mmfvideosurfacecustomcommands.h File Reference

const TUid KUidInterfaceMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupport

const TUidKUidInterfaceMMFVideoPlaySurfaceSupport

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoSurfaceCreated

const TUidKMMFEventCategoryVideoSurfaceCreated

The controller sends this event when (1) a surface has been created after a play command and the first frame for the stream has been passed to the surface, and (2) when an existing surface should be replaced with a newly created surface.

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoSurfaceParametersChanged

const TUidKMMFEventCategoryVideoSurfaceParametersChanged

const TUid KMMFEventCategoryVideoRemoveSurface

const TUidKMMFEventCategoryVideoRemoveSurface

The controller sends this event when a surface must be replaced with another surface but there are not enough resources to have both created at the same time. The client utility must respond with MvpssSurfaceRemovedL() command.