CBasePlugin Class Reference

class CBasePlugin : public CFSMailPlugin

Notes for derived classes: GetPluginId - you must override this to return the ECOM id of the plugin.

Inherits from

Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C voidAccountEventNotify(TMsgStoreAccountEvent, TInt32, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C voidAddObserverL(MFSMailEventObserver &)
IMPORT_C voidAuthenticateL(MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCancelL(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidCancelSearch(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C TIntCancelSyncL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidChildPartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailMessagePart > &)
IMPORT_C voidClearSearchResultCache(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *CopyMessageAsChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const CFSMailMessage &)
IMPORT_C voidCopyMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidCopyMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailFolder *CreateFolderL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TBool)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateForwardMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateMessageToSendL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TBool, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TSSMailSyncStateCurrentSyncState(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidDeleteDelayedOpsManager()
IMPORT_C voidDeleteFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidDeleteMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, const TInt)
IMPORT_C voidDeleteMessagesByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)
IMPORT_C voidFetchMessagePartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, const TInt, const TUint)
IMPORT_C voidFetchMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, TFSMailDetails, MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)
IMPORT_C TDesC &GetBrandingIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidGetContentToBufferL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, TDes &, TUint)
IMPORT_C MDelayedOpsManager &GetDelayedOpsManager()
IMPORT_C CFSMailFolder *GetFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C const TFSProgressGetLastSyncStatusL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailBox *GetMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C TFSMailBoxStatusGetMailBoxStatus(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *GetMessageByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailDetails)
IMPORT_C TIntGetMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RFile &)
IMPORT_C voidGetMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, RPointerArray< CFSMailMessage > &, TFSMailDetails)
IMPORT_C MDesCArray *GetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C TFSMailMsgIdGetStandardFolderIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSFolderType)
IMPORT_C voidGoOfflineL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidGoOnlineL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)
IMPORT_C voidListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)
IMPORT_C voidListMailBoxesL(RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)
IMPORT_C MFSMailIterator *ListMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailDetails, const RArray< TFSMailSortCriteria > &)
IMPORT_C TBoolMailboxHasCapabilityL(TFSMailBoxCapabilities, TFSMailMsgId)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *MessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidModificationNotify(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreOperation, TMsgStoreContainerType, TUint32, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C voidMoveMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, RFile &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)
CBasePlugin *NewL()
CBasePlugin *NewLC()
IMPORT_C voidRefreshNowL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)
IMPORT_C voidRemoveChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidRemoveObserver(MFSMailEventObserver &)
IMPORT_C voidRemovePartContentL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)
IMPORT_C voidSearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const RPointerArray< TDesC > &, const TFSMailSortCriteria &, MFSMailBoxSearchObserver &)
IMPORT_C voidSendMessageL(CFSMailMessage &)
IMPORT_C voidSendMessageL(CMsgStoreMailBox &, CMsgStoreMessage &, const TTime &)
IMPORT_C voidSetContentL(const TDesC &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidSetCredentialsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidSetMailboxName(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C voidSetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MDesCArray *)
IMPORT_C voidSetPartContentFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C TFSProgressStatusL(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidStoreMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CFSMailMessage &)
IMPORT_C voidStoreMessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, CFSMailMessagePart &)
IMPORT_C voidSubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)
IMPORT_C voidSystemEventNotify(TMsgStoreSystemEvent)
IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRequestObserver(TInt)
IMPORT_C voidUnsubscribeMailboxEvents(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)
IMPORT_C TIntWizardDataAvailableL()
Protected Member Functions
voidAccountEventNotifyL(TMsgStoreAccountEvent, TInt32, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TMsgStoreId)
voidBlockCopyMoveFromFoldersL(TFSMailMsgId, TFSFolderType, CFSMailFolder &)
IMPORT_C const TDesC &CalendarFileName()
IMPORT_C voidConstructL()
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateForwardReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TBool, const TDesC &, TBool, TBool)
IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateMrReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MMRInfoObject &, const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidDeleteFetchRequest(TOngoingFetchInfo &)
IMPORT_C TBoolDeleteFetchRequestForPart(TOngoingFetchInfo &)
voidDoCancelSearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
voidDoClearSearchResultCacheL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
voidDoListFoldersL(TFSMailMsgId, TMsgStoreId, TBool, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)
IMPORT_C CFSMailAddress *FetchEmailAddressL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, TUint)
IMPORT_C TBoolFindFetchRequestL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, CBasePlugin::TOngoingFetchInfo &)
IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *FindMessagePartL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &, TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C CMsgStoreAccount *GetAccountForMsgBoxL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *GetBodyPartL(CMsgStoreMessage &, const TDesC &)
IMPORT_C RPointerArray< CMsgStoreMessagePart > &GetCachedBodyChildrenL()
IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *GetCachedBodyL(TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C RPointerArray< CMsgStoreMessagePart > &GetCachedMsgChildrenL()
IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessage *GetCachedMsgL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)
HBufC *GetMailBoxAddressL(TFSMailMsgId)
voidGetMailboxDisplayNameL(TMsgStoreId, RBuf &)
IMPORT_C CMailboxInfo &GetMailboxInfoL(TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C TUintGetPluginId()
HBufC *GetReplyToAddressL(TFSMailMsgId)
HBufC *GetSignatureL(TFSMailMsgId)
IMPORT_C voidHandleMailboxDeleteL(const TFSMailMsgId &)
IMPORT_C voidHandleRemovePartContentL(CMsgStoreMessage &, CMsgStoreMessagePart &)
IMPORT_C voidInvalidateCacheIfNecessary(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)
voidModificationNotifyL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreOperation, TMsgStoreContainerType, TUint32, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)
CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFilePathOrHandleL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TBool, RFile &)
voidNotifyEventL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TFSMailEvent, TMsgStoreId)
voidNotifyGlobalEventL(TFSMailEvent, TFSMailMsgId, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)
IMPORT_C voidNotifyMailboxEventL(TFSMailEvent, TFSMailMsgId, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)
voidRefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL(TBool &, const TMsgStoreId &)
IMPORT_C CMailboxInfo &RefreshMailboxCacheL(TMsgStoreId)
IMPORT_C voidRemoveAllPropertiesL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, const TDesC8 &)
IMPORT_C voidReportRequestStatusL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidResetBodyCache()
IMPORT_C voidResetCache()
voidSetReplyOrForwardToFieldL(CMsgStoreMessage &)
IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwAttendeeL(MMROrganizer &, RMsgStoreAddress &)
voidTranslateEmailFwDayOfWeek(MRRecurrenceRule::TMRRecurrentDay, TUint32 &)
IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwMessageL(CFSMailMessagePart &, CMsgStoreMessagePart &, TBool)
IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwMrL(MMRInfoObject &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &)
voidTranslateEmailFwRecipientsL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &, const TDesC8 &, RPointerArray< CFSMailAddress > &)
voidTranslateMsgStoreDayOfWeek(TUint32, TDayOfWeekFtor &)
IMPORT_C voidTranslateMsgStoreMrL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CFSMailMessagePart &)
IMPORT_C voidTranslateMsgStorePropsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CFSMailMessagePart &, const TFSMailDetails)
voidUnsubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
CExtendableEmail::ExtensionL(const TUid &)
CExtendableEmail::ReleaseExtension(CEmailExtension *)
CFSMailPlugin::CreateMessageFromFileL(const ,const RFile &)
CFSMailPlugin::GetConnectionId(TFSMailMsgId,TUint32 &)
CFSMailPlugin::IsConnectionAllowedWhenRoaming(TFSMailMsgId,TBool &)
CFSMailPlugin::ListImplementationsL(RPointerArray< CImplementationInformation > &)
CFSMailPlugin::MoveMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &,const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &,const TFSMailMsgId &,const TFSMailMsgId &,MFSMailRequestObserver &,TInt)
Protected Attributes
TCacheLine iCacheLine
MDelayedOpsManager *iDelayedOpsManager
RMap< TInt64, CMailboxInfo >iMailboxes
CMsgStore *iMsgStore
RPointerArray< MFSMailEventObserver >iObservers
RPointerArray< CFetchRequester >iReqs
Inherited Attributes

