TAlfMetric Struct Reference

struct TAlfMetric

A Metric is used to represent a value in a specified unit type. This is to support the definition of Layouts using screen-size independent as well as screen-size dependent measurements.

The metrics are used for different things in different contexts: coordinate base units, anchor offsets, grid column/row weights, paddings, etc. The interpretation of the units used in the metric depends on the context, the type of Layout in which they are used, etc. Usage:
 TAlfMetric metricX(1.0, EAlfUnitNormalized); 
 TAlfMetric metricY(2.0, EAlfUnitNormalized);
 //Set Layout base unit using Metrc
 //Create XYMetric using Metric 
 TAlfXYMetric metricXY(metricX, metricY);
 //Set Layout base unit using XYMetrc
 layout->SetBaseUnit( metricXY );
 //Create Anchor offset as boxMetric
 TAlfBoxMetric offset(
       TAlfMetric(0.1, EAlfUnitMySize),
       TAlfMetric(-0.1, EAlfUnitMySize),
       TAlfMetric(0.1, EAlfUnitMySize),
       TAlfMetric(-0.1, EAlfUnitMySize));
 TAlfAnchorAttachmentOrigin attachmentOrigin(EAlfAnchorAttachmentOriginNone);
 TInt attachmentOrdinal(EAlfAnchorAttachToParent);
 //Attach anchor origin
 anchorLayout->Attach(ordinal, offset, attachmentOrigin, attachmentOrdinal);

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TAlfMetric(TReal32, TInt, TInt)

IMPORT_CTAlfMetric(TReal32aMagnitude = 1.f,
TIntaUnit = EAlfUnitPixel,
TIntaReferenceTextStyleId = EAlfTextStyleNormal

Constructor. The constructor defaults to using [1px] units.


TReal32 aMagnitude = 1.fthe size of the metric value, for example it may represent a length or a scale factor
TInt aUnit = EAlfUnitPixelthe unit type in which the metric value is represented
TInt aReferenceTextStyleId = EAlfTextStyleNormal



Constructor. Allows the compiler to pass integers instead of TAlfMetric in parameters, in place of pixel metrics.


TInt aPixelsNumber of pixels for the metric.

Member Data Documentation

TReal32 iMagnitude

TReal32 iMagnitude

TInt iReferenceTextStyleId

TInt iReferenceTextStyleId


TInt iUnit

TInt iUnit