Phone Sub-session Tutorial

The phone abstracts a particular telephony device. The interface allows the client to access the status and capabilities of the device. The interface also ensures that the client is notified of any changes to the status and capabilities.

The phone interface is provided by the RPhone class.

This section describes the phone sub-session functions and how they are used.

Function Description
Open() Call this function to open a phone sub-session. Each phone sub-session opened, must be closed explicitly to prevent memory leaks.
Initialise() Call this function to initialise or re-initialise a phone sub-session. You can initialise the sub-session either synchronously or asynchronoulsy.
InitialiseCancel() Call this function to cancel an initialisation request.
GetCaps() Call this function to find the capabilities supported by the phone.
NotifyCapsChanges() Call this function to get the notification of capability changes.
NotifyCapsChangeCancel() Call this function to cancel a capability change notification request.
GetStatus() Call this function to find out the status of the phone modem.
EnumerateLines() Call this function to find the number of lines associated with a phone sub-session.
GetLineInfo() Call this function to find information about a line sub-session
NotifyModemDetected() Call this function to get notified when a new modem is attached or an older modem is removed. This function is not useful for the devices with permanently fixed modem.
NotifyModemDetectedCancel() Call this function to cancel the modem detection notification request.
SetEmergencyClient() Call this function to request memory allocation for a client to handle emergency condtions.
TEmergencyRequest The telephony server uses the aEmergencyCondition parameter to pre-allocate memory. The parameter is a bit mask of emergency type enumerations defined in the TEmergencyRequest.