Constructor & Destructor Documentation





Member Functions Documentation

AccountEventNotify(TMsgStoreAccountEvent, TInt32, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TMsgStoreId)

IMPORT_C voidAccountEventNotify(TMsgStoreAccountEventaEvent,
const TDesC &aName,
const TDesC &aNewName,


TMsgStoreAccountEvent aEvent
TInt32 aOwnerId
const TDesC & aName
const TDesC & aNewName
TMsgStoreId aMailboxId

AccountEventNotifyL(TMsgStoreAccountEvent, TInt32, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TMsgStoreId)

const TDesC &aName,
const TDesC &aNewName,


TMsgStoreAccountEvent aEvent
TInt32 aOwnerId
const TDesC & aName
const TDesC & aNewName
TMsgStoreId aMailboxId

AddObserverL(MFSMailEventObserver &)

IMPORT_C voidAddObserverL(MFSMailEventObserver &aObserver)[virtual]

Adds a new event observer. There can be several observers active at the same time. Caller MUST call RemoveObserver before destroying given observer object.


MFSMailEventObserver & aObserverobserver implementation

AuthenticateL(MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidAuthenticateL(MFSMailRequestObserver &aOperationObserver,

Plugins is asked to immediaty execute all authentications that are mandatory to get services from the plugin. This means e.g. store authentication.


MFSMailRequestObserver & aOperationObserveris FW provided observer that should be used to report progress notifications during the operation.
TInt aRequestIdasynchronous request id

BlockCopyMoveFromFoldersL(TFSMailMsgId, TFSFolderType, CFSMailFolder &)

CFSMailFolder &
)[protected, inline, virtual]


IMPORT_C const TDesC &CalendarFileName()const [protected, virtual]


IMPORT_C voidCancelL(TIntaRequestId)[virtual]

Concrete plugins need to call the base plugin's implementation.


TInt aRequestId

CancelSearch(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidCancelSearch(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

Cancels current search. Does nothing if there is not any search. The search client will not be called back after this function is called.


CancelSearch() method does NOT clear the search result cached in the store. A different sort order can be used for the same search string, and the cache will be utilized. Only by using a different search string can the cache be cleaned.

aMailBoxId id of the mailbox where the search should be cancelled


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId

CancelSyncL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C TIntCancelSyncL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

cancels all ongoing synchronizations in given mailbox regardless if initiated by email framework or plugin itself


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId

ChildPartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailMessagePart > &)

IMPORT_C voidChildPartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentId,
RPointerArray< CFSMailMessagePart > &aParts

Returns child part objects for given email part. Ownership of objects is transferred to user.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder containing email
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentIdid of the parent email part
RPointerArray< CFSMailMessagePart > & aPartsplugin lists child parts into this table owned by user

ClearSearchResultCache(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidClearSearchResultCache(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

Inform the store to clean up its cache for search results.

