COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2 Class Reference

class COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2 : public CBase
COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2 defines the SUPL v2.0 extn to SET capabilities of the SUPL Enabled Terminal. SET capabilities are defined in terms of
  • POS Technology

  • Preferred Method and

  • POS Protocol

SUPL Framework retrieves the SET Capabilities for SUPL START and SUPL POS INIT messages

S60 S60_5.2

Inherits from

  • COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2

Constructor & Destructor Documentation






Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2 *CloneL()

Clone Method


IMPORT_C voidConstructL()[protected]

GetSETCapabilities(TOMASuplPosTechnology2 &, TOMASuplPrefMethod2 &, TOMASuplPosProtocol2 &)

IMPORT_C voidGetSETCapabilities(TOMASuplPosTechnology2 &aPosTechnology,
TOMASuplPrefMethod2 &aPrefMethod,
TOMASuplPosProtocol2 &aPosProtocol

GetSETCapabilities is invoked by SUPL Framework to retrive the capabilities of the SET.


TOMASuplPosTechnology2 & aPosTechnologyA Reference Parameter of type TOMASuplPosTechnology
TOMASuplPrefMethod2 & aPrefMethodA Reference Parameter of type TOMASuplPrefMethod
TOMASuplPosProtocol2 & aPosProtocolA Reference Parameter of type TOMASuplPosProtocol

GetVer2SetCapExtn(TOMAVer2SetCapExtn &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetVer2SetCapExtn(TOMAVer2SetCapExtn &aCapExtn)const

GetVer2SetCapExtn is used to retrieve the Version 2 extension of Set Capabilities.


TOMAVer2SetCapExtn & aCapExtnA Reference Parameter of type TOMAVer2SetCapExtn


IMPORT_C TBoolIsVer2SetCapExtnPresent()const

IsVer2SetCapExtnPresent is used to check if the Version 2 extension of Set Capabilities is set or not


IMPORT_C COMASuplSETCapabilitiesVer2 *NewL()[static]

Creates a new instance of a COMASuplSETCapabilities and sets the type in COMASuplInfoRequest to EOMASuplSETCapabilities.

SetSETCapabilities(const TOMASuplPosTechnology2 &, const TOMASuplPrefMethod2 &, const TOMASuplPosProtocol2 &)

IMPORT_C voidSetSETCapabilities(const TOMASuplPosTechnology2 &aPosTechnology,
const TOMASuplPrefMethod2 &aPrefMethod,
const TOMASuplPosProtocol2 &aPosProtocol

SetSETCapabilities is invoked by POS Message plug-in to set the capabilities supported by the POS Module.


const TOMASuplPosTechnology2 & aPosTechnologyA parameter of type TOMASuplPosTechnology that sets values for POS Technology
const TOMASuplPrefMethod2 & aPrefMethodA parameter of type TOMASuplPrefMethod that sets values for Preferred Method
const TOMASuplPosProtocol2 & aPosProtocolA parameter of type TOMASuplPosProtocol that sets values for POS Protocol

SetVer2SetCapExtn(const TOMAVer2SetCapExtn)

IMPORT_C voidSetVer2SetCapExtn(const TOMAVer2SetCapExtnaCapExtn)

SetVer2SetCapExtn is used to set the Version 2 extension of Set Capabilities.


const TOMAVer2SetCapExtn aCapExtnA Parameter of type TOMAVer2SetCapExtn to be set

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TOMASuplPrefMethod2

SUPL 2.0 exetension for Preferred Method


EOMAPrefMethodUnknown = -1
EOMAAGpsSETAssitedPreferred = 0
EOMAAGpsSETBasedPreferred = 1
EOMANoPreferred = 2

Member Data Documentation

TBool iIsVer2SetCapExtnSet

TBool iIsVer2SetCapExtnSet[private]

TOMASuplPosProtocol2 iPosProtocol

TOMASuplPosProtocol2 iPosProtocol[private]

TOMASuplPosTechnology2 iPosTechnology

TOMASuplPosTechnology2 iPosTechnology[private]

TOMASuplPrefMethod2 iPrefMethod

TOMASuplPrefMethod2 iPrefMethod[private]

TOMAVer2SetCapExtn iVer2SetCapExtn

TOMAVer2SetCapExtn iVer2SetCapExtn[private]