OpenMAX IL Component Interface Overview

This document introduces you to the Symbian way of using OpenMAX IL Component Interface.


OpenMAX IL Component interface is an ECom plug-in. This plug-in is loaded by OpenMAX IL Loader to access OpenMAX IL Component.

The OpenMAX IL Component interface (entry point) is provided as a static library, and the ECom implementation is defined as a macro to allow OpenMAX IL Component to be built as an ECom plug-in with very little overhead.

API name library details

For Symbian OpenMAX IL Component functionality you must adapt the following static library file.

DLL LIB Short Description

You must create your own *.dll


These files are used for implementing OpenMAX IL Component interface.

Architectural relationship

OpenMAX IL Component interface is loaded as an ECom plug-in. KUidOmxILSymbianComponentIf is an identifier for the OpenMAX IL Component interface.


The OpenMAX IL Component interface is implemented by using the OMX_COMPONENTTYPE structure. The valid handle for the OpenMAX IL Component interface is received by using the OMX_HANDLETYPE structure.

The OMX_COMPONENTTYPE structure is used to access the functionality of the OpenMAX IL Component interface. The main features of the OMX_COMPONENTTYPE structure are to

  • get the version of OpenMAX IL Component

  • get the role of OpenMAX IL Component

  • get the name of OpenMAX IL Component.

Key OpenMAX IL Component interface classes

The key classes of the OpenMAX IL Component interface are

Using the OpenMAX IL Component interface

The OpenMAX IL Component interface is used to implement the Multimedia functionality as specified in OpenMAX IL Specification 1.1.1.