CCseSchedulerApi Class Reference

class CCseSchedulerApi : public CBase

General client api that manages service functionality.


Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



C++ default constructor.




Member Functions Documentation

AddSchedule(CCseScheduledProgram &)

IMPORT_C TIntAddSchedule(CCseScheduledProgram &aData)const

Adds given schedule to Common Scheduling Engine database. After the call is completed, the parameter contains the DB identifier of the schedule.


CCseScheduledProgram & aDataSchedule to be added to database.



Symbian 2nd phase constructor can leave.

GetOverlappingSchedules(CCseScheduledProgram &, RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetOverlappingSchedules(CCseScheduledProgram &aProgram,
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &aResultArray

Get overlapping schedule (if any) from the scheduling engine. Uses schedule type, start and end times to find overalapping schedules from the Commone Scheduling Engine database.


CCseScheduledProgram & aProgramSchedule to used for finding overlapping schedules.
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > & aResultArrayOn return, contains array of overlapping schedules, empty if none found.

GetSchedule(const TUint32, CCseScheduledProgram *)

IMPORT_C TIntGetSchedule(const TUint32aDbIdentifier,
CCseScheduledProgram *aProg

Gets schedule from database.


const TUint32 aDbIdentifierDatabase identifier of the schedule that is wanted from the database
CCseScheduledProgram * aProgPointer where this scheduled program is get.

GetSchedulesByAppUid(const TInt32, RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetSchedulesByAppUid(const TInt32aAppUid,
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &aArray

Get list of scheduled events from the scheduling engine based on given UID.


const TInt32 aAppUidApplication UID.
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > & aArrayOn return contains items from the database.

GetSchedulesByPluginUid(const TInt32, RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetSchedulesByPluginUid(const TInt32aPluginUid,
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &aArray

Get list of scheduled events from the scheduling engine based on given UID.


const TInt32 aPluginUidPlugin UID.
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > & aArrayOn return contains items from the database.

GetSchedulesByTime(const TTime &, const TTime &, RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetSchedulesByTime(const TTime &aBeginning,
const TTime &aEnd,
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &aArray

Get list of scheduled events from the scheduling engine between given timeframe.


const TTime & aBeginningBeginning of the time frame
const TTime & aEndEnd of the time frame
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > & aArray

GetSchedulesByType(const TInt32, RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetSchedulesByType(const TInt32aScheduleType,
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > &aArray

Get list of scheduled events from the scheduling engine based on given schedule type.


const TInt32 aScheduleTypeSchedule type.
RPointerArray< CCseScheduledProgram > & aArrayOn return contains items from the database.


IMPORT_C CCseSchedulerApi *NewL()[static]

Two-phased constructor.

RemoveSchedule(const TUint32)

IMPORT_C TIntRemoveSchedule(const TUint32aDbIdentifier)const

Removes schedule from database.


const TUint32 aDbIdentifierDatabase identifier of the schedule to be removed.

Member Data Documentation

RCseSchedulerClient iClient

RCseSchedulerClient iClient[private]

Scheduler engine - Client

RCseSchedulerService iService

RCseSchedulerService iService[private]

Scheduler engine - Service