This method cancels the the ongoing search (if exists), and then clean ups store's cache.

This function should be called when search results are no longer in display.

aMailBoxId id of the mailbox where the search cache should be cleared


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId


IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected]

Two-phased constructor

CopyMessageAsChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const CFSMailMessage &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *CopyMessageAsChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aInsertBefore,
const CFSMailMessage &aMessage

Copies given email as new child part to given email part.

return new child part object, ownership is transferred to user


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email parent part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartIdid of the parent part of the new part
const TFSMailMsgId & aInsertBeforeid of existing part that new part should precede. If NULL id then new part is added as last.
const CFSMailMessage & aMessageid of the email that is copied as child part

CopyMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidCopyMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId,
const TDesC &aFilePath


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdnot used
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartId
const TDesC & aFilePath

CopyMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidCopyMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessageIds,
RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aNewMessages,
const TFSMailMsgId &aSourceFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aDestinationFolderId

Copies a messages from folder to another. This function copies a messages to the given folder, including the properties, content, and all attachments. (note Only works if the store is in an authenticated state, otherwise this function leaves with KErrNotReady)


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdtarget mailbox id
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessageIdsids of the messages to be copied
RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aNewMessagesids of the copied new messages owned by user
const TFSMailMsgId & aSourceFolderIdsource folder id
const TFSMailMsgId & aDestinationFolderIddestination folder id

CreateFolderL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TBool)

IMPORT_C CFSMailFolder *CreateFolderL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const TDesC &aFolderName,
const TBoolaSync


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderIdparent folder id.
const TDesC & aFolderName
const TBool aSync

CreateForwardMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateForwardMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aOriginalMessageId,
const TDesC &aHeaderDescriptor

creates new email template to drafts folder to be forwarded


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where new email is created
const TFSMailMsgId & aOriginalMessageIdif of the (original) message,which is forwarded
const TDesC & aHeaderDescriptor

CreateForwardReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TBool, const TDesC &, TBool, TBool)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateForwardReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBox,
const TFSMailMsgId &aOriginal,
const TBoolaReplyToAll,
const TDesC &aHeaderDescriptor,
TBoolaKeepMeetingRequestInfo = ETrue

Creates a forward/reply message via copying the original, using sender(s) as recipient(s).


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBox
const TFSMailMsgId & aOriginal
const TBool aReplyToAll
const TDesC & aHeaderDescriptorpackaged TReplyForwardParams that provide the message quote header and the smart reply label that needs to be inserted in case of a truncated message.
TBool aKeepAttachmentstrue if the original message attachments are to be kept.
TBool aKeepMeetingRequestInfo = ETrue

CreateMessageToSendL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateMessageToSendL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBox)[virtual]

Drafts folder assumed.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBox

CreateMrReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MMRInfoObject &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateMrReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
MMRInfoObject &aMeetingRequest,
const TFSMailMsgId &aOriginalMessageId
)[protected, virtual]

Create a MR reply message.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
MMRInfoObject & aMeetingRequest
const TFSMailMsgId & aOriginalMessageId

CreateReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TBool, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *CreateReplyMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aOriginalMessageId,
const TBoolaReplyToAll,
const TDesC &aHeaderDescriptor

Relying on the UI for the subject and recipients.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aOriginalMessageId
const TBool aReplyToAll
const TDesC & aHeaderDescriptor

CurrentSyncState(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C TSSMailSyncStateCurrentSyncState(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId)[virtual]

Returns the current synchronization state of mailbox.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxIdid of the target mailbox


IMPORT_C voidDeleteDelayedOpsManager()

This methoed must be called before destruction of CBasePlugin derived class. To fix bug EIZU-7XVF2Z.

DeleteFetchRequest(TOngoingFetchInfo &)

IMPORT_C voidDeleteFetchRequest(TOngoingFetchInfo &aFetchInfo)[protected]


TOngoingFetchInfo & aFetchInfo

DeleteFetchRequestForPart(TOngoingFetchInfo &)

IMPORT_C TBoolDeleteFetchRequestForPart(TOngoingFetchInfo &aFetchInfo)[protected]


TOngoingFetchInfo & aFetchInfo

DeleteFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidDeleteFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBox,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolder


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolder

DeleteMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, const TInt)

IMPORT_C voidDeleteMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
MFSMailRequestObserver &aOperationObserver,
const TIntaRequestId

Note that as the msgstore performs the delete immediately the observer will get called from within this method.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
MFSMailRequestObserver & aOperationObserver
const TInt aRequestId

DeleteMessagesByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)

IMPORT_C voidDeleteMessagesByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessages

The delete is executed asynchronously. The base plugin will queue the request and return immediately.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessages

DoCancelSearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

voidDoCancelSearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[protected]


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId

DoClearSearchResultCacheL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

voidDoClearSearchResultCacheL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[protected]


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId

DoListFoldersL(TFSMailMsgId, TMsgStoreId, TBool, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)

RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &aFolderList


TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxId
TMsgStoreId aFolderIdif set to KMsgStoreInvalidId makes a recursive list.
TBool aRecursive
RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > & aFolderList

