2010-04-16 Maciej Seroka Implemented feature to generate sub-reports for missing libraries in la_filter.pl
2010-04-14 Simon Howkins Updated release notes generation:
2010-04-12 Dario Sestito Remove redundant category no_rule_to_make_target for Raptor unreciped text
2010-04-12 Dario Sestito Fix heuristic matches tool path instead of file path
2010-04-12 Dario Sestito Add new variant_file_does_not_exist category for Raptor errors
2010-04-12 maciejs Added tools for filtering bc reports and updating known issues file
2010-04-09 Dario Sestito Add heuristic determination of package for Raptor unreciped text
2010-04-09 Dario Sestito Add heuristic determination of package for Raptor errors and warnings
2010-04-09 Dario Sestito Rename missing_bld_inf_file category to cpp_exe_no_such_file_or_directory
2010-04-09 Dario Sestito Add new failed_to_parse_xml_file category for Raptor errors
2010-04-07 Dario Sestito Add new exportunfrozen_present category for Raptor warnings
2010-04-07 Dario Sestito Use the bldinf attribute to assign Raptor errors and warnings to the related package
2010-04-07 Simon Howkins New script for generating release note content.
2010-04-01 tahirm added FCL entries for mw/qtextensions and incubator/multimediaadaptation
2010-03-26 Dario Sestito Fix '0' as number of missing is not shown if there are errors but no missing
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