RTz Class Reference

class RTz : public RSessionBase

The client interface to the time zone server.

This class performs two basic functions:

1. Converts between UTC time and local time. 2. Sets the current local time zone.

NOTE: The presence of a time zone server will alter the behaviour of the time zone related function calls User::SetUTCOffset() and User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset(). The time zone server is shutdown when the last session (RTz) is closed. Therefore, to maintain consistent time related behaviour, licensees may want to keep a system level time zone server session open at all times.

Exceptional cases occur when a user requests conversion for a non-existent local time or a double local time.

Non-existent local times occur when the local time changes from winter to summer for DST.

For example, 01:59 local time is non-existent on the day of a change to BST in Europe/London since the time changes directly from 12:59:59 to 2:00.

A double local time occurs when the local time changes from summer to winter.

For example, if the time changes at 02:00 AM BST to 01:00 AM GMT then local times between 01:00 and 01:59 occur twice.

The conversion applies the DST offset if the local time value is double and applies the standard UTC offset if the local time does not exists.

This decision makes the conversion process asymmetrical around the discontinuity in the local time when there is a DST change.

An example conversion from a double local time to UTC and from UTC to a double local time is:

01:59 AM BST => 00:59 AM UTC 01:59 AM UTC => 01:59 AM GMT

An example conversion from a non-existent local time to UTC and from UTC to local time is:

01:59 AM GMT => 01:59 AM UTC 01:59 AM UTC => 02:59 AM BST


Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C TIntAutoUpdateSettingL()
TInt CancelRequestForNotice()
IMPORT_C voidClose()
IMPORT_C TIntConnect()
IMPORT_C TIntConvertToLocalTime(TTime &)
IMPORT_C TIntConvertToLocalTime(TTime &, const CTzId &)
IMPORT_C TIntConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &)
IMPORT_C TIntConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &, const CTzId &)
CTzId *CreateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzRules &, const CTzUserNames &)
TUint16 CurrentCachedTzId()
voidDeleteUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &)
IMPORT_C voidGetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(const RArray< TInt > &, RArray< TInt > &)
IMPORT_C CTzId *GetTimeZoneIdL()
IMPORT_C CTzRules *GetTimeZoneRulesL(const TTime &, const TTime &, TTzTimeReference)
IMPORT_C CTzRules *GetTimeZoneRulesL(const CTzId &, const TTime &, const TTime &, TTzTimeReference)
voidGetUserTimeZoneIdsL(RPointerArray< CTzId > &)
CTzUserNames *GetUserTimeZoneNamesL(const CTzId &)
IMPORT_C TBoolIsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &)
IMPORT_C TBoolIsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &, const TTime &)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationCloseDbL()
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationDeleteCityL(const TDesC &, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationOpenDbL()
IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityRecord *LocalizationReadCachedTimeZoneCityL(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesInGroupL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &, TUint8)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &, TInt)
IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord *LocalizationReadFrequentlyUsedZoneL(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteAllFrequentlyUsedZonesL(const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord > &, const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteCityL(const TDesC &, TInt, TUint8, TUint)
IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord &, const CTzLocalizedCityRecord &, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyHomeTimeZoneChangedL(const NTzUpdate::TTimeZoneChange &)
IMPORT_C voidPanic(TPanic)
voidRegisterTzChangeNotifier(TRequestStatus &)
IMPORT_C voidSetAutoUpdateBehaviorL(TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes)
IMPORT_C TIntSetHomeTime(const TTime &)
IMPORT_C voidSetTimeZoneL(CTzId &)
IMPORT_C voidSetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &, const TInt)
IMPORT_C voidSetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &, const TInt, TBool)
TBool StartCachingL()
IMPORT_C voidSwiObsBeginL()
IMPORT_C voidSwiObsEndL()
IMPORT_C voidSwiObsFileChangedL(TSWIObserverFilterIndex)
voidUpdateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &, const CTzRules &, const CTzUserNames &)
TVersion Version()
IMPORT_C void__dbgClearCacheL(TBool)
IMPORT_C TInt__dbgRequestAllocatedCellsL(TInt)
IMPORT_C void__dbgResetHeapL()
IMPORT_C void__dbgSetHeapFailL(RAllocator::TAllocFail, TInt)
Private Member Functions
TInt DoConnect()
TInt StartServer()
voiddoConvertL(const CTzId &, TTime &, TTzTimeReference)
voiddoConvertL(TTime &, TTzTimeReference)
Inherited Functions
RHandleBase::Duplicate(const RThread &,TOwnerType)
RHandleBase::FullName(TDes &)const
RHandleBase::HandleInfo(THandleInfo *)
RHandleBase::NotifyDestruction(TRequestStatus &)
RHandleBase::Open(const TFindHandleBase &,TOwnerType)
RHandleBase::OpenByName(const TDesC &,TOwnerType,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(RServer2,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TIpcSessionType,const TSecurityPolicy *,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::CreateSession(const TDesC &,const TVersion &,TInt,TRequestStatus *)
RSessionBase::Open(RMessagePtr2,TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType)
RSessionBase::Open(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &,TOwnerType)
RSessionBase::Send(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,TRequestStatus &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &)const
RSessionBase::SendReceive(TInt,const TIpcArgs &,TRequestStatus &)const
RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,RHandleBase &)
RSessionBase::SetReturnedHandle(TInt,const TSecurityPolicy &)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTPanic {
EPanicServerNotFound = 1, EPanicServerDead, EPanicTimeZoneNameIdNotSet, EPanicRulesIndexOutofRange, EPanicTimeNotCoveredByRules, EPanicBadTimeZoneRules, EPanicUnsupportedTimeReference, EPanicUnsupportedTimeZoneNoId, EPanicNotificationRequestPending, EPanicInvalidArgument, EPanicBadSchema
enumTSWIObserverFilterIndex { EFilterTzPrivate = 0, EFilterResourceTimezonelocalization }
enumTTzAutoDSTUpdateModes { ETZAutoDSTUpdateOff = 0, ETZAutoDSTUpdateOn, ETZAutoDSTNotificationOnly }
enumTTzChanges { ETZDatabaseChanged = 1, ETZSystemTimeZoneChanged, ETZDSTRuleChanged, ETZAutomaticTimeUpdate, ETZLocalizationDataChanged }
Inherited Enumerations
Private Attributes
CTzRuleHolder *iRulesHolder
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation






Destructor. Calls Close().

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TIntAutoUpdateSettingL()

Retrieves the daylight saving auto-update functionality.


TInt CancelRequestForNotice()const


IMPORT_C voidClose()

Closes the connection to the time zone server.


IMPORT_C TIntConnect()
Connects to the time zone server, attempting to start it if necessary.
TzServer 1 The attempt to connect to the server failed with an error code other than KErrNotFound.

ConvertToLocalTime(TTime &)

IMPORT_C TIntConvertToLocalTime(TTime &aTime)const

Converts a time from UTC to local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone. If caching has been enabled by the CTzConverter class, then the conversion will be done using the cache instead of issuing a request to the server.


TTime & aTimeOn entry, contains the UTC time to be converted, and the converted value on exit.

ConvertToLocalTime(TTime &, const CTzId &)

IMPORT_C TIntConvertToLocalTime(TTime &aTime,
const CTzId &aZone

Converts a time from UTC to the local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone.


TTime & aTimeOn entry, contains the UTC time to be converted, and the converted value on exit.
const CTzId & aZoneTime zone ID.

ConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &)

IMPORT_C TIntConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &aTime)const

Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the current system time zone, to UTC. If caching has been enabled by the CTzConverter class, then the conversion will be done using the cache instead of issuing a request to the server.


TTime & aTimeOn entry, contains the local time to be converted, and the converted value on exit.

ConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &, const CTzId &)

IMPORT_C TIntConvertToUniversalTime(TTime &aTime,
const CTzId &aZone

Converts a local (wall-clock) time for the specified time zone, to UTC.


TTime & aTimeOn entry, contains the local time to be converted, and the converted value on exit.
const CTzId & aZoneThe time zone ID of interest.

CreateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzRules &, const CTzUserNames &)

CTzId *CreateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzRules &aTzUserRules,
const CTzUserNames &aTzUserNames


const CTzRules & aTzUserRules
const CTzUserNames & aTzUserNames


TUint16 CurrentCachedTzId()

DeleteUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &)

voidDeleteUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &aTzId)


const CTzId & aTzId


TInt DoConnect()[private]

GetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(const RArray< TInt > &, RArray< TInt > &)

IMPORT_C voidGetOffsetsForTimeZoneIdsL(const RArray< TInt > &aTzNumericIds,
RArray< TInt > &aOffsets

Retrieves the UTC offset for an array of numeric time zone ids. The offset is written back into aOffsets.


const RArray< TInt > & aTzNumericIdsAn array of numeric time zone IDs for which the current UTC offset is required.
RArray< TInt > & aOffsetsAn array that, on return, will contain the UTC offsets corresponding to the the time zone IDs in aTzNumericIds.


