OpenMAX IL Core Overview

This document introduces you to the Symbian way of using OpenMAX IL Core.


OpenMAX IL Core is a platform-specific entity used by the OpenMAX IL client to access OpenMAX IL Components.

API name library details

The Dynamic Link Library (DLL) that provides the OpenMAX IL Core functionality and the library to which your code must include is identified in the table below.

DLL LIB Short Description



These files are used for implementing OpenMAX IL Core.

Architectural relationship

The Symbian implementation of OpenMAX IL Core uses the OpenMAX IL Loader pattern, which

  • creates a list of all the ECom implementations of the OpenMAX IL Loader interface installed in the system (identified by the KUidOmxILLoaderInterface UID)

  • loops through the list to instantiate and initialize all the loaders

  • delegates particular component functionality to its loaders

  • creates a list of all the ECom implementations of the OpenMAX IL Content Pipe interface installed in the system (identified by the KUidOmxILContentPipeIf UID).


OpenMAX IL Core is used to load and unload the OpenMAX IL Components and to facilitate communication between them. The OpenMAX IL Core entity interacts with all

  • OpenMAX IL Loaders available in the system

  • OpenMAX IL Components available in the system

  • OpenMAX IL Content Pipe available in the system.

Key OpenMAX IL Core classes

OpenMAX IL Core is a C-based API defined by The Khronos group. Full details are available in OpenMAX IL Specification 1.1.1 where the API is documented.

Using OpenMAX IL Core

OpenMAX IL Core is used by the OpenMAX IL client to access OpenMAX IL Components as explained in the OpenMAX IL specification document on the The Khronos group website.