FetchEmailAddressL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, TUint)

IMPORT_C CFSMailAddress *FetchEmailAddressL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aMessage,


CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aMessage
TUint aIdx

FetchMessagePartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, const TInt, const TUint)

IMPORT_C voidFetchMessagePartsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessagePartIds,
MFSMailRequestObserver &aOperationObserver,
const TIntaRequestId,
const TUintaPreferredByteCount

Note that aPreferredByteCount is ignored.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessagePartIds
MFSMailRequestObserver & aOperationObserver
const TInt aRequestId
const TUint aPreferredByteCount

FetchMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, TFSMailDetails, MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidFetchMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessageIds,
MFSMailRequestObserver &aObserver,

Async operation, starts fetching.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessageIds
TFSMailDetails aDetails
MFSMailRequestObserver & aObserver
TInt aRequestId

FindFetchRequestL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, CBasePlugin::TOngoingFetchInfo &)

IMPORT_C TBoolFindFetchRequestL(TMsgStoreIdaMailBox,
CBasePlugin::TOngoingFetchInfo &aOngoingFetchInfo

Finds the corresponding download request object for the part with id of aPartId identified by also the mailbox and the message ids.


TMsgStoreId aMailBox
TMsgStoreId aOtherId
TMsgStoreId aMsgId
TMsgStoreId aPartId
CBasePlugin::TOngoingFetchInfo & aOngoingFetchInfo

FindMessagePartL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &, TMsgStoreId)

IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *FindMessagePartL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &aParent,

Recursively looks for the part with id aPartId in the part container aParent.


CMsgStoreMessagePart & aParent
TMsgStoreId aPartId

GetAccountForMsgBoxL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CMsgStoreAccount *GetAccountForMsgBoxL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId)[protected]

Get MsgStore account object for the specified mailbox id.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxId

GetBodyPartL(CMsgStoreMessage &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *GetBodyPartL(CMsgStoreMessage &aMessage,
const TDesC &aContentType =  KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain()

Tries to find a body part of the specified content type. By default looks for the text/plain part.


CMsgStoreMessage & aMessage
const TDesC & aContentType =  KFSMailContentTypeTextPlain()

GetBrandingIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C TDesC &GetBrandingIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId)[virtual]

Returns branding id of this mailbox. This function is used by Branding Manager to associate mailbox to a branding definition. Plugin should return incoming mail server associated with this mailbox.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxId


IMPORT_C RPointerArray< CMsgStoreMessagePart > &GetCachedBodyChildrenL()[protected]


IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessagePart *GetCachedBodyL(TMsgStoreIdaPartId)[protected]


TMsgStoreId aPartId


IMPORT_C RPointerArray< CMsgStoreMessagePart > &GetCachedMsgChildrenL()[protected]

GetCachedMsgL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)

IMPORT_C CMsgStoreMessage *GetCachedMsgL(TMsgStoreIdaMailBoxId,

This method retrieves the specified message store message from a cache or directly from the message store if not cached. If the message was retrieved from the message store it is put into the cache. The lifetime of the message is managed by the cache but if a plugin makes a modification that would make the cached message invalid it must call the ResetCache method.


TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId
TMsgStoreId aMsgId

GetContentToBufferL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, TDes &, TUint)

IMPORT_C voidGetContentToBufferL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId,
TDes &aBuffer,

copies email part content to user given buffer


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartIdid of the message part
TDes & aBufferuser buffer
TUint aStartOffsetoffset from content beginning


IMPORT_C MDelayedOpsManager &GetDelayedOpsManager()

The delayed ops manager is used to queue asynchronous processing of plugin requests.

GetFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailFolder *GetFolderByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId

Note that the unseen count is not set by the plugin as this information is not readily available.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId

GetLastSyncStatusL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C const TFSProgressGetLastSyncStatusL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

Returns last synchronization operation status.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdmailbox id


HBufC *GetMailBoxAddressL(TFSMailMsgId)[protected, inline, virtual]

Get MailBox address from protocol specific subclass. Caller is responsible for memory of returned string.



GetMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailBox *GetMailBoxByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBox)[virtual]


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBox

GetMailBoxStatus(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C TFSMailBoxStatusGetMailBoxStatus(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

returns mailbox online status


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId

GetMailboxDisplayNameL(TMsgStoreId, RBuf &)

RBuf &aDisplayName

Get the MsgStore mailbox instance for the specified FSEF mailbox id.


TMsgStoreId aIdmailbox id, if none can be found leaves with KErrNotFound.
RBuf & aDisplayName


IMPORT_C CMailboxInfo &GetMailboxInfoL(TMsgStoreIdaId)[protected]

Get the MsgStore mailbox instance for the specified FSEF mailbox id.


TMsgStoreId aIdmailbox id, if none can be found leaves with KErrNotFound.

GetMessageByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailDetails)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessage *GetMessageByUidL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailDetailsaDetails


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailDetails aDetails

GetMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RFile &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetMessagePartFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId,
RFile &aFileHandle

The method will leave with KErrNotSupported if the msgstore is encrypted.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartId
RFile & aFileHandle

GetMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, RPointerArray< CFSMailMessage > &, TFSMailDetails)

IMPORT_C voidGetMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessageIds,
RPointerArray< CFSMailMessage > &aMessageList,


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessageIds
RPointerArray< CFSMailMessage > & aMessageList
TFSMailDetails aDetails

GetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C MDesCArray *GetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

Get a list of most recently used addresses of desired mailbox. Each MRU entry consists of two descriptors placed sequentially in the array. First one is the display name and the second one is the actual email address. If for example some entry does not contain a name at all then a KNullDesC is found in place of the name.

