sqldb.h File Reference

const TInt KSqlLastInsertedRowId

const TIntKSqlLastInsertedRowId

Used to specify that the ROWID of the most recently inserted record from the specified database connection should be used as the ROWID in a call to directly access a blob.

RSqlBlobReadStream RSqlBlobWriteStream TSqlBlob

const TInt KSqlAtRow

const TIntKSqlAtRow

An information type return code from a call to RSqlStatement::Next().

It means that the RSqlStatement object points to a valid row, and that the user can access the column data using the appropriate RSqlStatement member functions.

RSqlStatement::Next() RSqlStatement ESqlInformation TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlAtEnd

const TIntKSqlAtEnd

An information type return code from a call to RSqlStatement::Next().

It means that the RSqlStatement object does not point to a valid row, and that column data accessors cannot be used.

RSqlStatement::Next() RSqlStatement ESqlInformation TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrGeneral

const TIntKSqlErrGeneral

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates a general SQL error or a missing database.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrInternal

const TIntKSqlErrInternal

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates an internal logic error in the SQL database engine, and specifically that an internal consistency check within the SQL database engine has failed.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrPermission

const TIntKSqlErrPermission

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that access permission has been denied.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrAbort

const TIntKSqlErrAbort

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates an internal logic error in the SQL database engine, and specifically that a callback routine requested an abort.

const TInt KSqlErrBusy

const TIntKSqlErrBusy

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that the database file is locked.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrLocked

const TIntKSqlErrLocked

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that a table in the database is locked.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrReadOnly

const TIntKSqlErrReadOnly

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates an attempt to write to a database that is read-only.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrInterrupt

const TIntKSqlErrInterrupt

SQL database-specific error type. Operation terminated.

const TInt KSqlErrIO

const TIntKSqlErrIO

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that a disk I/O error has occurred.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrCorrupt

const TIntKSqlErrCorrupt

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that the database disk image is malformed.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrNotFound

const TIntKSqlErrNotFound

SQL database-specific error type. Table or record not found.

const TInt KSqlErrFull

const TIntKSqlErrFull

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that an insertion operation has failed because an autoincrement column used up all awailable rowids.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrCantOpen

const TIntKSqlErrCantOpen

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates a failure to open the database file.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrProtocol

const TIntKSqlErrProtocol

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates a database lock protocol error.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrEmpty

const TIntKSqlErrEmpty

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that the database is empty.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrSchema

const TIntKSqlErrSchema

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that a prepared SQL statement is no longer valid and cannot be executed.

The most common reason for this return code is that the database schema was modified after the SQL statement was prepared. The SQL statement must be prepared again using the RSqlStatement::Prepare() member functions.

Another possible reason for this return code is a detached database.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrTooBig

const TIntKSqlErrTooBig

SQL database-specific error type. Too much data for one row.

const TInt KSqlErrConstraint

const TIntKSqlErrConstraint

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates an abort due to constraint violation.

"Constraint violation" means violation of one or more column constraints ("NOT NULL", "PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE", "CHECK", "DEFAULT", "COLLATE" SQL keywords) or table constraints ("PRIMARY KEY", "UNIQUE", "CHECK" SQL keywords).

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrMismatch

const TIntKSqlErrMismatch

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates a data type mismatch.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrMisuse

const TIntKSqlErrMisuse

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates an internal logic error in the SQL database engine.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrRange

const TIntKSqlErrRange

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that a parameter index value is out of range.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrNotDb

const TIntKSqlErrNotDb

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that the file that has been opened is not a database file.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass

const TInt KSqlErrStmtExpired

const TIntKSqlErrStmtExpired

An SQL database-specific error type return code from a call to the SQL API.

It indicates that an SQL statement has expired, and needs to be prepared again.

RSqlStatement ESqlDbError TSqlRetCodeClass