2010-09-30 | William Roberts | Add --norev option to ignore the revision information in packagelists (mostly for the default hg pull behaviour) | changeset | files |
2010-09-30 | William Roberts | Add naviengine.nec and codecs.aricent to the package lists | changeset | files |
2010-09-23 | Simon Howkiins | Added tag PDK_2.0.3 for changeset 2b7e66ca13ba | changeset | files |
2010-09-06 | Dario Sestito | Fix for total releasables count not appearing | changeset | files |
2010-09-03 | William Roberts | Add sf/mw/qtmobility package | changeset | files |
2010-09-03 | William Roberts | Update to reflect new packages | changeset | files |
2010-09-03 | Dario Sestito | Add one more debug line and a possible fix for the total releasables number not displayed problem | changeset | files |
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