The function will leave with KErrNotFound if a mailbox with given id is not found.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdtarget mailbox id


IMPORT_C TUintGetPluginId()[protected, virtual]

Base plugin has no particular id.


HBufC *GetReplyToAddressL(TFSMailMsgId)[protected, inline, virtual]

Get reply-to address from protocol specific subclass. Caller is responsible for memory of returned string.




HBufC *GetSignatureL(TFSMailMsgId)[protected, inline, virtual]

Get signature string from protocol specific subclass. Caller is responsible for memory of returned string.



GetStandardFolderIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSFolderType)

IMPORT_C TFSMailMsgIdGetStandardFolderIdL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSFolderTypeaFolderType


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSFolderType aFolderType

GoOfflineL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidGoOfflineL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

Disables mailbox synchronization. Connection by the plugin to synchronize identified mailbox is not allowed after this.

If GoOnlineL has effect on other mailboxes of the same plugin then this function has effect on those mailboxes also.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdmailbox id request is accessed to

GoOnlineL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidGoOnlineL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId)[virtual]

MAILBOX HANDLING API Enables synchronization of identified mailbox. This means that the plugin can connect to server to do synchronization of the mailbox when necessary or stay connected all the time. The actual functionality depends on user settings and plugin implementation.

All collections (mail etc.) supported by the plugin and enabled by user settings are synchronized.

This function sets identified mailbox online but it may have a side effect that also other mailboxes of the same plugin are set online.

Connection is set offline normally by using specific function for this purpose. There are also other reasons for ending up in offline state like network error or scheduling.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdmailbox id request is accessed to

HandleMailboxDeleteL(const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidHandleMailboxDeleteL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId)[protected, virtual]

Applyed when an account was deleted for proper cleanup.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxId

HandleRemovePartContentL(CMsgStoreMessage &, CMsgStoreMessagePart &)

IMPORT_C voidHandleRemovePartContentL(CMsgStoreMessage &aMsg,
CMsgStoreMessagePart &aPart
)[protected, virtual]

Called by RemovePartContentL for each part that needs its content removed.


CMsgStoreMessage & aMsg
CMsgStoreMessagePart & aPart

InvalidateCacheIfNecessary(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)

IMPORT_C voidInvalidateCacheIfNecessary(TMsgStoreIdaId,


TMsgStoreId aId
TMsgStoreId aParentId
TMsgStoreId aOtherId

ListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)

IMPORT_C voidListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &aFolderList
Lists subfolders of given folder. Only direct subfolders of given folder are returned. Folder data :
  • folder id

  • folder name

  • folder type ; Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Drafts, Deleted, Other

  • message count

  • unread message count

  • mailbox id

  • parent folder

  • subfolder count


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where parent folder is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > & aFolderListplugin writes results in this array owned by user

ListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &, RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &)

IMPORT_C voidListFoldersL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > &aFolderList
List all subfolders of given mailbox. folder data :
  • folder id

  • folder name

  • folder type ; Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Drafts, Deleted, Other

  • message count

  • unread message count

  • mailbox id

  • parent folder

  • subfolder count


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdmailbox id
RPointerArray< CFSMailFolder > & aFolderListplugin writes results in this array owned by user. Caller must determine tree structure by examining parent id of each returned folder.

ListMailBoxesL(RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)

IMPORT_C voidListMailBoxesL(RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMailboxes)[virtual]

lists existing mailboxes contained by plugin


RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMailboxes

ListMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailDetails, const RArray< TFSMailSortCriteria > &)

IMPORT_C MFSMailIterator *ListMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aFolderId,
const TFSMailDetailsaDetails,
const RArray< TFSMailSortCriteria > &aSorting


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
const TFSMailMsgId & aFolderId
const TFSMailDetails aDetails
const RArray< TFSMailSortCriteria > & aSorting

MailboxHasCapabilityL(TFSMailBoxCapabilities, TFSMailMsgId)

IMPORT_C TBoolMailboxHasCapabilityL(TFSMailBoxCapabilitiesaCapability,

checks if mailbox supports given capability


TFSMailBoxCapabilities aCapabilitycapability to be checked
TFSMailMsgId aMailBoxIdid of the target mailbox

MessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *MessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId

Returns given message part. Ownership of object is transferred to caller.

return email part object, ownership is transferred to user


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartIdid of the message part

ModificationNotify(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreOperation, TMsgStoreContainerType, TUint32, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)

IMPORT_C voidModificationNotify(TMsgStoreIdaMailBoxId,


TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId
TMsgStoreOperation aOperation
TMsgStoreContainerType aType
TUint32 aFlags
TMsgStoreId aId
TMsgStoreId aParentId
TMsgStoreId aOtherId

ModificationNotifyL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreOperation, TMsgStoreContainerType, TUint32, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId)



TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId
TMsgStoreOperation aOperation
TMsgStoreContainerType aType
TUint32 aFlags
TMsgStoreId aId
TMsgStoreId aParentId
TMsgStoreId aOtherId

MoveMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidMoveMessagesL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aMessageIds,
const TFSMailMsgId &aSourceFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aDestinationFolderId

