CVersitExtendedAlarm Class Reference

class CVersitExtendedAlarm : public CBase

An extended alarm for a vEvent or a vTodo.

Specifies the date/time for the alarm, the amount of time the alarm will be snoozed (optional), the number of times that the alarm will repeat, and the action for the alarm. An object of this class is owned by the CParserPropertyValueAlarm class.

This class supports the following types of alarm:

Inherits from

  • CVersitExtendedAlarm

Constructor & Destructor Documentation





Frees all resources owned by the alarm, prior to its destruction.

Member Functions Documentation

ConstructL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition)

voidConstructL(const TDesC8 &aContent,
const TDesC8 &aContentMimeType,


const TDesC8 & aContent
const TDesC8 & aContentMimeType
CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition aContentDisposition

NewL(const TDesC8 &, const TDesC8 &, CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition)

IMPORT_C CVersitExtendedAlarm *NewL(const TDesC8 &aContent,
const TDesC8 &aContentMimeType,

Allocates and constructs a new extended alarm (X-EPOCALARM).


const TDesC8 & aContentA binary buffer containing the assocaited data for the alarm. Should not be empty descriptor.
const TDesC8 & aContentMimeTypeThe MIME type of the data describing the action for the alarm.
CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition aDispositionThe disposition of the data for the alarm action.

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TDisposition

Extended Alarm's disposition types.


EDispositionUrl = 0

URL disposition

EDispositionInline = 1

Inline disposition

EDispositionUnknown = 15

Unknown disposition

Member Data Documentation

HBufC8 * iContent

HBufC8 *iContent

The data describing the action for the alarm.

CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition iDisposition

CVersitExtendedAlarm::TDisposition iDisposition

The disposition of the data for the alarm action (i.e whether it is inline or an URI).

HBufC8 * iMimeType

HBufC8 *iMimeType

The MIME type of the data describing the action for the alarm.