TPointerEventData Class Reference

class TPointerEventData

Passed to a Key Click Plug-in using the function CClickMaker::OtherEvent when the aType value is EEventPointer. This includes information about the window the pointer event will be sent to. This is the normally the window being clicked on by the user, but pointer capturing and grabbing may affect this.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TSource

A list of locations that WSERV receives events from



The source is not specified.


The event came from the kernel.


The event came from a client API.


The event came from an Anim DLL.

Member Data Documentation

TUint32 iClientHandle

TUint32 iClientHandle

The client handle of the window or zero if the window is not a client window.

TPoint iCurrentPos

TPoint iCurrentPos

The screen position of pointer event.

TAdvancedPointerEvent iPointerEvent

TAdvancedPointerEvent iPointerEvent

The full pointer event data previously passed to the CClickMaker::PointerEvent function, except that the iParentPosition will be the actual parent position, when previously passed to the plug-in this value was the screen position.

TSource iSource

TSource iSource

The source that WSERV recieves the event from, currently set to EUnspecified as this is for future expansion.

TInt iVersion

TInt iVersion

The version number of the data passed with EEventPointer, current always 0.

TInt iWindowGroupId

TInt iWindowGroupId

The Window Group Identifier of the window group that is a parent (or grand parent etc.) of the window the event is sent to or zero if the window is not a client window.

TPoint iWindowOrigin

TPoint iWindowOrigin

The current top left of the window on the screen.