Moves a messages between the given folders.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the target mailbox
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aMessageIdsids of the messages to be transferred owned by user
const TFSMailMsgId & aSourceFolderIdsource folder id
const TFSMailMsgId & aDestinationFolderIddestination folder id

NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TDesC &aContentType,
const TDesC &aFilePath

Create a new ChildPart using a file path


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartId
const TDesC & aContentType
const TDesC & aFilePath

NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, RFile &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TDesC &aContentType,
RFile &aFile

Create a new ChildPart using a file handle NOTE 1: RFs.ShareProtected() must have been called already before calling this method. NOTE 2: The ownersip of the RFile handle (aFile) is transferred to this method.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartId
const TDesC & aContentType
RFile & aFile

NewChildPartFromFilePathOrHandleL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &, TBool, RFile &)

CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartFromFilePathOrHandleL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TDesC &aContentType,
const TDesC &aFilePath,
RFile &aFile

Helper method to avoid duplicated code


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartId
const TDesC & aContentType
const TDesC & aFilePath
TBool aUseFileHandle
RFile & aFile

NewChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C CFSMailMessagePart *NewChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aInsertBefore,
const TDesC &aContentType


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartId
const TFSMailMsgId & aInsertBeforemsgstore does not support that.
const TDesC & aContentType


CBasePlugin *NewL()[static]


CBasePlugin *NewLC()[static]

NotifyEventL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TFSMailEvent, TMsgStoreId)

TMsgStoreIdaOtherId =  KMsgStoreInvalidId


TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId
TMsgStoreId aId
TMsgStoreId aParentId
TFSMailEvent aFsEvent
TMsgStoreId aOtherId =  KMsgStoreInvalidId

NotifyGlobalEventL(TFSMailEvent, TFSMailMsgId, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)

TFSMailMsgIdaMailBox =  TFSMailMsgId(),
TAny *aParam1 = NULL,
TAny *aParam2 = NULL,
TAny *aParam3 = NULL


TFSMailEvent aEvent
TFSMailMsgId aMailBox =  TFSMailMsgId()
TAny * aParam1 = NULL
TAny * aParam2 = NULL
TAny * aParam3 = NULL

NotifyMailboxEventL(TFSMailEvent, TFSMailMsgId, TAny *, TAny *, TAny *)

IMPORT_C voidNotifyMailboxEventL(TFSMailEventaEvent,
TAny *aParam1 = NULL,
TAny *aParam2 = NULL,
TAny *aParam3 = NULL
)[protected, virtual]


TFSMailEvent aEvent
TFSMailMsgId aMailBox
TAny * aParam1 = NULL
TAny * aParam2 = NULL
TAny * aParam3 = NULL

RefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL(TBool &, const TMsgStoreId &)

voidRefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL(TBool &aMailBoxNameHasChanged,
const TMsgStoreId &aMailBoxId

Used to refresh the cached mailbox display name, which can be changed by the user. The name is cached along with other mailbox info so that we can tell when it's changed in the message store and only notify the UI when such a change occurs.

RefreshCachedMailBoxDisplayNameL - This will check to see if the mailbox display name has changed. If so it will update the cached mailbox display name and set mailBoxNameHasChanged to ETrue


TBool & aMailBoxNameHasChanged- used to return to the caller if a change is detected.
const TMsgStoreId & aMailBoxId- the ID of the mailbox


IMPORT_C CMailboxInfo &RefreshMailboxCacheL(TMsgStoreIdaMailBoxId)[protected]

RefreshMailboxCacheL - This will refresh the mailbox instance cache maintained within the base plugin.


TMsgStoreId aMailBoxId

RefreshNowL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailRequestObserver &, TInt)

IMPORT_C voidRefreshNowL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
MFSMailRequestObserver &aOperationObserver,

Forces synchronization of mailbox. This can be called whether the mailbox is currently offline or online. In case the mailbox is offline in the beginning, connection is made up for the time of the synchronization.

All collections (mail etc.) supported by the plugin and enabled by user settings are synchronized.

This is an asynchronous operation and the request id is returned for cancelling purpose.

Observer is given as a parameter to enable callbacks related to this operation. Alternatively user can use empty implementation of the observer function and rely only on events. Notice that the event system is not as comprehensive as the observing way do this.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIddefines mailbox
MFSMailRequestObserver & aOperationObserveris client provided observer that will receive progress notifications during the operation.
TInt aRequestIdidentifies asynchronous request if parallel requests exist

RemoveAllPropertiesL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, const TDesC8 &)

IMPORT_C voidRemoveAllPropertiesL(CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aContainer,
const TDesC8 &aName
)[protected, static, inline]


CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aContainer
const TDesC8 & aName

RemoveChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidRemoveChildPartL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentPartId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aPartId

Removes child part (and its children, if any) from given email part


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email parent part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentPartIdid of the parent of the part
const TFSMailMsgId & aPartIdid of the part to removed

RemoveObserver(MFSMailEventObserver &)

IMPORT_C voidRemoveObserver(MFSMailEventObserver &aObserver)[virtual]

Removes event observer


MFSMailEventObserver & aObserverobserver implementation

RemovePartContentL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &)

IMPORT_C voidRemovePartContentL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aPartIds


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aPartIdsids of the parts to be removed from the message with id aMessageId.

