for mcl and fcl lists, left unchanged in rcl1 list)
2009-11-06 Simon Howkins Bug 881: "Automatic creation of release note content broken by config change"
2009-11-05 Simon Howkins Removed commented code, code which had no effect on the output, some unnecessary \s, and a couple of other basic simplifications.
2009-10-27 MattD clone_all_packages.pl - Added optional '-webhost' parameter.
2009-10-21 Shabe Razvi Added tag PDK_3.0.b for changeset 219325363815
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