MBitmapScalerPlugin Class Reference

class MBitmapScalerPlugin

Plugin API for the BitmapTransforms Library bitmap scaling. The CBitmapScaler implementation loads a plugin based on this interface class. Once this has been constructed, calls to method functions of CBitmapScaler are passed verbatim to this interface. For further description of required functionality, see CBitmapScaler.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation


~MBitmapScalerPlugin()[inline, virtual]

This must provide an implementation as defined by CBitmapScaler::~CBitmapScaler()


Member Functions Documentation


voidCancel()[pure virtual]

This must provide an implementation as defined by CBitmapScaler::Cancel()


CustomCommand(TUid, TAny *)

TInt CustomCommand(TUidaUid,
TAny *aParam
)[pure virtual]


TUid aUid
TAny * aParam

Scale(TRequestStatus *, CFbsBitmap &, CFbsBitmap &, TBool)

voidScale(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus,
CFbsBitmap &aSrcBitmap,
CFbsBitmap &aTgtBitmap,
TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue
)[pure virtual]

This must provide an implementation as defined by CBitmapScaler::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap, CFbsBitmap& aTgtBitmap, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue)

CBitmapScaler::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aSrcBitmap, CFbsBitmap& aTgtBitmap, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue)


TRequestStatus * aRequestStatusOn return, contains a pointer to the completion status of the rescale of the bitmap.
CFbsBitmap & aSrcBitmapThe bitmap to be re-scaled.
CFbsBitmap & aTgtBitmapThe target location for the re-scaled bitmap.
TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrueA boolean indicating if the aspect ratio is maintained. ETrue means the aspect ratio is retained; this is the default. The same scaling factor is applied in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This is the smaller of the horizontal scaling factor and the vertical scaling factor. EFalse means the aspect ratio need not be retained.

Scale(TRequestStatus *, CFbsBitmap &, const TSize &, TBool)

voidScale(TRequestStatus *aRequestStatus,
CFbsBitmap &aBitmap,
const TSize &aDestinationSize,
TBoolaMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue
)[pure virtual]

This must provide an implementation as defined by CBitmapScaler::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue)

CBitmapScaler::Scale(TRequestStatus* aRequestStatus, CFbsBitmap& aBitmap, const TSize& aDestinationSize, TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrue)


TRequestStatus * aRequestStatusOn return, contains a pointer to the completion status of the rescale of the bitmap.
CFbsBitmap & aBitmapThe bitmap to be re-scaled. This reference is also the target location for the re-scaled bitmap.
const TSize & aDestinationSizeThe requested target size for the re-scaled bitmap.
TBool aMaintainAspectRatio = ETrueA boolean indicating if the aspect ratio is maintained. ETrue means the aspect ratio is retained; this is the default. The same scaling factor is applied in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This is the smaller of the horizontal scaling factor and the vertical scaling factor. EFalse means the aspect ratio need not be retained.