UserPromptService::CDecisionView Class Reference

class UserPromptService::CDecisionView : public CActive

Stores a handle to a view object and provides a method to retrieve a record from the view.

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructor for decision view object.



Destructor for the decision view object.

Member Functions Documentation


voidDoCancel()[protected, virtual]

From CActive. Cancels evaluation.

EvaluateView(TRequestStatus &)

IMPORT_C voidEvaluateView(TRequestStatus &aStatus)

Performs all steps of the view evaluation, returning immediately and signalling when all steps are complete.


TRequestStatus & aStatusThe request status used to contain completion information for the function. On completion, the status value should be interpreted as follows: 0, evaluation is complete.< 0, an error code.

GenerateRecordL(RDbRowSet &, CDbColSet *)

CDecisionRecord *GenerateRecordL(RDbRowSet &aRowSet,
CDbColSet *aColSet
)[protected, static]

Retrieves all decision record fileds from the given rowset and generates a decision record from these information.


RDbRowSet & aRowSetA database rowset object.
CDbColSet * aColSetA database column set object.


IMPORT_C CDecisionView *NewLC()[static]

Creates a decision view object. The function leaves, if creation of the view object fails.


IMPORT_C CDecisionRecord *NextDecisionL()

Moves the cursor to the next row in the view object and returns the current decision row. If there are no more rows, the cursor is positioned to the end of the view object.


TInt RunError(TIntaError)[protected, virtual]

From CActive. Handles errors.


TInt aError


voidRunL()[protected, virtual]

From CActive. Handles an evaluation request completion event and evaluate next part if required.

Member Data Documentation

TRequestStatus * iClientStatus

TRequestStatus *iClientStatus[private]

Copy of the status variable of the client which requested the evaluation service

CDbColSet * iColSet

CDbColSet *iColSet[private]

Pointer to the decision database column set definition

RDbView iDbView

RDbView iDbView[private]

Handle to the view object generated from an SQL query