IMPORT_C CTzId *GetTimeZoneIdL()const

This should not be used externally.

Retrieves the time zone ID for the current system time zone.
KErrNoMemory or another system leave code.

GetTimeZoneRulesL(const TTime &, const TTime &, TTzTimeReference)

IMPORT_C CTzRules *GetTimeZoneRulesL(const TTime &aStartTime,
const TTime &aEndTime,

Retrieves the time zone rules for the current home time zone.


const TTime & aStartTimeThe start date to generate the time zone rules from.
const TTime & aEndTimeThe end date to generate the time zone rules to.
TTzTimeReference aTimeRefWhether to generate the rules relative to UTC or local time. Use ETzUtcTimeReference to generate from UTC, ETzWallTimeReference to generate from local time.

GetTimeZoneRulesL(const CTzId &, const TTime &, const TTime &, TTzTimeReference)

IMPORT_C CTzRules *GetTimeZoneRulesL(const CTzId &aZone,
const TTime &aStartTime,
const TTime &aEndTime,

Retrieves the time zone rules for a specified time zone.


const CTzId & aZoneThe time zone to generate the rules for.
const TTime & aStartTimeThe start date to generate the time zone rules from.
const TTime & aEndTimeThe end date to generate the time zone rules to.
TTzTimeReference aTimeRefWhether to generate the rules relative to UTC or local time. Use ETzUtcTimeReference to generate from UTC, ETzWallTimeReference to generate from local time.

GetUserTimeZoneIdsL(RPointerArray< CTzId > &)

voidGetUserTimeZoneIdsL(RPointerArray< CTzId > &aTzIds)const


RPointerArray< CTzId > & aTzIds

GetUserTimeZoneNamesL(const CTzId &)

CTzUserNames *GetUserTimeZoneNamesL(const CTzId &aTzId)const


const CTzId & aTzId

IsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &)

IMPORT_C TBoolIsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &aZone)const

Tells if daylight savings are applied at the specified zone at the current time


CTzId & aZoneThe time zone ID.

IsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &, const TTime &)

IMPORT_C TBoolIsDaylightSavingOnL(CTzId &aZone,
const TTime &aUTCTime

Tells if daylight savings are applied at the specified zone at a specified time


CTzId & aZoneThe time zone ID.
const TTime & aUTCTimeThe UTC time at which DST settings are required.


IMPORT_C voidLocalizationCloseDbL()

LocalizationDeleteCityL(const TDesC &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationDeleteCityL(const TDesC &aCityName,

Deletes aCity from the user added cities database table. The city is checked first to ensure it exists. Name checking is case sensitive.


const TDesC & aCityNameThe name of the city to delete from the database.
TInt aCityTzIdThe numeric identifier of the city to delete from the database.


IMPORT_C voidLocalizationOpenDbL()


IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedCityRecord *LocalizationReadCachedTimeZoneCityL(TIntaFrequentlyUsedZone)

Retrieves the city used to select this time zone if set. If the time zone was not originally set using a city then the default city for the time zone will be returned instead.


TInt aFrequentlyUsedZone- The cached zone to find the city for

LocalizationReadCitiesInGroupL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &, TUint8)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesInGroupL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &aCities,

Reads all the user defined cities stored in the database with a matching group id. If the database is empty the returned array will contain no elements.


RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > & aCitiesArray of cities to add the user defined cities to.
TUint8 aGroupIdA city group id

LocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &aCities)

Reads all the user defined cities stored in the database. If the database is empty the returned array will contain no elements.


RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > & aCitiesArray of cities to add the user defined to.

LocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationReadCitiesL(RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &aCities,

Reads all the user defined cities stored in the database that are members of the time zone referenced by aTimeZoneid. If the database is empty the returned array will contain no elements.


RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > & aCitiesArray of cities to add the user defined cities to.
TInt aTimeZoneIdA time zone id identifying a time zone


IMPORT_C CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord *LocalizationReadFrequentlyUsedZoneL(TIntaFrequentlyUsedZone)

Retrieves a cached zone from the database. The calling function takes ownership of the returned zone


TInt aFrequentlyUsedZone- The cached zone to return

LocalizationWriteAllFrequentlyUsedZonesL(const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord > &, const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteAllFrequentlyUsedZonesL(const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord > &aTimeZones,
const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > &aCities


const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord > & aTimeZones
const RPointerArray< CTzLocalizedCityRecord > & aCities

LocalizationWriteCityL(const TDesC &, TInt, TUint8, TUint)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteCityL(const TDesC &aCityName,

Adds aCity into the user added cities database table. The city is checked first to prevent two cities with identical names and time zones existing at the same time. Name checking is case sensitive. Cities in different time zones can have the same name.


const TDesC & aCityNameThe name of the city to add to the database
TInt aCityTzIdThe time zone of the city
TUint8 aCityGroupIdThe group id
TUint aCityTzResourceIdThe resource id

LocalizationWriteFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord &, const CTzLocalizedCityRecord &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidLocalizationWriteFrequentlyUsedZoneL(const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord &aTimeZone,
const CTzLocalizedCityRecord &aCity,

Stores the localized time zone in the database for easy retrieval. The database keeps track of the two most recently used zones, these are updated every time a new zone is set. The zone to be replaced becomes recently used zone 1, and recently used zone 1 becomes recently used zone 2. The old recently used zone 2 is discarded.


const CTzLocalizedTimeZoneRecord & aTimeZoneTime zone names information to store in the given frequently used time zone.
const CTzLocalizedCityRecord & aCityCity associated with the time zone names to store in the given frequently used time zone.
TInt aFrequentlyUsedZoneWhich frequently used time zone to overwrite in the database.

NotifyHomeTimeZoneChangedL(const NTzUpdate::TTimeZoneChange &)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyHomeTimeZoneChangedL(const NTzUpdate::TTimeZoneChange &aChange)const

Publish notification that the home time zone (as defined in CTzLocalizer) has been changed. This function should only be called from TimeZoneLocalization.


const NTzUpdate::TTimeZoneChange & aChangeTime zone change information.


IMPORT_C voidPanic(TPanicaPanic)[static]

This should not be used externally.

Panics the TzClient or TzServer code.


TPanic aPanic

RegisterTzChangeNotifier(TRequestStatus &)

voidRegisterTzChangeNotifier(TRequestStatus &aStatus)const


TRequestStatus & aStatus


IMPORT_C voidSetAutoUpdateBehaviorL(TTzAutoDSTUpdateModesaUpdateEnabled)

Sets the configuration of the UTC Offset auto-update functionality.


TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes aUpdateEnabledIf set to RTz::ETZAutoDSTUpdateOn then the UTC Offset is automatically updated for changes to Daylight Savings Time. If set to RTz::ETZAutoDSTUpdateOff then auto-update is disabled. The RTz::ETZAutoDSTNotificationOnly - Means that the client app needs to confirm that the time should be updated whenever a DST event occurs.

SetHomeTime(const TTime &)

IMPORT_C TIntSetHomeTime(const TTime &aLocalTime)const

Sets the system time to the given local time. Note that the standard Tz algorithm is used - in the case of an ambiguous time the first occurance of the given local wall-clock time is chosen.

An example of an ambiguous time: 01:30 wall-clock time on 31/10/2004 in the UK could map to either 01:30 BST (00:30 GMT) or 01:30 GMT, as the clocks would go back at 02:00 BST (01:00 GMT))



const TTime & aLocalTimeThe time to set in wall-clock time.

SetTimeZoneL(CTzId &)

IMPORT_C voidSetTimeZoneL(CTzId &aZone)const

This should not be used externally.

Sets the current system time zone information to that corresponding to the supplied time zone ID.


CTzId & aZoneThe time zone ID.

SetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &, const TInt)

IMPORT_C voidSetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &aUTCTime,
const TIntaUTCOffset

Sets the UTC time and the wall-clock offset for a zone not defined in the Timezone Database.

This is useful when the client wants to specify the UTC time and the wall-clock offset explicitly rather than using time zones. This function should be used instead of User::SetUTCOffset() and User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset().

If this function has been called the time zone server will use the value returned by User::UTCOffset() as the offset value when doing time conversions. Calling User::SetUTCOffset() may therefore cause unexpected results.

The fact that the time zone has been set to the unknown time zone is not persisted across time zone server reboots. So it may be necessary to call this function each time the time zone server is started. If persistence across reboots is desired the overload RTz::SetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime& aUTCTime, const TInt aUTCOffset, TBool aPersistInCenRep) should be used.


const TTime & aUTCTimeUniversal Time to set the device time to.
const TInt aUTCOffsetOffset (in minutes) in use in the time zone.

SetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &, const TInt, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidSetUnknownZoneTimeL(const TTime &aUTCTime,
const TIntaUTCOffset,

Sets the UTC time and the wall-clock offset for a zone not defined in the Timezone Database.

This is useful when the client wants to specify the UTC time and the wall-clock offset explicitly rather than using time zones. This function should be used instead of User::SetUTCOffset() and User::SetUTCTimeAndOffset().

If this function has been called the time zone server will use the value returned by User::UTCOffset() as the offset value when doing time conversions. Calling User::SetUTCOffset() may therefore cause unexpected results.

The fact that the time zone has been set to the unknown time zone is persisted across time zone server reboots only if the aPersistInCenRep argument is set to ETrue. The desired offset however is never persisted (the value returned by User::UTCOffset() is used). So it may be necessary to call this function each time the time zone server is started.


const TTime & aUTCTimeUniversal Time to set the device time to.
const TInt aUTCOffsetOffset (in minutes) in use in the time zone.
TBool aPersistInCenRepIf ETrue the unknown time zone is persisted across reboots else it is not.


TBool StartCachingL()


TInt StartServer()[private, static]


IMPORT_C voidSwiObsBeginL()

Called by the installation observer plugin to signal the start of an (un)install log.


IMPORT_C voidSwiObsEndL()

Called by the installation observer plugin to signal the end of an (un)install log.


IMPORT_C voidSwiObsFileChangedL(TSWIObserverFilterIndexaType)

Called by the installation observer plugin to signal that the rules database or the resource files have been changed.


TSWIObserverFilterIndex aTypeThe type of file that has changed (resource or rules database).

UpdateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &, const CTzRules &, const CTzUserNames &)

voidUpdateUserTimeZoneL(const CTzId &aTzId,
const CTzRules &aTzUserRules,
const CTzUserNames &aTzUserNames


const CTzId & aTzId
const CTzRules & aTzUserRules
const CTzUserNames & aTzUserNames


TVersion Version()const


IMPORT_C void__dbgClearCacheL(TBoolaRestartCaching)


TBool aRestartCaching


IMPORT_C TInt__dbgRequestAllocatedCellsL(TIntaHeapSizeInBytes)


TInt aHeapSizeInBytes


IMPORT_C void__dbgResetHeapL()

__dbgSetHeapFailL(RAllocator::TAllocFail, TInt)

IMPORT_C void__dbgSetHeapFailL(RAllocator::TAllocFailaType,


RAllocator::TAllocFail aType
TInt aRate

doConvertL(const CTzId &, TTime &, TTzTimeReference)

voiddoConvertL(const CTzId &aZone,
TTime &aTime,
)const [private]


const CTzId & aZone
TTime & aTime
TTzTimeReference aTimerRef

doConvertL(TTime &, TTzTimeReference)

voiddoConvertL(TTime &aTime,
)const [private]


TTime & aTime
TTzTimeReference aTimerRef

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TPanic

Time zone server panic codes.


EPanicServerNotFound = 1

This panic indicates that the time zone server has not been found.


This panic indicates that the server has died.


This panic indicates that the time zone ID is not set.


This panic indicates that an out of range index was accessed.


This panic indicates that there are no rules present for this time zone.


This panic indicates that the time zone rules are unusable.


This panic indicates that an unsupported time reference has been accessed.


This panic indicates that the time zone ID is not supported.


This panic indicates that a request for notification is already pending from the client.


This panic indicates that an incorrect data has been sent to the server.


This panic indicates that a table in the user-defined time zone database has not conformed to the declared schema.

Enum TSWIObserverFilterIndex

The software install observer plugin can distinguish between changes to the resource files or the rules database. This enumeration indicates the filter index that is used for the resource files and rules database filters. This enum should not be used externally.


EFilterTzPrivate = 0

The index of the Tz private directory filter.


The index of the resources filter.

Enum TTzAutoDSTUpdateModes

Automatic DST update mode.


ETZAutoDSTUpdateOff = 0

No auto update notification when a DST event occurs.


Automatic time update will occur and the client app will be notified.


Client app needs to confirm that the time should be updated whenever a DST event occurs.

Enum TTzChanges

Time zone server change events.


ETZDatabaseChanged = 1

Used for notifying that the timezone database has changed.


Used for notifying that the system timezone has changed.


Used for notifying that the DST rule has changed.


Used for notifying that an automatic time update has taken place.


Used for notifying that a change in localization resources has taken place.

Member Data Documentation

CTzRuleHolder * iRulesHolder

CTzRuleHolder *iRulesHolder[private]