TMsvServerStoreManager Class Reference

class TMsvServerStoreManager : public MMsvStoreManager

Provides implementation of the File Access APIs at the server-side. This class has direct access to the Message store, unlike the client version of it. This can be used by the server side classed to access the store and attachment entries.

MMsvStoreManager , TMsvServerStoreManager implements MMsvStoreManager

Inherits from

Constructor & Destructor Documentation



Member Functions Documentation

AttachmentFilePathL(TMsvId, TDes &)

TDes &aFilePath

Queries the message server for the file path where attachments are stored for the a particular message entry.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe message entry for which the attachment path is required.
TDes & aFilePathOn return, this will be set to the file path where the attachment should be stored.

BodyTextFilePathL(TMsvId, TDes &)

TDes &aFilePath

Gets the path for the file in message store for which the message Id is passed.


TMsvId aBodyTextIdThe Id of the body text for which the path is required.
TDes & aFilePath

CheckFileNameLengthAndTrimL(const TDesC &, TDes &)

TBool CheckFileNameLengthAndTrimL(const TDesC &aFilePath,
TDes &aFileName

Checks if the filename length is greater than KMaxFileName(256)

If the filename is greater than KMaxFileName then it truncates the filename


const TDesC & aFilePathfile path where the file is being created.
TDes & aFileNamename of the file whose length if being checked.

CreateAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvId, TDes &, RFile &)

TBool CreateAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvIdaEntryId,
TDes &aFilename,
RFile &aFile

Allows clients to create a new empty file and allows clients to stream data to it.

Creates a new attachment file in the message store for the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment filename is set to the filename indicated by the aFilename parameter. The empty attachment file is passed back to the client using an opened file handle to the file in the message store.

KErrAlreadyexists, if the file with the same name already existed the directory.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry for which an attachment needs to be created in the message store
TDes & aFilenameThe name of the attachment file to be created
RFile & aFileOn return, The created file handle for the attachment file.The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

CreateAttachmentL(TMsvId, TDes &, RFile &, RFs &, TBool)

TBool CreateAttachmentL(TMsvIdaEntryId,
TDes &aFilename,
RFile &aFile,
RFs &aFs,
TBoolaSharedAccess = EFalse


TMsvId aEntryId
TDes & aFilename
RFile & aFile
RFs & aFs
TBool aSharedAccess = EFalse

CreatePlainTextFileL(RFile &, TMsvId)

voidCreatePlainTextFileL(RFile &aFile,

Creates the RFile in the aFilepath is passed.


RFile & aFile
TMsvId aBodyTextIdThe Id of the bodytext.

CreateShareProtectedAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvId, TDes &, RFile &)

TBool CreateShareProtectedAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvIdaEntryId,
TDes &aFilename,
RFile &aFile

Creates an Attachment using a ShareProtected RFs.Used in the case when a message contains a DRM attachment

KErrAlreadyexists, if the file with the same name already existed the directory.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry for which an attachment needs to be created in the message store
TDes & aFilenameThe name of the attachment file to be created
RFile & aFileOn return, The created file handle for the attachment file.The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

DeleteAttachment(TMsvId, const TDesC &)

TInt DeleteAttachment(TMsvIdaEntryId,
const TDesC &aFilePath

Allow clients to delete existing attachment files.

Deletes an existing attachment file in the message store associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment is identified by the file path specified by the aFilePath parameter.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose attachment needs to be deleted from the message store
const TDesC & aFilePathThe name and path of the attachment file to be deleted



Deletes the store file associated with the message entry as specified by the aEntryId. Also attempts to delete the temporary store file if one exists.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose store needs to be deleted



Deletes the RFile in the aFilepath passed.


TMsvId aBodyTextIdThe Id of the bodytext.

FileExistsL(const TDesC &)

TBool FileExistsL(const TDesC &aFilePath)[virtual]

Check if an attachment file with the given path and name already exists.


const TDesC & aFilePathThe full path specification of the file.


TBool FileStoreExistsL(TMsvIdaEntryId)const [virtual]

Queries the message server to check if a store file exists for the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry for whom the check for existance of store is being done

GenerateFileNameIfExistsL(TDes &)

TBool GenerateFileNameIfExistsL(TDes &aFileName)[private]


TDes & aFileName

GetFilePath(TMsvId, TFileName &)

TInt GetFilePath(TMsvIdaEntryId,
TFileName &aDirectory
)const [private]

Gets the filepath for the storage of binary files associated with the context

If the directory specified in the context does not exist, it is created.


