CCameraViewFinder::TViewFinderFadingEffect Class Reference

class CCameraViewFinder::TViewFinderFadingEffect

Viewfinder fading effects characterizing a particular viewfinder fading.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Constructor for the TViewFinderFadingEffect class. Sets the size and version of this class.

Member Functions Documentation


IMPORT_C TUintSize()const

Returns the size of the class. Used for extensibility by deriving from this base class and adding new member variables. Intended to be used for implementation of methods where this class reference is passed as function arguments. Implementation of such methods can find out the whether the actual class passed is base or the derived one. So, if a new application is made to run on an old implementation, an error may occur once the old implementation detects this by getting the size information of the T class passed. Also, if old application is made to run on a new implementation, this can be handled correctly if the derived class variables handling is done in a proper 'if-else' statement.


The size will be modified when the T-class gets updated.


IMPORT_C TUintVersion()const

Returns the version of the class. Used for extensibility specially when the class members are not added but the Reserved members get used at a later stage.


The version will be modified when the T-class gets updated.

Member Data Documentation

TUint iCrossFadingFrames

TUint iCrossFadingFrames

The number of previous frames to be saved for cross fading. This is KECamCrossFadingFramesNotUsed if iViewFinderFadingType is not EVFFadingTypeCross.

TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iFadingTime

TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32 iFadingTime

The fading time. This may be used both for auto and manual fading as per implementation.

TInt iReserved1

TInt iReserved1[private]

TInt iReserved2

TInt iReserved2[private]

TInt iReserved3

TInt iReserved3[private]

TUint iSize

TUint iSize[private]

TRgb iStaticFadingColor

TRgb iStaticFadingColor

The color used to fade from/to in case of static color fading. This is ignored if iViewFinderFadingType is not EVFFadingTypeStaticColorFading.

TInt iStaticFadingFrameBitmapHandle

TInt iStaticFadingFrameBitmapHandle

The handle of CFbsBitmap used to obtain the frame used to fade from/to in case of static frame fading. This is KECamStaticFrameFadingTypeNotUsed if iViewFinderFadingType is not EVFFadingTypeStaticFrameFading. This is KECamSpecialStaticFrameFormatHandle if CFBsBitmap handle is not to be used.

TUint iVersion

TUint iVersion[private]

TViewFinderFadingControl iViewFinderFadingControl

TViewFinderFadingControl iViewFinderFadingControl

The control for the viewfinder fading, that is, on/off/auto.

TViewFinderFadingDirection iViewFinderFadingDirection

TViewFinderFadingDirection iViewFinderFadingDirection

The direction of viewfinder fading.

TViewFinderFadingType iViewFinderFadingType

TViewFinderFadingType iViewFinderFadingType

The type of viewfinder fading to be used.