ReportRequestStatusL(TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TMsgStoreId, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidReportRequestStatusL(TMsgStoreIdaMailBox,
TBoolaCanReportCompletion = EFalse
)[protected, virtual]


TMsgStoreId aMailBox
TMsgStoreId aOtherId
TMsgStoreId aMsgId
TMsgStoreId aPartId
TBool aCanReportCompletion = EFalse


IMPORT_C voidResetBodyCache()[protected]


IMPORT_C voidResetCache()[protected]

SearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &, const RPointerArray< TDesC > &, const TFSMailSortCriteria &, MFSMailBoxSearchObserver &)

IMPORT_C voidSearchL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > &aFolderIds,
const RPointerArray< TDesC > &aSearchStrings,
const TFSMailSortCriteria &aSortCriteria,
MFSMailBoxSearchObserver &aSearchObserver

Search API Asyncronous call for starting search for given string. Only one search can be performed at a time.

This function will search for message's containing the given search string. The search will be performed on the all message fields: To, Cc, Bcc, subject, body. The search client will be notified of each found message, and upon completion of the search. Only one search can be performed at a time.

To change the sort order in the search result, use the same search string in the but change the aSortCriteria parameter. The store "caches" the search results generated by the same search string.

The function will leave with KErrInUse if a search is already in progress.

/note Only works if the store is in an authenticated state, otherwise this function leaves with KErrNotReady

aMailBoxId id of the mailbox where messages are to be searched


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const RArray< TFSMailMsgId > & aFolderIdslist of folders where messages are to be searched global or folder specific search depends on the size of array is 0 or not.
const RPointerArray< TDesC > & aSearchStringstext strings that will be searched from different message fields.
const TFSMailSortCriteria & aSortCriteriasort criteria for the results
MFSMailBoxSearchObserver & aSearchObserverclient observer that will be notified about search status.

SendMessageL(CFSMailMessage &)

IMPORT_C voidSendMessageL(CFSMailMessage &aMessage)[virtual]


CFSMailMessage & aMessage

SendMessageL(CMsgStoreMailBox &, CMsgStoreMessage &, const TTime &)

IMPORT_C voidSendMessageL(CMsgStoreMailBox &aMailBox,
CMsgStoreMessage &aMsg,
const TTime &aSentTime

Direct message sending that does not require having a FW message instance. The FW's SendMessageL method internally uses this method after translating the FW message to the MsgStore format.

Plugin could use this method to "send" a message if the CFSMailPlugin's is not necessary. The method also stores the message properties before doing so. This allows for optimizing away of unnecessary writes to the msgstore.


CMsgStoreMailBox & aMailBox
CMsgStoreMessage & aMsg
const TTime & aSentTimethe sent time you want set for the message.

SetContentL(const TDesC &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &)

IMPORT_C voidSetContentL(const TDesC &aBuffer,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId

stores email part content


const TDesC & aBuffercontain email part content
const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartIdid of the message part

SetCredentialsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidSetCredentialsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TDesC &aUsername,
const TDesC &aPassword

sets authentication popup data


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox
const TDesC & aUsernameemail account user name
const TDesC & aPasswordemail account password

SetMailboxName(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidSetMailboxName(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId,
const TDesC &aMailboxName

Sets the mailbox name for this mailbox.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxIdid of target mailbox
const TDesC & aMailboxNamenew name for the mailbox

SetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MDesCArray *)

IMPORT_C voidSetMrusL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
MDesCArray *aNewMruList

Set a list of most recently used addresses for given mailbox. Each MRU entry consists of two descriptors placed sequentially in the array. First one is the display name and the second one is the actual email address. If for example some entry does not contain a name at all then a KNullDesC is found in place of the name.

The function will leave with KErrNotFound if a mailbox with given id is not found.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdtarget mailbox id
MDesCArray * aNewMruListArray of descriptors containing MRUs. Empty if no entries are found.

SetPartContentFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TDesC &)

IMPORT_C voidSetPartContentFromFileL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessagePartId,
const TDesC &aFilePath

Sets email part contents from given file. Possible old contents are replaced.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdid of the mailbox where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderIdid of the parent folder where email is located
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageIdid of the email part belongs to
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessagePartIdid of the message part
const TDesC & aFilePathsource file path

SetReplyOrForwardToFieldL(CMsgStoreMessage &)

voidSetReplyOrForwardToFieldL(CMsgStoreMessage &newMsg)[protected]

When replying or forwarding a message determine the "To:" field's value.

If there is a reply to address, add it to the TO list else add the FROM address to the TO address list


CMsgStoreMessage & newMsg


IMPORT_C TFSProgressStatusL(TIntaRequestId)[virtual]

Returns pending asynchronous request status, request is identified by request id if parallel requests exists


TInt aRequestIdrequest id

StoreMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CFSMailMessage &)

IMPORT_C voidStoreMessageL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
CFSMailMessage &aMessage


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxIdif not found leaves with KErrNotFound.
CFSMailMessage & aMessage

StoreMessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, const TFSMailMsgId &, CFSMailMessagePart &)

IMPORT_C voidStoreMessagePartL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aParentFolderId,
const TFSMailMsgId &aMessageId,
CFSMailMessagePart &aMessagePart

Goes through all the part props and stores them in the msg store.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
const TFSMailMsgId & aParentFolderId- not needed for the msg store.
const TFSMailMsgId & aMessageId
CFSMailMessagePart & aMessagePart

SubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)

IMPORT_C voidSubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId,
MFSMailEventObserver &aObserver