TMsvId aEntryIdindex id of the entry whose filepath is requested
TFileName & aDirectoryOn return, contains the binary file directory path

GetOwningServiceAndFilePath(TMsvId, TDes &, TMsvId &)

TDes &aFilePath,
TMsvId &aOwningService
)const [private]


TMsvId aEntryId
TDes & aFilePath
TMsvId & aOwningService

GetStoreFileName(TMsvId, TFileName &)

TFileName &aFileName
)const [private]

Gets the filestore name associated with the context


TMsvId aEntryIdIndex id of the entry whose store filename is requested
TFileName & aFileNameOn return, contains the store file name for the context

OpenAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvId, const TDesC &, RFile &)

const TDesC &aFilePath,
RFile &aFile

Allows clients to open an attachment file for writing.

Opens an existing attachment file in the message associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment is identified by the file path specified by the aFilePath parameter. The attachment file is returned as a read/write file handle to the file in the message store.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose attachment needs to be opened/read from the message store
const TDesC & aFilePathThe name and path of the attachment file to be opened
RFile & aFileOn return, The opened file handle for the attachment file.The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

OpenAttachmentL(TMsvId, const TDesC &, RFile &)

const TDesC &aFilePath,
RFile &aFile

Allows clients to view attachment files.

Opens an existing attachment file in the message associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment is identified by the file path specified by the aFilePath parameter. The attachment file is returned as a read-only file handle to the file in the message store.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose attachment needs to be opened/read from the message store
const TDesC & aFilePathThe name and path of the attachment file to be opened
RFile & aFileOn return, The opened file handle for the attachment file.The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

OpenBodyTextFileForReadL(RFile &, TMsvId, const TDesC &)

voidOpenBodyTextFileForReadL(RFile &aFile,
const TDesC &aFilePath

Opens the RFile for which the aFilepath is passed in read mode.


RFile & aFile
TMsvId aBodyTextIdThe Id of the bodytext.
const TDesC & aFilePath

OpenFileStoreForRead(TMsvId, RFile &)

TInt OpenFileStoreForRead(TMsvIdaEntryId,
RFile &aFile

Allows the message store classes to read the store file for a particular message entry.

Opens a message store file associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. This method returns an open read-only file handle to the message store file.

KErrNotFound if file is not found else any of the system wide errors


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose store needs to be opened/read
RFile & aFileOn return, The opened file hanlde to the store . The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

OpenTempStoreFileL(TMsvId, RFile &)

RFile &aFile

Opens a temporary store file associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. This method returns an open read-write file handle with an exclusive share to the temporary store file. The temporary store file is defined as <store_filename>.new. Data can be streamed to the temporary store file. It is expected that once the temporary store file has been written to and then closed, a call to ReplaceFileStoreL is required to replace the old store file with this temporary one.

Along with ReplaceFileStoreL, this method allows the message store classes to write data to the store file for a particular message entry.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose store needs to be opened/read
RFile & aFileOn return, The opened file hanlde to the store . The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.

RenameAttachment(TMsvId, const TDesC &, const TDesC &)

TInt RenameAttachment(TMsvIdaEntryId,
const TDesC &aOldFilePath,
const TDesC &aNewName

Renames an existing attachment file.

Renames an existing attachment file in the message store associated with the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment is identified by the file path specified by the aOldFilePath parameter and renamed to the name supplied in the aNewName paramter.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose attachment needs to be renamed from the message store
const TDesC & aOldFilePathThe name and path of the attachment file to be renamed.
const TDesC & aNewNameThe new name of the attachment file.

ReplaceAttachmentForWriteL(TMsvId, TDes &, RFile &)

TDes &aFilename,
RFile &aFile

Allows clients to replace an existing attachment file and allows clients to stream data to it.

Replaces an existing attachment file in the message store for the message entry specified by the aEntryId parameter. The attachment filename is set to the filename indicated by the aFilename parameter. If an attachment with the supplied name does not exist, a new file is created. The empty attachment file is passed back to the client using an opened file handle to the file in the message store.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry for which an attachment needs to be created in the message store
TDes & aFilenameThe name of the attachment file to be created
RFile & aFileOn return, The created file handle for the attachment file.The ownership is transferred . The caller must close the file handle.



Replaces the current store file with the temporary store file, created from OpenTempStoreFileL, for the message entry as specified by the aEntryId parameter. The method replaces the store file with the temporary file (<>) and if successful, will then delete the temporary store file. This method assumes that the temporary file exists, otherwise a KErrNotFound error occurs.

Along with OpenTempStoreFileL, this method allows the message store classes to write data to the store file for a particular message entry.


TMsvId aEntryIdThe entry whose store needs to be replaced/overwritten



Replaces a temporary RFile with a new RFile.


TMsvId aBodyTextIdThe Id of the bodytext.

SetMsvServerAndFileSession(CMsvServer &, RFs &)

voidSetMsvServerAndFileSession(CMsvServer &aMsvServer,
RFs &aFs


CMsvServer & aMsvServer
RFs & aFs

Member Data Documentation

RFs * iFs

RFs *iFs[private]

CMsvServer * iMsvServer

CMsvServer *iMsvServer[private]