CImagingConfigManager Class Reference

class CImagingConfigManager : public CBase

API class for getting imaging configurations and settings

This class can be used to query supported Video and Image quality settings (defined above) and CamcorderMMFPlugin settings.

S60 v3.2

Inherits from

  • CImagingConfigManager
Public Member Functions
IMPORT_C TIntGetCamcorderMMFPluginSettings(TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings &)
IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &, TUint)
IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &, TInt, TUint)
IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &, const TSize &, TUint)
IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &, TUint)
IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &, TInt, TUint)
IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &, const TSize &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TUint, TFourCC, TUint)
IMPORT_C CImagingConfigManager *NewL()
IMPORT_C CImagingConfigManager *NewLC()
IMPORT_C TIntNumberOfImageQualityLevels()
IMPORT_C TIntNumberOfVideoQualityLevels()
Private Member Functions
TBool CheckIfNegative(const TInt)
TPtrC GetLeftPart(const TPtrC &)
TPtrC GetRightPartL(const TPtr &, const TDesC &)
voidSetTextStringL(const TPtrC &, TText8 *)
TInt SortLevels(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &)
Inherited Functions
CBase::Delete(CBase *)
CBase::Extension_(TUint,TAny *&,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TAny *)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TLeave,TUint)
CBase::operator new(TUint,TUint)
Public Member Enumerations
enumTQualityLevels { EQualityMin = 0, EQualityLow = 100, EQualityNormal = 200, EQualityHigh = 300 }
Private Attributes
TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings iCamcorderMMFPluginSettings
CArrayFixFlat< TImageQualitySet > *iImageQualitySets
CArrayFixFlat< TVideoQualitySet > *iVideoQualitySets

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Default constructor, doing nothing




S60 v3.2

Member Functions Documentation

CheckIfNegative(const TInt)

TBool CheckIfNegative(const TIntaValue)const [private]

Helper function to check if the given value is negative


const TInt aValue



Actual constructor where the reading from the Central Repository happens

GetCamcorderMMFPluginSettings(TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings &)

IMPORT_C TIntGetCamcorderMMFPluginSettings(TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings &aSet)const

Get all settings for Camcorder

S60 v3.2


TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings & aSetReturned setting set for CamcorderMMFPlugin

GetImageQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &aLevels,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get an array of quality levels that are in use with the current product (for the given CameraDisplayId or for all levels)

Possible leave codes: KErrGeneral & KErrNoMemory

S60 v3.2


CArrayFixFlat< TUint > & aLevelsReturns an array of image quality levels
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then all levels are returned.

GetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &, TInt, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &aSet,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get image quality set associated with the given level. The level should be between EQualityHigh and EQualityMin. One the defined nominal levels should be used especially if NumberOfQualityLevels() == KNumberOfNominalLevels. If there is no set associated with given intermediate level, then set from a nearest level is returned.

S60 v3.2


TImageQualitySet & aSetReturned image quality set
TInt aLevelLevel for which a quality set if requested
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then ignored and the smallest ID is returned with given aLevel

GetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &, const TSize &, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetImageQualitySet(TImageQualitySet &aSet,
const TSize &aImageResolution,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get quality set associated with the given image resolution. Leaves if there is no defined set for the resolution.

S60 v3.2


TImageQualitySet & aSetReturned image quality set
const TSize & aImageResolutionSize of the image resolution that is requested
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then ignored and the smallest ID is returned with given aLevel

GetLeftPart(const TPtrC &)

TPtrC GetLeftPart(const TPtrC &aPtrc)const [private]

Helper function to get the left part of a string before the colon


const TPtrC & aPtrc

GetRightPartL(const TPtr &, const TDesC &)

TPtrC GetRightPartL(const TPtr &aPtr,
const TDesC &aSearchable
)const [private]

Helper function to get the right part of a string starting after the given key word


const TPtr & aPtr
const TDesC & aSearchable

GetVideoQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualityLevelsL(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &aLevels,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get an array of quality levels that are in use with the current product (for the given CameraDisplayId or for all levels)

Possible leave codes: KErrGeneral & KErrNoMemory

S60 v3.2


CArrayFixFlat< TUint > & aLevelsReturns an array of video quality levels
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then all levels are returned.

GetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &, TInt, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &aSet,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get quality set associated with the given level. The level should be between EQualityHigh and EQualityMin, but these are just for guidance in general. These are specified in their own documentation more specifically. If there is no set associated with given intermediate level, then set from a nearest level is returned.

S60 v3.2


TVideoQualitySet & aSetReturned video quality set
TInt aLevelLevel for which a quality set if requested
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then ignored and the smallest ID is returned with given aLevel

GetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &, const TSize &, const TDesC8 &, TUint, TUint, TFourCC, TUint)

IMPORT_C TIntGetVideoQualitySet(TVideoQualitySet &aSet,
const TSize &aVideoResolution,
const TDesC8 &aVideoCodecMimeType,
TUintaCameraDisplayID = 0

Get quality set associated with the given video resolution, its MIME-type and audio fourCC. Both of these are needed to be uniquely able to select a single quality setting set. If certain pixel aspect ratio is wanted for the video, it can be requested with aVideoPixelAspectRatioNum and aVideoPixelAspectRatioDenom parameters. Otherwise they should be set to zero.

S60 v3.2


TVideoQualitySet & aSetReturned video quality set
const TSize & aVideoResolutionSize of the video resolution that is requested
const TDesC8 & aVideoCodecMimeTypeMIME type of the video codec
TUint aVideoPixelAspectRatioNumNumerator of video's pixel aspect ratio
TUint aVideoPixelAspectRatioDenomDenominator of video's pixel aspect ratio
TFourCC aAudioFourCCTypeFour Character Code of the audio type
TUint aCameraDisplayID = 0Unique ID for some camera-display combination. If 0, then ignored and the smallest ID is returned for the given parameters


IMPORT_C CImagingConfigManager *NewL()[static]

Create new CImagingConfigManager object

Possible leave codes: KErrGeneral & KErrNoMemory + possibly other CenRep Error codes

S60 v3.2


IMPORT_C CImagingConfigManager *NewLC()[static]

Create new CImagingConfigManager object

Possible leave codes: KErrGeneral & KErrNoMemory + possibly other CenRep Error codes

S60 v3.2


IMPORT_C TIntNumberOfImageQualityLevels()const

Get number of defined image quality levels. This is always at least KNumberOfNominalLevels but can be higher

S60 v3.2


IMPORT_C TIntNumberOfVideoQualityLevels()const

Get number of defined video quality levels. This is always at least KNumberOfNominalLevels but can be higher

S60 v3.2

SetTextStringL(const TPtrC &, TText8 *)

voidSetTextStringL(const TPtrC &aPtr,
TText8 *aStringToFill
)const [private]

Helper function to copy TPtrC to TText8*


const TPtrC & aPtr
TText8 * aStringToFill

SortLevels(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &)

TInt SortLevels(CArrayFixFlat< TUint > &aLevels)[private]

Method for sorting level numbers in ascending order


CArrayFixFlat< TUint > & aLevels

Member Enumerations Documentation

Enum TQualityLevels


EQualityMin = 0
EQualityLow = 100
EQualityNormal = 200
EQualityHigh = 300

Member Data Documentation

TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings iCamcorderMMFPluginSettings

TCamcorderMMFPluginSettings iCamcorderMMFPluginSettings[private]

Camcorder MMF Plug-in's settings are stored here Own

CArrayFixFlat< TImageQualitySet > * iImageQualitySets

CArrayFixFlat< TImageQualitySet > *iImageQualitySets[private]

Image quality setting sets are stored internally to this pointer Own

CArrayFixFlat< TVideoQualitySet > * iVideoQualitySets

CArrayFixFlat< TVideoQualitySet > *iVideoQualitySets[private]

Video quality setting sets are stored internally to this pointer Own