Subscribes events coming from given mailbox. UnsubscribeMailboxEvents MUST be called before destroying given observer object.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxIdid of target mailbox
MFSMailEventObserver & aObserverevent observer implementation


IMPORT_C voidSystemEventNotify(TMsgStoreSystemEventaEvent)[virtual]


TMsgStoreSystemEvent aEvent




TMsgStoreSystemEvent aEvent

TranslateEmailFwAttendeeL(MMROrganizer &, RMsgStoreAddress &)

IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwAttendeeL(MMROrganizer &aSrc,
RMsgStoreAddress &aDst


MMROrganizer & aSrc
RMsgStoreAddress & aDst

TranslateEmailFwDayOfWeek(MRRecurrenceRule::TMRRecurrentDay, TUint32 &)

TUint32 &aDst

TranslateEmailFwMessageL(CFSMailMessagePart &, CMsgStoreMessagePart &, TBool)

IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwMessageL(CFSMailMessagePart &aSrc,
CMsgStoreMessagePart &aDst,
)[protected, virtual]

Translates a message in Freestyle format to the common Message Store format. Does not store the destination's properties in the msgstore. The caller must call StorePropertiesL when necessary. This way writes to the message store can be minimized.


CFSMailMessagePart & aSrcinput/source Freestyle message.
CMsgStoreMessagePart & aDstoutput/destination MessageStore message.
TBool aInInbox

TranslateEmailFwMrL(MMRInfoObject &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &)

IMPORT_C voidTranslateEmailFwMrL(MMRInfoObject &aSrc,
CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aDst
)[protected, virtual]


MMRInfoObject & aSrc
CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aDst

TranslateEmailFwRecipientsL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &, const TDesC8 &, RPointerArray< CFSMailAddress > &)

voidTranslateEmailFwRecipientsL(CMsgStoreMessagePart &aDst,
const TDesC8 &aDstProperty,
RPointerArray< CFSMailAddress > &aRecipients


CMsgStoreMessagePart & aDst
const TDesC8 & aDstProperty
RPointerArray< CFSMailAddress > & aRecipients

TranslateMsgStoreDayOfWeek(TUint32, TDayOfWeekFtor &)

TDayOfWeekFtor &aFtor

Day of week translator from the MsgStore to the FS format. The actual translation step is supplied via the day of week ftor. See CDayOfWeekFtor for further information. Although not strictly necessary this avoids duplicating all the if's when dealing with rule translation.


TUint32 aDayOfWeekMaskday of week mask in the MsgStore format, see msgstorepropertykeys.h for information.
TDayOfWeekFtor & aFtortranslation ftor.

TranslateMsgStoreMrL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CFSMailMessagePart &)

IMPORT_C voidTranslateMsgStoreMrL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aMessage,
CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aCalendar,
CFSMailMessagePart &aFsMsg
)[protected, virtual]

Translates common message store meeting requests into Freestyle mr info objects. Sync plugins might be interested in extending the default behavior.

Common msgstore meeting request fields translation to Freestyle.


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aMessage
CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aCalendar
CFSMailMessagePart & aFsMsg

TranslateMsgStorePropsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, CMsgStorePropertyContainer &, CFSMailMessagePart &, const TFSMailDetails)

IMPORT_C voidTranslateMsgStorePropsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailBoxId,
CMsgStorePropertyContainer &aMessage,
CFSMailMessagePart &aFsMsg,
const TFSMailDetailsaDetails = EFSMsgDataEnvelope
)[protected, virtual]


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailBoxId
CMsgStorePropertyContainer & aMessage
CFSMailMessagePart & aFsMsg
const TFSMailDetails aDetails = EFSMsgDataEnvelope


IMPORT_C voidUnregisterRequestObserver(TIntaRequestId)[virtual]

unregisters request observer to cancel pending events


TInt aRequestIdrequest id of the pending asynchronous request

UnsubscribeMailboxEvents(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)

IMPORT_C voidUnsubscribeMailboxEvents(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId,
MFSMailEventObserver &aObserver

Unsubscribes events from given mailbox


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxIdid of target mailbox
MFSMailEventObserver & aObserverevent observer

UnsubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &, MFSMailEventObserver &)

voidUnsubscribeMailboxEventsL(const TFSMailMsgId &aMailboxId,
MFSMailEventObserver &aObserver


const TFSMailMsgId & aMailboxId
MFSMailEventObserver & aObserver


IMPORT_C TIntWizardDataAvailableL()[virtual]

Gives notification that new account data may be available from Email Wizard. Plugin must check if there is Wizard Data available for it and create new account if necessary. If plugin does not support Email Wizard this function can just return immediately.

Should return KErrNone if no data found or configuration was successful. otherwise any of the standard Symbian error codes.

Member Data Documentation

TCacheLine iCacheLine

TCacheLine iCacheLine[protected]

MDelayedOpsManager * iDelayedOpsManager

MDelayedOpsManager *iDelayedOpsManager[protected]

RMap< TInt64, CMailboxInfo > iMailboxes

RMap< TInt64, CMailboxInfo >iMailboxes[protected]

CMsgStore * iMsgStore

CMsgStore *iMsgStore[protected]

RPointerArray< MFSMailEventObserver > iObservers

RPointerArray< MFSMailEventObserver >iObservers[protected]

RPointerArray< CFetchRequester > iReqs

RPointerArray< CFetchRequester >iReqs[protected]