MESMRUrlParserPlugin Class Reference

class MESMRUrlParserPlugin

MESMRUrlParserPlugin defines the interface for Location URL Parser

Public Member Functions
CCalGeoValue *CreateGeoValueLC(const TDesC &)
CPosLandmark *CreateLandmarkFromUrlL(const TDesC &)
HBufC *CreateUrlFromLandmarkL(const CPosLandmark &)
TInt FindLocationUrl(const TDesC &, TPtrC &)
Protected Member Functions

Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MESMRUrlParserPlugin()[protected, inline, virtual]


Member Functions Documentation

CreateGeoValueLC(const TDesC &)

CCalGeoValue *CreateGeoValueLC(const TDesC &aUrl)[pure virtual]

Converts valid location URL to vCal GEO value. May leave with KErrNotFound/KErrArgument or other Symbian wide errorcode


const TDesC & aUrllocation URL to convert

CreateLandmarkFromUrlL(const TDesC &)

CPosLandmark *CreateLandmarkFromUrlL(const TDesC &aUrl)[pure virtual]

Creates landmark object from location URL


const TDesC & aUrlcontains location URL from which landmark is created

CreateUrlFromLandmarkL(const CPosLandmark &)

HBufC *CreateUrlFromLandmarkL(const CPosLandmark &aLandmark)[pure virtual]

Creates location URL from landmark object


const CPosLandmark & aLandmarkcontains landmark object that is parsed to location URL

FindLocationUrl(const TDesC &, TPtrC &)

TInt FindLocationUrl(const TDesC &aText,
TPtrC &aUrl
)[pure virtual]

Finds location URL from given text input


const TDesC & aTexttext where URL is searched from
TPtrC & aUrlpoints to founded URL after execution