Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API Overview

This document describes the Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API and is aimed at application developers who want to create applications for managing a list of Bluetooth GPS devices.


A developer can use the Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API to write an application to manage a list of Bluetooth GPS devices. The list of devices is in order of preference. When GPS position information is required, the Bluetooth GPS PSY reads the list and attempts to connect to the first device address listed. If the connection is unsuccessful, then the Bluetooth GPS PSY tries each device in the list, in the order in which they are specified, until a connection is made. If the end of the list is reached, the Bluetooth GPS PSY requests for another device (not on the list) to be selected via the client application.

The Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API stores the list in its own repository.

Library details

The DLL that provides the functionality and the library to which your code must link is identified below.

DLL LIB Short description



The Configuration API for the Bluetooth GPS PSY.


The following diagram shows the Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API class structure:

Figure 1. Figure 1. Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API Class Diagram


The Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API provides the following types of functions:


The following functions return information about the preferred list:


The following functions enable the preferred list to be configured:


The key classes of Bluetooth GPS PSY Configuration API are as follows:

Class Name Description


Enables client applications to manage the preferred list of Bluetooth GPS devices.


Observer class that client applications can implement to receive notifications about changes to the list.